The Fab 40’s Borrowed from the Boys & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #246

What do the elements, Candy Crush, and 1980’s pop icons have in common?
Why, the Fab 40’s, of course! These are just a few of our most recent fashion challenges meant to bring you a unique collection of style inspiration to get your creativity flowing in your closet.
The Fab 40’s is a group of five fashion bloggers from around the globe. Each month we choose a different theme with the goal of taking on style trends and showing how we each interpret and incorporate them into our own lives. With five widely varied views, you are certain to find something that speaks to you each month and encourages you to continue to have fun with fashion after the age of 40.
We take turns choosing the style theme for the group each month and October was my turn. I chose Borrowed from the Boys because I have always had a special interest in androgynous styles. In fact, my fourth blog post back in 2015 featured an androgynous chic outfit with white denim and a light blue tuxedo shirt. Because I do incorporate a lot of menswear inspired pieces into my wardrobe, I tend to forget just how much of contemporary women’s fashion has come out of traditional men’s styles. Like pants, for example! When you get right down to basics, pants were once designated only for men. Until some crazy woman got the ridiculous idea that women should be able to wear pants, too. Thank goodness for that woman whoever she was!
Actually, there are some cultures where wearing pants has been perfectly acceptable for women for centuries or even millennia. But in Western societies, pants as acceptable everyday wear for women did not truly catch on until the mid 20th century. While some women championed trousers in the 19th century, they were definitely in the minority and likely received plenty of quizzical stares for their boldness in trouser wearing.
Speaking of trousers, one of my favorite androgynous looks for a woman is tuxedo dressing. I think the first woman I ever saw donning a tuxedo in the most elegant way was Diane Keaton. That woman is so seriously fabulous when it comes to borrowing her style from the boys and she has long been one of my favorite fashion icons because of it.

I wanted to style a cool tuxedo or menswear suiting look for this challenge. I do have a few different tuxedo style blazers to work with but I thrifted all of them so none of them have matching trousers. Without the trousers, I decided to wear a pants-less tuxedo look with this longline white blazer as a dress. I first shared this blazer for a Back to Work style with coordinating white trousers which is a perfect Borrowed from the Boys look, but I don’t much like repeating outfits. I like to see how many different ways I can style the statement pieces in my closet.
Because this men’s blazer belongs to me, it’s not actually borrowed from any boy. So I decided to borrow a necktie from my husband to keep with the theme of borrowing. He only has two to choose from, a gray patterned one and a solid blue one. I settled for the blue one and added blue argyle tights and my blue velvet over the knee boots. My tweed newsboy cap keeps the boyish theme coherent while my white lace skirt extender helps to keep me modest and feminine as well.
I added a skinny black belt to give the blazer some shape around the waist, but then I wasn’t sure if I liked it better unbelted. I will let you decide which looks better…belted or not?

Funny story about this outfit before we check out my fabulous friends. After shooting the photos in the park, Jeff and I headed to the grocery store for a few things. As I got out of the car, I noticed that three of the buttons had fallen off of the blazer. It was the middle three buttons, of course. I think my seat belt was tugging at them and they weren’t sewn on very well so they all popped off! The only thing I was wearing under the blazer was a bralette, underwear, my tights, and a very sheer lace skirt extender. Fortunately I was able to keep the blazer closed by securing my crossbody bag around myself and holding everything in place until we grabbed the few things we needed in the store. My grocery store was very close to getting flashed though!
Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction like that?!
Now let’s check out how brilliantly my friends have styled their Borrowed from the Boys outfits.
Ada of Elegance and Mommyhood
Ada has returned after a little family-focused break and we are so excited to have her back! She is looking super cool her racing striped jeans, a very modern spin on menswear inspiration in women’s fashion.

Daenel of Living Outside the Stacks
Daenel drew her boyish inspiration from a Pinterest guy and I absolutely love it! Her oversized tunic and boyfriend jeans are the perfect interpretation of this theme.

Mireille of Chez Mireille
Mireille went the western way with her Borrowed from the Boys look with a really cute and comfy cowboy outfit. I am loving her cool boots and they pair perfectly with her oversized denim shirt and white leggings.

Suzy of The Grey Brunette
Suzy has tapped into some serious vintage newsboy vibes in her suspendered trousers and fedora hat. I absolutely adore suspenders with loose fitting trousers and now I do believe I need to start looking for some suspenders for myself. Thanks, Suzy, just what I needed…more reasons to shop!

And me!

We are still looking for a few more bloggers in their 40’s who may be interested in joining this group either on a permanent basis or as a guest blogger appearing only occasionally with us. If you are interested, please let us know either in the comments or through email. We would love to expand this group by adding a few more members for some additional style diversity.
Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked): Lizzie of Lizzie in Lace

Fashion Favorite: Jess of Elegantly Dressed and Stylish

Non-Fashion Favorite: Patrick of Adventures in Weseland

Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Blazer-Thrifted / Boots-Just Fab / Lace Extender-c/o Rosegal / Necktie-Borrowed from my Favorite Boy / Hat-Target / Tights, Belt, Earrings, and Brooch-Old

Suzy Turner
LOVE this look, Shelbee, but I did giggle reading about your near flashing incident!! That was a close call lol. I’m loving the different textures you’ve used to put this look together, especially the velvet boots, that gorgeous hat and the addition of the lace extender. I’m not much of a belt wearer myself so I think I prefer it without the belt. But I love it all!
Huge hugs
Suzy xx
P.S sorry I’m inspiring you to go shopping he he he he he
Thanks so much, Suzy! Oh my gosh, the near flashing was so ridiculous! I initially had a slip dress under the blazer for exactly that sort of mishap. But it was a little bit too long and made the outfit look frumpy so I ditched it. Well, now I know for next time to wear something underneath a blazer dress!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
That is such a classic, fun look! And those stairs!! What a beautiful spot.
Thanks so much, Tamar! I love these stairs! My local park is filled with lots of stone steps and they are so great for photo shoots!
The blazer worked out so well as a dress! Love all the little details with the necktie, boots and hat!
Thanks so much, Mireille! This came out way better than I even thought it would!
I love this theme. I love a androgynous style and wear it myself sometimes. Quite a story about your blazer, lol. But I love the look and the tie. I also love Suzy’s suspenders. She wears them so well.
Thanks, Nancy! I had a feeling that you would enjoy this theme! Aren’t Suzy’s suspenders so stinking cute?! I need a pair!
I love this look, Shelbee! And I agree, it is better without the belt. That surprises me as I usually prefer a belted look. Ha! That wardrobe malfunction could have been bad….
Thanks so much, Michelle! I am back and forth about the belt thing. I asked Jeff and he was the same! I really kind of like it equally either way. Which surprised me because I don’t usually like belted blazers on me at all. Every other time I have tried it, I hated the way it looked.
Great mix of masculine and feminine pieces for this fabulous look!
Sorry about the buttons that went missing, but thank goodness for crossbody bags 🙂 They are so practical for so many reasons!!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Thanks so much, Ellie! I did find two of the three buttons and there is an extra one so now I just have to sew them back on and the blazer will be good as new! And yes, crossbody bags have many functions…even ones we didn’t know about until there was an outfit emergency! Haha. I suppose you could remove your purse strap to belt and tie things together as well if needed! You might even be able to use a handbag as a head cover in the rain! The possibilities are endless, it seems.
Patrick Weseman
Looking very nice there. You did a great job in putting it all together. Love the setting for the photo shoot.
Thank you, Patrick! This is one of my favorite spots for photos especially this time of year. It is so beautiful there!
This is such a cute outfit!!! I love menswear inspired outfits!
Curated By Jennifer
Thanks so much, Jennifer! I have loved menswear outfits probably since the first time I saw Diane Keaton wearing something fabulous when I was a young girl!
What a shame the buttons on the blazer broke! I’m glad you were able to hold it together for the trip to the store, haha! The blazer works so well as a dress on you and I like the borrowed tie, it’s a fun idea!
Hope that your week is off to a good start 🙂
Thanks so much, Mica! I did manage to save 2 of the 3 buttons and there is a spare one in the lining so now I just have to sew them all back on…a little more secure this time…and it should be good as new! I hope your week is off to a great start!
Pamela Graham
A great look altogether and unbelted doesn’t obscure the line. But I adooore those boots!!
One of my embarrassing moments (there have been many over my long life!) was wearing hold-up stockings at a dance when I couldn’t move without the stockings falling down. I knew they needed a lot of pulling up before I left home so was tempting fate. A lot of fumbling under the table was necessary at the end of the evening!!
Diane Keaton what a star, what a character!
Thanks so much, Pamela! Your stocking story reminds me of these wonderful velvet boots of mine…that kept falling straight down to my ankles whenever I walked! I had to stop every 5 feet of walking to pull them back up over my knees. Haha.
What a fabulous look! I too have always thought that Diane Keaton does a fabulous job wearing more “masculine” type trends like tuxedos and just killing it! I can’t decide if I like your outfit better with or without a belt; I think it looks great both ways. Thank goodness you had a crossbody bag to hold everything together while shopping (and yes, I have had wardrobe malfunctions similar to that before!).
Joanne, thanks so much! Diane Keaton is such a style icon! I have adored her for as long as I can remember. And I like this both ways as well…with and without the belt. It’s so hard to decide. But until I sew all the buttons back on properly, I won’t be wearing it anyway! Wardrobe malfunctions definitely keep us humble!
Kathrine Eldridge
Brillliant idea to wear this jacket as a dress! The otk boots are perfet with it! Amazing look Shelbee!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I was really pleased with how this all came together!
Michele Morin
Great outfit and fabulous location! Thanks for taking your good work so seriously.
Aw, thanks so much, Michele! What a super kind thing to say!
Deborah L Stinedurf
This look is so so good my friend! And I adore Diane Keaton, she’s an absolute goddess.
Thanks so much, Debbie! Diane Keaton has been an idol of mine for as long as I can remember!
Amy Johnson
You look amazing. I love those boots and the area you chose to photograph.
Thank you so much, Amy! I really appreciate that! I hope you are having a fabulous week.
Such a fun style prompt! Love this menswear-inspired look! Your boots are fabulous!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I had a great time with this prompt!
jess jannenga
Pretty blazer! I love the long-line look and how it works here as a dress, mixing masculine and feminine! The OTK boots are an excellent choice as it continues the leg line and I love that color and of course the velvet. I am fond of some masculine looks with some feminine details. I love a structured vest too. The tie is sweet too!
Have a great day and it looks so pretty here with the leaves.
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much! I do love the combination of masculine and feminine as well. Any stark contrast like that appeals to me. It’s like a bit of yin and yang in all things to maintain proper harmonious balance in the universe…and that carries straight into our style creativity! I hope you are having a great week, my friend!
Catherine, Not Dressed As Lamb
Oh my goodness Shelbee, your story about the buttons has reminded me of so many incidents I’ve experienced like that over the years – I’ve yet to have my skirt tucked into my pants after coming out of public toilets though, I hope that never EVER happens as that might be the most embarrassing one, LOL!!
I’m a total sucker for masculine chic so this is right up my street… love a tuxedo jacket!
Thank you for hosting oh gorgeous one, hope you’re well
C xx
Thank you so very much, Catherine! Oh my goodness, the dreadful skirt stuck in your underpants scenario! I have never had that happen to me but I once worked in an office with this really wretched woman. She truly was disliked by everyone in the office. Just bad, negative, nasty energy around her all the time. Anyway, she came out of the bathroom at work one day with her skirt stuck in the waistband of her nude pantyhose and literally NO ONE told her. We all saw it but she was so mean to everyone that no one felt the desire to inform her. She figured it out herself fairly quickly because the next time she stepped out of her offie her clothes were righted. Maybe losing 3 buttons at once was my payback for not telling her!
Cheryl Shops
I’m always up for a menswear-inspired look, and once again, you made it your own with a pair of AMAZING boots. Also, I totally went to a party last week in a dress that was missing a button. Happens to the best of us 😉
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thanks so much! Outfit malfunctions definitely do happen to the best of us! I wonder how many people noticed your missing button…but now that I am thinking about it…probably not very many because we are all too worried about ourselves to really notice if someone is missing a button! I once taught an entire corporate training class with my fly wide open and no one told me…and I really think it’s because no one really noticed even though they were supposed to be paying all of their attention to me!
Christina Morley
I love the blue velvet boots. When it comes to borrowing from the boys, women can really rock the pants suit. Thanks for hosting!
Thanks, Tina! Oh, I am a big fan of women’s pants suit! They were my go to style when I worked in the corporate world. And I felt really empowered in a gorgeous menswear suit!
Valerie Hansen
All you girls look fabulous!! Love your boots Shelbee, so fun! Also Love Aida’s Jeans…!
Have a great week!
Thanks so much, Valerie! These boots have been favorites for the past few years!
Laura Bambrick
This blazer is perfect for your theme! Crazy about those buttons though! I love the way you added that gorgeous blue necktie!
Thanks so much, Laura! It is kind of crazy that 3 buttons popped off at once! But none of the buttons were sewn on very well so maybe it’s not all that crazy and I am lucky they all didn’t fall off. Ha. That would have been something!
I love all these looks, Shelbee! And you look absolutely smashing, my friend! Love the tall suede boots and long blazer. Brilliant! I tend toward the tailored menswear items myself, which may be why I love blazers so much. I have to share with you that until I was a senior in high school, we were not allowed to wear pants!!! Can you imagine???!! It’s hard to believe especially when I see what all the girls wear to school now. Anything goes, and that’s OK. Times have definitely evolved, I’m happy to say, and our next move must be for a woman president! (A great one, of course.)
xx Darlene
Darlene, thanks so much! This was really fun to style. I am kind of loving this blazer despite its buttons popping off! I am not all that surprised that you were not allowed to wear pants in high school because I was coming under fire in corporate NYC in the late 90s and early 00s for wearing pant suits to work. While a pant suit didn’t violate any work dress code, it definitely offended enough higher up people that it was I repeatedly encouraged to wear skirt suits because pants were considered unprofessional on women. But when I did wear skirt suits, my refusal to wear pantyhose with them became the issue. Eek. I guess I have always been pushing boundaries! LOL But I sure am glad times have changed a bit.
ADA Furxhi
Oh you look amazing despite the wardrobe malfunction. Funny hmm?! I love white+blue together. You look amazing in Royal Blue – one of your favorite colors. The boots are awesome!!
Thanks so much, Ada! At least the wardrobe malfunction happened after I shot the photos! Otherwise, I would have had to start all over again with a brand new outfit. Ha. I hope you are having a great week!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
That tuxedo is so cute on you and I love the neutral color of it paired with those velvet tall boots in blue! Ohhh, you are getting some beautiful fall coverage with all of those pretty leaves on the stairs. Gorg photos!
Thanks so much, Carrie! This was really fun to style! And I am really happy with how the photos turned out. Fall is gorgeous where I live but it is extremely short lived. We have snow forecasted for next Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. And so it begins…the never ending winter season! Ugh.
Sheila (of Ephemera)
I like the blazer without the belt better, but those boots – oh, my heart! I have been a fan of menswear for most of my life – in my teens, I took clothes out of my dad’s closet!
Thanks, Sheila! I started raiding my dad’s and my grandfather’s closets very early on in life! I remember wearing a pair of my dad’s Bermuda shorts with this funky vertical striped print in those cool 70s shades of olive, mustard, and orange. I layered them over tights with my Doc Martens, then added some kind of oversized tee shirt, and topped it off with my grandfather’s houndstooth blazer in the same colors as the shorts. Gosh, I wish I had photos of these things!
So fun to see styles from the 40’s in a modern light.
Alexandra, thanks so much! I really appreciate that!
Cammi Allen
How clever! I love this edition of Borrowed from the boys! It’s definitely a classy look. You look fabulous! I remember back in the 90’s, I bought an olive green suit from the mens department at the thrift store. I went home, cut off the suit pants, hemmed them into shorts, added black tights, and a wide black belt to cinch the pants… and it was the cutest outfit ever!!!!
Thanks so much, Cammi! Oh my God, I love what you just described in your 90’s olive green suit! That is totally something I would have worn then and now. I once wore a curtain as a skirt! I didn’t even hem it, I just wrapped it around my waist and tied it with twine. And it was so freaking cute! Now I want to try to recreate your olive suit. Next time I go thrifting that’s what I will be hunting for!
Hazlo Emma
Belt or not? Its just so cool.
How times have changed. ‘Boys’ in today’s world do not mind when their outfits are borrowed by gals (at times not borrowed, simply just picked out)!
Still giggling over the three of the buttons falling off of the blazer! Well, who has not had a wardrobe malfunction.
I will extend the invitation for few more bloggers in their 40’s to reach out.
When I grow up, and stop being shy, I hope you will invite me.
Thank you for all the support over the years.
I have added the blog on the news aggregator, Flipboard and Stay Keen too.
Hazlo, thank you so much for your very sweet comment! After my button malfunction, I split the crotch out of my pants during the next outfit shoot! Oy. I can’t catch a break. I really appreciate your spreading the word about our fun little Fab 40s group! And you are welcome to join us anytime…even before you stop being shy! It is a great way to break through that fear barrier! If you want to try it just as a guest host one month, do let me know. We would love to have you!
Love this outfit on you, don’t thnk I’ve seen one yet that I wouldn’t wear myself. Oops to the wardrobe malfunction. I’ve had zips and straps break on me, best was when someone in a night club many years ago, opulled my zip on my dress and the whole thing fell open to leave me stoood there in my bra and knickers.
Thanks for linking with #pocolo
Thanks so much, Suzanne! OMG, I am so sorry about that awful wardrobe malfunction of yours, but that is really funny! And if you lived to tell the story than we know the embarrassment didn’t kill you! I think my worst club malfunction was having my glasses accidentally flung from my face onto the crowded dance floor. And I am really quite blind without my glasses so I had to crawl around searching for them between all the stomping, dancing feet on a beer splattered floor. So humiliating and gross!