The Healing Power of Gratitude & Link Up On the Edge #303

I have been wanting to write this post for quite some time now but have been lacking the motivation to actually sit down and start the words flowing. Then I received the little nudge that I needed this week when I read Jennifer’s post, How To Manifest Easily, where she lists the practice of gratitude as the first of eight tips for manifesting exactly what you want.
“Practicing gratitude helps shift the focus from a lack mentality to a grateful one, which leads to attracting better circumstances. Pause and take a moment to notice the things that bring you joy.”
Curated by Jennifer
In my experience, not only does the practice of gratitude help in the manifestation of the your best life, it also carries tremendous powers for healing, both emotionally and physically.
I have been intentionally focusing on daily practices of gratitude for a few years now and it has been life changing in the most beneficial way. While I have always maintained a perspective of gratitude for as long as I can remember (I do attribute most of my happiness to this mindset), it wasn’t until the beginning of the Covid pandemic when I really began to realize how extraordinarily powerful the purposeful practice of gratitude can be.

I am not so naive as to assume that gratitude is as easy for others as it is for me. After all, I am just sitting here in my safe, secure, and loving home with all my bills paid, my pantry stocked, and zero necessity at this point in my life to leave my house and go work at a job that sucks my soul right out of me. Gratitude is much easier to practice when all the things seem to being going just right.
But my life hasn’t always been just right. In fact, it has been very far from just right for the first few decades of living. Yet, I somehow managed to find ways to be grateful even in my darkest hours. And I swear that ability to focus on gratitude has the ability to save your life. It certainly saved mine more than once.
I wanted to share a short story with you about a recent occurrence when I implemented the practice of gratitude for the sole purpose of initiating a healing effect. About a month ago, I stumbled a bit in my mental health journey and found myself falling off my perfectly balanced tightrope walk into the black box of bipolar demons that occasionally like to torment me. When I fall into this metaphorical box of demons, I can sometimes spend a week or more engaged in battle that is beyond tiring for both myself and my family. So finding ways to prevent the fall from happening is super important for my overall well-being and the harmony of my household. Gratitude is the one thing that seems to be a reliable net that will catch me before I fall into the pit of mental demons.

So this particular incident knocked me off balance and I felt the threat of falling. I honestly don’t even remember what the trigger was at this point. But I do recall making a very calculated decision to be grateful for all of the wonderful things in my life including the ability to stay home and take care of my mental and emotional wellness. As soon as I recognized that I am truly blessed and grateful for all of the beauty that surrounds me in this life, I felt an immediate internal shift as if I was slowly regaining my footing on that tightrope.
At this moment, I decided to test my gratitude theory further. If I could feel that much better simply by shifting my perspective to one of gratitude, what would happen if I stated that same gratitude to another person?
So I texted a friend my little revelation about the healing power of gratitude and that consequently made me feel even more secure in my balance. The act of writing down the words and sharing them with another person simply increased the power of gratitude. This got me wondering what would happen if I spoke the words aloud to another person?
Well, I tested that theory, too, and immediately shared this experiment with Jeff. You can probably guess what happened next. My gratitude, expressed internally and externally in writing and verbally, helped to regain my perfect balance within the course of half a day, thereby preventing the fall into blackness that can sometimes last for weeks. The practice of gratitude seems to become more powerful the more we implement it and make it known to ourselves and those around us.
And when we can maintain a healthy mental balance, then our physical health responds accordingly. It is all tied together after all.
So if you are struggling with something in your life right now and feel like you have lost a healthy perspective, I think it is definitely worth trying to shift your mind to a place of gratitude and then speak it out loud and see what happens. It certainly can’t make matters worse. In fact, it almost always makes things better. Therefore, I have chosen to live a grateful life no matter what is going on in the crazy world around me.
Do you intentionally practice gratitude? What benefits have you found from it?
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Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Jeans and Kimono-Charlotte Russe / Top-Torrid / Hat-Kohl’s / Shoes-Target / Handbag-c/o Teddy Blake / Earrings-Good Life Gift Shop / Necklace-Purchased from a vendor at an Earth Day event sometime in the 1990s

Shelbee you always write from the heart! Yes in the darkest moments you may have to search to find your inner gratitude but it can be there in every new day. Like most of us I suppose I’ve had my tough periods and I’ve tried to face each new day with the positivity of an open book – difficult for some but a challenge to me. A bit of my inner Gloria Gaynor!
Aw, Pamela, thanks so much! I know that my darkest moments certainly have not been as dark as others, but even just focusing on something to be grateful for is a positive way to steer your perspective in a different direction. And sometimes a different direction is all we need to get out whatever rut we may be stuck in. I never want to be one of those toxically positive people because real darkness and serious suffering exists for so many. But a little positive spin is always healthy while still recognizing negative emotions and feeling those feels. Because all feelings are valid and important…even the bad ones. And now I have Gloria singing in my head! But more than Gloria singing about survival, Break My Stride by Matthew Wilder has always been my pick me up anthem. I remember this song repeating in my head the day I got divorced when I was just 26 years old. To this day, the song brings me to super emotional and empowering tears!
Mica - Away From The Blue
It’s great that you have found this gratitude practice works so well for you! I like this outfit too, that pink kimono is so pretty with your jeans. I got a similar kimono for Christmas, I’m looking forward to the end of winter so I can give it another wear!
Hope you are having a nice week 🙂
Thank you, Mica! A little bit of gratitude definitely can make a very big impact on one’s perspective! I look forward to seeing how you style your new kimono. I hope you have a lovely weekend!
I agree 100% that practicing gratitude can help change your mindset. I need to be better about it. I haven’t written in my gratitude journal for months. I love the idea of speaking it out loud to reinforce it. Love your pink outfit and the boho vibes! Have a wonderful weekend!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I need to get more structured with some sort of daily gratitude practice. I do a short meditation almost every day but it’s at random times and without much intentionality. But any little bit of gratitude makes a huge difference! I hope you have a fabulous weekend as well!
Kathrine Eldridge
I couldn’t agree more about gratitude Shelbee! Thanks for sharing this importnat message. You have inspired me to do a gratitue art journal page sometime soon. Love this boho look and thanks for the link up!
Thank you, Kathrine! I really have been wanting to start a gratitude journal or something more structured for a daily gratitude practice. But I just can’t seem to find the thing that works best for me. I love the idea of a gratitude art journal!
Aww thanks for mentioning and quoting my post! And I completely agree with you on this! I’ve also gone through periods where it’s hard to find things you are grateful for. One was only a couple of weeks ago and I’m slowly trying to get out of that funk!
Curated by Jennifer
Thank you, Jennifer, for giving me the nudge I needed to finally write this post! Oh, when our minds go into that negative space, it is really hard to find things to be grateful for. Even the things we are normally grateful for become tainted by the negative voice that takes over in our heads. Just keep reminding yourself of the little positive things and do all the things that have worked for you in the past to get out of your funk. But also remember to be patient with yourself, too. Sending you lots of good positive energy, my friend!
Amy Johnson
Thank you for the party. Your outfit is beautiful, I love the kimono.
Thanks so much, Amy! I hope you have a lovely weekend!
The pink kimono looks beautiful on you-your outfit epitomizes what I think a positive mindset would look like! Love your message today, a grateful heart is uplifting. I write down 3 things I am grateful for every day, and like your idea of speaking them out loud to someone. It may help light the mood of someone else, too. Enjoy your week and thanks for sharing!
Di, thanks so much! I do like to always represent the positive sides of things! I love that your write down 3 things every day that make you feel grateful. I have been trying to find the best structured gratitude practice for myself that I will stick to but for now I kind of do random gratitude practices. I hope you have a lovely weekend!
jess jannenga
I have done this more and more as I get older, looking at things and being grateful. Of course, it is only natural at times to feel overwhelmed or negative about certain things, but it helps your perspective for sure So glad you were able to get our of a darker place and re-assess things. I love your outfit, this soft pink is so pretty on you, love the eyelet and the addition of the pine green bag.
Have a great weekend!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much! It definitely is natural to feel the whole spectrum of emotions in our lives and we should never try to eliminate those feelings. It is just as important to recognize and validate our feelings as it is to be grateful for all the blessings in our lives. I also try to focus on an element of gratitude even in the bad things because the bad things lead to growth opportunities. Finding the perfect balance is key! I hope you are enjoying your summertime, my friend!
The flare on those jeans!! I am in love!
Thanks, Alexandra! They do have a really great flare, don’t they?!
Love this post so much! I couldn’t agree more. I had a tough first few decades as well. Many times, I thought that life was just like that – it was hard all the time. As I’ve gotten older, these experiences have not only made me a stronger person but a more grateful one. Having lived through some pretty low times, I can now fully and authentically appreciate the good things that come along and even the simple things in life. And it’s not only about being grateful for the good things. I think that sometimes people think that when they experience bad things, it’s unfair (and sometimes it is) but those are the times that truly make us the people that we were meant to be. It can teach us lessons, protect us and even set things up in an even better way. Our trials can become our strengths and looking back, I’m grateful for it all. Changing my mindset, exclaiming my gratitude aloud and writing it in my journal have helped in so many ways!! And having been through tough times and seeing it unfold in a positive way down the line, I’m much more trusting of the outcome rather than trying to control it like I used to.
Also – side note, LOVE this boho outfit on you! Pink is definitely your color!!
Lizzie, thank you so very much for this beautiful comment. I didn’t even mention the importance of being grateful for the hard times. I have always viewed the most trying times as blessings themselves for all the reasons you just shared. Each tribulation is a learning opportunity as well as an opportunity for personal growth. I always look for the lesson in the bad things and I almost always find one! Life is made up of a series of experiences ranging from beautifully brilliant to torturously horrible and we really have to accept it all and make the best of every situation. Otherwise, this life would kill all of us so much quicker! Gratitude definitely leads us to growth as well! I really appreciate that you shared your journey here. You are such an inspiration to so many!
Cheryl Shops
I definitely try to practice an “attitude of gratitude” every day, although I definitely have to remind myself to do it on a regular basis! Life may not be perfect, but when you stop and realize all of the things that are going well and appreciate what you have, you realize things aren’t so bad after all 😉 Glad to hear this shift in thinking got you out of a dark place!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! I agree that a minor shift in focus from the bad stuff to the good stuff can definitely change your mood and outlook very quickly! The best way to weather bad times is to focus on all the good stuff in the middle of it!
Lauren Renee Sparks
Thank you so much for the feature this week! And I love the focus on gratitude!
Thank you so much, Lauren! I hope you are well and enjoying your summer!
Laura Bambrick
This is a powerful post Shelbee! Gratitude can be very healing and while I can be a postive person most times, gratitude has helped turn me around when I’ve been feeling down. I’m glad to hear you found help through gratitude!
Thanks so much, Laura! Gratitude really is a powerful technique that can quickly turn things around if we are genuine and authentic in our gratitude. I am so glad that you have also experienced the healing power of gratitude!
Marsha Banks
This post speaks to my very soul, Shelbee. For most of my adult life, I have wondered, almost struggled with, how it is I have been so blessed in my life. I lost my dad at an early age, but I knew how much he loved me always…I also knew my mom was number 1 on his list so that modeled for me what a marriage should look like. I grew up in a huge neighborhood where you didn’t lock your doors or worry about anything. I met my husband when I was 15, married at 18, and had kids beginning at 22 (done at 26). I then went onto become a teacher which was/is my passion in life. How did I get so lucky? It is a question I ask myself over and over again…still no answers. I don’t speak about my faith on my blog very often, but I am extremely faithful to my God…not necessarily to my religion (I’m a Lutheran). Basically, I got suckered into joining a women’s group when we moved seven years ago…and those ladies are my “friends” down here (they have no idea about the real me…the one who drops the f bomb on the regular). So, three years ago, this group decided we needed a gratitude post to be written for the church newsletter each month. Guess who was volunteered? I wrote 12 of those posts based upon a Bible verse. The next year, I switched to Faith, Hope, and Love (from my favorite Corinthians verse). This year, I’m centering on the Psalms. There are times I feel I’m quite the fake…not in my faith…but in my words. There are times I question why I attend this church after things came up as a result of the pandemic…but I digress (in a big way). So, I began my gratitude journey officially three years ago even though I’ve been on one for as long as I can remember. At some point during the pandemic, I read an article about incorporating gratitude into your daily routine. So, Nigel and I end our days with voicing three gratitudes to each other. There are days when those gratitudes are quite simple and shallow; other days, the gratitudes are deep and tears flow. I think the article (wherever I found it) mentioned that a practice of expressing gratitude regularly actually changed the brain…exactly as you’ve described it. I am glad you were able to bypass this particular bipolar demon…I know how horrible those can be.
Thank you for this post, my friend, and thank you for the link party.
Marsha, my friend, thank you so much for sharing this powerful comment! I, too, often struggle with the answer to the question of why I am so lucky and blessed. What exactly did I do to deserve all the good things in my life? And why am I more deserving of it than others? I have no answers to those questions but have found that the simple act of practicing gratitude for all of these things makes the questions irrelevant in some way. The fact is that I have been blessed and I appreciate it more than words could ever properly articulate. Maybe that is the key to deserving what we have…appreciating it from the start!
Your True Self
Hi, Shelbee – This is a very important topic, especially now while all the corruptness in the world is rising to full view. It’s always a good reminder. Thanks for the thoughtful piece – Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com
Thanks so much, Angie! I really appreciate that. And you are so right, all of the world’s corruptness is really coming into full view now, isn’t it? It is so disheartening. I hope you are well, my friend!
I’m like you in that the first decades of my life, until I met G, were very hard. And I have always been grateful for the things I did have back then, and believe me, that wasn’t much. But it helps, and it still does. It’s important. I’m sorry to read that you had a difficult time, but I’m glad it didn’t take so long!!
Thanks so much, Nancy! I always appreciate your grateful outlook on life. It’s one of the many reasons I love you so much!
I have practiced gratitude all my life – before it was even called gratitude. LOL! I called it focusing on the positive. I remember the first time I intentionally did it – and I have my mom to thank for this – I was probably about 8 and had had a bad dream. My mom came into comfort me. I think I asked her how to stop being scared. She told me to think of something happy. And so I did. It became an oft used strategy. Granted, as you pointed out, it is easier to practice gratitude when all of your needs are met. But it does give some cushion even in times where your actual well-being seems precarious either emotionally or physically. Most of the time even when I am physically feeling like crap (sadly, I haven’t figured out a way for gratitude to heal what is wrong with my body), I am happy. And I do think my general happiness keeps the physical problems from being worse than they are.
I am so glad you have found a way to use gratitude to significantly shorten or prevent your fall into the pit of bipolar demons. That is awesome and amazing! Beautiful all around!
And I love this outfit! Your top is so cute. (I happen to be wearing a very similar one right now.) Also pink is such a good color on you. The matching hat and kimono is so pretty.
Michelle, I really enjoyed reading the story about your mother’s “think of something happy” tip. When I was young and got super scared, my mom always started singing Puff the Magic Dragon to me. It had the same calming effect as thinking of something happy, I guess. Sometimes I still find myself singing it silently in my head to sooth certain anxieties. While gratitude has not cured my Bipolar Disorder either, it certainly makes it a lot more tolerable!
Patrick Weseman
So very true. It is something that I teach my students. I have done many lessons on this. Thanks for sharing this. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you had a wonderful weekend.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I really hope that your students appreciate the very important lessons that you teach them! They are lucky to have you!
Tanya @ Mom's Small Victories
thanks for hosting the party this week! there are lots of posts I’m going to visit and pin. have a great week!
Thanks so much, Tanya! I appreciate that. I hope you have a wonderful week ahead as well!
Thank you for sharing this on Traffic Jam Weekend. It has been chosen as a fave feature for this week’s link party that goes live on Thursday at 5:00 pm CST.
Oh wow, thanks so much, Kimberly! That is an honor and a lovely surprise!
Stephanie 139a
Definitely agree that once you start a gratitude journey – or journal – it becomes more natural and easy, definitely a mindset shifting kind of thing. Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo
Thank you, Stephanie! It really is a life changing mindset. And once you get there, it is easier to stay in a place of gratitude. I hope you have a wonderful day!
So happy to hear you found comfort through expressing gratitiude. Thanks for joining in with #pocolo
Thanks so much, Suzanne! Have a wonderful day!
Michele Morin
More than once, gratitude has pulled me away from despair, too.
It really is a game changing perspective, isn’t it, Michele?!