Songful Style Link Party #27 | “Fat Bottomed Girls” by Queen

About Songful Style
Songful Style is an ageless style challenge series hosted by Suzy of Suzy Turner, The Grey Brunette, Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge, and Marsha of Marsha in the Middle. For this series, each month we will share a song with the lyrics and video and we invite you to use whatever aspect of the song that inspires you to create an outfit.
It is similar to Style Imitating Art where we use artwork to inspire our outfit creations. Except Songful Style gives you lyrics, music, video, and album artwork to inspire your fashion creativity. You may even find inspiration in a memory triggered by the selected song. It is all open to your own personal interpretation and just a fun way to discover new music and get a little bit more creative with your wardrobe.
Anyone is welcome to join us on a permanent basis or you can just play along without any obligation to do anything other than feel inspired. We are flexible and fun and just want to find more ways to play dress up because it’s what we enjoy doing!
We will be posting on the last Monday of each month and will announce our song choice for the following month at the end of each post.
I chose this month’s song and here’s why…
Sadly, I am a flat bottomed girl rather than a fat bottomed girl. But like Freddie Mercury, I have a great affinity for fat bottomed girls. And boys. I admire a nice plump roundness of the buttocks and I have no problem voicing that admiration to friends or strangers. I have approached unknown people in public to compliment their butts more times than I can recall. Sometimes they think I’m weird but usually they take the compliment with grace and kindness especially after I explain that I have a very flat butt and so my admiration is genuine. I have even had partners of fat bottomed folks enthusiastically agree with my unsolicited compliments. So if you have a little extra curviness in your bum area, you really should proud of that fact. There are folks out here who admire your shape with a little bit of envy!

So how in the world do I style an outfit inspired by a song called “Fat Bottomed Girls” when I don’t even have the right bottom to represent the lyrics? I could have taken the easy way out and styled my Queen tee shirt but I am not really a fan of easy style challenges. The more difficult the challenge, the more inspired I become!
First, I ditched the lyrics completely as inspiration for my outfit. Next, I went into my closet room and consulted the spirit of Freddie. I quietly chanted to myself, “What would Freddie wear? What would Freddie wear? What would Freddie wear?” It worked because I do believe that he guided me directly to this leathery combination.
These black faux leather trousers were in a bag of clothing to be discarded. But I wasn’t quite sure how I wanted to dispose of the things in this particular bag so it was parked in the middle of my closet room floor. I grabbed out the pants and paired them with my ivory platform boots because the boots feel bold enough for Freddie.
Since Freddie often performed topless, I decided a sheer top would be a suitable way to represent his shirtlessness without being topless myself. As a nod to his colorful style, I added a hot pink bralette under a black lacy tank top with fringe. Freddie also had quite an extensive collection of leather motorcycle jackets in a variety of colors. I, too, have a few more motorcycle jackets than necessary so I added an old thrifted ivory one to coordinate with my boots. My rainbow straw hat and rainbow belt seemed like appropriate ways to add a bit more of Freddie’s exuberance to this sassy outfit. I finished it off with my purple Teddy Blake bag and bright pink feather earrings to coordinate with my bralette and add another hint of neon to this mostly black and white outfit.
After creating this outfit, I am questioning my decision to ditch these trousers. I feel like they don’t really suit my current bohemian style aesthetic very well. But maybe they do. I like the way they look and they are very comfortable so might keep them until fall and decide their fate then.

How did I do? I think Freddie would approve!
Please be sure to check out how my songful friends have styled their outfits inspired by Queen’s “Fat Bottomed Girls”.
- Marsha of Marsha in the Middle
- Suzy of Suzy Turner, The Grey Brunette
Also, be sure to stop back on June 24, 2024, for our next Songful Style challenge. We will be creating outfits inspired by “Record Player” by Daisy the Great x AJR chosen by Marsha.
Featured Favorite from Songful Style Link Party #26 | “Venus” by Bananarama
Kellyann of This Blonde’s Shopping Bag

Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.

Patrick Weseman
Looking very nice and you represent the era of the music very well.
Thanks so much, Patrick!
Marsha Banks
Freddie definitely manifested this outfit, Shelbee! It is sooooo Freddie! I think he would have definitely worn the lacy fringe top…maybe even over a bralette! All the colors are so perfect, too. Once I decided to not worry about the video (no lycra pants for me), I had an easier time coming up with something.
Here’s to Freddie! May he reign supreme!
Thanks, Marsha! This was a fun one and I was surprised how much I liked my Freddie-inspired look. My younger son has also been feeling a bit Freddie-inspired lately. He told me over the weekend he wanted bright red hot pants! May Freddie keep on inspiring us all!
Suzy Turner
Shelbee, you did a brilliant job! I had in mind to wear faux leather leggings with a little top but when I put them on, I just felt too exposed lol. Your trousers are fab and I reckon they do have a bit of a boho chic thing going on, I would keep them and try them in the cooler weather and see how you feel about them then. I think Freeddie would have definitely approved of your whole ensemble!!
Big hugs
Suzy xx
PS. I couldn’t stop giggling at this comment, “I tried to do a rock star kick but I almost fell on my flat bottom!”!!!!!
Thanks so much, Suzy! Now I am laughing at my rock star kick! I tried my faux leather leggings, too, but the fringey top did not conceal the twedgie in front! So I returned to the baggy leather trousers instead. I definitely need to style these trousers in the fall with a boho twist and see how they work. This was such a fun song to style even though it was really challenging.
That is a fabulous rock’n outfit!
Thanks so much, my friend! I hope you had a lovely holiday weekend!