Leaf Shave Razor Review, Shelbee on the Edge, sustainable shaving

Sustainable Shaving: Leaf Shave Razor Review & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #257

Leaf Shave Razor Review, Shelbee on the Edge, sustainable shaving
Leaf Shave Razor Review, Shelbee on the Edge, sustainable shaving
Leaf Shave Razor Review, Shelbee on the Edge, sustainable shaving
Leaf Shave Razor Review, Shelbee on the Edge, sustainable shaving

The older I get, the more aware I become of all of the unnecessary waste that we make as humans. It is so excessive sometimes that it makes my soul ache. So I am always looking for ways to minimize my own negative impact on the environment.

We have truly become a throw away society. We buy and toss things so quickly, it shouldn’t be any wonder that our planet is so very unwell. We have thrived on the conveniences of disposable everything…disposable diapers, disposable utensils, disposable plates and cups, disposable razors, disposable clothing.

Disposable is easy. We can buy something, use it until we are done, then toss in the trash and forget about it.

It’s that forgetting about it part that has run us into so much trouble. Just because you threw it away and forgot about it doesn’t mean that the environment gets to forget about it. Nope. She gets to deal with it. Somehow. But our manmade materials are really difficult for Mother Nature to deal with it. They are kind of out of her realm of expertise.

So she needs our help and she needs it desperately. But that help often comes in the form of minor inconveniences to us. We have been spoiled for quite a few generations with our modern day conveniences that it is difficult to give those conveniences up sometimes. I am not looking to completely rewire my whole way of living, I am simply challenging myself to find little ways that I can make more sustainable choices that will lead to big differences.

There are so many ways once can minimize their negative impact on the environment like recycling, upcycling, and reusing. But you can also substitute many of your disposable products for reusable ones instead. For example, I have been using cloth towels in place of paper towels for many of my clean up chores that I once relied solely on disposable paper towels for. I have stopped using disposable plastic straws in favor of stainless steel ones (although I do still have some plastic straws in my house that were purchased years ago). I have switched all of my cleaning and laundry products to all natural chemical-free brands which is better for our own health but also much healthier for our water supply.

As I have been making all of these tiny changes, one thing I had not thought about was disposable razors until Jennifer shared her August Favourites which included the Leaf Razor. I have been using disposable razors for as long as I have been shaving…so approximately 35 years. One disposable razor lasts me about 2 weeks so every 2 weeks for 35 years equals 840 plastic razors that I have simply tossed in a trash can and added to a landfill. I have never put 840 razors in a pile to see how much plastic waste that is, but I know it is more than it needs to be. And if I have tossed 840 razors in the trash in my lifetime that means 10 women together have tossed 8,400 plastic razors in the trash. And that would 84,000 razors from just 100 women.

Now I haven’t checked the statistics to see how many people use disposable razors versus reusable ones, but the “Environmental Protection Agency once estimated that 2 billion razors and refill blades get tossed out in the U.S. each year.” That’s a lot of sharp metal razors and a lot of plastic waste contributing to our landfill problem. And it is a place where I can easily make a change.

So I put the Leaf Razor Kit on my Christmas wish list and my husband got it for me. And now I want to share a little about it with you. The Leaf Razor mission is to “revolutionize shaving and eliminate plastic.” In their mission to offer an environmentally sustainable quality product for shaving and to eliminate plastic, Leaf also packages and ships all of their products completely plastic-free as well. They estimate that 100,000 Leaf Shave users will keep 2.5 million razors out of landfills each year. So I figured it was time that I make the switch. And now I encourage you to do the same if you are still on the disposable razor train.

I chose the Leaf Kit in Berry Blue and added the Leaf Travel Case. The kit comes with the razor and stand, 60 blades, and a blade recycling tin. The Leaf Razor has a built in pivoting head and can hold one, two, or three blades depending on how close you want the shave. I have been using it with all three blades and it really does give an incredibly close shave. I usually shave my legs daily but with the Leaf Razor, I am only needing to shave every other day which is really nice.

The Leaf has a longer handle than I am used to and it is a lot heavier than a basic plastic razor. I was super cautious the first few days using it because I just didn’t trust it. But that’s only because it’s new and so very different from what I have been using for 35 years. It took me about two weeks to get acquainted with my Leaf but now I know we will have a lifelong relationship. I am going to order the Leaf Grip Sleeve as well because it does become a bit tedious to handle when the razor gets slippery with soap or shave cream.

Leaf Shave Razor Review, Shelbee on the Edge, sustainable shaving
Leaf Shave Razor Review, Shelbee on the Edge, sustainable shaving
Leaf Shave Razor Review, Shelbee on the Edge, sustainable shaving
Leaf Shave Razor Review, Shelbee on the Edge, sustainable shaving
Leaf Shave Razor Review, Shelbee on the Edge, sustainable shaving

Revolutionizing Shaving to Eliminate Plastic

Leaf Shave
Leaf Shave Razor Review, Shelbee on the Edge, sustainable shaving
Leaf Shave Razor Review, Shelbee on the Edge, sustainable shaving
Leaf Shave Razor Review, Shelbee on the Edge, sustainable shaving
Leaf Shave Razor Review, Shelbee on the Edge, sustainable shaving

Overall, I am really pleased with my new Leaf Razor and so happy that I can make even just a little progress towards improving my own sustainability practices to help heal our earth.

By the way, I was not compensated in any way for this post. I am just a very satisfied customer and passionate advocate for environmentally concerned brands. You can follow Leaf Shave on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

What changes have you made recently toward a more sustainable and environmentally concerned lifestyle?

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I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Thanks so much, Kathrine! Not only is it a more sustainable option, but it really does save you money over time, too. I was just about to go dump probably $15 on a package of disposable razors right before Christmas. Then I decided we should just splurge the $113. That’s probably the cost of 1-2 years of disposable razors. I really wish I had done this sooner! Have a fabulous day!


  • Kellyann Rohr

    Okay, I love the way you signed off today – hahahaha!! So witty!
    I hate throwing things away too – the waste disgusts me as well. I have not heard of these razors before so thanks for the information. My razor gets used every day!

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Ha, thanks, Kellyann! It made me chuckle, too! The waste is so crazy these days. We started recycling literally everything we can a few years ago and our actual trash that goes out for trash pickup has been cut to a third of what it once was. But even with all that recycling, I feel like we can do better by not producing that much stuff that has to be recycled and thrown away. I am trying to do better with each new purchase!


  • Nancy

    That’s good! I really hate all the plastic waist. As I see how much we have when I am making dinner!! It’s absurd. I use a ladyshave btw, so don’t have that problem with razors.

  • Christina Morley

    It’s wonderful that you are choosing habits that are better for the environment. It’s great that the people making Leaf shaving kits don’t use any plastic. I have been using a reusable razor that almost never needs replacing for most of my life. I only change the blade and it’s a good quality blade that lasts a few months.
    Thanks for lovely comment that you left on my blog!
    Take care,

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Thanks so much, Tina! Honestly, this is one small change that not only helps the environment but it also saves me money and hassle in the long run. I never have to buy a razor again and I have a large stock of blades so it will be a while until I have to buy those. If every person just made one small change like that, it would make such an enormous difference!


  • Ellie

    Great post, Shelbee! You are so right about the amount of waste we humans create!! So sad and there are so many simple everyday ways where we can all contribute to a better environment. I’ve never understood people who use paper plates as an everyday option, but I’m sure they have their reasons. Growing up in Europe the only time I remember where disposable plates/cups were used were at an outdoor festival type event. Even at some of those some would charge a small fee that you would get back in return of the plate or glass.

    I never was a fan of the disposable razors, had bought a package once many years ago because I thought they’d be easier to take along on a vacation. But since I was used to a regular reusable razor I never liked how light the disposables were and I didn’t feel like they worked nearly as well as my reusable razor. Yes, I still have to replace the blade after some time but I do try to make the blades last as long as possible. They are so costly!!
    This sounds like a great set to get to make the switch from disposables.
    Thanks for the linkup!

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Ellie, thanks so much. I get cringey about paper plates when I use them occasionally just because I am feeling lazy. So the folks who use them everyday I simply will never understand. I do understand paper plates for large outdoor events though. It’s probably just as bad for the environment if you had to wash a million dishes, too! And kudos to you for NOT dumping 840 plastic razors into landfills like I have done!


  • Laura Bambrick

    I’ve been so curious about razors like this! While I do like my fast fashion, I really try to be as green as possible otherwise. I try not to even use plastic bags or plastic wrap! So I appreciate this post!

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Thanks so much, Laura! I love that you balance your fast fashion passion with making sustainable choices elsewhere! Oh my gosh, I just put plastic wrap over a bowl of cherries to put in the fridge last night and I cringed so bad. But I was out of storage containers with lids! Plastic wrap really is an awful thing, yet I still am using it. What do you use instead?


  • Marsha Banks

    I am one of those people who shaves their legs every day. If I don’t, my whole routine is off! I haven’t used disposable razors much because I didn’t like the feel of them in my hand. They didn’t work that well for me, either. Now, I think I have a Harry’s Razor. I don’t have much hair on my legs so a blade lasts for months for me. I am the queen of recycling! I go through Nigel’s trash and try to guilt him into doing better. Part of Indianapolis is powered by steam produced by burning trash in a state of the art facility. So, even though I recycle as much as I possibly can (and avoid high volume packaging), I feel a little better knowing the trash is being used to create electricity.

    Thanks, Shelbee for the link up!


    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Marsha, thanks for sharing this comment! I generally shave everyday as well because I cannot stand the feeling of the tiniest bit of stubble on my legs. This razor allows me to go a day in between, but I still don’t skip many days. Maybe twice a week I skip shaving my legs now. I don’t have very much leg hair anymore either and only have to shave above the knee once or twice a week.

      I think my husband and I sort of grew together in becoming more environmentally aware so we push each other when we find new ways to do better and be more sustainable. Thankfully! Because I hate arguing about actual trash. LOL How awesome that Indianapolis has found a way to generate power from trash! That is some serious advancements that are helpful to the environment. Thank you for sharing that information. I have to go read more!


  • Anne M Bray

    That sounds like a great product! I will keep it in mind for when I use up my bad plactic razors. I’m a very slow shaver – the only thing I shave in the winter is my face! Heh.

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      It really is a fabulous product, Anne! Definitely consider making the switch when all your plastic razors are gone. Speaking of razors, I also love my Anjou face shaver that I bought on Amazon. I have to shave the ole whiskers about once a month all year long! But it beats going to the salon monthly for the waxing business.


  • Joanne

    I swithed to a reusable razor years ago and honestly think it shaves way better than the disposable razors used to too.

  • Grace

    Oooh, this sounds like such a nice razor and I love the pics you took of it! I use disposable razors also, but I have to admit that I rarely change them… Like, I use the same disposable razor for about a year – oops. But less waste I guess, right? I should really consider investing in a good razor like this one! Thanks for sharing and for joining my linkup.

    Miles of smiles,


    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Thanks so much, Grace! Oh my gosh, I was getting so frustrated taking these photos. I am not very skilled at flat lay photos of anything, but somehow I ended being really pleased with how the photos turned out! I am cracking up about your extended use disposable razors! I have definitely kept using razors long after they were finished shaving anything…usually until I cut myself then I change it. But not anymore with my fabulous new eco-friendly razor!


  • Chickenruby

    I’ve always used a reusable razor, it costs more initially but saves money in the long run and less waste.
    Thanks for linking with #pocolo, sorry for the delay with commenting and sharing. Hope to see you back soon.

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Thanks, Suzanne. I honestly never even realized they made reusable razors for women. I thought they were only designed to shave men’s faces! I feel kind of silly now, but at least I made the switch…better late than never! And I agree, the up front cost is a small investment but it is cheaper in the long run and most importantly it creates much less waste.


  • Laurie

    Funny to say it, but it’s a very pretty razor. I used to use reusable handle razors. My favorite was that brown one they used to make.

    Thanks for sharing this at the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop!


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Shelbee on the Edge