The Importance of Making Changes

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Have you ever felt like you are stuck in a loop of the mundane? Like nothing is really improving or moving forward? Feeling kind of…stagnant? This is a normal wave in the ocean of life, the waxing and waning of the tide. And it is times like these when we are forced to reevaluate the way things are, the way we do things, and where we want to be going. These are the times when changes are important.

Life Changes to Improve Your Mood

If you simply have not been feeling great lately, maybe it is time to make some changes. Getting trapped in the same routine or feeling burdened by repetitive habits for extensive periods of time can begin to degrade your mind and emotional well being. Realization that this type of stagnancy is causing a downward shift in your mood is the first step toward making necessary changes that will result in major improvements in your self esteem. For some, these changes may be subtle. For others, it can be much more of a tall order. Keep reading for some examples of changes you may need to make in order to see improvements in your life.

If You Are Unable to Make Changes

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Making changes to improve the quality of your life is always a good thing, but sometimes you may need help from a professional especially if you are a person who tends to struggle with change. A counselor or a therapist is a great place to start for some guidance in finding the best way for you to make changes. That is easy enough to recommend, however, you may be in a position where you do not have the necessary resources to visit a counselor in person. Fortunately, so many advancements have been made in the field of mental wellness that there are online counselors available for situations like this. Sites such as ReGain offer exactly this type of service where you can receive helpful counseling on your own schedule with a licensed therapist without ever having to leave your home.

Reduce Your Social Media Exposure

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In recent years, many studies have been conducted researching the impact of social media on the human psyche and mental wellness. While social media can be a great tool for connecting people and initiating important changes on a world-wide spectrum, it
can also be a bastion of negativity that has harmful effects at the individual level. If you find yourself getting angry, depressed, or envious of your social media connections, it may be a good time to reduce your usage and exposure. However, so many of us have come to rely on social media as a means of staying connected with people that a complete cut off from it may actually be more harmful by causing a sense of isolation. But slowly and periodically reducing your usage over time might just be the perfect solution as it will give you more time to reflect and reevaluate exactly what other changes you may need in your life.

Making Changes in Your Appearance

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Oftentimes, when we are feeling in a funk, the first thing that we let slide is our physical appearance. We start to care less about how we look and what we are wearing. We get lazy and sloppy as our motivation and zest for life decreases. This is a great time to make some changes in how we are presenting ourselves to the rest of the world. When we put ourselves together, we start feeling put together, which in turn really can improve our mood and our self esteem. The way we dress and our personal style evolves over time and sometimes you may find that a style that worked for you a few years ago is no longer suited to your current situation. Changing things up a bit and trying something new may be just the boost in self esteem and confidence that you need. Creating a new personal style can include new clothing, a makeover, a new haircut, or even treating yourself to a new piece of jewelry.

Travel More

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Not all of us have the ability or resources to fly away to an exotic destination every week, but we can get outside more, enjoy the fresh air, and experience the sites around us. Traveling more can broaden your horizons, create an overall sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, and make you feel better about yourself. Go to a new park or a new restaurant or look into community events. Try to avoid falling back into the same old routines.

Add a New Exercise Routine

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Exercise is a valuable tool in helping you to feel better about yourself. It’s not just about losing weigh and improving your body image. Exercise releases dopamine which controls our moods and motivation, so the more we exercise, the more dopamine is released into our bodies which contributes to elevating our moods. If you are getting bored of the same routine exercises, look into some various exercise techniques so you can mix it up and keep it interesting and fun. Try a workout challenge or join an exercise group where there are others to help support and motivate you. Little changes like this can help improve your mood and your mental wellness in addition to your physical well being.

Engage in More Family Activities

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If you haven’t been feeling all that great lately, engaging in family or group based activities with your spouse, children, or close friends will help satisfy your
social needs and strengthen your relationship bonds with the people you love. For interesting family and other social activities and ideas, you can click here or look here for more information.

Be Mindful

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Finally, practice mindful behavior. Be fully aware of the present and the world around you.
This can help you grow as a person and give you the incentive you need to live life to its fullest. Mindful behavior means noticing the little details in the world around you, discarding negative thoughts, and maintaining full awareness of the present moment. There are many ways to achieve mindfulness from meditation to noticing the world around you. Research some methods until you find one that works the best for you. Sometimes just the act of practicing mindfulness takes you directly into mindful moments which increases your chances of feeling better right away.

The bottom line is this…If you feel like you need change, now is the best time to make change happen.

What methods have you found that work for you to get yourself out of the cycle of boredom and feeling down? Certain methods work differently for certain people and sharing our ideas is always a great way to discover new ideas!

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


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