The Truth About Random Acts of Kindness & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #80
I found this definition of random acts of kindness on Wikipedia,
According to an analysis of this phrase and its origins, the original construction of random acts of kindness implied a level of anonymity which seems to have been lost in the current generation. A generation which has formed various groups throughout the world dedicated to sharing acts of random kindness. But anonymous or not, the world can use such acts of kindness even if they stray from the original concept of nonpremeditated and inconsistent. Premeditating and planning acts of kindness even in a consistent way are still acts of kindness. So long as the motive is not self-serving and has the sole purpose of injecting kindness into the world, then it is a good and kind act.
These acts can be big or small, simple or complicated, frequent or rare. They can be in the form of volunteerism, charity work, or simply offering a helping hand to a stranger. As long as the motive is to be kind, to do a good deed, to show love and caring in a world that can be quite unforgiving and cruel, then an act of kindness is generally always welcome and can turn someone’s day around for the better.
While I am not going to sing my own praises about the random (and sometimes planned) acts of kindness that I perform, I am going to sing the praises of the people in this world who have offered me random kindness. I have been on the receiving end of such random acts of kindness on many occasions. Big acts and small acts. Anonymous ones and not so anonymous ones. And I am always thankful and filled with gratitude for each and every one. I am also always ready to pay it forward whenever and wherever I can. Evidence that we get back what we put into the world.
So tell me, what type of kindnesses have you received recently? And what have you done to be kind in return?
And now your favorite posts from last week.
Pam of A New Lens shared a very powerful and thought-provoking post, Who Do We Look Up To? In identifying the differences between celebrity and heroism, she helps point us in the right direction to a life that can be rewarding by virtue of being kind.

Ada of Elegance and Mommyhood shared the most adorable mommy and me outfits with her beautiful daughter, Vivian, in her post, Thursday Moda #121: Fresh White + Blue Stripes for Mommy and Daughter. Ada also shared some photos of her own gorgeous momma in this post, so do hop over and see three generations of lovely ladies showcasing their personal style!

Keeping it kind on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
My nan has been like a mother to me all my life. Now in her last months, I want her to know what a difference she made. I can’t say much more than that because I get too emotional about this xx
Oh, Maria, thank you so much for sharing this emotional and heart felt comment with me. I am sure that she knows how much she means to you but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t continue to shower her with your love and kindness in her final months. Such a special relationship and beautiful bond that you will certainly cherish forever and you will continue to pass on kindness in her name. Sending you many hugs, my friend.
It’s truly the best thing we can do is be kind to others and spread this idea!! In fact, in the Forever Fierce group we are working on a kindness campaign!!
You are truly the kindest person around, Shelbee!!
Aw, Jodie, thanks so much! I can’t possibly be the kindest person around though…because I think you are the kindest person around! I saw some of the posts about kindness in the FF group…I need to go look a bit more closely at it…because that is right up my alley, for sure!
Hah…just trying to keep up with you!!
Mwah….(that’s my version of throwing you a kiss…is that silly?)
Not silly at all….mwah mwah mwah…sending some kisses right back at you!
i showed an elderly lady how to use the supermarket self service checkout today – does that count? I love your focus on kindness, Shelbee – we all need to give out more and receive more!
Gail, that absolutely counts! Because sadly enough, there are many people who would have just watched her struggle and fumble through it and offer no help at all. I am sure she was very grateful that you took the time to help her through it! Thanks so much for sharing. Have a beautiful day!
Nancy Baten
Mmmm,really have to think hard! I invited friends and my father and my parents in law for dinner!
Haha, but being kind doesn’t t cost a thing right! And yet, we forget to be nice in this world!
So true, Nancy, being kind does not cost a thing! And it is the smallest gestures of kindness that can turn someone’s day around. And yes, inviting a house full of people over and feeding them is definitely kindness! Because we all need a little home cooked food enjoyed with loved ones…it is very good for the soul!
jacqui berry
Spreading the love is wonderful and I love RAK!! Jacqui Mummabstylish
Thanks so much, Jacqui! Keep spreading your beautiful kindness in this world, my friend!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Yes yes yes!!
Love the pink pants, too!
Thanks so much, Tamar! Keep spreading kindness, my friend!
Hi! I love reading your posts and the type of contents you post, truly thoughtful! Ahh I can’t put into words, I guess!!!
Regarding kindness, I love helping people whenever I can! What I can remember, I have helped an elderly woman in the past month, in getting a seat in a mobile operator customer care! Where I found no seats were free to avail and make that women sit back and relax until her turn comes, she was shaking, could have shaken because, the edge, finding herself unable to stand for a quiet uncertain times!!! While seeing that for a 5 or more minutes, I couldn’t wait and burst on their service!!! How could they neglect such things and what kind of service are they providing, where they even don’t seem to be bothered for their customers!!!! However, I managed her a seat! There were quite few people, few of them, padded my shoulder, appreciated the voice I took to raise! And the other hands, I found someone saying ‘ why care anyone and make a mess’ !!! Well I could have answered him well! But I decided to skip, I didn’t want to spend my words on someone, who doesn’t deserve it by any means! And I was more concerned to make that woman done her work fast!
What you think? Did I done the right?
Oh I ended up writing this long, gosh! Please skip it, if you don’t like!
Hope you have a nice day!
Xoxo Babita
Babita, I like it very much and yes, you did a very kind thing for that woman! Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I think sometimes we get so caught up in ourselves that we neglect to notice people who could really use a kind gesture in that moment. But you were paying attention and noticed that the woman was certainly struggling and needed help. Good for you for taking action and speaking up. There are too many people in this world who are afraid to use their voices in any capacity and would rather just disappear into the crowd. That’s why this world needs people like us, the ones who go fearlessly ahead and do the right thing when necessary! Keep spreading your kindness every where you go, my friend!
Pam Greer
I was listening to an Oprah Supersoul podcast and the person was talking about kindness. It was such a powerful podcast.
Pam, thanks so much for sharing that. I will have to look it up and give it a listen!
Cheryl Shops
Kindness is a way of life! Also, love your bright pink pants today!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
It is, indeed, Cheryl! Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your kindness with me!
loved this post! I definitely love doing random acts of kindness whenever I can. Even treating someone to lunch, coffee, or helping them out when needed is something I really enjoy doing.
Tianna, thank you so much! It is the tiny little unexpected gestures that we can easily do on a daily basis that make such a huge difference in this world. And simple kindness really can brighten someone’s day exponentially. Keep spreading kindness, my friend!
totally agree with that! Kindness can bring so much light to our often dark world 🙂 Thanks for your comment! xx
Kindness is definitely a beacon of light in this crazy world! And thank you, Tianna, for sharing your kindness!
Kellyann Rohr
Last week I helped a lady at the gas pump – she didn’t know how to use her debit card. Bless her heart, I felt for her! It’s just those things you do on a daily basis – smiling at others, holding doors, helping someone who doesn’t ask. Makes such a difference!
Aw, Kellyann, I agree with you completely. It is just a matter of simply paying a little bit closer attention to those around us, too, so we can rise up and assist even with the smallest things. I think we all too often get caught up in our own lives and tasks that we just miss the opportunities to make the easiest gestures of kindness. A few weeks ago I was in the grocery store checkout line and the elderly lady in front of me was on a motorized cart and she dropped her debit card on the floor. Of course, I promptly bent over and picked it up so she didn’t have to get out of her seat. I couldn’t believe how much gratitude she expressed towards me over this tiny little gesture. Makes me wonder how many people would have just stood there and watched her struggle to get it herself. I do hope most people would have done the same as me, but one never knows. Keep sharing your beautiful kindness, my friend.
I approve of random acts of kindness. I approve of kindness, period. Kindness to children, animals and our senior population, earn extra brownie points with me.
That being said, I love that kimono so much, my kindness just took a walk right out the front door! I am now trying to figure out how to steal it and make it my own. Kindness be damned, I need that kimono, and also those black shorts you wore the other day, the ones with the embroidery that you got on sale at Target? Although I suspect the black shorts won’t fit me, so I will just steal the kimono. And perhaps those red wedges you were sporting previously as well. Precisely where is your closet located?
Oh my goodness, Susan, thanks for giving me a nice hearty laugh this morning! This kimono is super old and I really can’t even remember where I bought it. Probably target as well. I need to find you some links to similar items…I am going to email you with some questions, then I am going to be your virtual shopping assistant! By the way, my closet right now (located in northern New York) is a hazard! I am just waiting for the shelves to all collapse. I really need to do a major closet clean out this summer! Once I do, I will post most things on Poshmark!
Let me say with the utmost kindness…
if you post that kimono on Poshmark, you are crazy. It’s adorbs.
Second, if you post that kimono on Poshmark without letting me have first dibs on it, I will be most unhappy, and may just have to send you one of my crankiest seniors to test your kindness to the utmost. An incontinent one!
Susan, I am laughing right out loud! I would never do such a thing! If I decide to pass on this kimono, you will absolutely get first dibs!
Elizabeth Ramsey
Thanks for always spreading the word and spreading the kindness! Love the pink jeans too!
Betsy | https://nattygal.com
Thanks so much, Betsy, for also always spreading kindness!
What a wonderful idea to spread love and kindness in the world! I have had so many people show kindness to me, I would like to respond in kind.
Thanks so much, Laurie! And people have shown you kindness because you put kindness into the world as well. We really do reap what we sow! Keep sharing your kindness, my friend!
Stephanie C
Not really an act I guess but I love to pay people compliments. Not only does it make their day but makes me happy too!!!
Stephanie, that is absolutely an act of kindness! An unsolicited compliment from a stranger can seriously save a person’s day! I do it all the time. If I see something that is worthy of compliment, I simply cannot resist and will march right up to any stranger and deliver that compliment! And I have to say, the result is good feelings for them and for myself as well. Absolutely the easiest way to spread kindness in this world is with kind words! Thanks for sharing.
Patrick Weseman
Very beautiful post. I try to be kind at all. Even if it is just saying hi to someone walking pass me on the street. That sometimes gets me weird looks-lol.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have an amazing rest of the week.
Patrick, thanks so much! Keep being kind even in light of the weird looks! I don’t get that…when you pass by a stranger walking on the street and say a friendly hello, people often get all weird. Next time, try delivering an unsolicited compliment with the hello…you will really blow them away!
I agree! it doesn’t matter if it’s planned or not, as long as you are not thinking of yourself, I consider it an act of kindness.
I agree, Lizzie! Thanks so much for stopping by. Keeping spreading your kindness, my friend.
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I need to think of more ways to do some random acts of kindness, well at least once the craziness of summer is over. I feel like right now I’m just in survival mode. Lol. But, I think this can truly make someones day and also make them feel appreciated. I just love pink and black together, this is a combo I need to do soon!
Carrie, thanks so much! I hear you on the craziness of summer! I barely even leave my house but with the kids home all day, I feel like I am running in a million different directions all day long!
Lauren Sparks
Kindness is always in fashion. Love it! laurensparks.net
I love that phrase, Lauren! Thanks for sharing it! I may have to use it as a blog post title on one of my future kindness posts!
there should be more random acts of kindness. sadly haven’t been seeing it lately here. loving your outfit!!
Thanks, Stephanie! There definitely should be more random acts of kindness…that’s why we need to set the example! I think if we continue to spread the word, the more people will be encouraged to do it, and then we lead by example, right? Have a fantastic day!
It’s so much fun to pay it forward. I love trying to teach my daughters that!
It is such a great lesson to teach, Laura, and super fun to show the children how it is done!
Chrissy Rowden
Shelbee, your cute pants look so comfy – right up my style alley, especially for summer! And I enjoyed how you defined “random acts of kinds”; its origin and how it has changed. I also agree with random acts of kindness with the right motives, be it anonymous or not, it much needed in the world! During our move transition we have been blessed with quite of few and I’m beyond grateful! Looking forward to being settled and finding ways I can “pay it forward”. 🙂 Have a great week Shelbee!!
Chrissy, thank you so much, as always, for such a lovely comment. The motive is the key…as long as our intentions are good and our actions serve the best interest of others, we actually continue to grow ourselves through those actions. And the goodness we put out into the world really does come back to us when we need it most! I hope your transition is going well and I love your positive perspective on the whole thing! I am sure you will pay the kindness forward in the most beautiful ways!
Barbara Chapman ~ French Ethereal
Hi Shelbee! Thank you for hosting the Spread the Kindness link party!! I am happy to add a post I wrote for another kindness link party last winter ~ part of the PERK Project, which you may already be familiar. Glad to see your party is well attended. Will visit a few other folks while I’m here and pin a few photos.
Thank you,
Barb 🙂
Barb, thanks so much! It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance! I will for sure be checking out your kindness post as well as your blog in general. Thanks for sharing! I have not heard of the PERK movement,but will be looking that up as well. Keep spreading kindness…the world needs it.
Awwww I love this post. So true that there need more acts of kindness however random or not random they may be. I always feel so lucky for the generosity I’ve been granted. One I can recall lately was from a couple weeks ago: I was in line and a woman was in front of me with only a few items. I wasn’t in a hurry but she still allowed myself and my daughter to step in front of her in line which I thought was so kind. Also I had a friend fall in the ditch in front of my house and several neighbors who I did not know came to help get us out! 🙂
~ A Waste Not Kind Of Life ~
Erica, thanks so much! I also feel so blessed for all the kindnesses I have received in my life. It is true that we get back what we put out into the world. So I will keep putting kindness out there, for sure. And I am really glad that the neighbors helped you out of the ditch and didn’t just stand there watching you struggle! That would have been awful! Keep sharing your kindness!
Acts of kindness are important! Not only does it make someone else’s day but it also have a way of making you feel better which I want to say a good energy to feed off of. I recently held the door open for someone heading in to the store as I was leaving. I love your pink pants so vibrant and pretty! You have quite a collection of kimono! Beautiful Shelbee!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thank you so much! I agree that selfless acts of kindness also serve to nurture your own soul when you do them. And if we all realized that and practiced kindness in abundance, how wonderful that would be! Keep spreading kindness, my friend!
Jessica A Jannenga
Morning Shelbee
I think more acts of kindness are needed in this world. I do think people should reach out and help others. Love the pink pants with your print and dhow you incorporated silver into it with your pretty sandals and necklace.
Have a great day!
thanks for linking!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much for commenting and for the lovely comment! I do believe that there is always room for more kindness in the world and there opportunities to show kindness around every corner!