The Most Spoiled Girl in the World & Link Up On the Edge #147

I cannot adequately express my gratitude for all the beautiful birthday wishes I received yesterday via social media, private messages, phone calls, and visits bringing me the most perfect little gifts and treats. You all really know how to make a girl feel special. I am blessed beyond words and I do not feel deserving. On top of all the birthday spoiling I received yesterday, I also came to a very clear realization that I may just be the most spoiled girl in the world. Every single day of my life.

Most of you probably already know that my husband left on Tuesday to spend a month in Louisiana for work. Two days into this “single parenting” gig and I am completely overwhelmed and exhausted. I have always appreciated how much my husband does around the house, but it wasn’t until he was gone that I really realized how little I do around the house! The last two days never seemed to end and every which way I turned I realized there was something else that needed to be done before I could call it a day. And all of these things…like literally all of them...my husband does. From cooking to cleaning to helping kids with homework to packing lunches for school, cutting the grass, doing the laundry, maintaining the pets, making the beds, straightening up the house. He. Does. It. All. And I don’t know how I came upon such great fortune to have this man love me the way he does. I am indeed blessed in so many ways.

I have a million different topics that I want and am obligated to share on this here little blog, but right now I am so deliriously tired that I will never meet my obligations with the adequate level of quality. So instead I am going to share a few photos from a recent hiking trip to Salt Springs State Park in Montrose, Pennsylvania.

My intention was to take some cool outfit photos in the park, but it was raining when I woke up so I didn’t really wear anything special. But once I arrived, it was so beautiful that I had to take some pictures despite not really feeling very photo worthy. And since it continued to rain intermittently throughout the morning, only a few shots were taken. And I took only one shot of the scenery. Oh well, sometimes you just need to live in the moment and put the phone away…especially when you get caught in the woods in the rain.

But I did have to share this with you…this is the coolest state park ever. I was in awe of my surroundings as I turned every corner. Seriously, if you get the chance, check out this park. And in case you’re wondering, yes, I did actually go hiking wearing a dress. That’s just how I roll. And I was cold and water-logged. Because, you know, it’s almost June.

Tell me…have you ever been so completely humbled by the actions of others? Have you been so overwhelmed with gratitude that you just not sure how to take it all in?
And now your favorite posts from last week.
Suzanne of Ask Suzanne Bell shared her post, The Best Flare Jeans for Your Body Type. Not only is Suzanne’s style always impeccable and totally on point, she also always has the best styling advice to help a girl out.

Gail of Is This Mutton? shared her post, A Brilliant Work Wear Solution. Brilliant, indeed. This double dotty outfit has me experiencing complete style envy.

Feeling blessed on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Kellyann Rohr
What a beautiful backdrop for your photos – gorgeous park! Glad you felt especially loved on your special day. Hang in there – I know the single parenting thing is hard – even more so when you aren’t used to doing it all the time. You’ll find your stride!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! I shouldn’t even complain because I am so spoiled! By the time I find my stride, Jeff will be home! And then I am off to Asheville!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
So glad you had a nice birthday! Hope the next month passes quickly!
Thank you, Tamar! I hope it passes quickly as well. And I have my Asheville trip right after my husband gets home so that is my beacon of light!
What a beautiful park! And you look so cute. I love that you went hiking in a dress! Now as for that birthday, I admit I’ve been behind and if it wasn’t for Facebook I wouldn’t have known. Glad I got some wishes in before the day closed. As for being humbled by the kindness of others…indeed I have. It such a sweet feeling. Glad you were spoiled my friend. You deserve it!
Thank you so much, Chrissy! You know, we so often get stuck in focusing on the negative in people, but there is so much goodness and kindness in so many and that is where the focus needs to be. I am humbled every day by how kind and wonderful the world really can be…if we choose to focus on that part of it. And thank goodness for Facebook reminders! I would have forgotten my husband’s birthday if not for Facebook. Ha. I hope you have a fantastic weekend ahead.
Deborah Stinedurf
You and I are in a very similar boat right now my friend…right down to the blog post. My outfit was definitely nothing to write home about, but it’s what I wore when we hiked the Abandoned Turnpike so I had to take snaps because it was soooo freakin’ cool. On a side note, you have to go there sometime; you’ll absolutely love it! I too am exhausted and so emotionally drained that I can’t see straight. My husband was badly injured at work on Wednesday, fortunately he is alive and home, but it’s the type of major injury that is going to forever change our entire world. The last few days have been a whirlwind of doctors, hospitals, awful worker’s comp people and sheer terror. I’m totally on my own taking care of everything and trying to keep him comfortable. Throw in that it’s the last week of school and I haven’t been there to wrap things up…I’m absolutely stressed and exhausted to the point of tears. I had already started the post so I went ahead and finished it…in any case, check it out…you’ll love the photos. xo
Oh my word, Debbie, I am so sorry to hear this. My husband is just away for a month, while you are experiencing what sounds like complete hell. I will be sending all of my positive energy and healing vibes your way, my friend. Just keep surrounding yourself with positive and loving people and stay strong. I am a firm believer that we find our greatest strength in our weakest moments. At that moment when you take no more, the universe proves to you that you absolutely can handle it all. And please let me know if there is anything at all that I can do from afar to help make this time even the slightest bit easier for you. I am heading over to see your post now. Love you, my friend!
Kathrine Eldridge
Love this cozy chic dress! The color is really pretty. Praying for peace in your household while your hubby is away. Thanks for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! This dress is super comfy. Perfect for hiking, too! I, too, am praying for peace around here for the next 4 weeks!
Michele Morin
Wow, there’s nothing like having our guys go away to reveal how crucial they are to the stability of our little universe!
So, so true, Michele! But I survived week one, three weeks to go! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have an amazing weekend.
Anna at Muttonstyle
Well I accidentally bumped into a well dressed lady from the community on a train this week when I was dressed like a tramp having just been to an exercise class at the hospital and in a scruffy mac as it was going to rain.
You look fab on your vacation though.
Oh my goodness, Anna, that just made me chuckle! I took a walk yesterday in sweatpants with a mismatched ratty old tee shirt wearing Grateful Dead socks and slide sandals! I looked like an absolute bum and was laughing to myself that people who know me would be shocked to see me out and about dressed that way. But we fashion bloggers are still just regular people and we are entitled to sloppy times as well!
Jean | Delightful Repast
Shelbee, what a beautiful post! You, your style, the scenery, but especially your love and appreciation for your husband–a joy to read first thing in the morning! Wishing your sweet little family all the best. Thanks for hosting #OnTheEdge. I always visit far more links than the one that I post.
Jean, thank you so very much for your kind words and your support in the blogging community! I feel like link visits have been on the down swing, so I really appreciate that there are still some bloggers who hop around. I know time and life obligations often get in the way and I understand that, so I thank you for visiting the links! That is what these parties are all about. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
jodie filogomo
You deserve all that goodness Shelbee!!
Aw, Jodie, thank you so much! I am not sure that I am THAT deserving, but I am most certainly grateful!
Anne M Bray
I’m linking a random Pattern post because I didn’t get around to writing a Fashion one.
In answer to your question — I had an amazing group of angels when I was going through cancer treatments in 2010. The first 6 rounds of chemo, I was totally out of it and the infusions took HOURS (the first session took NINE!). I required transportation to and from the hospital. Phase 2, which transpired every three weeks for a year, was not as awful, but I still couldn’t drive due to the pre-infusion Benadryl. I quickly figured out to divide the transport to one angel in the morning to the hospital, and another in the afternoon for pick-up so that no one would have to hang around and wait with me. The hospital is 20+ miles from my house, and considering driving in LA, this was a HUGE favor to ask.
I’m fine now, in case anyone is reading and wondering!
Anne, isn’t amazing how wonderful people can be? I think we often forget when we get caught up in the mundane of every day life, but when it really counts, that is when the people who love us really step up. I am so glad you had a half dozen angels by your side! And I am even more glad that you made it through that trying time! By the way, share whatever posts you’d like on my link ups. I have no rules…only kindness! And have a wonderful weekend!
Anne M Bray
Aw, big virtual hugs across the continent.
I’m attempting to firm up plans for our Oneida County visit and Monday rendezvous — I can’t seem to remember the name of the art museum that I want to go to to find out if they’re open on Mondays.
A (very educational and fun for the boys) plan B (and maybe better) is in Blue Mountain Lake called “The Adirondack Experience” https://www.theadkx.org/ It’s a bit $$ but well worth it! Thinking Plan B is the way to go.
Plan B looks good to me! Or any plan really. My children will misbehave no matter where we are! Lol. Keep me posted!
Anne M Bray
Hahahaha. With Plan B, you can send them out in a canoe. Oh, I guess you would have to ride with them. Nevermind.
Not necessarily! I could just push the canoe out, forgetting to get in, and be like “Oops. My bad. Good luck, boys!”
Anne M Bray
Bwhahahaha! #momoftheyear
#thestruggleisreal #noshameinmygame
Grace Liang ULS
Hoping you find peace in your home! The dress looks very cute and chic!
Please stop by at http://www.colorandgrace.com every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for linkup parties! Hope to see you there!
Grace Liang
Thanks so much, Grace! Have a wonderful weekend!
Happy birthday, spoiled girl! 😉
Thanks so much, Lauren! Have a wonderful weekend!
Julie | This Main Line Life
You look great and I love that dress. Wow, a month is kind of long. It’s tough not being able to have that little respite in the evening when he takes over kid duty (kind of, we’re still the mom, huh?). I’m sure it’ll go by quickly
Thank you so much, Julie! Yes, I definitely love that moment when I can turn over kid duty to my husband! The day after he gets home, I have a weekend trip planned by myself so that will definitely be a much needed and deserved respite, for sure!
I’m so glad you’re spoiled! I think it only makes you nicer! I just lightly touched on the idea of people being kind in my last blog post because I’ve had a few people be nice to me and sometimes it just makes a world of difference!! Love your comfy cute outfit. It’s way too hot already for that here!
Becky, thanks so much! That is so sweet…the spoiling makes me sweeter…like a rotten banana! Haha. I will be over to check out your post. Being kind goes a really long way! I am going to melt in Asheville in July, aren’t I?!
Marilee J. Gramith
Why not hike in a skirt? I do this too but always have comfy leggings beneath. I love the look, especially with hiking boots and fun socks.
Your man is exceptionally responsible and loving. Keep him!!
Jude, thanks so much! I have no intention of getting rid of my man! I would be lost (and stupid) to do so. Haha. I am going to try a skirt over leggings for my next hiking excursion! Thanks for the cute suggestion. And I love the photo you sent to me! So cute.
Very honored to be one of the most clicked posts last week!
Glad you had a lovely birthday.
A month is a long time without the hubster – hope it’s not too draining for you! I wish I could have that gratitude moment —- I do pretty much everything round the house 🙂
Gail, thank you so much! I feel quite like a bum that I don’t do anything around here! But I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband. I am sure your hubs has other fabulous qualities though even if housework is not one of them! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Jade Goddard
What a beautiful outfit!! I love where u have taken your photos°
Jadieegosh Instagram GIVEAWAY
Thank you so much, Jade! I hope you have the most wonderful weekend.
Aww this is a really sweet post! We don’t realize how much someone does until they aren’t there anymore. You can do this 🙂 Also love your outfit and this beautiful park!
Thank you so much, Lizzie! It is so true that I definitely notice more what my husband does when he is not here to do it! And I also realize that I might be kind of a lazy butt when I get home at the end of the day. I really don’t know how single parents do it all. It is sheer insanity!
I have one of those husbands who spoil me as well. I’m sorry yours is going to be gone for so long! Very cute and practical outfit. And thanks for hosting!
Michelle, thanks so much! I try not to take the spoiling for granted! I often feel kind of like a princess (but without the same cash flow)! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Laura Bambrick
My husband travels a lot for work and it is exhausting! I’m thankful I am a stay at home mom for now because I don’t know how I could do it working full time like you! Glad you had a wonderful birthday!
Thanks so much, Laura! Well, I don’t really work full time…only 25 hours a week, but still it is crazy challenging. Thank goodness my best friend helps out with school pick up and stuff. I would be lost otherwise. I do miss the ease of scheduling though when I was a stay at home mom. Have a fabulous weekend, my friend!
Cheryl Shops
Happy belated birthday, Shelbee! Hope you had a great day in spite of single parenting!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! I definitely had a wonderful day. I felt so loved! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend
Happy Belated Birthday! What a beautiful state park! This is such a cute look on you! I love your dress! Hope the month goes by fast and you find your stride!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thank you so much, Jill! This dress is definitely more like loungewear than clothing. It is so comfy! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Mel Hwang
This is such a comfy look on you girl! So cute!
xx, mel
Thank you so much, Mel! Have a wonderful weekend!
I hope you had the most beautiful birthday. And continue to celebrate over the weekend. 🙂
Xx, Nailil
Thank you so much, Nailil! I am planning a birthday lunch with friends on Sunday. Have a great weekend!
Patrick Weseman
Looking very beautiful and I would love to take a walk there. Very nice. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks so much, Patrick! It was really the most amazing park ever. Have a great weekend!
Alicia OBrien
I love that dress and that you also wore it in he woods. At least you had boots on! I missed your birthday, happy belated birthday! #openslather ps – where did you find that man?! 🙂 #openslather
Thanks so much, Alicia! And I found that most amazing man in a bar and he was really drunk when I found him! I guess that’s how I tricked him into loving me so much. Lol
My computer has been broken. I have been meaning to write, comment, wish. Sorry. Anyway, it sounds like you had a great birthday and that your husband indeed is a gem. But I am sure he has a great wife too who is a fantastic and very stylish mom. Happy Birthday 🎂 better late than never, right?
Also, despite the very cold late Spring day you managed to look cute and took some amazing photos. 😍🤩
Aw, Ada, thanks so much, my friend! Broken computers are no good for a blogger. I am glad you are back up and running. My husband is, for sure, a keeper! That man is an angel sent to me from heaven. And it is still cold here…only in the 40’s in the morning. I don’t know if Spring will ever arrive let alone Summer!