The Fab 40’s Celebrate Superheroes

Yesterday was National Superhero Day. I don’t think Suzy knew this when she chose the theme for this month’s Fab 40’s. Maybe she did though. Or maybe the universe purposely planted that seed in her mind to pick such a timely theme to be posted the day after we celebrate our own personal heroes, both real and fictional. In any event, here we are again, The Fab 40’s, bringing you some style inspiration borrowed from our favorite superheroes.

The Fab 40’s is a group of six fashion bloggers from around the globe. Each month we choose a different theme and invite a guest blogger who is also in their 40’s to join us. This group’s goal is to take on a style theme and show how we each interpret and incorporate it into our own lives. With six widely varied views, you are certain to find something that speaks to you each month and encourages you to continue to have fun with fashion after the age of 40.

Superheroes inspire us every day. From the time we are young children, we meet fictional characters who fight against evil with the powers that were given to them. They are age old tales of good versus evil with evil sometimes winning small battles while good conquers all in the end. We aspire to live our lives this way following the guidance of these ever powerful characters. But we also watch our favorite superheroes struggle within themselves to create a clear distinction between good and evil. And they always end up discovering that we all possess a little bit of both inside ourselves. The line is not as clear as we had hoped. And so while they fight the good fight out in the world, our favorite heroes also have to battle that same internal conflict that we all try to make sense of throughout our lives. Good and evil and all the gray matter that exists in between the two.

As we struggle to find clarity in a very blurry conversation, we continue to look to those heroes in our lives who set examples for us to follow. We try to emulate them. When faced with a dilemma, we ask ourselves what our heroes would do in the same situation. And in the end, we always have to decide for ourselves what the best course of action is. And sometimes the best course of action doesn’t always feel all that great. One of the great paradoxes of life, indeed.

I have my favorite superheroes, for sure. Spiderman is one of my all time favorites. I live my life by those famous words, “With great power comes great responsibility.” I could have totally created an outfit inspired by Spiderman. And perhaps I will one of these days. But I didn’t want to be so…predictable.

And it’s the superheroines, in particular, whom I wanted to celebrate with this post. The world of superheroes and super powers does not need to be dominated by male figures. Little girls everywhere need strong, powerful female figures to inspire and empower them as well. And while I am completely inspired by Spiderman, I wanted to find a female superhero to model. Not being well versed in the world of superheroes, however, I had to go searching online for ideas. I was pleased to find well over 100 different superheroines from whom I could draw inspiration. I was leaning heavily towards Catwoman. But not because she is a role model for me in particular. Mostly because creating an outfit inspired by her would be easy. And I didn’t want this challenge be easy either. Not easy nor predictable. Because that is not very superhero-like.

And then I discovered Zatanna Zatara. At first, I was drawn to her appearance. Standing at 5’7” with black hair and blue eyes, she very closely resembled a physical description of myself. Granted my eyes are green and I weight about 60 more pounds than Zatanna, but we are the same height with the same hair color and pale eyes. So I investigated further to see if she represented what I wanted to emulate. As a true believer in the powers of the universe and the Law of Attraction and that we have complete control over our own destinies, Zatanna’s magical super powers were right up my alley. Tapping into her mystical energy to fight the good fight and always help those in need, I could see myself fighting right beside this amazing superheroine.

Not to undermine Spiderman…I mean, he is Spiderman, and he will always have a special place in my heart, but I think I found myself a new favorite superhero. After all, a woman who can get away with saying, “Hey, pay attention to me! I’m fascinating,” is a woman who I want on my list of friends.

“We’re all agents of destiny. The ‘accidental’ encounter was ordained by fate a million years before any of us were born! We’re all actors in a cosmic drama… and only the cosmic playwright knows how the last act will end!”
Zatanna Zatara

Now won’t you please go see which superheroes have inspired by fabulous friends.
Suzy of Suzy Turner, Pixie Chick in Portugal chose this month’s theme and what a powerful theme it is. Wondering what in the world would Wonder Woman wear on her day off, Suzy has tapped into her inner super powers with this amazing red dress and blue scarf. She is ready to take on the world in those gorgeous heeled boots, too. But don’t you know, dear Suzy, superheroes don’t get days off?

Outfit Details: Red Dress – eBay / Tan Boots – Massimo Dutti / Blue Scarf – Primark / Gold Clutch – Massimo Dutti / Tan belt – Primark
Suzy invited Andrea of Living on Cloud Nine to be our guest blogger this month. And she couldn’t have chosen a more adequate representative for female superheroes. Andrea is always inspiring women of all ages to live their best lives and she is doing it yet again with her superhero outfit that represents no particular hero but rather an amalgam of all the wonderful powers that live within each of us. And doesn’t she look the part in the most marvelous way in this magnificent red cape?

Outfit Details: Cape Blazer – SheIn / Leggings – Vera Wang / Sock Booties – Steve Madden / Earrings – Sugarfix by Baublebar
Jennie of A Pocketful of Polka Dots channeled her inner Superman in this cute weekend casual look. I always love a good graphic tee and what’s better than a graphic top with a superhero logo to make you feel empowered and inspired all day long.

Outfit Details: Superman Tank – Old / Striped Top – Old Navy / Jeans – Lee / Shoes – Converse All Stars / Glasses – c/o Firmoo / Earrings – NY&Co. / Bracelet – c/o Wind Passion
Daenel of Living Outside the Stacks is paying tribute to her father, a huge comic book fan, with her Crimson Avenger inspired look. I am so loving everything about this outfit and this photo!

Sheela of Sheela Writes unfortunately won’t be joining us this month. She is busy fighting the good fight right now that will be taking her straight into her happiness. And once her fight is over, she will be standing tall on her pedestal of strength that she has painstakingly built beneath her own feet so she can continue to serve as a beacon of light and inspiration to many other women. I love you with so much abundance, my dear friend. Know that you have all the strength you need. We so often find our greatest strength in our weakest moments. And if you feel yourself falter, you have a bevy of superhero friends to catch you and support you.
And I think Mary of Curlybyrdie Chirps is off fighting bad guys! But I am sure she is as superhero as they come because she always looks ready to take on the world in whatever she wears!
And finally, my outfit inspired by the magician, Zatanna Zatara.

Outfit Details: Jacket – c/o Rosegal / Shirt – Old Navy / Corset – Adore Me / Boots – Just Fab / Stockings and Gloves – Target / Hat – Kohl’s / Earrings – Claire’s / Neckerchief and Bikini Bottom – So old I cannot remember

Who are your favorite superheroes and heroines? Who inspires you to find your strength and use it for the good of all?
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Andrea Nine
Fierce, Fun and Fabulous…and sexy too! You nailed it girlfriend!!
Thank you, Andrea! I am so glad that you joined us this month! Such fun!
You look amazing! How daring, just like a real super hero woman! What a good theme and all of you look fabulous!
Thanks so much, Nancy! I definitely had lots of fun with this theme!
You do look like a sexy beautiful Zatanna Zatara
Thank you so much, Paul!
I love this! Oh my goodness – so fierce, girl! You look amazing, and super and awesome and all of those things. Rock on girlfriend.
xo Tea.
Aw, Tea, you are too sweet! Thanks so much, my friend!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Oh my goodness, you look AMAZING!!
Aw, thanks so much, Tamar!
Patrick Weseman
With all respect- You look super hot. Maybe I might have to tell Ryan to use you in the next Black Panther (J.K. – Ryan Coogler’s -who wrote and directed Black Panther- dad is a friend of mine). Very nice.
Hahaha, thanks, Patrick! I am certainly NOT an actress! I would get so nervous, I’d sweat straight through my costume…how’s that for hot?!
wow You look amazing in that outfit….A lot of thought and effort went into creating that combination.
Thank you so much, Stu! It was definitely fun creating this outfit.
Suzy Turner
Shelbee, you are truly incredible, my friend. A true superhero. And you look just like Zatanna (only better, really!). I love your post and how you interpreted this crazy theme. I didn’t know about Superhero Day so I think you were right about the Cosmos bringing it all together!
Huge massive hugs from a sunny Algarve (at last!)
Suzy xxxx
P.S I wonder what Jennie has in store for us this month 🙂
Suzy, thanks so much! This was such a fun theme! I didn’t want mine to be so costumey but I so liked it once I put it all together that I had to just go with it! Send some of that sun my way…it’s been so dark and rainy here. Looking forward to May’s theme, for sure!
Deborah Stinedurf
I had never heard of Zatanna, but you nailed it my friend! Bold, fierce and bad ass…totally smokin’ hot!
Thanks so much, Debbie! I didn’t know who she was either but once I discovered her, I fell in love!
Daenel T.
You, my dear, are super fierce. I love everything about this…. You just look like you’re owning it all.
Side note: I’d call this look “Fearless, Fabulous, and Foxy”. Loooooove!!
I love your words regarding Sheelah and Mary. Very sweet.
Daenel, thank you so much, my friend! This was such a fun theme. Everyone killed it! Now onto May’s theme…I have some thinking to do to pull this one together!
Mike A.
Hey, Shelbee! I came across this post and even though it’s a few years old, I wanted to write a reply for it because it’s really awesome!!!
First off, you look great!! I love your Zatanna inspired outfit! You really “rock” it for sure!
And Zatanna is one of my favorite super heroes(es) in the DCAU (DC Animated Universe). She only makes two major appearances in the DCAU continuity, but she plays an important role in both; showing girls that not just men can be super heroes. Girls and women can be too!
Batman is probably my favorite super hero, as I was introduced to the world of super heroes through him when he would come on TV in the early to mid 1990s after school. And the very first episode I saw was the one where Zatanna and Batman were on screen together! I think the episode was even called “Zatanna”, as she was the star character of the episode. So while I love Batman, Zatanna will always hold a special place in my heart as she led me to more female super heroes, such as Wonder Woman, Supergirl and Batgirl, all which I also love.
And while I’m not a hardcore super hero fan as I don’t read the comics, I do love the DCAU versions of these characters and they will always remain in a special place in my childhood (before I later discovered my love for anime).
Keep on my friend! Thanks for always writing such inspiring posts!!!
Thanks so much, Mike! I am not a huge superhero follower or comic book reader myself, but I do appreciate the message of a powerful female super hero! Zatanna is totally cool and right up my alley, but I have always been much more of a Wonder Woman girl! But who says we can’t have as many heroes as we’d like!?
Yep, exactly Shelbee! We all need our heroes and role models (even the fictional ones!)!
Yeah, I only know a little about the DC super heroes from watching the animated shows (which are really awesome, especially the Justice League series), but Salazar is a huge Marvel fan, especially the movies!
Oh cool! I didn’t know that about Salazar! I will have to read more of her posts. I tend to only get to the SIA posts!
Yes, please do! She’s awesome at book and movie reviews!
I will! Thanks, Mike!