The Holiday Series 2018-Holiday Wedding Outfit Inspiration & Thursday Moda Link Up with Ada

And the Holiday Series continues with Ada of Elegance and Mommyhood coordinating 7 bloggers to bring you some holiday wedding outfit inspiration. In case you missed the first two posts in this series, first 13 of us brought you Thanksgiving outfit ideas followed by 9 of us who shared some Black Friday outfit inspiration.
I did have a holiday wedding to attend this year but due to unforeseen circumstances I did not attend. But I had already planned my outfit by shopping closet. In fact, the only thing new that I am wearing are these gorgeous burgundy velvet boots from Just Fab. Everything else that I am wearing has been hanging around my closet for at least a few years.

What I had in mind when putting together this outfit was a casual Sunday brunch wedding reception at a microbrewery. With lots of food and beer involved, I need to allow room for my food baby to grow! This loose fitting swing dress was the perfect piece for that! I jazzed it up with some pearls, a floral headband, and blush gloves adorned with big bows. My black furry clutch kept the winter feel to it and of course, tall velvet boots bring a touch of holiday spirit to a short dress, don’t you think?

Clearly, we are buried in snow right now, which is typical for the North Country in November. So walking up those icy steps in 4 inch heels was a bit of a challenge. But I am always game for some fashion risk-taking even if it means chancing a broken ankle! My husband caught me slipping on camera and he thought he was so clever! But look at the graceful way that I caught my balance!
When creating an outfit for North Country winters, I am kind of obsessive about having the right coat that coordinates perfectly. This is the main reason I have an obnoxious coat collection. But there are still times when I don’t have the perfect coat for the outfit. However, my old polka dot coat from a few years back is one of my favorites and worked just right with this outfit in the snow.

And there you have it…what I would wear to a holiday wedding. Be sure to check out the other ladies below for more outfit inspiration and join Ada’s Thursday Moda Link Up at the bottom! Stay tuned for my next Link Up On the Edge coming to the blog tomorrow.

“We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness–and call it love–true love.”
– Robert Fulghum, True Love
Do you have a holiday wedding this season? Or perhaps just a holiday event that requires you to dress a little fancier? I’d love to hear about it! Leave me a comment if you please.
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Kathrine Eldridge
I absolutely adore this holiday look! The mix of textures and the chic boots are amazing. Thanks for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! Have a great day!
Suzy Turner
Shelbee, I love your outfit the most out of everybody’s! That dress is gorgeous on you. I’ve actually got one quite similar (only mine isn’t black at the back – the pattern goes all the way round). Love it with the deep red boots and that necklace. You’re inspiring me to take it with me on holiday and maybe even wear it for Christmas!
I particularly love the coat you’ve teamed with the outfit, by the way. You look absolutely gorgeous – and seriously classy, even when nearly falling over 😉
Hugs, my gorgeous friend.
Suzy xxx
P.S Your hair is getting really long! Love it <3
Suzy, thanks so much! I wore this dress on the blog for another wedding outfit post a really long time ago! I tried to find that post to link to it, but I couldn’t find it. Oh well. And once again, you are and I are right on the same page with all things, aren’t we? I hope you share your dress on the blog, I would love to see it! Have a fantastic day, my friend.
Michele Morin
I’m speaking at a women’s event this weekend, and the “what shall I wear?” question has been right in line behind the “what’ll I say?” question. I’ve decided I can’t go wrong if I’ve got something red going on somewhere.
Yes to red, Michele! Something red always make a statement of confidence and empowerment! I wish you all the best in your presentation! Thanks for stopping by and have a fantastic day.
How is it possible, that you manage to look this good in the snow? You look beautiful, and not only that, but your hair is perfection, and your makeup flawless! Let’s just talk about my snow outfit, shall we? Denim leggings with Ugg boots. Thermal undies under the leggings, so my legs look like tree trunks. (Uggs have a way of doing that) Turtleneck sweater which accentuates every single one of my double chins. Hathead, from whatever ugly hat gets blown off my head that day. Okay, the scarf looks good. Hoodie, underneath my furry black vest, which is zipped up to the bottom of my many chins. The total affect is bear-like. Grumpy bear-like. And when I fall, and I always do, legs go akimbo, and my ample ass pads the blow.
You, on the other hand, look like a radiant snow goddess! Probably someone who appears in the delirium before one succumbs to frostbite, from laying in the snow where they fell eight hours earlier, only to be discovered when the snow plow stops to see what the big snowy lump laying in the street is…
Thank God, I don’t have a husband with a camera.
Okay, okay, this might be my favorite comment ever that you have left on my blog! I am cracking up at your description and so very flattered by it at the same time! Is it weird if I say that you might be my favorite person ever? And I have never even met you in real life! Thank you for all the laughs and the kindness and the generosity! You rock…even if you are lying in a lumpy heap of chins and thermal layers in the snow!
Lisa Richardson
You must need a dedicated shoe closet, because you have soooo many shoes and boots. Go girl! I can’t believe you are already back to the snowy pics. Is it appropriate to say I’m sorry?😉 You know I feel your pain after my three winters in MN. It does make for beautiful pictures. though. This look is so cute and that dress is soooo flattering from the back. I’d walk in the room backwards. HAHAHA! I’m not saying it’s not from the front, because it’s cute from the front too and paired with the polka dot jacket, so fun!
Thanks so much, Lisa! The back of the dress is the best part! But if I tried to walk backwards in these boots (and in the snow), I’m afraid the backside of the dress would be flat against the ground and I’d probably have a broken tailbone! The snow is pretty…for now…until it becomes a black sludgy mess. I think we have some warmer weather coming through with rain which will wash it all away just in time for the fresh snow to fall. I hope you all don’t get sick of the snowy pictures though because this is what it will be for the next 6 months or so!
Lauren Sparks
You look beautiful and I love the true love quote! laurensparks.net
Thank you so very much, Lauren! Have a wonderful day!
Julie | This Main Line Life
That’s a great outfit. I love the polka-dot coat, so cute. The boots too, are really pretty.
Hope you had a great holiday weekend.
Thanks so much, Julie! My holiday weekend was quite busy with work but I still enjoyed myself as I always do! I hope yours was lovely as well!
jacqui berry
You’ve worked this outfit so well Shelbee, love the spots and stripes together. I can’t believe you have snow already! Hope all is well. Jacqui Mummabstylish
Thanks so much, Jacqui! We will have snow from now until May so be prepared for lots of snowy photos here.
Patrick Weseman
Looking nice in that winter wonderland. Thanks for hosting.
Thank you, Patrick! Have a great day!
Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
Wow look at all that snow Shelbee!! Love how you jazzed up your outfit with pearls – very elegant! Love the red boots – fabulously festive! xx Maria
Thank you so much, Maria! I haven’t worn my pearls in a while! It seems the right season for them…festive as can be paired with red velvet!
I love it!! You look fabulous! Great way to shop your closet! And the snow makes the outfit pop even more!
Thank you so much, Mireille! There are so many things in my closet that it’s about time I start shopping in there!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
I adore those boots!
Thanks so much, Tamar! I do, too! (Grin).
These boots are amazing, Shelbee! They look beautiful and would be a perfect choice for a holiday wedding!
I hope you are having a great week so far!
Thanks so much, Amber! I recently paired these boots with skinny jeans and a long black blazer and it was perfect for a night on the town. They are a little difficult to walk in though especially in the snow and ice! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
omg! gorgeous boots! I love your outfit! So perfect for a holiday event, especially a wedding!
Thanks so much, Tianna! I do love these boots!
Helen C.
So much snow! How is it possible to not look cold while taking the photos?!🤒 A heroine!
The outfit is so beautiful, the earrings, the necklace… I also like the boots, but -sorry!- not with outfit. They are very unique but their color doesn´t look ok with the clothing.
(I was just watching a greek episode of Project Runway, so maybe I am in a Tim Gunn mood!)
You looked lovely that day!
Thank you so much, Helen, for your comment and no apologies needed! You are entitled to your opinion and some of my style choices definitely are not for everyone! And I just chuckled as I reread your comment in Tim Gunn’s voice! Have a wonderful day, my friend!
Bojana Krienke
This winter wonderland is the perfect backdrop for your photos. Where to begin? I am gushing over those boots from JustFab, I love their stuff and the price point is just right for me. Also, I really appreciate that your outfit came together from the pieces you already have. The dress looks lovely and the pearls really dressed it up, best part as you mentioned is that you felt totally comfortable in it. Love your style.
Thanks so much, Bo! I buy so many new clothes that sometimes it is nice to just shop my closet. And the price point at JustFab is why I shop there! So many cute shoes for inexpensive because this snow ruins all my shoes! No point spending a ton of money on them. I hope you have a wonderful week!
I cannot even imagine all that snow!! But those boots are fabulous and created a perfect winter look.
Thanks for linking with Ageless Style!
Thanks so much, Shelly! The snow has all melted but it is snowing again right now! Heading out to take more snowy photos!
Emma Peach
Totally gorgeous outfit Shelbee! Those velvet boots are amazing! Thanks for linking up!
Emma xxx
Thank you so very much, Emma! I do love velvet especially on my shoes!
OMG how could you stand in the snow without a jacket ?!! I almost froze just by looking at the picture Michelle.
On the other hand you look so good and the pattern mix with the coat is very cool.
Thanks so much, Lorena! Oh, I definitely freeze when we take photos out in the snow! But since there is always snow here from October until May, my only choice is freezing cold photos in the snow or no blog photos for 8 months! So for the sake of blogging, freeze I must! It always gives us a good chuckle though when I am shivering trying to look all cool and collected.