romper, plaid blazer, shorts with tights, beret, fashion over 40, fall outfit

The Fab 40’s Wear Shorts for Work

romper, plaid blazer, shorts with tights, beret, fashion over 40, fall outfit
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romper, plaid blazer, shorts with tights, beret, fashion over 40, fall outfit

I haven’t worked a traditional job with an actual dress code in nearly 9 years, so any time a style challenge is presented to me with “work” involved, I pretty much have free reign to interpret that however I’d like. Working from home allows me all sorts of liberties with my wardrobe. I can work in my jammies, my bathrobe, my sweatpants, jeans, dresses, or my underwear. Hell, I can work naked if I really wanted. If I don’t get too cold. Which is a problem this time of year.

romper, plaid blazer, shorts with tights, beret, fashion over 40, fall outfit
romper, plaid blazer, shorts with tights, beret, fashion over 40, fall outfit

But working from home does have it challenges. One of the biggest problems is maintaining self discipline and motivation to get all the things done in the time that the children are at school. I have from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m Monday through Friday to take advantage of the uninterrupted quiet time. Add in the occasional appointments that I need to schedule during school hours as well, plus Thursday morning ladies’ coffee group (which is necessary for me to have some adult interaction during the week), and I am down to about 30 hours or less per week for actual focused intense work.

romper, plaid blazer, shorts with tights, beret, fashion over 40, fall outfit

I have been struggling with inspiration lately which seriously inhibits my levels of motivation as well. While I appreciate having more time at home to focus on my writing projects, it seems that the more time spent at home, the less experiences I am having to provide the required inspiration. I try to take some sort of a road trip every other month or so to re-awaken my muse. I think she gets really bored at home with me all day, every day, and so she drifts off to sleep for like a million years. Sometimes, the only way I can wake her back up is to take her on a trip!

romper, plaid blazer, shorts with tights, beret, fashion over 40, fall outfit
romper, plaid blazer, shorts with tights, beret, fashion over 40, fall outfit
romper, plaid blazer, shorts with tights, beret, fashion over 40, fall outfit

But I don’t have the budget to spend all of my time out having amazing experiences which will motivate me and inspire my writing. So one of the main ways that I keep myself motivated to work when I am supposed to work is by getting dressed for work. I have gotten some strange looks and comments from people wondering why I get so dressed up just to sit at a desk in a closet in the middle of my house. The only reason really is motivation. Putting on an outfit that makes me feel fabulous motivates me to do better things than if I sat around in pajamas all day long.

romper, plaid blazer, shorts with tights, beret, fashion over 40, fall outfit
romper, plaid blazer, shorts with tights, beret, fashion over 40, fall outfit

So when Sheela proposed this month’s Fab 40’s theme as shorts for work, I was like, “Heck yeah, I can style the shit out of some shorts and make them fit for an office environment.” Even if it is only my home cloffice (that’s right…my office in the closet). But still, I think you could wear this outfit in a regular office, too.

romper, plaid blazer, shorts with tights, beret, fashion over 40, fall outfit
romper, plaid blazer, shorts with tights, beret, fashion over 40, fall outfit
romper, plaid blazer, shorts with tights, beret, fashion over 40, fall outfit

I don’t want to sound egotistical, but my legs are my favorite part of me. So I appreciate all opportunities to accent them in any outfit. Layering tights or stockings under shorts is one of my favorite trends. Especially since it is already really cold here in the North Country. I can still wear shorts and stay warm enough.

romper, plaid blazer, shorts with tights, beret, fashion over 40, fall outfit
romper, plaid blazer, shorts with tights, beret, fashion over 40, fall outfit

A few weeks ago, I shared another romper outfit paired with stockings and I liked it so much that I figured I would style another romper the same way. It’s adding a little twist on the theme of shorts by opting for a romper, but I do think outside the box quite often. You say shorts, I hear romper. You get the idea. None of us need stick ourselves inside a box filled with ridiculous style rules anyway. Wear whatever the hell you want as long as it makes you feel great! If you want to even add a pair of edgy skulls earrings to your work outfit because they represent your personality, you should do just that! And that is the whole point of this group of fabulous ladies in our 40’s! We don’t follow the rules, we make them!

romper, plaid blazer, shorts with tights, beret, fashion over 40, fall outfit
romper, plaid blazer, shorts with tights, beret, fashion over 40, fall outfit

The Fab 40’s is a group of six fashion bloggers from around the globe. Each month we choose a different theme and invite a guest blogger who is also in their 40’s to join us. This group’s goal is to take on a style theme and show how we each interpret and incorporate it into our own lives. With six widely varied views, you are certain to find something that speaks to you each month and encourages you to continue to have fun with fashion after the age of 40.

Sheela of Sheela Writes chose the theme this month. Methinks she was plotting this all along because she knocked the damn theme right out of the sartorial style box. This bold black and white striped shorts suit screams, “I am a woman of strength,” while the dainty pink and orange lacy camisole indicates, “Girls just wanna have fun.” Then she adds the ass kicking shoes that let the world know she is not to be fucked with. A power suit made short and sassy!

Sheela of Sheela Writes

Outfit Details:

Outfit Details: Suit – Forever21 / Camisole – NY&Co / Heels – GX by Gwen Stefani / Great Expectations Clutch – Kate Spade (Thrifted) / Crow Skull Ring & Ombre Sunnies – Thrifted / Leather Cuff – c/o Unearthed on Etsy

Daenel of Living Outside the Stacks is staying true to her easy boho roots with this work picnic outfit. This orange embroidered tunic paired with white Bermuda shorts and strappy flat sandals let’s us know that she is fun and ready for a conversation, but when shit needs to get done, she is the go-to gal.

Daenel of Living Outside the Stacks

Dee of Dee Sayz is styling a classic black and white combination that tells us she is more than willing to work hard to get the job done, but you better believe that she is going to play hard as a reward upon completion of her tasks. The crisp white shorts outfit with the structured color blocked bag are all business. But her flowing jacket and adorable platform loafers are totally ready for the fun! It is the perfect combination for work and life!

Dee of Dee Sayz

Outfit Details: Shorts – H&M / Shirt – Bugis Street, Singapore / Long Jacket – Misook / Loafers – Forever 21 / Bag – Michael Kors

Suzy of Suzy Turner, Books & Style looks ever so comfortable in her shorts outfit for work. Probably because it is exactly what she wears to her job at the Golf Shop. These Bermuda shorts are wicked flattering and her matching sneakers and top in sky blue tell us she is a woman who is confident in her golf game and her own personal style.

Suzy of Suzy Turner, Books & Style

Outfit Details: Shorts – Green Lamb / Polo – Adidas / Sneakers – Woden / Handbag – Parfois / Watch – Citizen

Unfortunately, Jennie of A Pocketful of Polka Dots is unable to join us this month due to a tragedy that had befallen her beloved camera on picture day. Do stop by her blog anyway and check out what’s going on in her North Carolina world. She has lots of other great styling ideas and I have seen her style some killer shorts outfits in the past.

Also we do not have a guest blogger this month, but if you are in your 40’s and would like to be a guest blogger in the future, do send me an email and I will be sure to circulate the information to the group. Not everyone has their ages publicly displayed on their blogs so it is sometimes challenging to know who is in their 40’s.

And finally my shorts outfit.

romper, plaid blazer, shorts with tights, beret, fashion over 40, fall outfit

Outfit Details: Romper and Beret – Kohl’s / Blazer and Tights – Target / Belt Bag – Torrid / Boots – Charlotte Russe / Jewelry – All Old

Would you ever style shorts for work? How do you challenge dress codes?

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Shop my outfit:

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


  • Karen

    What a gorgeous look – and, yes, I can see that shorts would work for work like this! I love that the black is topped and tailed with burgundy! Kx


      Thanks, Mireille! Getting dressed and out saves my sanity! I am a people person so I definitely need interaction to stay inspired. And for real, we converted a giant closet into my office. I have coats hanging on either side of me with my desk right smack in the middle. And it is a giant mess! I should probably straighten it some to boost my productivity.


  • jodie filogomo

    This looks totally work appropriate for so many places!! I used to have a short suit set and loved it with tights in the winter.

  • Julie | This Main Line Life

    My friend turned me on to the Fly Lady many years ago and she always said to get dressed in the morning no matter what and to make your sink sparkle. I don’t maintain the sink very well, but I totally agree that there’s value in putting yourself together in the morning even if you’re not going to a 9 to 5 job. I do that too… even if I’m wearing something comfy, it’s comfy and cute.


      Julie, it really is the best way to get the day started! I am often dressed comfy as well, but I make damn sure that I have on killer shoes with the outfit (even though the shoes are often just sitting on the floor next to me)! But it really does make a huge difference in my levels of motivation. Thanks for sharing how you do it, too!


  • Maureen

    I love your “romper” outfit. It is very cute and you look so beautiful Shelbee. I can also relate to your post. A lot of the times too I feel so basic and since I try to practice minimalism, I often feel like a fraud as a blogger. I don’t post often enough. I don’t have something new all the time and while I know blogging isn’t about the latest and greatest, it does dampen the mood a bit especially when on social media it’s all about keeping up with the Joneses. At least the way I see it at times so I have been trying to look at inspiration differently and I do agree that dressing up for the day helps with the psyche. Even if I don’t feel inspired to blog, I feel good and that to me, is priceless.

    Maureen |


      Thanks so much, Maureen! I admire your minimalism, honestly. I have more stuff than I know what to do with and so I have stopped shopping and am focusing on shopping what’s in my overflowing closet. I also am making an effort to shop second hand when I do decide to buy things. You always look fabulous and there is a need for minimalist styling in the blogging world. So you keep sharing your thoughts and opinions and fashion sense! Even if it is only once or week or so. I post more frequently now because I have the time and the words are overflowing out of my head! I have to put them somewhere! Definitely no need for any of us to try to keep up with the Joneses or anyone else for that matter! Just be you! Thanks for always keeping it real and honest, my friend!



      Aw, thanks so much, Jess! You have great legs, too! It is a fun blazer. I wore it again today with skinny jeans and a graphic tee and loads of pearls! I wish I had taken photos but it was raining this morning and then the day got away from me.


  • Chrissy

    I know what you mean about your muse needing to get out and experience life. I was once told by an actress that lived in Atlanta, that the best actors are those that experience life. Ok, makes sense to me. Anyway, I think your shorts to work outfit totally works. I love that the boots coordinate with your hat and the trending belt bag. Now those tights are fabulously textured, so what else needs to be said? Ah, the blazer! I’d be ready to take on my computer at home in that outfit as well!! Seriously though, I do better if I’m put together as well. Have a wonderful week and thank you for your sweet, kind words on my blog today. Made my afternoon! Sending cyber hugs my friend! And yes, make your way down here to Sarasota for coffee, conversation and beach time. 😉


      Chrissy, thanks so much! I think all creative people sort of feel the same way. You have to have the experiences to find the inspiration. Even getting dressed requires inspiration. We look around us in nature or even to each other to find it (today’s outfit post was inspired by another blogger) because sometimes our muses are just tapped out or asleep or on vacation or something!

      I am so glad that I gave you a little pick me up with my comment! Your post did the same for me because seriously I was smiling all the way through it!

      One day, one day, one day, I am going to make my way to Florida! I have been taking lots of road trips in that direction just never quite that far. I just drove to Virginia and am planning to visit friends in Virginia and North Carolina over Christmas break. I mean it’s only another 10 hours of driving from there! Haha. I just looked it up…it’s about 21 hours of drive time from northern NY to southern FL. I don’t know if I have that in me. I need to start a travel fun so I can fly!


  • Suzy Turner

    Sorry that it’s taken me so long to come and check out your post, Shelbee. It’s been a crazy busy week this week!
    I absolutely LOVE your outfit choice this month – you’ve totally rocked the look, Shelbee and you’d be turning heads in any office, I tell ya! Those ankle boots are totally drool-worthy, as are the tights. LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I also love your legs too and I do not in any way think you’re egotistical to say so!!!!
    HUGE hugs to you, my friend
    Suzy xxx


      Aw, Suzy, thanks so much, my friend! You are too kind! And I totally get that life gets way too busy sometimes. I have been trying to keep up with visiting and commenting on other blogs since I started working full time from home. And even still, the task gets away from me, so I get it. I hope you are at least having a relaxing weekend after a super busy week!


  • Mica

    Such a fun playsuit, I like that blazer with it! I find I achieve more on my work from home days when I dress ins something other than my PJs too, haha! But some days the lure of the PJs is strong, especially if I have a lot of meetings to call into!

    Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp 🙂


      Thanks so much, Mica! I hear you on the lure of the pjs. There are some days I get all dressed, go do a photoshoot, work productively until lunch time and then I can no longer resist the call of the pjs and I put them on by noon! But I figure if I was dressed for 4-5 hours that’s good enough!


  • Anna Shirley

    This is possible to wear to work. Shorts with the blazer looks great. And it helps to dress up (at least for me) when you are working at home. And I’m writing this sitting at the couch in my yoga pants. o)

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Shelbee on the Edge