The Magnificent 8 are Stylishly Thrifty

We are back with our quarterly collaboration of 8 magnificent ladies showcasing personal style that spans the generations.
The Magnificent 8 is a collaboration among 8 style bloggers, each in a different age bracket, ranging from 20’s to 80’s. The mission of this collaboration is to show you just how ageless style is, how we can each dress however we’d like and in ways that make us feel fabulous. There are no age restrictions on style. So wear what you want, when you want, add a smile, and strut your style with confidence.
Every quarter we choose a theme and each create an outfit that suits our own personal tastes and fashion choices to illustrate just how ageless style is.
Grace is finishing up her studies abroad so we chose a theme for this quarter that would be simple for her to plan while overseas with a limited wardrobe. So we have gone thrifting! I know that Grace has thrifted items in her travel wardrobe because she is also a monthly participant in The Thrifty Six.

As you probably already know, I have been an avid thrifter for over 30 years. At first, I loved the idea of second hand shops when I was in high school because it was like a treasure trove for the fashionably eclectic who could never find their place in the mall stores of the 1980s and 1990s. It was also very conducive to my strict wardrobe budget when I was a kid…which was about $0.
All through elementary and the beginning years of middle school, my mother made most of my clothing. I had all sorts of matching skirt and tunic sets in stretchy knit fabrics with tiny little tags sewn in that proudly and sentimentally stated “Made with Love by Mom”.
That’s super cute, right?
Ha. No, it’s not. Not when you’re 10, 11, 12 years old and all of your friends are comparing their mall brand tags in the gym locker room and asking questions like, “Well, how many Benetton shirts do you have?” Um, none. I have none. But I do have this fabulously cool “Made with Love by Mom” original that my mother sewed right there in our dining room.
Please don’t misunderstand me, I now have much gratitude for those adorable little matching sets that my mother made for me and I wish she were still here to help bring all of my crazy fashion ideas alive. She was a very talented seamstress and as I got older and struggled to find my style in mall stores, she would often take a verbal description of what I wanted (because I cannot sketch at all) and she would bring them to life exactly as I envisioned them. This is how my green sequined prom dress with the peace sign back came to be.
I never did learn how to make clothing the way my mother did and so I have relied on thrift shops for decades to satiate my unique sartorial tastes. And now I appreciate not only how secondhand shopping is good for my budget and my personal style, but it is also a more sustainable way of shopping making it better for our environment, too.

I would estimate that about 1/3 of my wardrobe was purchased secondhand so preloved pieces make their way into most of my outfits. But when my focus for a style challenge calls for thrifted, I do try to incorporate as many preloved pieces as I can to illustrate that you really can build complete outfits and even complete wardrobes by shopping secondhand.
I found this ridiculously adorable white eyelet Zara jumpsuit at my local Salvation Army Thrift Store in the winter so I haven’t had a chance yet to wear it until now. This past weekend saw absolutely gorgeous temperatures in the mid-70s and this jumpsuit was the perfect thing to wear for a day visiting the Rochester Museum & Science Center and the Strasenburgh Planetarium. I will share more about the Rochester museums we visited this Friday. Please stop by and check out that post because I literally have discovered the happiest place on earth (and it’s not Disneyland)!
The other preloved pieces in this outfit are my chambray shirt, tote bag, and earrings, all of which I have worn repeatedly since acquiring. Many of my favorite, most comfortable items in my closet were purchased secondhand. I guess maybe the more loved a garment has been, the better it becomes! The rest of the stuff I am wearing was either purchased new at retail prices or gifted to me.
As much as I love a cute jumpsuit, I don’t always love them on my body. I am very long waisted and many jumpsuits tend to give me the dreaded twedgie. This Zara one is a bit oversized (it is an XL) and just long enough to fit my proportions but the belt definitely helped to create a more flattering shape. Although it looks pretty cute unbelted, too. However, the backside is not so flattering with my super flat rear end. This is where the chambray tunic came in handy. Plus I am always cold so having the extra coverage is helpful as well. If I need to remove the tunic, I can tie it around my waist to keep my flat bum covered!

I am really happy with this preloved purchase. It is super comfortable and was perfect for a weekend getaway doing touristy things. I think it is going to turn out to be a very versatile addition to my closet.
For more thrifted style inspiration, please click the links below to visit the other ladies of The Magnificent 8. Unfortunately Roxanne is unable to join this month. She is dealing with lots of new mom stuff! But do stop by and see all the newborn baby cuteness overload that she has been sharing.
- Grace of Graceful Rags
- Mica of Away from the Blue
- Roxanne of Glass of Glam
- Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge
- Rena of Fine Whatever
- Eugenia of Age of Grace
- Lesley of Jodie’s Touch of Style
- Charlotte of Jodie’s Touch of Style
Do you enjoy thrifting? Do you have any favorite items that you have found secondhand?
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Jumpsuit (Zara), Shirt, Tote-Thrifted / Shoes-Target / Belt-Torrid / Earrings-c/o Big Earrings / Leather Feather Necklace-Good Life Gift Shop / Other Necklaces-Old

Suzy Turner
That is such a cute jumpsuit, Shelbee! Perfect for a warm summer’s day! I love how you styled it, and did chuckle at your comments about twedgies and flat bums lol!!! You do crack me up!
Big hugs
Suzy xx
Hahaha, thanks so much, Suzy! I do like to make people laugh! That’s a way better compliment than a simple “cute outfit”! I hope you are having a fabulous week, my friend.
Suzy Turner
LOL I like to make people laugh too! I am having a fun week, thanks, Shelbee. You would probably laugh at me…I’m trying to get my YouTube channel up and running and a success (!) and I’m getting my knickers in a twist trying to sort things out! My office is a mess at the moment so I’ve been spending half of my time trying not to record the mess all around me. It’s interesting lol! 😉
Suzy xx
Oh my goodness, yes, I would laugh only because I can relate! My mess keeps growing and I need to get cleaning it soon before it overtakes and swallows my entire house! I have to check out your new channel!
Jessica A Jannenga
I would say I don’t have the perkiest of butts either! LOL. LOVE that eyelet jumpsuit on you, looks great wit the natural belt. I have been thrifting for about 10 years on Poshmark. Selling is kinda sh***y, but as a buyer I find great deals! I also have to go to Uptown Cheapskate a thift store by me. It is fun to find those treasures!
Ha, thanks so much, Jess! I do love thrift shopping much more than thrift selling! I am seriously considering shutting down my Poshmark closet and just donating everything and being done with it all. Trying to keep it organized and stored properly is a huge hassle and I am kind over it. But I will never lose my passion for a good ole treasure hunt in a secondhand shop!
Jodie Filogomo
I love how you concentrated on a full thrifted outfit too Shelbee. And do you know that I have those shoes?? LOL!! I need to wear them soon because it will be getting too hot for them soon.
I don’t have a ton of jumpsuits, but I love this white lace one.
Thanks so much, Jodie! I thought it was really funny that you and Mica also focused on creating entirely thrifted outfits! It shows that you really can have a stylish wardrobe and not spend a lot of money or shop retail. These shoes were such a great find! I think they were on clearance for $6 and they are really comfortable for a day of walking and traveling.
Marsha Banks
I am not a thrifter…but, I do love seeing what others find! I live vicariously through you and so many others! I have never heard of twedgie, but damn! It’s perfect! I’m just sitting here and giggling!! And, there are the things that need to get done! Love this outfit…who doesn’t love white eyelet? Your belt is perfect, and that blue chambray (does chambray come in other colors) gives it that extra punch! Love it all, Shelbee!!!
Oh wow, thanks, Marsha! Hahaha I am glad I could make you giggle! Twedgie is one of my favorite hybrid words ever created! It so much nicer and funnier than camel toe. Ha. I restyled this cute little jumpsuit for cold weather yesterday and will be sharing it next week. I kind of love the way I winterized it (we had snow flurries yesterday, by the way). I always know I made a really cool outfit when my kids compliment me and Archie loved it!
I remember that my mother made me one outfit when I was 16. A faux leather trousers with a cobalt/ black blouse. Loved it. My mother was a seamstress too, and made a lot of our clothes when we were kids. I wish I could make my own clothes. I have tried that years and years ago. But I am to inpatient. Love your jumpsuit!
Thanks, Nancy! I really enjoyed reading this comment. I am much too impatient as well to make my own clothes. I tried a few times over the years but it just was never my strength.
I love this outfit on you so much! I’m such a fan of blue and white!
Curated by Jennifer
Thanks so much, Jennifer! I could definitely see you styling something similar. I just restyled this jumpsuit yesterday for colder weather and it came out really cute! I will share it next week.
I’ve not an eyelet jumpsuit before. How awesome! You do look all set for summer. A super cute look! And I’m a big fan of preloved clothing.
Thanks so much, Michelle! I thought it was a really interesting piece! I restyled it yesterday for colder weather (it was snowing a lil again here) and it came out so cute! I will share it next week.
I love the white and chambray and I don’t think I have ever seen an eyelet jumpsuit. My shopping goal for May is to thrift only! We shall see if I succeed.
Thanks, Mireille! I don’t think I have ever seen an eyelet jumpsuit before either! I was so intrigued by it that I had to have it. I restyled it for cooler weather, too, which I will share next week. I love your May shopping goal! I just went thrifting this week and found some really great Zara pieces for summer (and a few for fall and winter, too)!
Jacqui Berry
Such a pretty jumpsuit Shelbee. Love the whole outfit. Jacqui x
Thanks so much, Jacqui! I was really pleased with this look myself!
Mica - Away From The Blue
that’s such a pretty jumpsuit and it’s awesome you were able to make an entierly thrifted outfit too for the challenge! i’ve definitley embraced opshopping more these past few years, and I’m thrilled every time I find a bargain! 🙂
While my mum no longer makes me clothes I was the envy of all the kids in school with some of the clothes she made me – she got disney fabric and made a lot of one of a kind peices I really wish I’d kept, my friends were jealous! Nowadays while she doesn’t make me clothes I still have to get her to sew buttons on when they fall off though, haha!
Hope that you are having a good weekend 🙂
Thanks so much, Mica! I do like to challenge myself to add more preloved things to my wardrobe than new items. It is a fun way to get creative as well. I really like that you, Rena, and Jodie both also went for fully thrifted outfits showing that it can be done! I really enjoyed reading about the clothing your mom made for you. It is such a sweet and unique thing, I just wish I had appreciated it a bit more when I had my mom around to do those things! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend as well, my friend.
Although your middle-school self would never admit it, you probably got your love of fashion from watching your mother create all those outfits on her sewing machine. I’m sure you developed a more creative and unique style than those “other” girls who marched in lock-step in their Benetton sweaters. The chambray shirt and blue tote bag are perfect complements to the white jumpsuit.
Thank you for participating in Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 18.
Aw, Carol, thank you so much for this wonderful comment. I definitely stood out among my peers as the weirdest dressed! Haha. But you are absolutely correct, my mother definitely instilled a creative style in me with all the things she created for me. And she always embraced, complimented, and supported my eclectic fashion choices. One of her favorite stories that she used to tell was when my brother’s elementary school bus driver stopped her one day specifically to tell her that she had watched me walking out to school and couldn’t get over the cool skirt I was wearing. I was in high school at the time and the bus driver wondered where in the world I found such a unique skirt. My mother started chuckling as she explained to the bus driver that it was a vintage curtain that I had bought for a 50 cents at a yard sale. I had folded it in half so all the tassel fringe was along the bottom, I wrapped it around my waist over a pair of leggings, and I secured it with a piece of twine tied around my waist. And that was the amazingly unique “skirt” that made a bus driver stop to inquire!
Stephanie 139a
Love that you’ve found a bench to match your outfit! Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo
Thanks, Stephanie! That was a serendipitous find, indeed!