Styling a Ribbon Scarf for Fall & Giveaway

Fall is officially here and what that means for me in the North Country is that I am cold. All the time. For some reason, the premenopausal fluctuations in my estrogen levels like to correspond with the drop in temperatures. So while my body becomes unable to properly regulate its own temperature and the thermometer begins to plummet, the cold flashes take over and I spend most of my days just trying to get warm.

Scarves, hats, and fingerless gloves become a staple in my daily wardrobe even while I sit in my house working. If I could type with fingered gloves, I totally would. In fact, as I sit here drafting this post wearing my favorite cashmere fingerless writing gloves, I can’t really feel my fingers any longer. It makes this writing life a bit challenging in the colder months. I tried to sit on my front porch because it feels a little warmer outside but a swarm of unrelenting yellow jackets ruined that idea. If I am this cold, why are the yellow jackets still flying around out there in abundance? I guess they don’t have menopause.

My cup of hot lemon water helps to warm my hands and my soul except when I get on a roll typing and I forget to drink it until it’s cold lemon water. Then I have to go pop it in the microwave every 20 minutes or so. But at least the movement from my cloffice to the kitchen gets my blood flowing. One would think that would help to warm me, but alas, it is a losing battle.

And so I add all the layers. One thing that really helps is wrapping a soft warm scarf around my neck. For some reason, I catch a major chill when my neck is exposed. And since I wear scarves on a daily basis from September until May, I have an enormous collection of them. But I am always game for a new and unique one to keep things interesting. So when Liberty of B4 and Afters asked me if I would like to try one of her handmade ribbon scarves, I did not hesitate for a moment. And we teamed up with Mica of Away From Blue to show you all how we have styled these fun ribbon scarves in three different colors.

And here is the best part…Liberty is giving away one of each color! That’s right…three winners will be chosen and each will receive a different colored ribbon scarf made by the very talented hands of Liberty! Just check out the Rafflecopter below to enter for your chance to win one.

Liberty has crafted these super soft ribbon scarves in brown, fuchsia, and gray. I chose the brown one which has flecks of gray in it and it is the perfect combination of neutral shades for my Fall wardrobe. As soon as I opened it, I knew right away that I wanted to pair it with this animal print button down top. I have only ever worn this top with dark jeans so I wanted to give it a try with white denim to create a more dramatic contrast. My black moto jacket and brown booties completed the look.

Do hop on over and see how Mica and Liberty styled their ribbon scarves. And remember to enter for a chance to win one of your own!

Scarves are a great addition to any wardrobe as they bring a special interest and new element to any style. Dress up a tee shirt with a fun scarf or add one inside the collar of a button down blouse. Throw one around your shoulders to keep warm or to provide extra sun protection. They can be added to dresses or to casual jeans outfits. Scarves are that one accessory that literally go with anything and everything. How do you wear your scarves?

Keeping it on the edge,
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You wear your scarf so well, that brown is the perfect colour with the rest of your outfit! 🙂 I’m always cold too – until summer rolls around, ha! I find the aircon so cold but it’s so nice being outside in the sun to warm up.
It’s so fun hosting the giveaway with you!
Thanks so much, Mica! I was so happy with how perfectly the scarf matched this top! I get super cold in the air conditioning, too, but we rarely even turn it on in the summer because it doesn’t even get that hot here. Heading over to check out your post now!
Julie | This Main Line Life
This is a great fall outfit and that scarf is really cute. I have cropped white jeans like that and love them. I wear them ALL the time. Those boots are really cute too and I like the color of them.
Thanks so much, Julie! This outfit was actually a bit out of my comfort zone…a little more conservative than I normally wear! So I am glad that it is getting some positive remarks!
I like how you tied the scarf! I tend to feel warm rather than cold!
Thank you, Mireille! If I only I could get warm!
You look great in your scarf, Shelbee!! Thanks so much for doing this giveaway with us!
Liberty @ B4andAfters.com
Liberty, thank you for hosting the giveaway and contributing your talents and creativity to making these beautiful scarves! I am excited to see who wins the scarves!
Jacqui Berry
I love all these colours, it’s a really unusual scarf and I love the narrow size of it. Thanks for hosting Shelbee. Jacqui
Thanks so much, Jacqui! It is a fun scarf because it is so different from what I already have. I hope you entered for a chance to win one for yourself!
jodie filogomo
I love how you wore this with the animal print Shelbee. I might wear a pair of red or orange earrings with it.
Thanks, Jodie! Ooh…I didn’t even think of brighter accessories, I was so locked into neutral mode! I will keep that in mind!
Ruth Josey
Your whole look is just beautiful, Shelbee! I love every piece of it (including those cute socks peeking out between your pants and boots). And I love the ribbon scarf, too. I think that’s the color set I’d choose, too. I really like the way you’ve wrapped and tucked it. I wear scarves during the winter but I tend to wear the same ones again and again (even though I have a ton of them). This winter I’m giving them all a chance! Thank you so much for being part of this giveaway and for the chance to win one! I really love the earrings you’re wearing and I think I’d go with something in that color but I’ve pulled and picked so many scarves with dangly earrings that I’d probably find something closer to my ear to wear it with.
Ruth Josey
Oh…. ps. – I’m in menopause too and I freeze from the time the temp is below 65F to the time it’s back up to 70F 😛 Hot flashes would be a welcome thing to me.
Oh my goodness, thank you so much for sharing that with me! People always look at me like I’m strange when I speak of these cold flashes! They tell me it’s not menopause because you only get hot flashes with that. Well, I beg to differ! Because I am in it and I am freezing! It’s insane. I would welcome a hot flash every now and then as well. Although when I go to bed shivering in layers of fleece and robes and blankets while wearing a hat, scarf, and gloves to fall asleep, I tend to wake up around 3 a.m. swimming in a puddle of sweat!
Ruth, thanks so much for your lovely comment! I am really enjoying the wonderful comments about this look. I was totally out of my comfort zone in this outfit as it is way more conservative than my normal style. It’s nice to know that I was able to pull it off! And when I put my socks on I didn’t think they would show and thought they didn’t really match, but then they did kind of work out pretty well. I have also caught many an earring on a scarf and tend to know which ones will work with scarves now. I wish you luck in the giveaway! I hope you win one of these fun scarves!
I’ve always been a “chilly mortal” who feels the cold. but it sounds like it’s worse for you! You have my sympathy. Those ribbon scarves are a great idea. And the cashmere fingerless gloves – I need those in my life! And particularly at work where the guys like the AC too cold. Thanks for linking up at #WowOnWednesday.
Thanks so much, Gail! Did you enter for a chance to win one of these adorable ribbon scarves? As for the writing gloves…oh my word, they totally save me! I wrote a review of the cashmere ones back in March. You can read it here. They are specifically designed for writing which I love because they aren’t bulky. I have other fingerless gloves but the knit is too heavy around the base of my fingers making it difficult to type while wearing them. The cashmere ones are thin and soft and perfect for typing!
Terri erdner
I would love to spend a day in your closet or even have you shop with me and say don’t wear that, try this haha you always look amazing!
Ha, Terri, thanks so much! I would totally go shopping with you! But you always look amazing already! Maybe we should get a bunch of ladies together for a girls’ night out and I can do a styling session or something. That would be fun!!!!
Sarah mary
I would wear my oversized diamond earrings. They are fabulous and paired with a beautiful scarf, they will stand out too.
Thanks so much for stopping by, Sarah Mary! I love the idea of diamond earrings with this scarf. And I forgot about my big diamond hoops! I need to get them out and wear them more often. Maybe today!
Mother of 3
Love that scarf and those booties are adorable!!
Thanks so much, Joanne! Did you enter the Rafflecopter for a chance to win one for yourself?
Nicole of High Latitude Style
This scarf is very pretty. It looks pretty cool with the leather jacket. Perfect for fall.
Thanks so much, Nicole! Did you enter on the Rafflecopter for a chance to win one for yourself?!
I agree, a scarf can make all the difference in keeping warm,even if you are bundled up in a super warm jacket. Love scarfs and Liberty is so craft, isn’t she?!
Thanks so much, Alice! Liberty is extremely talented! This scarf is so fun and different from any other that I own. I hope you are enjoying your weekend!
Jennifer Carroll
I would wear some hoop earrings with the scarf.
Jennifer, thanks so much for stopping by and entering the giveaway! Hoops are a great choice with any scarf as they are less likely to get caught on the scarf and pull it! I hope you are having a lovely weekend!
monique s
I would wear a pearl stud earring to allow the beautiful scarf to be the focus
Beautiful idea, Monique! Thanks so much for stopping by and entering the giveaway! Have a great Sunday!
Jessica Peeling
These are beautiful! I would wear some of my silver statement earrings!
Thanks so much, Jessica! A pair of statement earrings would look fabulous!
Anna Shirley
Those scarfs are really pretty. Such a great look, Shelbee. Thank you for sharing this look with My Red Carpet.
Thank you, Anna! Did you enter the Rafflecopter for a chance to win one for yourself? They are so unique and fun!
Karren~#OMHGWW Linkup
You look amazing all ready for fall! I just revisited a post from April 1st, your party #138, that outfit and the shoes are so cute I just had to pin them to share, Tweeted too!
Be sure to stop by and linkup on #omhgww this week!
Thank you for all the many times you have visited my blog, I miss getting around to everyone.
Karren, thank you so very much, my friend! I only just started being able to visit all the wonderful blogs that join my link parties. And it is so nice to see what’s going on in the blogging community. But sometimes life just gets in the way! I wil certainly be by to join your link party! I hope you have a blessed day.
My lucky dice earrings are all fun and games.
With a MONOPOLY on versatility, I can co-ordinate outfits in a SNAP.
These beautiful scarves make my eyes BOGGLE.
GUESS WHO knows that wearing them together would be no TRIVIAL PURSUIT ?!
Krystal, that is the cutest response ever to the question! Thanks so much for stopping by and entering for your chance to win one of these beautiful scarves!
I’m not sure, but I’ll think on it. I don’t wear too many earrings.
Ellen, thanks for stopping by and entering! I often choose earrings that won’t get caught in my scarves. I have learned that lesson the hard way! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Michelle Kafka
I would wear my silver hoop earrings or my baubles with the scarves. Thanks for the chance.
Michelle, thanks so much for entering! You can never go wrong with silver hoops or baubles! I hope you are enjoying your weekend.
I feel like I have experienced menopause in bits and pieces. Specially during pregnancy and postpartum. I was always hot during pregnancy and postpartum. I am sweating all the time. Fanning myself when everybody else is cold because of the air conditioning.
Now that it is officially fall temperature, I’m starting to feel cold like everybody else.
Thanks for linking up on what I wear Sunday. I like seeing your post there.
Thanks so much, Sarah! Yeah, hormonal changes can definitely do some crazy things to our bodies. Right now I am struggling with severe fatigue on top of the shivering cold flashes. Did you know there was a thing called “period flu”? I am just learning firsthand about this as well…I get flu symptoms with PMS where I ache all over and feel like I want to lie down and die! Oh, the joys of being a woman!
Michelle Tucker
I’d wear my silver hoops with the scarf. I really love the look of these, so pretty. 🙂 Thanks so much for the opportunity.
Thanks, Michelle! Silver hoops are such a great staple. They go with everything! Good luck to you!
I wear different sizes of hoops. So, it would be worn with hoops.
Hoops are such a great choice. They go with everything! Thanks for entering, Sand, and good luck to you!