The Fab 40’s are Sprucing Up Shirt Dresses

Living on the edge. Dreaming in colors. Hiding between the lines. We get muffled up and flipped around and turned upside down so many times, it’s hard to find right. Like a spinning machine that leaves us in a state of disorientation, life tumbles us ass over head in a repetitive wash and rinse cycle. We come out frazzled and crumpled as we stumble around trying to regain our balance and perspective.

My hair is dirty but my face is clean. I like to stay in jammies for entire days at a time but I always brush my teeth. Leave me in my solitude so I can manifest the courage that is needed to immerse myself back into the world as a social butterfly. A luminous, colorful embodiment of grace and poise, kindness and enthusiasm. Shine bright like the perfect rainbow that leads every lost soul to their pot of gold.

Lead by example and set the standard. Walk in a straight line because it is the shortest distance between two points. Boring as hell, but you might be in a hurry. If you trip and fall, just act like you meant to do that. Pick yourself up, brush yourself off, give a big hearty chuckle at your own expense, and keep on moving.

Keep your eye on the ball, your focus on the goal, don’t ever let them see you sweat because sweat is kind of gross. And it might make you stinky. No one wants to see your stink. So we take all the necessary measures to cover that shit up. Spritz and spray all the glorious aromatic things on your body to make sure the dirt and filth and grime cannot be detected.

This is kind of how I have felt all summer long. Dirty and stinky and crumpled and frazzled. Going in and out of coherent understanding and clarity back to the muddled disorder of an unsure mind. Refusing to color inside the lines because that’s somebody else’s picture. I want to draw my own picture, but I sometimes have forgotten how. So I scribble the words on blank pages with the intention of adding the colors later. Except I can never choose the right colors. And then the lines get all crooked. And blurred. And things get spilled. The words get smudged and smeared and no longer make any sense.

So we try to make sense out of chaos and corruption. We try to find clarity in a massive fog that permeates our lives, our minds, our souls. None of it makes any sense but in one blazing flash of clarity, we catch a tiny glimpse of the greater things. Whatever those things may be. They seem important in that moment of revelation, but then they disappear again and we forget what they were in the first place. So we continue seeking them without even a description of what exactly we are looking for.

What am I looking for? Damned if I know. But I have got stripes and colors that scream in your face that I am bold. I am brave. I have guts. I can handle glory. I can wear what I want. I can do what I want. I can say what I want. I can pretend in front of the whole damn world that I know who I am. But I know only just about as much as you do.

Stand up straight and tall. Shoulders back. Chin up. Smile on. Eyes ablaze with determination. Or maybe that is just fear that makes them glimmer. Beautiful, luminescent, driving fear. Present me with a challenge and I will accept it. I will go at it with an unbreakable fortitude. Right up to the point that I break. We all having a breaking point. But we are also the dictators of our own limitations. Where is my breaking point? I’m not sure. I haven’t reached it yet. I guess I’ll know when I get there. Just like all other things.

The Fab 40’s took a basic closet staple, shirt dresses, and spruced them up a bit. We don’t live inside a style box. Who wears a dress as just a dress anymore anyway? What fun is that? Shift your perspective just a tiny bit, change your hand me down views, look at things just a little bit differently than the rest of the world, and you will be amazed at what you can see hiding between the lines, walking closer to the edge, and dreaming on in color.

The Fab 40’s is a group of six fashion bloggers from around the globe. Each month we choose a different theme and invite a guest blogger who is also in their 40’s to join us. This group’s goal is to take on a style theme and show how we each interpret and incorporate it into our own lives. With six widely varied views, you are certain to find something that speaks to you each month and encourages you to continue to have fun with fashion after the age of 40.

Dee picked the theme. And then she rocked it. Even wearing a shirt dress just as a shirt dress. I cannot get over the shoes. Cool, casual, brilliantly situated right on the line. Close enough to the edge to keep you interested.

Outfit Details: Shirt Dress-Bugis Street, Singapore / Sandals-Forever 21 / Bag-Rubi, Ion Orchard Mall, Singapore / Earrings-Thrift Store
Sheela took a basic white shirt dress to a level of badass that one would not suspect from the crisp, clean lines of stark white shirt dress. Add some torn up camouflage and killer heels and teach the world that our rips and tears partnered with our purities make for a perfect representation of humanness.

Outfit Details: Shirt-Thrifted / Jeans-NY & Co / Heels-GX by Gwen Stefani / Hat-A gift from Eve / Cuff-c/o Unearthed
Jennie switched it all up and flipped this shirt dress thing right on its head. Who would have thought to go under with the dress rather than over? And I thought I was being clever. That’ll teach me.

Outfit Details: Shirt Dress-Mango / Top-Loft / Shoes-c/o VANELi / Necklace-NY&Co. / Bracelet-Charming Charlie / Tote-Vince Camuto / Sunglasses-Tahari
Daenel heard shirt dress and saw an opportunity for an amazing example of layers.’Tis the season for layering. I have mastered the layering game myself, but I can certainly learn a few new tricks from Daenel! And those shoes! They will visit me in my dreams, I am sure.

Suzy took some colors and made a combination that challenges all the rules. And we all know that rules are meant to be challenged. Otherwise, we would live in a great big world of boring. And I couldn’t tolerate that. So thank you, Suzy, for this amazing combination to keep us all on our toes.

Outfit Details: Sneakers-Skechers / Dress-H&M / Bumbag-Stradivarius
And then there’s me. Just doing my thing.

Outfit Details: Shirt Dress and Jeans-Torrid / Tank Top-Thrifted (Ralph Lauren) / Socks and Earrings-Target / Shoes-Shoe Dazzle / Hat-Kohl’s / Clutch-Old Navy / Belt-Super Old
And that’s my 200 shitty words for the day. Do you prefer to color inside the lines or do you just draw your own images and perceptions of the world?
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look:

jodie filogomo
I just love how you wore this as a duster Shelbee….and the colors?? OMG, just perfect!!
As for feeling crumpled and dirty, I can relate. This moving thing has thrown me for a loop….
Thanks so much, Jodie! I bought this dress way back in the spring and I was going to wear it for our Pride month theme, but went for the rainbow tights instead for that. I have been dying to get this dress out with all of its pretty colors! Oh the nightmare of moving! I feel for you. And I hope you get rid of all the creepy critters soon.
Emma Peach
Those colourful stripes are just fabulous! And the hot pink shoes with the fishnets socks are perfect for this outfit! If it wasn’t for work I’d be slobbing around in my PJ’s with unwashed hair for sure!
Emma xxx
Thanks so much, Emma! I do love the fun socks with funky shoes trend. I seriously haven’t really gotten dressed much at all this summer. I need to get back into my routine!
ashlee stuart
These are all such great ideas on how to style a simple shirt dress! I love how you styled yours, and those shoes were made to go with it, they match perfectly!
Ashlee | https://www.maybeafterbrunch.com
Thanks so much, Ashlee! I have had these shoes for a few years and they surprisingly go with a lot of things in my closet. But they are wickedly uncomfortable!
Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
Wow I love this colourful style Shelbee. You look absolutely fabulous!
XO Tina
Tina, thank you so very much, my friend. The colors definitely made me smile more!
Anne M Bray
I color inside, outside, upside, you name it! Depends upon my mood!
Your 200 words are unshitty, btw.
Yes, Anne! This is how we should all be coloring, isn’t it? And thank you for thinking my words aren’t shitty! We are our own worst critics, aren’t we? I think it comes back to that whole idea that society would deem us pompous assholes if we did not criticize ourselves. Hmmm…maybe a blog topic there.
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
So many fun colors!
Thanks, Tamar! The colors definitely made me smile!
Jacqui Berry
Wow, you all look fabulous, I love all these looks. I will have to try this myself as I have a couple to my name. Jacqui Mummabstylish
Thank you, Jacqui! I almost always style shirt dresses as jackets because they never close properly over my bust! I always get that gaping thing going on. I look forward to seeing how you style some of yours this way.
Grace Liang
Your outfits always make me so happy! I love how you styled that dress – such a fun look!
Grace, thanks so much! That means so much coming from you, a woman with such amazing style yourself!
Marilee Judith Gramith
Your lead in prose was quite good…provocative, laced with open ended questions and multiple truths. I can follow your loose and unpredictable jags and jogs pretty closely Shelbee. I keep right up and don’t derail on your dream of thought. 🙂
Some parts of this prose could be reworked into poetry. Have you dabbled in poetry at all? I’m loving Mary Oliver lately.
ALL the women in this post seem strong and vulnerable all at once. I loved their looks as well as their vibe and was familiar with some of their blogging history. Only Daenel is new to me. This fab 40’s bunch makes a UNIQUE AND SOMEHOW COHESIVE TRIBE!!!
Jude, thank you so much! You know, I used to write a lot of poetry…many, many years ago. During my weekend spent at Hickory Fest, I tried my hand at jotting some words in a more poetic form. But for some reason, it feels so juvenile to me. I wonder why? Perhaps I will put that piece out on the blog soon and see what you all think. I did share it on Patreon but it is behind the $5 a month paywall. I will definitely check out Mary Oliver and perhaps revisit some of my old favorites and see if inspiration strikes me.
Aren’t these Fab 40’s ladies so wonderful?! They are definitely a good tribe to have on my side!
Suzy Turner
Your dress is utterly gorgeous, Shelbee. I adore the rainbow colours, and especially how you styled it. It’s a moment of genius the way you’ve put this together, and deserves to be in the pages of a super stylish fashion magazine!
I enjoyed reading your 200 ‘shitty’ words lol. But none of them were shitty at all!!
Hope you’re having a wonderful week,
Suzy xxx
Suzy, thank you so much! I don’t know that I am fashion magazine worthy, but I do appreciate the compliment. I have had this dress for a few months and this is exactly how I envisioned styling it, but the summer was a bit too hot for jeans. I actually do not like the way it looks on me just as a dress. I think it will be cool with long sleeves underneath it, too. It was a great theme this month! And thanks for thinking my words aren’t shitty!
The dress looks amazing as a duster.. Thinking of a dress in my closet that I could use in a similar manner, will have to try it out!
Thanks so much, Mireille! It is my favorite way to wear shirt dresses. Especially since I can never get them to close properly over my bust! #bigboobproblems I look forward to seeing how you style yours!
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very nice and colorful. I am still in my three basic colors-Blue, Black and Gray-LOL.
Thanks, Patrick! Add some color in there! Maybe start small, like with your socks…purple or red or green ones!
I am loving all this color! Great outfit and those shoes rock!
Thanks so much, Alice! These colors definitely make me happy!
Love the colours in this dress, so bold and beautiful! I have a shirt dress I like wearing as a duster like this – reminds me I should get it out and give it another wear now the weather is warmer! 🙂
Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp 🙂
Mica, thanks so much! I would love to see how you style a dress as a duster. And as your weather is warming, ours is starting to cool down.