thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge

The Thrifty Six are Inspired by Travel

thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge
thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge
thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge
thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge
thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge
thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge
thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge
thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge
thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge
thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge
thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge

For this month’s Thrifty Six challenge, Jane chose a fun theme to bring the summer season to a close…Outfits Inspired by Travel.

We went traveling on lots of little weekend trips this summer, kicking off the season with a weekend of Festival Camping at Smoked Country Jam in June, followed by a weekend trip at the end of July that included a day in Burlington, Vermont, followed by a day in Lake Placid, New York, where we visited the John Brown Farm and Olympic Stadium. Our final summer trip was a weekend in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, in mid-August to deliver a graduation gift and have brunch with my sister.

For the final week of summer vacation, my in-laws traveled to us so they could take the boys to school on their first day. It was a strange event for me not dropping them off for their first day of school, but since I have had the pleasure of that happy responsibility for the last seven years (and there wasn’t room for me in the car), I was glad to relinquish this special obligation to the grandparents this year.

During the grandparents’ stay with us, we took my mother-in-law for a day trip to nearby Clayton, New York, which is celebrating its sesquicentennial with various historic walking tours through different areas of their beautiful riverside town. We joined the Historic Church walking tour which took us through three of Clayton’s oldest churches. It was a really interesting tour that I plan to share about later this week.

So now I have shared all about my summer travels that inspired this month’s thrifty post but actually has very little to do with my actual travels except that I wore this outfit for our family day and he historic church walking tour in Clayton.

thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge
thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge
thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge
thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge
thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge
thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge
thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge
thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge
thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge
thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge
thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge
thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge
thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge

I chose this outfit because this long ago thrifted, never worn by me, maxi skirt reminds me of some far off paradise with the floral and geometric print along the hem. It has been hanging in my closet for a year or two unworn because I never really was inspired to style it until now.

Conveniently, this new black eyelet cropped top was the perfect shirt to go with this skirt. I also have this shirt in white which was just featured for our Good Buy/Good-Bye Book Eyelet theme. It can get a little chilly going for walks near the river, so I layered on my thrifted mint green duster by Zara and added a pink straw hat for sun protection. My black rope sandals from Nomadic State of Mind are the best footwear for long casual walks. The Nomadic State of Mind brand is all about travel “whether you prefer physical travel (through time or within this dimension), sense expansion (ever tried an unfamiliar cuisine?) or going for a ride with google earth into the depths of the globe to discover a small town in the other hemisphere-you have tapped into your Nomadic State of Mind” making them a very appropriate choice of footwear for the stated theme…although they were not thrifted.

My earrings and butterfly choker are very old, but my long beaded lariat necklace was gifted to me by Michelle of My Bijou Life. It is one of the many gorgeous pieces of handmade jewelry that she gave to me on my last road trip to North Carolina in February.

I loved this outfit from a sartorial as well as a practical perspective. I felt very feminine and extra bohemian but also super comfortable and appropriate for the day’s activities.

Now let’s see how my thrifty friends were inspired by travel.

The Thrifty Six is a group of international fashion influencers who meet once a month in our little space on the internet to share our thrifty outfits. On the third Monday of every month, we will all share an outfit based on a theme that features preloved wardrobe pieces. Shopping and reselling preloved clothing is so much better for the environment and you can find some of the best fashions in thrift or charity shops. The Thrifty Six are here to inspire you to shop second hand! 

The Thrifters:

Emma of Style Splash
Style Splash
“When I was packing for my holiday to Barbados I went up in the loft to look for some shorts…which still elude me. However, I did rediscover this very old vest top that someone gave to me many years ago. The colours remind me of a Bajan sunset so I threw it in my case and ended up wearing it for a visit to the beautiful Hunte’s Gardens and Welchman Hall Gully where we got married 12 years ago.”
Grace of Graceful Rags
Graceful Rags
“When I heard this month’s theme was ‘Inspired by Travel’, my mind immediately started racing with visions of Parisian chic looks, tropical accessories, easy floral dresses perfect for the Tuscan countryside… But as I started to picture outfits I could create using pieces from my own closet, I realized none of the looks incorporated secondhand items, ha! I had forgotten the whole point of the collaboration… I shifted gears and decided to embrace a much cozier option inspired by a recent vacation of my own—the mountain getaway I took to Breckenridge a few weekends ago! Yes, it might not be as romantic as some of the European-inspired outfits I was imagining, but the girls I saw in Breck were sporting some very cute sweaters and booties, making me very excited for fall. It was the perfect excuse to break out my secondhand camo button-down!”
Jane of Preloved-Vintage-Handmade
Sapphire from the Central Country…
‘Inspired by Travel’ is this month’s theme for the Thrifty Six…
Memories of my time in China have always been precious to me.
Beautiful fashion, architecture, landscapes and the strange mist that often veils the sky…
…it all fascinates and inspires me.
This vintage robe reminds me of those seen at the infamous Hong Kong night market.
It’s my pure silk, sapphire from the Central Country and I’ll always treasure it!”
Lucy of Lucy Bertoldi
Lucy Beroldi
“When Jane chose the theme of travel outfits it immediately reminded me of overseas trips or holidays. I couldn’t help styling up this dreamy, light and breezy jumpsuit. I found it for literally nothing at an op shop near me. Like who on earth would even think of giving up this perfectly gorgeous gem? But honestly, I’m ecstatic that someone did- Greece vibes for me!”
Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style
Nancy’s Fashion Style
“When Jane emailed the theme for this month, inspired by travel, I knew immediately what to wear. We actually only travel by car, because I can’t fly because of my lung disease. And our absolute favourite country is England. So it would be something I’ve worn a lot there or something I’ve bought there! And the latter is the case. We have been going to Sussex almost all the time in recent years and often go shopping in Lewes. Such a very pleasant town with beautiful antiques and second-hand shops. And in one of those shops I found this Diane von Furstenberg dress.”
And Me!
thrifted style, preloved fashion, maxi skirt, boho style, duster cardigan, The Thrifty Six, Shelbee on the Edge
“I found this fun maxi skirt last year on a thrifting adventure and never wore it. Until now! The floral and geometric print along the bottom reminds me of some far off exotic paradise. While I didn’t travel far wearing this outfit, I did wear it recently for a historic church walking tour in a nearby town that is celebrating its sesquicentennial this year. My long minty green duster was also thrifted and worn a bunch of times already. I love the way they paired together for an easy comfortable bohemian travel look.”

Keeping it on the edge,


Joining these Fabulous Link Parties

Outfit Details: Skirt and Duster-Thrifted / Top-Charlotte Russe / Rope Sandals-Nomadic State of Mind / Hat-LC by Lauren Conrad for Kohl’s / Long Beaded Necklace-Made by Michelle of My Bijou Life / All Other Jewelry-Old

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


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Shelbee on the Edge