The Goonies Never Say Die & Life Lately

Another weekend has past. Another Monday has arrived. Another blog post to write. I have to so much to say yet nothing at all to share. Because sometimes life just gets in the way. There are a million things to do but not a million hours in a day. It seems as if the list is never ending so I just take it one day at a time, hour by hour, minute by minute, hoping that progress will be evident. I have been managing to get outfit photos done, trying to stock pile them before my husband goes to Louisiana for a month and I am sans photographer. I hate taking my own photos. I took the photos in this post myself and I always feel so awkward smiling at no one! But The Goonies never say die. So persist I must.

I grew up in the era of The Goonies…I was 11 when the movie was released. And I was inspired by Mikey’s never give up attitude no matter how ridiculous his quest seemed. Funny how that attitude has stuck with me my entire life. And now I am trying to teach my kids to have the same stick-to-it-iveness that The Goonies taught me.

Since I have so much to say and nothing to share, I figure I will give you a brief look into the days of my life lately. It is kind of a mundane life, but I try to keep it exciting just by being a goofball most of the time! Laughing my way straight through the daily humdrum routines that can kill your soul if you let them. Finding humor in it wherever I can and trying to make a difference at every opportunity where I see a difference can be made.

We recently enrolled both boys in Karate and Judo classes at Premier Martial Arts. Karate practices are Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:00-7:30 p.m. (because of their ages, they are different classes back to back) and Saturdays from 9:00-11:00 am. My husband and I have been trying to juggle it around and each take a kid so that we aren’t sitting there for 2 1/2 hours. But with the husband gearing up to leave for a month, I will be sitting there myself for 2 1/2 hours twice a week. It is what it is and I am hoping to find some inspiration being in that environment. I think martial arts is going to be amazing for both kids. Ralph needs some discipline and Coach B is certainly a man who can face off against this kid! And Archie could use a little focus on something positive. Both seem to love it and are doing really well so far. And when they start complaining and want to quit, I’ll tell them The Goonies never say die!

Archie has been seeing a counselor once a week and he actually really enjoys his time with Miss Heather. He asks to go see her almost every day. This is fantastic because the first session I had to resort to bribery to get him there after 2 hours of literal kicking and screaming. The work he is doing with her has been great as he is getting in touch with his emotions. We have had numerous hour long crying sessions because he is finally opening up about how much he misses his friend. I have to tell you though, helping my 8 year old navigate his way through the grief process is one of the hardest things I have done as a parent to date. As much as I want to take the pain away for him, I know that I can’t. I know that he must feel the emotions in order to properly process them. And I know that he will always carry a certain amount of pain and fear with him for the rest of his life. But I also know that he is much like a Goonie and he will prevail through all the ups and downs of life. Because The Goonies never say die.

We are hosting a barbecue at our house on Saturday for Memorial Day. In preparation for the food and drink overindulgence that is certainly going to occur in a house full of military families, my husband and I just started a Shaklee 7 Day Healthy Cleanse on Saturday. We will finish on Friday just in time for the party and I am hoping that I won’t want to overindulge on food and drink. If you recall, I did my last cleanse in December and was super happy with the results. But I cannot lie, the struggle is real. I will just keep telling myself The Goonies never say die! I did it once, I can do it again. However, I will most likely bitch and complain all the way until Friday! Stay tuned for the end result. I will share that in a post next week.

My kids still have 6 more weeks of school before Summer vacation, but we have been making plans for the Summer. I am still on target to visit Asheville, North Carolina, the first week of July. I am dropping the kids at Grandma’s in Pennsylvania on my way down and then I will be experiencing a freedom I haven’t felt in over 8 years! My husband will be staying home alone and enjoying his own freedom and solitude as well. I am hoping for some Goonie-like experiences to share when I get home! If you are in or near the Asheville area, do let me know! I’d love to plan a coffee date.

I don’t know if you remember, I shared my new obsession with Country Outfitter last month. I ordered the cutest floral cowgirl boots which will be on the blog soon. And then I had the opportunity to join them as a brand ambassador as well! I am so excited for that and have a few things from their Americana campaign on the way to me now. Stay tuned for the fun pieces I chose. And be prepared for I might just be turning into a cowgirl up here!

I also just ordered some new swim suits from Rosegal. I haven’t bought a new swim suit since before I began this blog (that was nearly 4 years ago). And with my recent weight loss, it was time! Don’t get me wrong, I am super nervous about sharing swim suit photos, but I made the commitment and now I am obligated. And The Goonies never say die…even in swim wear!

In the meantime, I have been getting up by 5:00 a.m. every morning (sometimes earlier) in an effort to get some blogging work done before the craziness of the day begins. Then I get the kids off to school and have about an hour to finish up blogging things before I head off to work at Solitary Consignment. By the time I get home at the end of the day, I am just completely pooped. I have been getting into bed by 8:00 p.m. most nights. But I guess that is to be expected when I get up by 5:00 a.m.

And that is my life these days. A little bit of everything and whole lot of nothing. What have you all been up to lately?
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Anne M Bray
Reading your day to day was quite profound! Never say die!
And arrrgh, those silver oxfords!!!!!
Ha, thanks, Anne! My day to day life is really quite boring, isn’t it?! Just so mundane even with tons of stuff to get done. I totally died over these silver oxfords. I was shopping with my one of friends when I spotted them on clearance in DSW. She said they were hideous. I disagreed completely! They are quite marvelous, aren’t they?
jodie filogomo
I guess I never saw the Goonies, but I like the idea that you must persist. Although there are good times and reasons to quit too!!
I’m so glad your son is doing well. And it’s amazing what great photos you take on your own, Shelbee. I am very lucky that way.
Thanks, Jodie! And for sure, some things are better given up than trying to make our way through misery that may not be worthwhile. I am lucky to have my husband take most of my photos, too. But then I do have to improvise when he is away or his schedule is too busy to accommodate my blogging needs! You should check out Goonies one day! It has become a cult classic of sorts for my generation!
you look so cute
Thanks so much, Jacob! Have a fantastic day!
Wow it sounds like you have a lot going on (in the best way!). Our summer break starts in about two weeks and my little brother is graduating high school so I’m excited to spend the summer with him. You also did a great job with your self-shooting. It’s a lot harder than it looks and it does feel weird to smile for no one lol!
Thanks so much, Lizzie! How fun that you get to go celebrate and spend time with your little brother! Congratulations to him as well! Self-photos are hard, right? I never know if I am centered or crooked or how the light is or if my clothes are straight! And the smiling at myself is so totally weird. I hope you have a fantastic day, my friend!
So many things! First of all, I love the solo-shots. 2.5 hours at martial arts is going to be rough! But you can catch up on social media, etc. haha. Use it as a brainstorming sesh. So happy your son is doing well in counseling. And Asheville in July sounds like a dream! I’ve always wanted to go there.
Roxanne, thanks so much! I literally am hating social media right now. Haha. So I may be taking a book with me to read to catch up on that instead. I am super excited for Asheville! I have wanted to got there for so long as well.
linda cassidy
I am the total opposite and love the pictures I have taken myself. I always feel awkward when someone else takes them
Isn’t that funny how we all have different preferences, Linda? I do feel awkward having just any person take my photos. But I am very comfortable with my husband taking them and much prefer that to taking them myself! Plus I always have to find a location that is adequate for setting up my tiny little tripod for my phone. So I need a wall or something to attach the tripod to. And this limits locations. Thanks for stopping by, my friend. I hope you have a fabulous day!
Amy Ann Arnold
Gosh, I have been feeling the same about a million things to do and just not enough time lately! Such a cute look.
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
Thanks so much, Amy Ann! It really never ends…this cycle of things that must be done! I got up at 4:15 this morning to write today’s blog post because I simply have no other time when I can do it!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Love that outfit!
So glad Archie loves his time with his therapist!!!
Thanks so much, Tamar! I am so glad that he is enjoying his therapist, too. And I am also relieved!
Patrick Weseman
The Goonies were cool. So glad that Archie is coming around. Just try to things one at a time.
Thank you so much, Patrick! My kids are just now starting to appreciate The Goonies. I think maybe I should have Archie watch it again!
Love the goonies! I am glad Archie is doing well in grief therapy. Life as a mom does keeps us busy: good luck with those 2 and 1/2 hours karate sessions on Saturdays! Thankfully we have only 3 more days of school after today. WE are due some rest in our little household!
Thank you, Mireille! The next counseling session is tomorrow and it is a good thing because he has been so moody the past few days! I think the age combined with the other stuff is simply just wretched for the emotions. Oh, I am not looking forward to doing all this karate stuff without the help of my husband. But I will prevail…because Goonies never say die! haha. Have a great day, my friend, and enjoy your summer break. Get lots of rest!
Darlene A Messinger
Shelbee, I’m so glad to hear that your son is opening up about his loss. That is so hard to deal with as a parent. I was a bit older 🙂 but remember the goonies! Too funny.
Enjoy your Memorial Day BBQ.
xx Darlene
Thanks so much, Darlene! This is a process, for sure, but we are doing our best to get through it. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
What a fun graphic tee! My kids are a little young for the goonies but I look forward to letting them watch it when they are older! 🙂
Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp 🙂
Thanks so much, Mica! I remember the first time I tried to watch The Goonies with my kids and I had forgotten about the early scene when the one bad guy brother pretends to hang himself to get out of jail…I was like, “Ooh, this may not be appropriate for them yet!” Oops. Mom blunder!