The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book: Velvet & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #731

Welcome to November’s Good Buy/Good-Bye Book featuring Velvet. I love it. Nancy hates it. Considering the very small number of submissions this month, it seems like only a few folks are in the “love velvet” camp with me. It is a fabric that I have always adored and probably always will. I especially appreciate the luxuriousness of velvet during the holiday season. Thank you to all who have shared their velvet looks with us for this round. We appreciate you! 

The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book is a monthly series hosted by Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style and myself. Every month, we invite you to share a photo or two of your Good (or Bad) Buy items that fit the stated theme. We ask that you also provide a short description explaining if the item you are sharing was a Good Buy or one that you will be saying Good-Bye to (formerly known as Bad Buys). Nancy and I will both publish a round up post featuring all of the submissions on the 15th of each month.

Anyone who would like to participate and be featured can send us their photos with a short description via email. You do not have to be a blogger to join. Anyone is welcome! We will give you the theme for the next month at the conclusion of each post. Photos will be due to us by the 10th of the month.

If you sent me a photo, but do not see it in my post, be sure to check Nancy’s post. If you don’t see your photo in either post, please let us know right away and we will add it. Sometimes the submissions get lost in the shuffle.

Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style
Nancy's Fashion Style
“Well, you see my happy face right, NOT! I don’t like velvet…at all! I don’t even know why I purchased this skirt in January. What was I thinking? I wore it once. And I think I spent the whole day trying to keep lint off the skirt, and cat fur. So no, no more velvet for me. A Good-Bye as I already sold it!”
Joanne of Slices of Life
Slices of Life
“I love velvet but I didn’t have any in my closet so I decided to pick up a few new pieces. I love this velvet top so much! The color is so pretty and it is so comfortable. I have only worn it once so far with my black pants and flip flops but I can already tell it is going to be such a good buy. I have plans to wear it unbuttoned with a black tank under it soon.”
Jodie of Jodie’s Touch of Style
Jodie's Touch of Style
“I bought this green velvet dress over 6 years ago in Seattle from a local designer. It was a little pricey but well worth the money to support a small business. And I have found a ton of ways to wear it.”
Sally of Within a World of My Own
Within a World of My Own
“I bought this thrifted Coldwater Creek black velvet vest with the Christmas holidays in mind, but it’s actually a very versatile piece that I can style many different ways and wear all winter long. Here’s an example from February of last year (which is definitely still winter) on a work from home day (hence the lack of boots, haha). With a current cost per wear of $1.27 and falling, I count this velvet vest as a Good Buy!”
And Me!
Next Up for December: Tartan

You are invited to join us in December to share your favorite (or least favorite) Tartan. You are welcome to send two photos if you’d like to be featured on both blogs. Remember to include a brief description about your submissions. Please submit your photos and descriptions by the 10th of December to or to so we can add you to The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book.

*By joining The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book, you agree to receive a monthly reminder email for this series.

Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite: Adventures in Weseland
Fashion Favorite: Di-alog
Other Favorite: Within a World of My Own

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I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


  • Joanne

    I am kind of surprised that so few people like velvet because like you I just adore it! I had a fabulous black velvet blazer that I just loved but I tossed it when it no longer fit me and now that I’ve lost so much weight I keep thinking that I should have kept it!


      I feel like there is no middle ground with velvet, people seem to love it or hate it. There are certain types of velvet that I don’t really like. The kind that gets all linty and the kind that sticks to furniture. I have three velvet blazers that were all thrifted many years ago. I don’t think I will ever part with them. Although the black one could really use a button update! You should scope out the thrift stores for a new velvet blazer for yourself! Thanks so much for joining us, my friend.


  • Amy Johnson

    I’m with Nancy, I don’t like velvet at all. I’ve been suckered into buying it many times in my life, and I always end up regretting it. It is such a lint collector and it doesn’t breath well at all. Your dress is so pretty. Maybe that’s the answer for me? Velvet is small doses. Thanks for the party.


      There are definitely some velvets that I don’t like. The sticky lint collecting kind I really don’t like. There are also those velvets that stick to the furniture and your other clothing. I am not a fan of that velvet either. But I do really like the velvet burnout styles. I think you are onto something…velvet might be better in small doses!


  • Di

    Shelbee, your velvet dress is gorgeous! I like velvet, but it is a bit of a tricky fabric, and sometimes fragile. It is so festive for special occasions and around the winter holidays. I scoured my closet and could not find a single forgotten velvet item! I think I will have to revisit this fabric, as it is so beautiful and elegant. Thanks for sharing and for adding my photo to your favorites this week-what a nice surprise! I hope you have a great weekend in store!


      Thank you so much, Di! As much as I love valet, I agree that it can be a very tricky fabric. I actually really don’t like the velvet that sticks to other fabrics or the kind that gets really linty. But then other velvets I really love in particular the burnout velvet prints. velvet in small doses is sometimes so much better!


  • jodie filogomo

    I’m just shocked that people wouldn’t like velvet. It’s a fabulous texture that makes you think of winter, right??

  • Your True Self

    Hi, Shelbee – Last year, four of my top ten favorite readers’ posts were on velvet: tops, pants, skirts and jackets & blazers. I linked them in this link up. Actually, last year’s results showed that women seemed to like girly clothes the best such as velvet, lace, tulle and Stevie Nicks style. I love velvet and like to wear it anywhere during the Fall & Winter. I’m sorry I missed sending a photo. Maybe others were just really busy lately like I was. Besides, the Presidential election took a lot out of many of us. Thanks for letting me link four posts. Lol! – Angie,

  • Daenel T.

    Velvet is, hands down, my favorite fabric. I have velvet curtains in my guest room {they used to be in my bedroom}, I own velvet blazers, tops, and so much more. It’s decadent and sexy and eclectic. I love the way you all have styled your velvet pieces.


      Thanks, Daenel! Oh I just swooned a little when I read velvet curtains! Ever since watching Gone with the Wind when I was a young girl, I have always wanted dark green velvet curtains. I think in my next home I need to make that happen!


  • Marsha Banks

    It’s funny how many people don’t like velvet. I made my daughter a velvet dress when she was a baby. It’s still around here somewhere I think (hopefully, I didn’t give it to her, or it’s gone). Anyway, velvet is very persnickety when you’re sewing it. You have to use a special board to press the seams. Luckily, I had a friend who had one. You also have to be careful not to get it wet. Wouldn’t you know…that little booger grabbed the hem of it and was just sucking away on it! It truly is/was a gorgeous little dress. But, the hem is permanently marred by her spit! Thanks for the link party, my friend!

  • Sally in St Paul

    That velvet dress is stunning! The rich fabric along with the print and style is gorgeous. I liked seeing how you wore it in a more casual boho style because it could easily be characterized as “dressy occasions only,” which is limiting. I used to have a thrifted bright pink velvet blazer that was a favorite until I busted out of the seams 😀 so that was a Good Buy and then a Good-Bye.

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Shelbee on the Edge