Swim Suit Remix Take 1 & Link Up On the Edge #153

Recently I shared my new swim suits from Rosegal and told you how I could mix and match the pieces to create four swim suits from two. So today I want to share the first of the two remixes with you.

For this remix, I combined the cobalt blue top from the Polka Dot Halter Bikini with the bottom from the Cat Cartoon Bikini Set. I always like black and white with a nice bright splash of color and the cobalt blue is the perfect blazing shade against my translucent skin! Still no tan here even though we are nearly half way through July. But that’s okay because pale is in…it is much healthier anyway.

I added my favorite jean shorts of the summer and an old kimono from Rosegal to get to and from the car. I am not one to walk around in public in just my swim suit so some kind of cover up is necessary. Although I recently saw a woman in the grocery store in just her swim suit. And an ill fitting swim suit it was. I was kind of appalled actually because when she moved certain ways, I could see her vagina. I am serious. You can’t even falsely fabricate these things…her swim suit was all stretched out and when she moved in certain ways her vagina was visible. I need to repeat this…right there in the grocery store check out line…I caught too many glimpses of a woman’s vagina.

So may I please offer this word of advice…cover up a little bit when running errands in your swim suit. Slip on a pair of shorts or tie a sarong around your waist. Maybe a tee shirt dress or a kimono tied in front. No one wants to see your private bits while standing in the grocery store check out line. Or anywhere else for that matter. Better yet, make sure your swim suit fits properly so there is no indecent exposure when you move a certain way. Because I don’t really want to see your private bits at the pool or splash park or beach either. Unless, of course, I am hanging at the nude beach. Then by all means, show me your private bits!

If you haven’t seen the original swim suits as they were meant to be, check out these posts…Heading into the Sun with Rosegal and Summer Sun, Something’s Begun…with Rosegal. And stay tuned next week for the final remix of my two swim suits. In the meantime, enjoy the sunshine and stay covered! For sun protection and for not offending anyone else’s eyes!

What have you been wearing this summer?
And now your favorite posts from last week.
Jess of Elegantly Dressed and Stylish shared her 4th of July Dress and Look. I absolutely adore these rich shades of red and blue on Jess. And how cool is that old Coca Cola sign as a backdrop…perfectly American for the most patriotic holiday!

Maureen of Little Miss Casual shared her post, 3 Important Lessons I Learned About Friendships. This post is so beautifully drafted and heartfelt. You know, growing up, even at this stage of life, is hard. We are always learning new things about life and people. I totally relate to Maureen and I think you will, too.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Kellyann Rohr
You look great Shelbee and I love the blue color of that top! The top looks really well made and like it offers great support – that’s what I am always on the hunt for when looking at swimsuits. Smokin’ hot friend!!!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! I didn’t used to like the halter style tops, but it really does give a lot of support and keeps everything in place where it belongs!
Kathrine Eldridge
The suit looks fantastic on you! I love that you can mix and match. The kimono is the perfect cover up. Thanks for the linkup!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I have one remix to share then I think I am done with all the swim suit photos! Have a great weekend.
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
Those look so cute together! Plus Ralphie!
Thanks so much, Tamar! Have a great weekend!
You are rocking that suit Shelbee! Love it when you can mix and match tops and bottoms! Your kimono is the perfect cover-up and yes, sometimes its boggling when a little too much is shared with ill-fitting or worn-out suits! Have a wonderful weekend!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I am so glad that I decided to get new swim suits this year. I am having fun with them!
jodie filogomo
I love the idea of making your swimsuit work like this!! Gorgeous Shelbee.
Thank you so much, Jodie! I hope you have the most wonderful weekend!
Patrick Weseman
Looking very nice and like how things match right down to your nail polish. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I like how you noticed the nail polish! Look at you with your keen eye for all the little details! Have a great weekend.
jess jannenga
Hi Shelbee!
I’m in the car on the road to the Outer Banks. Thanks for featuring me🙂 it’s a fav dress for the 4th. Love this color suit on you, you look great and I’m all for paler skin. The kimono is pretty and perfect as a cover-up. I was laughing out loud in the car about the lady in the grocery store…oh my! The indecency!
Jess xx
Thanks, Jess! That lady in the store though! Oh my word. I am not one to shame any person for any reason, but that was just too much. I hope you have the most fabulous time in the Outer Banks!
You are rocking that bikini! You look so fit! I love the color too!
Thanks so much, Laura! I might be sucking my tummy in some! Ha.
Julie | This Main Line Life
You look so cute in that swimsuit. I love it with the double pigtails that you often do.
Thanks so much, Julie! I do love my pigtails. They are super easy to style and great in hot weather!
Lauren Renee Sparks
I wish I could be as bold as you in your swim wear. I admire you. laurensparks.net
Aw, thanks, Lauren! I think you could be…just put on a cute swim suit and embrace life!
Cheryl Shops
You look great, Shelbee, and I love both the color and how supportive that suit looks! Will have to check this brand out!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! I am very pleased with the quality of these suits and the price is right!
What a fun set and I love the kimono coverup with it! 🙂
Hope that you are having a wonderful weekend 🙂
Thank you, Mica! There is one more swim suit remix to go. Then enough already for me! Ha. Have a wonderful week, my friend.
This swim suit was made for you Shelbee! You look wonderful and the cobalt blue is such a beautiful color. And how unfortunate, that the lady at the supermarket didn’t care to check how she her swim suit was fitting on her. That would be quite appalling to see someone’s bits, I agree. Lastly, thank you so much for the link up feature! What a nice surprise and it clearly made my weekend! Thank you, thank you! I hope your Sunday is going well so far and wishing you a fabulous evening!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thanks so much! I have one more swim suit remix to share then enough of the swim suits for me! Hopefully, I have not appalled anyone with all the swim photos. What a daunting task it is to share these things. It was my pleasure to feature you as you always offer such wonderful insight…raw and real. Thank you! I hope your week is off to a great start.
Shelbee, you have me in laughter! Such a big no no!! I am not one to walk around in my swimsuit neither, well unless I’m in vacation, but that’s a whole different story. I will definitely make sure my swimsuit fits beforehand. But girl can I first start by saying you have a great body! I love this blue on you, giving you a nice glow within. Kimonos are the perfect swimsuit coverup. I use mine all the time 😉
Aw, Mel, thanks so much! I am trying to embrace and appreciate my body more these days. I am not getting any younger so it is high time that I love all of myself! But, yes, let’s all make sure our swim suits fit properly!
Anna Shirley
This is a cute swimsuit. Love it! Thank you for sharing it with My Red Carpet.
Thanks so much, Anna! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Suzy Turner
I’m trying to write but I’m chuckling so much about that poor woman’s vajajay being on show!!!! LOL Oh dear…. I would have been mortified to see that!!
LOVE the cobalt blue swimsuit – it’s such a stunning colour.
And you look freaking GORGEOUS my friend!
Suzy xxx
P.S I don’t think I’ve ever used the word vajajay before but I had trouble writing the V word LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Suzy, I am cracking up now that you had trouble writing vagina and said vajajay instead!!! I have no trouble at all using any words! I hope I don’t offend anyone. But to me all words are just a sequence of letters arbitrarily strung together and assigned meaning. So I find no offense in the actual words themselves…now a person’s intent when they deliver words to you…that is an entirely different animal! I am so glad that I could give you a good chuckle although it was at someone else’s expense, but seriously make sure you cover your vajajay in public if you don’t want to be the brunt of a joke. Although she seemed like the type of person who doesn’t really care what anyone thinks or says about her and that is an admirable quality, at least. Have the most wonderful day, my friend, and thanks for stopping by!
What a lovely bikini, Shelbee. Love a 2 piece set. Great denim shorts too. Thanks so much for sharing your post with us at Creative Mondays. Have a great weekend and we hope to see you Tomorrow.
Thanks so much, Claire! I am getting some use from my new swim suits lately. It has been super hot out!
the blue top is such a great color on you
Thanks so much, Michelle!