The Sunday Showcase Turns 1: The Power of Blogs

This is not a sponsored post.

Happy Sunday! Spring is in the air even though snow is on the ground! And I am honored to be guest hosting The Sunday Showcase once again to celebrate the one year anniversary of this fun monthly link up hosted by my dear friends Ada of Elegance and Mommyhood, Chrissy of Granola and Grace, and Kellyann of This Blonde’s Shopping Bag.

The Sunday Showcase is a link up that anyone can join with any type of post! It is an opportunity to share what you are loving and writing about as well as to discover some amazing new bloggers. There are so many out there and after nearly 4 years of blogging, I have made so many wonderful friends on this journey. There are bloggers who have been doing it for years and there are still new ones entering the scene. Each and every one of them is special and interesting and fascinating with a unique story and set of experiences to share.

This community of bloggers that consists of writers, poets, fashionistas, travelers, foodies, moms, dads, daughters, and sons that all hail from different parts of the world, different generations, and different economic and religious backgrounds fill the internet with a little bit of something for everyone. If you are struggling with something in life, looking for a great recipe for a dinner party, need outfit inspiration or a book recommendation, you can probably find a blog that will provide exactly what you need. Real people talking about real life things. An entire community available right at your fingertips.

When I first started blogging, I was sort of embarrassed to tell people that I do this. It was a hugely misinterpreted thing. If I (hesitatingly) mentioned to anyone that I write a blog, the chances were high that I would be met with eye rolls and some confusion followed inevitably by the question, “Do you make money doing it?” (Hahaha. The answer to that is a big resounding “NO!”) I even once had a man literally laugh directly in my face, in an attempt to completely diminish my self-worth (he didn’t succeed…I merely took note in my head that he was a narrow minded, self important a**hole and didn’t give him another moment of my time). Actually after that experience, I now proudly tell people that I am a blogger. A lot has changed over the past few years anyway and now I am generally met with interest and a request for my business card.

Maybe in the beginning I didn’t even really understand the importance of what we do with our blogs. It’s not at all about the money. For me, at least. It’s about passion and kindness and sharing and experiencing and being creative and having fun. It’s about community and friendship and the human connection. It’s about knowing that we aren’t ever alone is this great big crazy world. It’s about having meaningful discussions about topics that are important to each of us. It’s about expanding our horizons and learning new and interesting things. It’s about trying new things, being open to new experiences, and accepting new opportunities when they come our way. It’s about pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones, challenging ourselves and each other to be the very best versions of ourselves. It’s about inspiring and empowering one another to live our very best lives.

Every day, I visit my favorite blogs. Every week, I discover new ones that I hadn’t seen before. With each new introduction, I find a unique and inspiring person behind the blog. Someone with an important message. If you are a regular reader of blogs, take some time to really get to know the people who write them. Check out their “About Me” pages and you will be surprised at the diversity of backgrounds and experiences that are being brought to light through the world of blogging.

What I learned from blogging is that every one has a story. No one gets through this life unharmed. We all have struggled. We all have been met with tragedy. We all have suffered loss. And the ones who are so brave as to write about these intimate experiences and share them publicly are an inspiration to so many. There is a power in sharing our vulnerable moments, a strength that is contagious to others who may be struggling to find their way through a similar situation. There is a power in our words. And if you have words, you have power. Harnessing that power and using it for the betterment of ourselves and each other is probably some of the most important work we can do.

My initial intent was to write a post today about I Want You to Be Happy Day. That’s a thing, you know? Celebrated every year on March 3. I started writing and my words went in a different direction. That’s generally how I draft my posts…I just follow the work wherever it leads me. But I wanted to mentioned this fun little holiday because I celebrate it each day. I want all of you to be happy every single day. I want you to find your peace, your joy, your passion. I want you to follow your heart and I hope it leads you straight to your very best life. And if you need some help along the way, that’s okay. We’ve got you. Someone out there has already traveled your path and is willing to guide you.

I hope you enjoyed this post and I wish you the happiest of days. Every day. Feel free to link up any posts below. And check out some other ones. You will be amazed at what you may discover. It may be just the message you needed today.

Inlinkz Link Party

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


  • jodie filogomo

    You always have such wisdom, Shelbee. Of course I’m biased because I say that all the time…everyone I meet has such an interesting story. Even if they don’t realize it. And with blogs, we can learn so much so easily.


      Thank you, Jodie! Some days I feel wiser than other days…you know those days, the ones when you feel completely lost and clueless? I have those days quite often! Ha. I guess this is life. But I am always amazed at the stories people share of their journeys which brought them to where they are today. I used to have myself in such a tiny little bubble where I thought I stood alone in my prior struggles…so narrow minded, I know. And I embraced that loneliness as some sort of badge of honor. But once I opened up about it and started sharing my story, I realized that it means so much more to be part of the human connection in all things. And there is no reason to stand alone. Ever. And how much more rewarding the journey has been since that realization. Always learning, my friend, and I love it!


  • Sharon Sinclair-Williams

    Love this post, Shelbee.

    I stopped by to read it as I am writing up my Sunshine Blogger Award post nomination from the lovely Jacqui at Mummabstylish.

    Blogging is such a fun thing to do and really opens your world up doesn’t it? So much inspiration and camaraderie. I love being part of such a diverse world wide community xo


      Sharon, thank you so much for stoping by! It really is such an amazing and rewarding community to be a part of. And how fun that Jacqui nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award! I will have to hop on over and read your post. Have a wonderful Sunday!



      Thanks so much, Kim! It is so true, isn’t it? The power we have just with our words. Words have impact and they change lives, for better or worse, depending on how we use them. I hope you are having a fantastic weekend.


  • Nancy

    Oh I so agree with everything what you sad. My life is so much richer since I started blogging. And it only gets better as you get to know the bloggers more personal.

  • Mica

    I’m sorry you had bad experiences sharing your blog at first – I’m glad you realised that blogging is a wonderful think, it is a great community, and it’s important to surround ourselves with people who lift us up not tear us down! I’m lucky everyone who’s known about my blogging journey has been so supportive. I’m loving your poncho too!

    Thank you for the link up!

    Hope that you have been having a great weekend 🙂


      Thank you so much, Mica! Surrounding ourselves with positive, uplifting people definitely makes any journey so much easier. I am so glad to have gotten to know you through blogging as well! Have a fantastic week ahead!


  • elle

    I so agree!
    There is a world of interesting viewpoints and experiences out there, just waiting to be enjoyed and brought to the light. I also hesitate to say I blog to some people..
    Love your fabulous poncho and that beret, so polished in the snow!
    happy new week ahead!
    xo, Elle


      Elle, thank you so much. I am fascinated by people and their unique journeys and stories. And blogging has opened up an entire new world for me to discover many more intriguing people. Now if I could only find the time to visit more blogs! Have a fantastic week, my friend.


  • chez-Rama

    I love today’s blog. It is another reason why I love reading your blog. They are inspiring,they are ditected to people in general and bloggger in specific and reminder to bloggers why they do what they are doing and how they need to keep going regardless of their struggle in life. It does not matter if others does not know or approve that this is or isnot a real job. We can stand here arguing all night but at the end as long as it helps one or group of people then I call it a job maybe a job that is “not paid one”.


      Rama, thank you so much! I agree with you…I feel like sharing my story and my struggles through my blog is most definitely a job of great importance. When you survive things that others may still be struggling with, I feel like there is a responsibility to share in order to help others through it. And that I take that responsibility very seriously. It is important work…to help others, to connect, to uplift, to empower. Thank you for sharing your story and shining your beautiful light!


  • Sheela Goh

    Happy “I want you to be happy” Day, Shelbee!!! I never even knew such a thing existed!!!

    My story is similar to many others, I started a blog because I felt invisible in my everyday life. I was a hermit, 162lbs overweight, and all I craved was to crawl under a rock to hide. So I started to blog. I felt that if I couldn’t see who was reading my thoughts, I would be better able to share them, and here we are today 🙂 not once did I imagine finding such beautiful souls like you, and Jodie, Jennie, Suzy, Ada, and many others. We weave magic with words, yes, we do.


      Sheela, Sheela, Sheela, I adore you! I never imagined the amazing connections that I would make either when I began this journey. The universe really does know what she is doing when she drops little hints to guide us in certain directions. And I am sure glad that I was led to this place. So many amazing people I have met and connected with because of this blog…including you and the ones you have named and so many others. I wouldn’t change a thing! Love you, my friend!


  • Ada

    As you beautifully stated in this post and something I always say myself if you have words, you have power. Words can heal us, make us fall in love, hurt us, kill us, soften us, make us mad or sad – you name it! As someone who uses words daily on her Instagram, blog posts and my personal writing, I am still without words when I come and read these super deep and vulnerable posts you whip up together! It was a great read full of emotions and so much truth and I am so HONORED AND FLATTERED that you chose to write this particular post about our special one year Sunday Showcase Anniversary.

    Like you, I think blogs and bloggers especially not the ‘huge bloggers’ (who are such cookie-cutters in my opinion) all have a voice, they all have an inner power and a story or two to tell. I too read someone’s “About Me” section and sometimes even re-read it. Which comes to think about it, I think I need to update mine. And speaking of updates, I wasn’t done writing and drafting my Sunday Showcase post so I added more to it in the afternoon, as my day got less busy, so welcome back again and re-read it. I want to wrap it up by saying that 1) You look fabulous as you always rock your layers and ponchos for Winter, Dear Shelbee and 2) Thank you for everything you do not just for me but for this entire blogging community. Like I mentioned in my post too: YOU ARE A GEM!

    Happy Sunday Evening and enjoy the first full week of March! <3 Ada.


      Ada, my friend, you are too kind! It is always a pleasure collaborating with you and reading your beautiful, vulnerable words as well. Keep shining your light…it illuminates and uplifts everyone around you! Love you to pieces.


  • Shugunna Alexander

    Shelbee this post is pretty cool… As you know from our previous emails, I am new to the scene again and I too am met with those looks or little statements about everyone is blogging! It tends to annoy me at times but I know that I’m doing this for myself and not the naysayers!! I will keep pushing alone, I think it’s worth it…thank you for being so sharing in all you do!!


      Thank you, Shugunna! And you definitely do not need to be pushing through this alone! The rest of us in blogland completely support your journey and we are blessed to have you as part of our community. Keep shining your beautiful light, my friend.


  • Rena

    Shelbee, I too find myself hesitant to say that I write a blog for fear that it seems frivolous. But your right, I shouldn’t care what anyone else thinks. I get more out of my blog and the connections I’ve made with fabulous people (like you) than I would get from those that scoff. Thank you for pointing out the obvious to me. BTW, you look freakin’ great!



      Thanks, Rena! Your perspective is spot on, in my opinion. I do get so much out of this blogging journey that the scoffers really can’t bring me down! So many amazing friends and connections have been made that otherwise never would have…and I will always cherish the memories of our fabulous time in L.A.!


  • Jill

    I still don’t talk about my blog very often with people I know because of the eye rolls! Everyone has a story to tell and I love how supportive and encouraging the blogging community is! Your poncho looks so cute styled with flared jeans!

    Jill – Doused in Pink


      Jill, thanks so much! Isn’t it strange how people feel the necessity to roll their eyes at what we do? I think anyone who has found purpose and meaning in whatever they choose to do should never be scoffed at. And for some reason, I am currently obsessed with flared jeans!


  • Chrissy

    Shelbee, this is great. It sounds like a well thought out post from a seasoned blogger…I am finally to the point whee I don’t feel embarrassed to share that I’m a blogger either. And it’s hard to justify the hours with what I get in return financially but there’s always that open door, right? That being said the reasons you listed above are what keep us going, isn’t it?? There’s adventure around every corner for sure and if not for blogging I’d have never met you. Every morning I wake up and see those coffee mugs and am reminded that I’m blessed. And I thank God for you and many others…praying that we all would have an extra awareness of Him, Jesus and His plan for our lives.


      Chrissy, thank you so much for this comment. We really are blessed to have so many loving, caring, and kind people in this blogging community as well as in our own communities where we each live. Just keeping that perspective, that everyone has something unique and special to offer, makes this life so rewarding. I have made connections with so many amazing people, yourself included, because of this blog, and I couldn’t be more grateful for that. I am so glad that you are enjoying your new coffee mugs! And the work you do is extra important to keep awareness of a more powerful force than ourselves…one that has our best interest in mind and works in very mysterious and rewarding ways. Love you, sister!


  • Susan

    Do my eyes deceive me, or are you actually sporting boot cut jeans with your fabulous poncho???
    Woohoo! My style goddess has finally found my favorite cut for jeans!

    Now, Shelbee, you look long and lean, and absolutely fabulous, and you MUST SHARE. Are they Torrids barely boot jeans? I hope so, because I just snagged a pair online last Saturday, and hope I look that good when mine arrive!


      Your eyes are not deceiving you, my friend! They are from Torrid, but I don’t know if they are the boot cut. I think they are the flared jeans, but I cannot remember. They were an online return in the store and just happened to be my size so I snagged them. They definitely have a super slimming effect! And I am sure you will look amazing in your boot cut denim!


  • FancyBoy

    This is one reason I love Patti’s Visible Monday as well. The whole point is literally just making yourself visible. It’s so important to be represented and most times, for most people, you have to this for yourself!

  • Suzanne

    Thank you once again for sharing your words of wisdom and taking the time (I know it’s time consuming) to get your thoughts together and share them with us all. I experience with blogging is a similar story to yours. Nope, not about the money or free stuff (there’s none, if anything it costs me money, and most collaboration offers I turn down :)) but to be a part of the community is priceless. I’ve met so many amazing women, like yourself – each on their own path and willing to share their thoughts and experiences in this crazy world of the internet. I think it’s so wonderful, to have found and to be a part of the 40+ blogging community. I am forever grateful. Love your look and poncho BTW. It’s such a joy to follow your journey!
    PS thanks for linking up with #StylishMonday!


      Suzanne, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and experience with blogging as well. It definitely is priceless to be part of this amazing community. And I definitely spend way more than I make in this little space of mine. But the rewards that I receive cannot even be measured! I am so blessed to have gotten to know you through this journey as well.


  • Jessica A Jannenga

    Hi Shelbee
    Love the black and gold poncho! the design is lovely and you wear a beret with pizazz! Lots of snow on the ground I see! I do enjoy writing and this was just supposed to be a diversion from pain for awhile and has turned into something i love creating and doing. Meeting so many lovely people is also whats great. I know i have had people ask for business cards too, and I never got those done!
    jess xx


      Thanks so much, Jess! I was unsure of this poncho at first, thinking it was too oversized. But then I loved the way it turned out styled like this! And you totally need to get business cards! I hand out so many and get a lot of new readers by doing so. Speaking of that, I need to reorder business cards as I am running low.



    Wow Michelle I love the simplicity of this look – yet YOU LOOK FAB. The poncho and necklace have a special touch that just nails it. Beautiful!

  • Gail

    That’s a great attitude, to try to be happy every day. It’s made me happy to discover the Sunday link up. I’ll try to join the next one! Thanks for joining #WowOnWednesday

  • Claire Justine

    Loved reading your post Shelbee. I still remember a man who laughed in my face when I first started a blog too. I love my blog and always think of him as an horrible person now for how he made me feel back then! he was trying to be clever in a group of people but nobody laugh with him at the time, which was really nice.

    Love your outfit, perfect for the weather you having. We had a bit of snow yesterday but it was gone by lunch.


      Thanks so much, Claire! And thank you for sharing that experience with me as well. In fact, when the guy laughed at me, I asked what was so funny and he responded, “Oh, I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing with you.” My reply was, “But I’m not laughing.” And then he smugly walked away. People all too often do not think before they speak, I am afraid!


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Shelbee on the Edge