Songful Style | “Hi-Heel Sneakers” by Tommy Tucker & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #268
We have shared our walkin’ boots as well as our leather and lace in this songfully sartorial series with my favorite fashionistas. Now it’s time to have a listen to the new tune and start styling something fabulous. Michelle has chosen “Hi-Heel Sneakers” by Tommy Tucker because she remembers with sweet nostalgia how her father played this song when she was a child. I do love how powerful song can be in triggering some of the best memories.
About Songful Style
Songful Style is a new ageless style challenge series hosted by Suzy of The Grey Brunette, Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge, Michelle of My Bijou Life, Marsha of Marsha in the Middle, and Anne of Spy Girl.
Each month we will share a song with the lyrics and video and we invite you to use whatever aspect of the song that inspires you to create an outfit.
It is similar to Style Imitating Art where we use artwork to inspire our outfit creations. Except Songful Style gives you lyrics, music, video, and album artwork to inspire your fashion creativity. You may even find inspiration in a memory triggered by the selected song. It is all open to your own personal interpretation and just a fun way to discover new music and get a little bit more creative with your wardrobe.
Anyone is welcome to join us on a permanent basis or you can just play along without any obligation to do anything other than feel inspired. We are flexible and fun and just want to find more ways to play dress up because it’s what we enjoy doing!
We will be posting on the last Monday of each month and will announce our song choice for the following month at the end of each post.
Video Inspiration
I am having trouble embedding the YouTube videos but I also can’t find any with Tommy Tucker himself performing the song. There is only audio or covers of the song. Check out these videos…
- Audio: Tommy Tucker “Hi-Heel Sneakers” (1964)
- Audio: Stevie Wonder “Hi-Heel Sneakers” (1965)
- Audio: The Beatles “Hi-Heel Sneakers” (1969)
- Audio: Elvis Presley “Hi-Heel Sneakers”
- Audio: George Thorogood & the Destroyers “Hi-Heel Sneakers”
- Audio: The Rolling Stones “Hi-Heel Sneakers”
- Jerry Lee Lewis performing “Hi-Heel Sneakers” (1989)
- Paul McCartney performing “Hi-Heel Sneakers” (1991)
- Here Come the Mummies performing “Hi-Heel Sneakers”
The Lyrics
“Hi-Heel Sneakers”
Put on your red dress, baby Ya know we're goin' out tonight Put on your red dress, baby Lord, we're goin' out tonight And-a bring along some boxin' gloves In case some fool might wanna fight Put on your high-heel sneakers, lordy Wear your wig-hat on your head Put on your high-heel sneakers, child Wear your wig-hat on your head Ya know you're looking mighty fine, baby I'm pretty sure you're gonna knock 'em dead Put on your red dress, baby Lord, we're goin' out tonight Put on your red dress, baby Well, we're goin' out tonight And bring along some boxin' gloves 'case some fool might wanna fight Put on your high-heel sneakers, child Wear your wig-hat on your head now Put on your high-heel sneakers, baby Wear your wig-hat on your head Ya know you're looking mighty good, really I'm pretty sure you're gonna knock 'em dead
About the Song
“Hi-Heel Sneakers” which is also often spelled as “High Heel Sneakers” is a blues song written and recorded by American singer-songwriter Tommy Tucker in 1963. The song was released as a single in 1964 by Checker Records. The lyrics recall Tucker’s time as a Golden Gloves boxer in the 1950s.
Tucker’s original recording reached number one on the CashBox R&B Locations chart and number 11 on the Billboard Hot 100. The song was inducted into the Blues Foundation Blues Hall of Fame in 2017 as a “classic of blues recording.” This song has the unique distinction of being recorded by a very unlikely group of musicians from a variety of musical genres as you can see from the list of YouTube video performances above.
Album Covers
Remember that you can use anything related to this song to inspire your outfit. You are not limited to just what I have shared here either. Feel free to do your own research if you’d like. And happy songful styling!
Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked): Patrick of Adventures in Weseland

Fashion Favorite: Laura of I Do deClaire

Non-Fashion Favorite: Maureen of Little Miss Casual

Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.

I look forward to everyone’s interpretation of High Heel Sneakers – I had no idea there were so many cover versions!
Thanks, Pamela! I wasn’t at all familiar with this song until Michelle picked it so it’s all new to me! Haha. But I am excited to figure out how to create an outfit when I have no hi-heel sneakers!
Michele Morin
Your creative spirit sure shines through this series!
Aw, thanks so much, Michele! That really made me smile! I hope you have a beautiful day!
Mica - Away From The Blue
This is an interesting song, I hadn’t heard it before! Thanks for sharing – definitely a challenging theme! 🙂
Hope you’re having a good week! Another rainy day here.
Thanks, Mica! I had never heard this song before either but it is super catchy and stuck in my head now! I think this will be fun to style something without hi heel sneakers because I don’t own those! Haha. It is another cold and snowy day here!
Kathrine Eldridge
What a cool choice for a song! Thanks for sharing the lyrics. Can’t wait to see what outfits come out of this. Thanks for the link up!
Thanks, Kathrine! I had never heard this song before, but I am loving it and it is totally stuck in my head! This is going to be fun to style!
This is going to be interesting!
Curated by Jennifer
I agree! Have a great day, my friend!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
What a fun song!
It really is, Tamar! It has been stuck in my head all morning!
Thank you for hosting the link-up!
Thanks for joining us, Carol! Have a great day!
Nostalgic themes are great. Makes me wish I had a pair of hi-heel sneakers to style. Thanks for hosting.
Thanks, Rena! Jeff told me to go buy myself a pair of hi heel sneakers for this challenge! But I won’t do it because I won’t wear them for any other reason. Oh my, how the roles have shifted! Haha.
Anne M Bray
OMG! Those lyrics are so apropos for Sunday’s Oscars!
So many red dresses!
And… The Slap!
I really have NO idea what I’m doing for this one.
The song keeps repeating, “Put on your red dress, baby” in my head, so I think I’m gonna be going with a red dress! And I think I might have the perfect red dress for it! Now for the shoes????? And the infamous slap! I don’t usually follow celebrity gossip like this, but I am so intrigued by how this will all unfold around The Slap!
Jacqui Berry
Sound familar, but think I may be getting it confused with another song. Nice post, and thanks for the linkup Jacqui x
Thanks, Jacqui! It’s a brand new song to me and it is a catchy tune, for sure! Have a fabulous day!
Cheryl Shops
I remember this song from Rags to Riches when I was a kid—I had no idea it was such an old song!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
That is a great flashback memory, Cheryl! I remember Rags to Riches but I don’t remember watching it. Now I kind of want to! I wonder if I can stream it somewhere. I need to go investigate…
Marsha Banks
I love everything about this song…the jazzy parts, the lyrics, everything…but I’m rather stumped for how to meet the challenge! But, I’ll figure out something, I’m sure!
Thanks for the link up!
It is a super fun song, Marsha, and the tune keeps getting caught in my head! I think I am doing something with a red dress but not sure what kind of shoes to wear. I do not have any hi heel sneakers. Although Jeff told me to go buy a pair! Haha. I thought about it but when would I ever wear hi heeled sneakers again? Ohhh wedges, maybe? Hi heel wedge sneakers could work, too! I don’t any of those either. Well we have a few weeks to figure it out! First I have to do this SIA one!
I listened to this song a couple days ago, and jotted down some words of inspiration.
Aw, I love that, Alexandra! Maybe you will join us for some of these style challenges? It is super fun!
Jessica A Jannenga
I didn’t know this one so I enjoyed the introduction. I think music does invoke so many memories. I remember what song I slow danced to at my middle school dance in the 7th grade! This was a neat blues rendition. I will think about this one!
jess xx
Thanks, Jess! I had never heard this song before either so I am really appreciating learning new music through this series as well! I hope you will join us for some of these songful style challenges! I am having so much fun with it. But now I need to know…what as the song you slow danced to in 7th grade?!
Oh this is going to be a fun one to see interpreted! I had never heard of this song before and I must say as I was reading the lyrics I was not picturing shoes like any of those on the cover. I never even knew shoes like that were a “thing!”
It is going to be fun, Joanne! I had never heard this song before either, but I was aware of the heeled sneaker trend! Haha. It is a weird trend, for sure. But I think wedge sneakers would classify as hi heel sneakers. I don’t own eiher so I have to get creative with this one!
I hope everyone enjoys the prompts in this song. 😀 Now to drag out my high heel sneakers.
I love it, Michelle! I have no hi heel sneakers, but I do have red dresses and other sneakers…time to get creative!
Patrick Weseman
So very cool. That is a great song. Very nice. Thanks for the feature. Have a great rest of the week.
Thanks, Patrick! It is a very catchy tune! Have a fabulous day, my friend.
Beautiful song! I can’t wait to see the outfits!
Thanks, Lovely! I am excited to see how this one gets styled, too!
I always find theme like this fun: it gives an opportunity to get creative.
Thanks, Mireille! Will you be joining us for this one? I hope so! You are welcome to write your own post or if you don’t feel like writing a post but want to share an outfit, just send it to me and I will put it in my post! Or however you would like to do it if you would like to do it at all!