The Bad Buy Book: October 2017-Jackets and Blazers
Welcome to October’s edition of The Bad Buy Book!
This month’s theme is Jackets and Blazers!
The Bad Buy Book is a series hosted by Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge and Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style. Together, we wanted to establish something fun and new. We both talked about our Sitting Shoes and so we came up with the idea for The Bad Buy Book!
We all do our best to look great in our outfits, choose the right accessories, the right makeup, the perfect shoes, and wait for the best light to shoot the most flattering outfit photos. And now we are asking you to show us the items you don’t feel your very best in. You know, those Sitting Shoes, that dress that is actually not quite your color, the skirt that is a size too small but the saleswoman said it looked amazing. We all own those items! And while they may look fabulous, they don’t always feel fabulous! So we want you to show us your bad buys and tell us the story about them! What made you purchase the item? And why do you dislike it now? And why not share them with us? We buy these things for a reason then hide them in the back of the closet. Now it’s their turn to share the limelight.
Every month on the 15th, we will both publish a post sharing the photos you have sent us along with a few sentences about your bad buy. Photo submissions will be due by the 10th of each month so we have time to edit and compile all of the entries. At the end of each post we will let you know the theme for the next month’s post. Photos and the story of your Bad Buy can be emailed to shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com or nancybaten@upcmail.nl. Please put “Bad Buy” in the subject line.
So let’s take a look at this month’s Bad Buys!
I am going to start with my fabulous co-host Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style. Nancy says this about her jacket:
“Do I need to say anything else but…..BORING!”

And Nancy’s second jacket. She says this…
“I actually was writing a post title when I remembered I had another Bad Buy jacket. It is currently in the back of my car to bring to the thrift store. I don’t know why I don’t like it, I think it feels to masculine.”

Next is Sonja of Yust So Me. Sonja has this to say about her jacket:
“It is my winter jacket from last year. It was cheap, warm, but after a month I saw that white stuff was coming out of the fabric. I was very dissapointed, because I loved it.. so far. Now I use it for gardening and the dirty jobs. And a new coat is on her way… a longer model, so I can wear my long sweaters, without peeping under! (Dat ze eronderuit piepen ).”

Here is my friend Alicia with her Bad Buy jacket:
“Deb going out of business sale. It looked cute and hey, I don’t really have to zip it as this was the look I intended. However, it seemed uncomfortable after I bought it. This is the one and only time I wore it.”

And now my Bad Buy blazers:
“This plaid blazer is from Talbots and I found it in my local thrift shop. For $7, I could not resist the purchase. And then another $6 to have it dry cleaned, I thought it was a steal for a total of $13! However, it is a size to small and does not fit across the shoulders. Making it $13 completely wasted! I thought it would be comfortable with a light weight tee shirt underneath, but it is still too snug so I never wear it.”
And another thrifted blazer:
“The teal brocade blazer is a thrifted piece and I fell in love with the colors and the metallic threading throughout the ornate pattern. But once again, it is a bit too snug across the shoulders. So there it hangs in my closet…unworn due to its uncomfortability factor. I need to stop buying these things that just don’t fit correctly!”
That’s all we have this month! We hope you enjoyed our Bad Buys and maybe join us next month to showcase your Bad Buy Cardigans! Now we just know you have at least one in your closet that you do not wear! Show it!
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

jodie filogomo
I feel almost bad that I didn’t have a bad jacket, Shelbee!!! Shocking since I had something for every other category–ha ha!!
I’m not even sure I have a cardigan, but I’m going to check!!
Hahaha, Jodie! We were wondering were you were! I am not sure if I have a bad buy cardigan either…but once I start digging in that mess of a closet, I will probably find 3!
What a fun idea! You’re so right – we all have some ‘bad buys’ lurking in our closets (and how annoying is it when the saleswoman says something looks amazing when in fact it looks hideous!)
Julia x
Thanks, Julia! This is a super fun series. Nancy and I love putting it together! I usually already photos that I can use, too, from my arsenal of blog pictures.
Dawn Solich
What a great series–so fun!
Thanks so much, Dawn! It is really fun!
Trina Morgan
I have stuff sitting in my closet that I just hate now lol! Thanks for sharing and linking up 🙂
You should share some of those with us, Trina! Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day!
That blazer is so cute. What a bummer that it doesn’t fit!!
By Lauren M
Thanks, Lauren! I am still holding onto it in the event that I lose a few pounds. Probably a fruitless effort, but I will try for a short while longer!
I love blazers, perfect fall. Looks great!
xoxo Falasha
Bite My Fashion
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Thanks so much, Falasha! Have a great day!
I just started following you recently and love your blog. This is the first time I’ve seen the Bad Buy series. Love it!! I can so relate to the shoulders in jackets not fitting. When I try them on in the thrift store somehow I always think they fit better than when they are home.
Welcome, Charlotte! It is so nice to make your acquaintance. Thank you so much for the lovely comment! Isn’t it crazy how we talk ourselves into things in the store? For me, I think it is that I am so taken by the price tag that I just can’t leave the item behind! And then it just ends up going back to the thrift store as a donation! I should really just donate my money and not bring any items home. Ha! I am so glad that you stopped by. And do feel free to submit some photos of your bad buys if you would like to be featured in the series!
Sheela Goh
I have SO many bad buy cardigans, mainly from Anthropologie because I keep talking myself into believing shabby chic looks good on me. But it never has and it never will. And honestly? I can’t even tell that your two blazers are snug, Shelbee, they both look so good on you. Especially that plaid number with white tee and jeans.
Sheela, you must send us some bad buy cardigan photos then! We would love to have you participate! It makes us feel “normal” when others hang onto their bad buys! Haha. And yeah, my blazers aren’t incredibly snug…like if I lost about 15 pounds, they would probably fit perfectly. But that 15 pounds just doesn’t want to go! Or maybe I am just not that persistent in making it leave.
Julie Nix
Wow, what a truthful post! I know I have so many things in my closet that may be bad buys. I just need to make myself get rid of them.
Oh, share pictures with us first, Julie! We like to share our bad buys! Thanks so much for stopping by!
This is a must try, first time I heard about “bad buys”. I gotta tell you I have a lot. What a fantastic idea! That Burberry piece looks beautiful on you.
StyleSprinter Blog by Katya Bychkova
Thanks so much for stopping by, Katya! I hope you can participate with us! It is just a fun little series to play along with. Have a great weekend.
Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. Love the blazer, but it wouldn’t fit me either. LOL.
Thanks, Nicole! Isn’t it the worst when a jacket doesn’t fit the shoulders?!
Anna Shirley
If something doesn’t fit, it needs to go out, even it is cute piece. So sad.
I agree with that statement, Anna! But yet, I continue to hoard these pieces! It’s a problem, for sure. Thanks so much for stopping by!