Style Imitating Art: Nebra Sky Disk & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #207

I do believe I have finally figured out the Style Imitating Art schedule and I have marked my calendar so I remember to check the prompts with lots of time to create an outfit and photograph it. Not that the schedule was difficult to follow, I just apparently had issues with motivation and marking the correct dates to remind myself!
About Style Imitating Art
Style Imitating Art is hosted by Daenel of Living Outside the Stacks, Salazar of 14 Shades of Grey, and Terri of Meadow Tree Style. Style Imitating Art challenges us to draw style inspiration from pieces of art. Every other Monday, one of the hosts, acting as curator, selects an inspiration image that they will each post on their blogs. The following Monday, each host shares her art inspired outfit. Participants are invited to submit their art inspired outfits to the curator by 10:00 p.m. EST on the Tuesday following the hosts’ art inspired outfit posts. The following day, Wednesday, the curator will share all of the submissions on her blog.
You don’t have to be a blogger to join! You are invited to share your images on Instagram or other social media platforms! Just be sure to tag Salazar, Terri, and Daenel or use #TeamLOTSStyle and #StyleImitatingArt so the hosts know you have joined. Go have some fun in your closets and join the SIA challenge next week!
The Inspiration Artwork
The inspiration artwork was curated by Salazar of 14 Shades of Grey. You can read why Salazar has chosen this specific piece as her inspiration artwork here.
The Nebra Sky Disk: Circa 1600 BCE (Discovered in Nebra, Germany)

The Nebra Sky Disk is a bronze disk about 11 3/4 inches in diameter, weighing approximately 4.9 pounds. It consists of all over patina with gold inlaid symbols depicting what is considered either a sun or full moon, a lunar crescent moon, and stars. There is a cluster of seven stars in the top right quadrant of the disk which is thought to represent the Pleiades. The two golden arcs along the outer sides were added to the disk later and are believed to represent the angles between solstices. The final addition to the bronze disk was the gold arc at the bottom with multiple stroke lines. Archaeologists have various interpretations of this arc, believing it to represent a solar barge with oars, the Milky Way, or a rainbow.
Most carbon dating has indicated that the Nebra Sky Disk was created during the Bronze Age, but there is also evidence to suggest that the disk may be from the later era of the Iron Age. If the Bronze Age dating is correct, then the Nebra Sky Disk is the oldest known concrete depiction of our cosmos. In 2013, UNESCO termed the Nebra Sky Disk as “one of the most important archaeological finds of the twentieth century”.
The discovery of the disk occurred in 1999 by two treasure hunters with a metal detector. During their excursion, they also discovered two bronze swords, two hatchets, a chisel, and fragments of spiral bracelets. In this region, archaeological discoveries are considered property of the state and since the hunters were operating without a license, their activity was illegal looting. Because they were not trained archaeologists, they damaged the sky disk with their spade while digging and also destroyed parts of the dig site. Knowing that their activity was illegal, they sold their entire find on the black market for 31,000 Deutsche Marks.
Over the next two years, the hoard had been sold multiple times throughout Germany with the price going as high as 1,000,000 Deutsche Marks. By 2021, knowledge of the find had become public and through a police led investigation, the state archaeologist was able to acquire the disk on the black market for 700,000 Deutsche Marks. The original treasure hunters were eventually traced and as part of their plea bargain, they had to take the authorities to their dig site. The disk and the other artifacts discovered with it are now housed safely in the State Museum of Prehistory in Halle, Germany.
You can read more about the legal repercussions for the looters as well as the details of the dating of the disk on Wikipedia. I really had no idea about the intriguing history of the Nebra Sky Disk when I first saw this art inspired style prompt. I loved the prompt so much because I am fascinated with all things space related. A really cool part about these SIA challenges is the additional knowledge we can gain about art and ancient artifacts. I really had no intention of sharing this much information about the sky disk, but once I ventured into that rabbit hole, I found so much goodness that I had to share!

Now let’s get to the business of the outfit that was inspired by the Nebra Sky Disk.
Of course, my first reaction to the sky disk was a little nerd girl happy dance because of the space theme. But then I focused on the colors in the image to begin thinking of wardrobe pieces that would work. As a final brainstorming method, I saved the inspiration image as the background on my laptop which really helped me to come up with some ideas for an outfit inspired by the Nebra Sky Disk.
What struck me most besides the celestial images was the combination of colors on the disk, gold and patina green, as they contrasted with the black background of the photograph. I decided to focus my outfit on the colors more than the object and the images. The first two pieces that came to mind were this gold sequined mini skirt and my green suede moto jacket. Initially, I had in mind to wear my new NASA tee shirt that was another Christmas gift from my kids, but when I paired the tee with the skirt and jacket, it just was not working. It is a white tee with a red and black graphic and the color was totally throwing me off. So I changed to a black peplum top which shifted the focal point away from the bold NASA graphic to the gold sequins.

I also had in mind to wear my black velvet booties with gold stars embroidered on them. However, the day before I photographed this outfit, these new green croc boots arrived in the mail from a recent JustFab clearance sale. And they were perfect for this outfit!
By the way, they are still available and still on clearance for $10. Just click this JustFab link to sign up as a member and start shopping this fun sale! I am not a JustFab affiliate, but I will earn some extra member referral funds to buy more boots if you sign up through my link.

Once I had the outfit styled the way I wanted it, I had to add a gold sun and moon necklace to stay with the space theme. We then headed to the lookout in the freezing cold to take some photos. When I say freezing cold, I mean it. With the wind chill on this day, the real feel temperature was 3˚F (-16˚C). My fingers were on fire by the time we were finished.
I suffer from Raynaud’s Syndrome which is a rare disorder of the blood vessels that causes the far extremities to become very cold, numb, tingling, and even change colors. The syndrome causes the blood vessels to narrow when you are feeling cold or stressed. My symptoms first manifested about 4 or 5 years ago and have gotten progressively worse every winter. I don’t have very many bouts with it during the warmer months, but in the winter, my fingers, toes, and the tip of my nose are all affected and the pain in my fingertips can be pretty severe on occasion. This is the reason I am almost always wearing gloves in my winter photos. I usually have to start wearing them outdoors when the temperatures drop below 60˚F (15˚C). But I can save all this stuff for another post if anyone is interested in learning more about this disorder.

And that’s all I have for you today! Stop back tomorrow for my quarterly post with The Magnificent 8. We have a really fun theme styled for you! And be sure to visit Salazar tomorrow as well for a complete roundup of all the Nebra Sky Disk inspired outfits!
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Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Jacket-Charlotte Russe / Shirt, Bralette, Skirt-Torrid / Tights-c/o Sheertex / Gloves-Isotoner / Boots (Exact)-JustFab / Sequined Clutch-Thrifted / Necklace-c/o Happiness Boutique / Earrings-Old

Dee | Grammy's Grid
Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up with TOP 10 POSTS OF 2020 AT GRAMMY’S GRID. I’m also hosting some link parties. Won’t you drop by and link up?
Thanks so much, Dee! I look forward to reading your top 10 posts! And I will head over to add some links to your party as well. Have a fabulous week!
Shelbee, I’m so sorry that you suffer from Raynaud’s. It sounds horrendous. Michael (my hubby) insists the best way to warm your hands is by wearing mittens, rather than gloves. I’m sure you have lots of them already though lol!
I can’t tell you how much I ADORE this interpretation. But then I guess you probably already knew I would say that. Well, it is green…and gold, which is my absolute FAVOURITE combination at the moment. It’s such a sumptuous combination, right? That skirt is so stunning. It’s funny, I was literally (just yesterday) looking at a gold skirt online. I didn’t order it because it wasn’t enough of a bargain lol. But I’m keeping my eye on it!
Huge hugs
Suzy xx
Suzy, thank you so much! I did have a feeling you would enjoy this post and the outfit! I just found this skirt at Torrid last week on clearance. I think I paid $12 for it. I didn’t need a gold sparkly skirt for any reason, but I couldn’t resist it for the price. And then the very next day, the SIA theme came out and it was perfect! So for someone who hasn’t been shopping much this past year, this outfit features two brand new pieces, the skirt and boots! And yes, green and gold are amazing together! Also Micheal is absolutely correct that mittens are much warmer than gloves. It is because the body heat from your fingers pressed together and confined in the mitten is much warmer than having the fabric of gloves cut off all the shared body heat from between your fingers. I do have an extensive collection of both mittens and gloves! But obviously gloves are much easier for practical purposes than mittens. I wear fingerless gloves all day inside the house because just keeping that part of my hands warm helps a little bit. Definitely keep watching that gold skirt and snag it up when the price is right!
Shelbee, I completely forgot to say THANK YOU for featuring my new blog on this post! I felt awful when I just realised! So, thank you my dearest friend. You’re the best!
I’m going to have a look at that skirt and see if there is a Torrid in Europe lol!
Huge hugs
Suzy xx
You are quite welcome, my friend! And no apologies needed. I find I get caught up in comments and forget to say all sorts of things that I had intended as well. I think it’s because I probably go on too long in writing and talking…an all around chatterbox, I am! I don’t there Torrid has international stores, but they do ship internationally. However, the sales are never quite as good online as they are in the store. But check it out anyway. They have weird sizing so be sure to read their size charts. You would likely be in their smallest size of 00 but that may even too big for you.
I’ll check it out! Thanks Shelbee! I appear to be a real chatterbox today too lol. I think we’re just soul sisters, that’s what it is!! 😉
Suzy xxx
Haha, chatter away, my friend! I can keep up! Soul sisters, indeed.
I just love seeing you piece together a beautiful outfit!! That skirt is so pretty and I am just in awe that you create outfits inspired by art!!! Also, love those shoes! I hope you have the best day! A happy to linkup!
Abby, thank you so much! I really do view my closet as my playground these days! I really enjoy getting creative with my outfits. I am so glad that you enjoy the Style Imitating Art posts!
I haven’t figured out that schedule yet, lol. But you did a great job with this outfit! I think that skirt is fabulous!!
Thanks so much, Nancy! Okay, so mark your calendar for Monday, February 1 to check for the art prompt and then your photo is due to the curator by Tuesday, February 9. And then every other Monday starting from February 1 will be the days the prompts are announced. I hope that helps! It is definitely helping me to remember. Then I change my laptop background to the art piece which helps me remember and also helps get my creativity flowing!
Great outfit, I love the green on you. And the boots wow!!
Pamela x
Thanks so much, Pamela! Green is my forever favorite color so I love any opportunity to wear it!
My mom was diagnosed with Raynaud’s years and years ago and I have suspected for years that I have it too(at least a mild case of it). I can’t even carry a gallon of milk through the grocery store without my fingertips turning completely white and going all numb/tingly and hurting for quite some time afterwards. It doesn’t take long for the cold to bother me at all.
You did a great job with your outfit; definitely a Nebra Sky Disk feeling there! I love those green boots.
Joanne, thanks so much! This was a fun object to research and even more fun to create an outfit inspired by it. Raynaud’s is no joke! My sister has had it for years and she owns a ice cream truck business so she suffers really badly in the summer months because her hands are always in the freezers. I never went to the doctor about it to get an official diagnosis, but based on my sister’s diagnosis and researching Raynaud’s has led me to my self diagnosis. And since there is no treatment and there is a genetic component to it, I won’t bother going to the doctor. I just do what I can to minimize the coldness on my extremities. When I am at home not wearing shoes, I have to wear two pairs of socks to keep warm enough. I have multiple pairs of fingerless gloves lying all around the house because even without the fingers, it does help to keep the rest of my hands warm which minimizes the fingertip coldness. My fingers will turn all sorts of interesting colors from white to red to purple and if I touch anyone in my house, the screech out that I have the “icy cold hands of death”! So maybe try out fingerless gloves for now and see if that helps to minimize some of your discomfort.
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Oh oh! What a cool piece to imitate and you created such a great outfit!
Thanks so much, Tamar! I got really excited about this piece! It was super fun to research and style an outfit around the Nebra Sky Disk!
Kathrine Eldridge
I am so in love with this color palette and your interpretation of this beautiful piece of art. Thanks for the background story. Those boots are incredible and loving the contrast of the sequins with the jacket. Thanks for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! This was a super fun style challenge. I had a blast with it! And I really enjoyed researching the story of the Nebra Sky Disk as well. I hope you are having a wonderful week.
What a fun inspiration piece! You nailed this look – such a beautiful interpretation! Your skirt and booties are fabulous!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I had so much fun with this one despite freezing half to death! Haha.
I love that skirt!!!
Curated By Jennifer
Thanks, Jennifer! This was a recent clearance find at Torrid. I paid $12 for it!
Bojana Krienke
Your interpretation is amazing!!!! What a unique way to inspire outfits. I absolutely love the sparkle skirt with the green, who would have thought. And your new boots were the perfect pairing, staying in the same color scheme but I like that although super cool with the croc print, they still allow the sparkly skirt to be the main wow factor. Well done!
Thanks so much, Bo! I had a lot of fun with this one! Using art to inspire outfits has really helped me to up my creativity a bit and I am really enjoying these challenges. This sparkly skirt is new as well…I found it last weekend for $12 at Torrid. I didn’t need a sparkly skirt for any reason, but it sure came in handy for this style prompt!
Jessica A Jannenga
Hi Shelbee
Oh, Raynauds! We thought I may have it, as at times when my feet are cold , they can look blue. I don’t but understand that must be painful. Love how you interpreted the art! Those green booties are so pretty and a steal! I love the shimmery gold skirt with the green jacket. Such a pretty look in the snow too! I am going to read more about the art, so interesting how old it is!
enjoy your week!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much! Raynaud’s really is an interesting thing and can be very painful. I imagine it feels very similar to people with poor circulation. Is that maybe what causes your feet to get cold and turn blue? When my hands get really bad, my palms will appear very white against the deep purple shade of my finger tips. It looks really creepy when it happens, but as soon as get them warmed up again, it goes away…until the next bout! This was a super fun art piece to research and use as outfit inspiration. I have so much fun with these SIA prompts. Have a fabulous day!
Deborah Stinedurf
That skirt is the sparkliest, shiniest, happiest thing I’ve seen in awhile! xo
Thanks so much, Debbie! The shiny sparkles definitely made me happy!
Nora Minassian
Love that shade of green and the moto jacket is so cute. You look great in this color Shelbee. I am sorry that you are suffering from Raynaud’s syndrome, it must be horrible especially if you are living in a cold climate which I know you are. Take care…
Thanks so much, Nora! Green is my very favorite color so I embrace any opportunity to wear it! This challenge was perfect for it. And yes, the cold climate definitely makes the Raynaud’s worse, but I am finding ways to cope! I may write a more in depth post on Raynaud’s in the future. I hope you are having a wonderful week!
Cheryl Shops
Shelbee, what an amazing idea for a post! Not only do I love the piece of art that you picked, but the way you brought it to life in your outfit is really unique and makes for such a cool look! And sorry to hear you suffer from Raynaud’s—my boyfriend has a similar neurological disorder and has a complex series of heating pads, foot soaks, and layers to cope during this time of year!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thank you so much! These Style Imitating Art challenges are really a lot of fun. I feel like they offer a new opportunity to get even more creative with my style. And with not much else going on these days, I welcome that opportunity! I was just telling my husband the other day that I needed to get some hand warmers of some sort. I saw a tutorial recently for mini rice bags as hand warmers. I may try to hand sew a few. And now I am curious what kind of foot soaks help as well. More research for me to do! I am going to try to write a post dedicated to this topic. Hopefully, I will have some helpful resources for your boyfriend as well.
Christina Morley
Wow! That was such an interesting story. I’m not happy about the looters and the way they damaged stuff, but the find is super cool. I also love that color of green. It looks good on you. Thanks for hosting!
Tina, thanks so much! I was completely fascinated by the story behind the sky disk as soon as started reading about the way in which it was discovered. So interesting. It is sad that the looters destroyed the artifacts and parts of the dig site, but it is a really amazing find and I think if it weren’t for the looters, the disk may have never been found. There is good and bad to every story I suppose!
Laura Bambrick
Your outfit is perfect with the disc as the inspiration! Any excuse to wear a sequin skirt right?! It’s gorgeous on you! I loved reading about the history behind the disc too. Fascinating! I’m always interested in history and archaeology!
Laura, thanks so much! I loved the opportunity for styling this sequin skirt although I did change right after the photos because I was freeeeeeeezing! I have been getting into the history of everything so much lately. It is all so fascinating! And I really appreciate that we live in an age when this information is literally right at our fingertips!
You nailed this fashion recreation! I have been loving hunter green lately and have something very similar up on the blog next week!
Le Stylo Rouge
Thank you, Ashley! Green is my forever favorite color in any shade, so when I see an opportunity for styling it, I get very excited. These colors, gold and green and black, really made me happy! I look forward to seeing your upcoming hunter green outfit!
Well done! You nailed it. Your new boots are a perfect match to your jacket. So pretty!
I have heard of Raynaud’s, but I’ve not known anyone who has it. By all means, post about it.
Thanks so much, Michelle! I think I will write a post about living with Raynaud’s! I am all about education and knowledge and awareness, after all! And sharing what I know and experience is my best source of writing inspiration.
P.S. And what an interesting history the Nebraska Sky Disc has!
I am glad you enjoyed it! I had a fun time researching it.
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
Gold is my favorite color, so of course I love that glitzy skirt! It is so pretty paired with the green colors! I had not heard of this disease, but I am sure it is not pleasant in the winter! I get cold easily anyway, so I can sympathize!! I am sure you have a cute collection of mittens, though, just like your vast collection of shoes! 🙂
Thanks so much, Carrie! I have always been more of a silver girl than a golden one, but gold is really growing on me lately. Mostly since I began blogging, I have become open to so many new things! Blogging has also contributed to my shopping habits, of course, which causes all of my collections of sartorial things to keep growing!
You really did some research!! You’re more librarian than I am. LOL
I need to know how you look so warm in all that snow. Anything below 72 and I’m shivering.
You nailed the look with your outfit. A little known secret, I love sparkly things so your skirt has me all heart eyed.
Daenel, thanks so much! I am definitely a researcher and would have enjoyed being a librarian! It is a route I contemplated briefly at one point in time, but then never pursued it. While I love to find answers and more information about all sorts of things, I cannot answer how I look warm in these photos because I was shivering and shaking like I was about to freeze to death out there! I guess I am pretty good at faking stuff…like looking comfortable in below freezing temperatures wearing not enough clothes! And yay for all the sparkling things!
Patrick Weseman
You so nailed it. Looking very nice. What an amazing story about the disk. Thanks for sharing it.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I thought you might enjoy the information about the sky disk and I also thought you would appreciate my shiny outfit!
Hmm, where to start! First, your interpretation of the Nebra Sky Disc is spot on!! Your outfit is amazing and perfectly captures that art. Second, thanks for the reminder about the style imitating art. I LOVE their theme but keep forgetting what and when. Such a great challenge!! Finally, so sorry about the cold condition, but let me say that I thought wearing gloves to be one of your unique signature characteristics! They always complete and compliment your outfits! Great post. Thanks, Shellbee.
xx Darlene
Darlene, thanks so much! Ooh, I hope you join a Style Imitating Art challenge soon! Check this coming Monday for the prompt! These challenges really are so much fun! I get really excited to start planning an outfit as soon as I check out the next prompt.
Speaking of gloves, I had a pretty decent collection of fun and unique pairs before this Raynaud’s snuck up on me. Now when I buy gloves, I have a better reason than just because they are cute or pretty! They are absolutely and practical and necessary for me and I do like them to coordinate with my outfits! I guess I am a nerd in more ways than just a space nerd. I am a style geek, too! Haha.
Naush Samama
Thank you for hosting this lovely Shelbee.
Thanks so much, Naush!
Mary Katherine
Fascinating information, and I adore the green and that skirt!
Thanks so much, MK! This was really fun to research and style!
Terri Gardner
Hi Shelbee, I wanted to drop by to tell you how fabulous your outfit is! And to do all that extra research! Like you, I had no idea-Crime and Punishment, eh? Isn’t this a great challenge! I wonder what Danel will have for us next round?
Terri, thanks so much! Oh, I am such a researcher! I am easily intrigued and want to learn all the things that I can before I leave this world! It was good background stuff for this piece, wasn’t it? I am so looking forward to Daenel’s next pick!
This color combination is beautiful! And that sequin skirt is simply gorgeous!
Thanks so much, Leelo! The skirt is a recent clearance find. It was $12 so I couldn’t resist and I am glad that I didn’t resist!
Great interpretation! Love the gold skirt and it pairs so well with the green. Not fun to live where it is cold so much of the year with that disorder. Sounds painful and uncomfortable. You need a sunshine state!
Mireille, thanks so much! This was a super fun style challenge and I don’t mind braving the cold for some fun photos! But yes, when the cold starts to hurt too much, it can be a little bit miserable for me! But I get through it!
Sheila (of Ephemera)
That is such a cool artifact! How amazing that it’s so old, but what a shame that the site was looted and not excavated properly (I studied a bit of archaeology at university)!
Shelbee, your outfit is fabulous. That sequined skirt – I have no words, am just making grabby hands at the screen, haha!
Another thing we have in common – I also have Reynaud’s, in my fingers. My fingers go completely white and I have no feeling in them – I have to soak my hands in hot water to bring the blood back, and oh, so painful. It happens to me whenever my hands get wet – even in summer! – so I wear my gloves long past the cold season.
Thanks so much, Sheila! I had a feeling you would enjoy my sparkly skirt and the Sky Disk stuff! The sequined skirt was a recent find on clearance for $12 so I couldn’t possible leave it behind! I am so glad that I shared that little bit about Raynaud’s because it seems there are quite a few others who suffer from it. This is the first winter that it has grown painful for me. When it hits that point, you really do lose function of your fingers until you can get them warm again. And it comes on so fast! Fortunately, I don’t suffer much in the warmer months. But my friend’s step daughter has it and hers can even be triggered by direct sunlight so she has to always be covered and under an umbrella if she is outdoors in the summer time. Such a strange little disorder, isn’t it?
Loved learning some new stuff in this post, Shelbee! You look beautiful in this outfit. That skirt is literally life! So bright and pretty.
Make Life Marvelous
Thank you so much, Ashley! I did not need this skirt but I could not resist this skirt either! Especially at its clearance price of $12!
Shelbee, your outfit is wonderful! It really stood out to me in the round up of outfits! I adore that wonderful gold skirt and the boots and the wonderful green jacket are the perfect accompaniment! It was fascinating to know the history of the disc also. It’s mad how it was sold on the black market like that!
My little sister has Raynaud’s as well (as does my friend Ruth)- this Christmas I bought her these wonderful cashmere handwarmers which are made from repurposed cashmere clothing https://www.turtle-doves.co.uk/ which she had heard about and she said they have totally saved her working in her cold classroom at school (her school heating system has broken!) when she can’t wear regular gloves to work in- it sounds horrible to have such pain from the cold weather.
Thanks so much, Kezzie! I do love to research the pieces that are chosen for the SIA prompts! It is nice change up from of the other things I write about and share here and it just fascinates me! Plus I am getting acquainted with so many wonderful new bloggers through this challenge. Like you! I love that you gifted your friend cashmere hand warmers! What a thoughtful gesture. I have hand warmers on all winter long. There are multiple pairs lying all around the house like on my bedside table, the side table where I sit on my couch, and on my desk. I take them off when my hands are not hurting, but the cold comes on quick and so I like to have the gloves right there within reach! I have read some blogger reviews on Turtle Dove cashmere hand warmers and they look so lovely. I will have to check if they ship to US. Thanks for that recommendation!
Hey, Shelbee! Thanks for sharing the history on the sky disk. Wow, what an extensive history it has! I will have to read more about it when I get a chance!
I think you did terrific with your outfit! Your gold sparkly skirt is definitely a nice touch and really brings your whole outfit together.
I like it. 🙂
Wow, that is cold… And here I thought my place was cold.. we haven’t dropped to single digits yet, but that’s still a possibility for the future as winter is far from done with us.
I’m sorry to hear about your condition. I never heard of it. Please be careful when taking photos out in the cold!
Wishing you the best of luck. 🙂
Thanks so much, Mike! I tend to fall down the research rabbit holes fairly quickly because I just love to learn things. Plus it gives me something to do! One of the reasons I enjoy SIA so much is the exposure to new works of art every other week that I can go research! And then of course, the fact that they are style prompts helps to keep my creativity alive and well! It has gotten even colder here this week so I have not even stepped outside in days! I will return to taking photos next week when it warms back up to the 20s. I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Lucy Bertoldi
Shelbee your posts are always a source of boundless information and inspiration for me- I love coming here to read! I’m super interested by this art/styling challenge and will go check them out asap!! Art and fashion are my 2 absolute favouirite interests. Thanks for all this! Love ya! xx
Lucy, thanks so much! I am so glad that I can inspire and I hope you join us for these challenges! It really is so much fun. This Monday should be the new post for the chosen art work. Just be sure to check at least one of the three hosts’ blogs to see what it is! I would love to see how you interpret some of these works!
Lauren Renee Sparks
Being wardrobe inspired by artwork is…inspired. I never would have thought of that!
I would have never thought of it either, Lauren! I am so glad that the other ladies did though because it is super fun and creative! I find myself looking forward to these challenges every other week. I hope you have a lovely weekend!