The Perks of Military Life & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #152

I mentioned in yesterday’s post that we delivered Jeff to Syracuse Hancock International Airport on Friday where he departed for Fort Benning, Georgia, where he will remain for the next two weeks…leading straight up to just a few days before Christmas. In the grand scheme of military living, a two week separation, even in the midst of the holiday season, is not all that bad, but still it packs a bit of a punch when the holiday blues take hold. This past Veteran’s Day, I shared a little peek into our military lifestyle, the ups and the downs and all of the in-betweens. While we have become quite adept at handling the frequent separations, it still can take a toll even on the strongest military families. In order to cope with it all and push forward, one must always take account of all the blessings and extra little perks that come along with military life.
Sure, the extra perks don’t make up for time apart or the struggle of single parenting. (For real, this parenting thing is a two person job. I applaud all of the single parents out there. I don’t know how you do it alone all the time. It is seriously no joke.) Nevertheless, I do so appreciate the extra perks that come with being a military family. This post is going to spotlight one little perk that may go unnoticed and under appreciated by many, but it really does bring comfort to military families while traveling. If you travel frequently, you may have noticed that many airports have military courtesy rooms.

They are sponsored by the USO or other military support groups and offer a very comfortable and exclusive lounge area for soldiers and their families while hanging around airports either waiting for departures or arrivals. You do need to show a military identification card in order to even enter the lounge area, making you feel more special than usual, and you are always greeted with much appreciation for your service to the country. I have only visited a few Military Courtesy Rooms because I don’t travel by plane all that often, but they all have offered a comfortable lounge area, a television, and an array of food and beverages in a fully stocked kitchen area. The person hosting for the day, which is usually a retired veteran, generally insists that you stock up on snacks before leaving the courtesy lounge and boarding your plane! Because food always warms a heart that is missing someone!

The Military Courtesy Room in the Syracuse airport showcases all kinds of military memorabilia with extensive coin and patch collections on display as well as a wall honoring veterans who have passed. Jeff and both of my boys are avid collectors of military memorabilia, so Jeff was having fun showing the boys all of the collections in the Syracuse airport. With his frequent travels, Jeff has become quite familiar with the Military Courtesy Room in Syracuse. I know he has definitely logged some serious naptime in these recliners. I really liked the travel pillows made and donated by Cicero-North Syracuse High School to bring some comfort to traveling soldiers and their families. What a cool initiative for high school students to sponsor.

After saying goodbye to our soldier, the boys and I hung around the airport for a bit, checking out all the other fun stuff. There is a cockpit for the kids to play in, landing gear to check out, and a really cool model Mock Two.

We also had some time to just act goofy and have some more silly fun before driving back home through yet another snowstorm. Oh North Country living! We are always buried in snow.

Do you travel frequently by airplane? Have you noticed military courtesy rooms in other airports? Or maybe just some cool stuff to do with children while waiting around at the airport?
Stop back tomorrow to see the details of my crazy little airport outfit!
And now your featured favorites from last week’s link party.
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Chrissy of Granola & Grace shared her post, The New Pants I Love To Repeat by XCVI Official, and I loved her outfit as much as you all did because I had this post highlighted to share as one of my favorite outfit posts! I love Chrissy’s monochromatic gray look with that adorable slouchy top and gorgeous snakeskin booties. She also shows different ways to style her favorite pants, so go check out her post for more fashion inspiration.

My Favorite Fashion Post
Shauna of Lipgloss and Lace is Fabulously Festive in this amazing green coat! I have seriously been searching for a gorgeous green coat for just about my entire life and have yet to find one, so I am always bowled over into swoonville when I see a pretty coat in this vibrant color. With additions of plaid and red, Shauna really is an image straight out of a Hallmark Christmas movie!

My Favorite Non-Fashion Post
Linda of A Labour of Life is seriously so cute and creative with her Christmas Ornament Cocktail Glass. I absolutely love this idea and if I ever have the opportunity to entertain in my home at Christmastime, I think I may want to give these pretty little cocktail glasses a try. They are super easy to make, just go check out Linda’s instructions and you will see!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Jacqui Berry
I found this a lovely post to read Shelbee, how good to entertain the visitors like this and food always helps! Jacqui x
Thanks so much, Jacqui! It really is a nice perk for us.
I don’t travel by airplane but I don’t know if we have got that in the Netherlands. So it will be a few though weeks for you. But you have your lovely boys with you too help!
Thanks, Nancy! We are just taking it one day at a time. Of course, the day after Jeff left, the toilet handle broke and I had to replace it myself…this is the way it always goes…as soon as leaves, all the things break and the all the snow falls! Haha.
Kathrine Eldridge
Thanks for sharing the experience of a military family. I appreciate his service and your sacrifice. Your family is so special. Thanks for the link up!
Kathrine, thank you so very much! I really appreciate that.
Anna at Muttonstyle
This post warms the heart and thank you to your hubs and yourself for keeping us safe, even in the UK.
Aw, thanks so much, Anna!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Such a lovely part of our airports. I know where one is at Boston Logan and see military personal entering and leaving it often.
Your airport has fun things, too!
Thanks so much, Tamar! I have never been through Boston by airplane, but I am sure it is a much bigger airport than Syracuse. Although, I do love how small Syracuse is especially when I have the kids with me. It just feels safer.
Thank you for sharing the military comfort room at Syracuse airport!
It was lovely and I enjoyed all the items.
The photos of the boys are priceless.
I hope the 2 weeks go by quickly for you my friend!
Merry Christmas!
Thanks so much, Robin! Oh, I hope the next two weeks flies by as well! I already broke the toilet the day after Jeff left and in my attempt to fix it, I think I made it worse. There are certain things that I would prefer my husband handles! Haha.
Julie | This Main Line Life
It’s so nice that they have those things to help families out and make travel a little more comfortable. I really don’t know anything about military life so that was a really interesting read.
Thanks so much, Julie! I didn’t know a darn thing about military life either until I married a soldier. Man, was I in for a big surprise! Ha.
I have never noticed the military courtesy rooms in the airport but I will keep my eyes out. I am sure Atlanta has several being such a large airport. I will have to ask my brother who retired from the air force if he used them while traveling. Those displays would have been quite interesting to look at and learn about.
Thank you, Mireille! I don’t know how long these rooms have existed at airports. I believe they were started by the USO and now some have been taken over by other different military support networks. I also believe they are all funded by fundraising efforts of these groups, which is really cool and completely heartwarming. The one in Syracuse is really like a mini military museum!
Shelbee, how fun to be featured on your blog! Thank you for your kind words, it makes for a great start to the day! And what a creative post idea – the courtesy lounge. This is the first I’ve heard of it and I have loads of family in the military. lol. Btw, my brother-in-law and brother are currently stationed in Benning. Wouldn’t that be crazy if one of them bumped into your hubby?? It’s a large base, but you never know.
Have a wonderful week and again thank you!
Thanks so much, Chrissy! I am sure that your brother and brother-in-law are both quite familiar with military courtesy rooms in airports! Jeff is currently overseeing an air assault training class so if either them are in the current class or are instructors at the air assault school at Benning, then they have definitely met him! I am going to email you to get their names and I will ask Jeff! You never know. It is a small world and an even smaller Army sometimes.
Your boys are so cute! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a military courtesy room at our airport but I’m sure there must be one. Thank you to your husband for serving and keeping our country safe!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! Now that I have talked about these rooms, you might notice them! I used to travel more often before I was married and never noticed a military courtesy room at an airport before. But once I became a military spouse and learned of these rooms, I started seeking them out and they are actually quite common. But I suppose if you are not military, they would be quite off your radar!
Linda Cassidy
Thanks for the feature and thanks for sharing about the courtesy rooms. I wish we had those here in Canada for our military families. Such a kind thing
Thanks so much, Linda! Someone needs to call those darn Canadian airports and inform them of the need for such a courtesy! I hope your holidays are filled with many blessings, my friend!
Pam Ecrement
I very much GET what you are saying here. To be honest, I don’t think that those outside of this experience can fully grasp the breadth of it and the depth of the impact. You’ll be in my prayers during this separation. You see I married a man I loved who was also a Marine Corps officer. During our first three years of marriage it looked like this: 6 months together, 5 months apart, 3 months together, 13 months apart during which our first child was born while my dear hubby was in a war zone, 5 months together. He met our son when at 8 months of age. At the end of his commitment, he got out because another 13 months apart were ahead of us and the risks were increasing.
This life deserves ANY perks available to these service families.♥️
Pam, thank you so much! This comment seriously just brought tears to my eyes. I agree that those who don’t live the life definitely have difficulty grasping the impact. And I know there are lots of other people who work in jobs that send them traveling frequently, but most of those jobs do not carry the same risk and also include a much higher paycheck! We are nearing the end of this life, sort of, with retirement coming in about a year and a half. But the likelihood that Jeff will continue working for the military as a civilian is quite high, so I doubt much will change. Much thanks to you and your husband and children for your commitment to service as well. I hope your holiday season is filled with much love, peace, and joy.
Please thank your husband for his service from me and all of NYC!
Aw, Mitch, thank you so much for that! I really appreciate it. I hope your holiday season is filled with many blessings!
jess jannenga
I had no idea about this! That is great that you can utilize this room and military families can use it before flying. I like the pillows and snacks.. even though I cant sleep on a plane! I applaud you and your hubby – you for taking care of the kids and your hubby for his service. Thanks for sharing this. Your kids are cute and aren’t they little hams!
have a great day!
jess xx
Thanks, Jess! I really had no idea about these rooms until I became a military spouse! Now we seek them out when traveling. It definitely makes you feel special!
Lauren Sparks
So great to have special time together. laurensparks.net
Thanks so much, Lauren! We are just counting the days now until he returns home again.
I didn’t know the military had courtesy rooms like this. That is so cool. Your little people are very cute! Here’s to hoping the 2 week separation for duty goes smoothly for all.
Thanks so much, Jen! It really is a cool offering for traveling soldiers and their families. I hope the next two weeks flies by, too! May your holiday season be filled with much joy and many blessings!
Patrick Weseman
That is so very cool. I would love to visit there. Nice family shot at the top. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I think you would really enjoy all the military memorabilia, for sure.
What an awesome perk for military families! I love that there is so much to do to keep the kids entertained AND learn about the military. Very cool! And hoping your husband gets home soon for the holidays!
Le Stylo Rouge
Thanks so much, Ashely! It really was a good time at the airport. We will be heading back next Friday to pick Jeff up just in time for Christmas.
I love that you shared this part of your life with us! I have a lot of family members in the army, navy and marines but I have not have experienced it firsthand., I, did, however grow up with a single mom so I can relate to that
Love that they have a lounge area in the airport and a lot of neat things to see (would love to see the model!). I had no idea about any of that! Hope the separation goes by quickly 
Thanks so much, Lizzie! It took me a long time to get comfortable sharing these parts of my life on my blog. But I am glad that I made that transition. And your momma did a great job even doing the parenting thing alone!
Ruth Josey
I think I remember seeing a Military Lounge last time I flew through Austin and thinking what a wonderful idea that was. I’m so glad they do something special for our guys and gals and their families. Spouses and families of members of our military deserve so much for the sacrifice they make and I know this time of year is especially difficult. Thank you so much for sharing him with us! And your little guys are such cuties – I just love this post!
Ruth, thank you so much! I am glad that I have a forum where I can share some of these things as well as a little peek into what military life looks like! I am just a regular gal, living my life, but these are all the things that make up my life!
Dee | Grammy's Grid
Nice perk! Our currently serving and veterans need and deserve all the perks they can get!! Thanks so much for hosting!
Thanks so much, Dee! We don’t like to be too greedy or entitled, but we do appreciate the perks when they are there!
Midlife and Beyond
What a lovely post and such a great idea Shelbee. Love the pics of your family!
Alison x
Thanks so much, Alison! I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season!
I don’t travel too much by plane— but, that Military Courtesy Room is sweet! Glad you have that there for some comfort! It’s not easy running the household by yourself for sure— hang in there!!!
Thank you, Becky! I don’t travel by plane much either. I much prefer to drive. But it is a really nice thing for military families.
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I thank your husband for his service! That is so hard… My husband has to travel this week and next week and he’s going to miss the kids Christmas play for the first time ever tomorrow. Boo! It is hard solo-parenting!!
Thanks so much, Carrie! I am so sorry that your husband has to miss the Christmas play. What a bummer. I am all too familiar with that feeling! I do so hope your holidays are filled with many blessings though! And very safe travels to your husband as well.
Christina Morley
Cool reading all about the lounge and your time there. I was an Army brat growing up. Maybe I mentioned that before. As a kid, I appreciated the Commissary. Even if you were overseas, you could still buy all of your favorite foods. I don’t think there were special airport lounges back then. That’s certainly a nice touch. Sorry that your hubby will be away during some of the holiday season. Take care and thanks for hosting!
Thanks so much, Tina! I think I did know that you grew up in the military. I don’t think my kids are true military brats because we have been stationed at Fort Drum their entire lives and retirement is coming soon! And we have never lived on base. We are fully immersed in the town itself. But they are very familiar with friends moving away frequently and daddy being gone often!
jodie filogomo
Girl…how is it I never knew this existed? How wonderful and your boys just melt my heart.
Thank you, Jodie! I think these rooms are easy to miss if you aren’t military and aren’t looking for them!
Helen C.
This is one of your most interesting posts. I woulndn´t mind realing more posts in the future about the family life of people working for the military. It´s worth noticing that not only the soldiers need to have courage to do this job, but all his/her family members need lots of courage to overcome all obstacles, like spending so much time apart. Congratulations for having a strong and loving family!
Lots of hugs!
Helen, thank you so very much! It is quite the life and I will try to share more about it if people are finding it interesting. I guess I find it kind of boring so I don’t put too much of it out there. But every now and then, I throw some military lifestyle things into my posts!
Ada Furxhi
Ohhh the boys have learned so much from their dad and military life. I too learned a lot about the military and the army. Thanks for the post.
Ohhh and look: I linked up this week and I think you will like my posts.
Thanks so much, Ada! I am glad you linked up. I will be making my rounds to all the links this week. I look forward to reading your posts!
Cheryl Shops
I had no idea there were special military lounges at the airport—it’s like the AmEx Centurion lounge, but more homey and less filled with businessmen on their phones
Seriously, though, I think that’s awesome, and servicepeople like your husband definitely deserve special treatment!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! I think I was able to visit one of those fancy businessy lounges years ago when I did a lot of corporate travel and it was filled with a bunch of stressed out business people on cell phones (I guess I was probably one of those people). Haha. The military lounge is way more relaxed and homey than that, for sure!
You are so sweet, thank you so much for the feature!
Also, I’m happy to learn that you’re a fellow military wife! I used to be. My Husband was Special Forces in the Air Force and just retired. Military life is tough, deployments are THE WORST and I’m sending so lots of love during this time! Glad to know he’ll be home for the holidays. Hang in there!!
Shauna, thank you so very much! I had no idea that you were also a military wife. It is such a great community, isn’t it? I get so excited when I meet other military families in this part of my life! We have 1 1/2 years until retirement, but I am sure my husband will continuing working for the military as a civilian. And I don’t think much changes in those jobs. How has the transition into retirement been for you? Wishing you a very blessed holiday!
I used to live in Syracuse and I think it’s wonderful that they have a military courtesy room at the airport! While it must be so difficult to have a husband in the military, just know that we are so grateful for the sacrifices that your husband and family make for our country!
Aw, Katie, thanks so much for these wonderful words! And I had no idea you lived in Syracuse! So you are familiar with my Winter Wonderland!
Treat and Trick
Lovely and informative post! Thanks for sharing and hosting a fun party..
Thanks so much for visiting and joining the party!
Deborah Stinedurf
That is really cool…I’m not in airports enough to have noticed the military lounges, but I really love that they exist because you all deserve it! I also love that they’re staffed by retired veterans. It will be a rough few weeks I’m sure, but girl…you got this! Sounds trite I know, but you do. Just hold your chin up and power through…your man will be home before you know it! xo
Debbie, thank you so much! It is a really cool benefit offered to us while traveling. And there are certain perks that I don’t mind taking advantage of. While it might sound trite, it is still always nice to hear some encouraging words. Two weeks is really no big deal, but I am in a serious winter/holiday funk so I could really use my husband to lean on! He is my rock. But we are already half way through week one! We will get through the weekend and then smooth sailing from there!
Laura Bambrick
That is SO NICE! When my dad was in the military I don’t remember having anything similar, but I am really glad there are things like that in place now, because being a military wife or part of a military family can be really hard and they deserve all the perks they can get!
Thank you, Laura! I think these courtesy rooms at airports are fairly new. But they are really nice to have! Many thanks to your father and your family for your service! And many holiday blessings to you as well.
thank you and your husband for your service and sacrifice ♥ I’m glad he won’t be gone too long! Wishing you all a lovely holiday season ♥
Thank you so very much, Tianna! I hope you have the most wonderful holiday season as well!
I have never noticed these rooms, but am so glad to see them! A privilege most deserved, truly thoughtful, and the least we can do. I will be on the lookout now.
Thanks so much, Susan! Your kind words are always so appreciated!
Marilee Judith Gramith
Look how relaxed your boys are. Clearly, the importance of these “sanctuaries” for military families is not a perk and more like an entitlement. A cozy family bonding lounge is the very LEAST we can do.
Those darling rascals with their cross-eyed grins should be on a USO circuit. They certainly cheered ME up!!
If I could wrap my arms around your family I would. Thank you all for your service.
Aw, Jude, thank you so much! Ooh, but I so despise that word “entitlement”. Why does that have such a negative connotation? Although, if I were on the other side, I would quite agree with you that military families should have certain entitlements, for sure. As for these little rascals of mine, if I could wrap them in packaging and send them your way, I would! Hahaha. I am typing this at 6:25 a.m. with Ralphie literally sitting on my left arm and he has been chattering away in my ear non-stop since 5:50 a.m. I have not consumed enough coffee yet for this!
Betty Asphy
Thanks for this article. I was not aware of Military Courtesy Rooms. Thank you for your service. My husband is a Viet Nam Veteran.
Betty, thanks so much! Many thanks to your husband as well!