Some of My Favorite Things & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #123

As I said in yesterday’s post, I have so much to say (always…I talk a lot) but nothing to share, so I am going to use today’s post to share some of my favorite things recently.

Dresses with tights and boots. This look is kind of working for me lately. Mostly because it is still cool enough to wear tights and not overheat. And even more so because my left shin has come down with a bad case of eczema that is rather unsightly. (Ew).

These new floral cowboy boots from Country Outfitter. I have them in gold as well and I get a million compliments every time I wear them.

Denim jackets. Somehow, I have acquired about 8 different denim jackets. All in blue denim, too. But each one is a little different than the others and so I will keep them all. But I might need some other colors…like a white one.

Terra Plantain Chips. Since starting this Shaklee 7 Day Healthy Cleanse, I have been craving chips the way I was craving cheese the first time I did the cleanse. So I went searching for some kind of organic vegetable chips and I found these plantain chips at The Mustard Seed, our local natural market. They were on sale so I bought 4 bags! While I don’t think they are cleanse-approved because they have coconut oil, I still indulged in a handful to satisfy the craving. But they are so delicious that I will keep them around as a healthy snack choice post-cleanse. The ingredients are plantains, coconut oil, and sea salt. That’s it.

Shaklee Soy Protein Life Shakes. This is my breakfast. Every single day (except during the 7 Day Cleanse). Two scoops of soy protein combined with 10 ounces of almond milk (see FamilyHype for other milk options), one half cup of vanilla Greek yogurt, 7 strawberries, and 1 banana. I have been drinking these daily for about 7 months. They have helped me maintain my weight loss program, they taste delicious, and the soy is super beneficial in helping to mitigate some of my peri-menopause symptoms.

Modicum Skin Care Products. In particular, the Essential Serum and the Birch Tree Water Spritz. I started using the serum to help with these weird rosacea outbreaks on my face that come with my cycle twice a month. I am loving the way the serum moisturizes my skin and the birch tree spritz smells soooo good!

The television show You on Lifetime. The main character, Joe Goldberg, is creepy as f*ck, but man, it is such a great show. Now when the heck does Season 2 begin?!

The band Fireside Collective. They are a progressive bluegrass band from Asheville, North Carolina, and they are seriously amazing! I have not had the opportunity to see them live yet but I will. I have watched numerous concerts on YouTube though and I am hooked! Follow them on Facebook or Instagram to track their schedule if you are looking for a great music getaway this Summer!

Band Tee Shirts. I only have a few because I was always hesitant to wear a band tee if I wasn’t like an absolutely die hard fan to the point that it is the only music I listen to. But lately I have been listening to so many different genres of music and loving all of it that I now want all the band tee shirts! I am sure I will acquire a collection more quickly than I should!

I am certain there are dozens more things I could list, but it is only 6:00 a.m. and my coffee intake has been limited during the cleanse period! So I will leave you with those little tidbits about some of my favorite things lately. What have you been digging recently?

And now your featured favorites from last week’s link party.
Lorena of My Every Day Wear shared her post, Dear Consignor, featuring an outfit created from consigned pieces. I can relate completely to her sentiment of wanting to meet her favorite consignor…except I get to meet all of the consignors who come into the shop where I work. And it is really fun to know them! So not creepy at all, Lorena! And a really amazing outfit, too!

Jennifer of Effortlessly Sophisticated shared her post, White T-Shirt and Jeans-Easy Outfit Series. She is making simple look fabulous in this classic combination!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Kathrine Eldridge
Thanks for sharing your faves! These boots are incredible. Thanks so much for the link up Shelbee!
Thank you, Kathrine! The boots are so incredibly comfortable, too! An absolute win for me! Have a fantastic day, my friend!
Kellyann Rohr
I loved reading about your favorite things Shelbee! The shake you are drinking sounds like a great way to start the day. I hadn’t thought much about soy but I will talk to my doctor this week – maybe it will help with my night sweats?! That would be awesome!
Thank you, Kellyann! I switched from the soy protein to a plant protein for a few weeks and a whole bunch of symptoms that had disappeared came back with a vengeance! In particular itchy skin…which is apparently a premenopause symptom…and the lack of temperature control. Both went away quickly once I switched back to the soy. Definitely ask your doctor about it! This is from WebMD…pretty interesting. And I say definitely worth trying. It can’t hurt! Do let me know what the doctor says!
First of all, you look so cute and secondly, I love favorites! It’s just fun. And I’m like you sometimes, with lots to say but not much to talk about. lol. I’m not at all surprised that denim jackets and boots made it to your favorites list. Also, enjoy hearing about your Shaklee journey. Have you already featured a full post on how that’s going? I know you mentioned it awhile back…just curious. Anyway, sorry I’ve been out of pocket some but I know you totally get overloaded! Have a great week my friend!
Thank you so much, Chrissy! I used to hate denim jackets, too, because I always found them uncomfortable. But now that I have lost some weight, they fit better and I can wear them comfortably all day long! I think the key is also to find one with some stretch to it. So I did share a post about my first cleanse in December. I linked it in this post. And I will write another post next week with the details of this cleanse and the results for both my husband and me. And you know I totally understand that feeling of being overloaded! Hang in there, my friend, and keep shining your light!
Patrick Weseman
You have verry nice style. Always looking good in dresses with tights and boots. It is a very nice look. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thank you so much, Patrick! You are gaining lots of knowledge on women’s style from all these fashion blogs you follow! I love it! Have a fantastic day, my friend!
I love love those boots! It is so hot here already I almost wish it was the season for tights! I am wearing pants today because some mean little no see um bugs bit me all over the legs when I was sitting outside the other day! My new thrift store flowy pants are awesome for summer!
Thanks so much, Mireille! Oh, once the bugs come out, I am doomed! They come straight for me. Every single time. My legs look like that all summer long! And no amount of bug spray will protect me. I feel your pain.
jodie filogomo
I definitely think you need a white denim jacket now. And pink. I feel like these are my new favorites because they go with everything and are perfect for the warmer weather (although we just got snow here last night, so I can’t talk about warmer weather yet).
Those boot?? OMG adorable. I need a pair.
I think I agree with you completely, Jodie! We have not had snow but tons of rain and it was only 42 degrees here this morning! I am freezing! You definitely need a pair of floral cowboy boots!
Great post Shelbee!
I love the dress, tights, and boots look – it’s my daily go-to here in cold and windy Ireland
Thanks a lot for recommending Modicum skin care – I really need to update my routine, and I’ve been on the hunt for some new products!
– Laura | https://makeupscholar.com
Thanks so much, Laura! It is super cold and windy in northern New York as well. And very, very rainy all the time! I need to get more Modicum products. I just used the last of it this morning. Have a fabulous day!
Suzy Turner
I LOVE posts like this, Shelbee!! It’s always fun to read about what my favourite gals across the pond love at the moment. You look beautiful in these pics, and those boots are OMG GORGEOUS!!!!!!
Big hugs
Suzy xxx
Aw, thanks so much, Suzy! I hate when I run out of things to write about and I don’t much like sharing the daily humdrum! But apparently, you all like to read about the daily humdrum, so that is good to know. I will write more of it. Have a fantastic day, my friend!
Jessica A Jannenga
Shelbee, I binged watched “You” when I was down for the day and it was a fun show. Yes, creepy but fun to watch.
Your protein shake recipe sounds great. I used to drink them more but with gastroparesis and stomach issues I have them every so often. You reminded me that I’ll have to style my Def Leppard tee I got from the concert. I wish I had kept mine from growing up! Love the floral booties, so cute! If I wore tights now, as my mom used to say, I would be sweating putty balls! ( dont know what that means! ) The plaid dress is darling!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! I have no idea what sweating putty balls means either, but that is pretty funny! Lol. And now you just reminded me of this very cool Aerosmith tee shirt I recently purchased and it still has the tags on it. Maybe I will wear it today! Have a fantastic day, my friend!
Lanae Bond
Thanks for sharing your faves. I think I would love to try Birth Tree Water Spritz. I have to find out if it is okay for sensitive skin.
Thanks for reading, Lanae! It should be okay for sensitive skin as there is really nothing in it except all natural organic ingredients. But definitely worth checking into!
Thanks for the head up Michelle! and OMG I’d love to meet all consignors, how exciting!
Thank you, Lorena! It was my pleasure. It is so fun to see the people behind the clothes!
Edwige Teko-Folly
Looking gorgeous as always! love the effortless chic look!
Edwige | http://www.hypnozglam.com
Thanks so much, Edwige! You are too kind! Have a great day.
Jean | Delightful Repast
Shelbee, you are rocking those tights and boots! I’m more of a pencil skirt and strappy heels girl, but I’d wear the tights and boots on occasion! (I like to shake people up every once in a while!) I hope lots of people like my travel post this week. Glad your breakfast shake is working for you–sounds tasty, too.
Thanks so much, Jean! I also like to shake things up and that’s when I will go for a pencil skirt and strappy heels! I am missing my shake this week with the cleanse, but I only have 3 days left! Heading over to check out your travel post now. Have a great day!
Nicole of High Latitude Style
These booties are cute and somehow so you. Great styling. You really rock this look. Thanks for hosting the party!
Thanks so much, Nicole! I do love my crazy statement boots and shoes!
Cheryl Shops
I also loved YOU—I blitzed through that on Netflix! And speaking of loves, I’m totally into the subtle mix of patterns on your dress and boots!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! I ordered these boots thinking I would have to wear them with only solid color dresses, but I was super excited by how well they worked with the dark plaid! And I cannot wait for the second season of You to start!
The protein shake sounds delish! Must try! I drink a blueberry green smoothie every morning.
Ooh, Sherry, your smoothie sounds equally delicious! I am definitely missing my shakes this week during the cleanse! I am still drinking a shake with avocado, banana, and berries, but the vanilla soy protein powder, yogurt, and almond milk just make it so much richer! Thanks for stopping by and have a fantastic day!
Those boots are amazing! One of my favorite things to look at in your posts are your shoes because I feel like they are always showstoppers! These are no exception!
Thanks so much, Laura! I definitely do have a thing for show stopper shoes. The shoes just take the outfit to a whole new level. And I can’t help myself!
Robin LaMonte
I love popping on your website to see what you’re up to!
While you’re still enjoying spring-like temperatures up yonder, Atlanta is in the ’90s and I am now in search of sundresses and flip flops!
I love denim jackets and dresses!
I am so sorry sister friend but I can’t watch creepy shows. I just watched only the last season of Game of Thrones because I can’t watch violence against women or lots of gore. GOT was tame this season (said my hubby who watched all of it) and I know why the fans hated season 8. Not gonna lie but I spend a lot of time looking at Instagram when something creepy comes this way.
Hugs girlfriend!
Thanks so much, Robin! I think we have some 70 degree weather coming this weekend, but lots and lots of rain with it. Boo. Okay, so the show You is more of a psychological thriller. The guy is a sociopath but a very likable one. Ha. So that is what makes him creepy. There is a little gore but not much. I absolutely am with you and cannot watch stuff that is too creepy. For example, my husband and kids love The Walking Dead. That show absolutely creeps me out and I usually have to leave the room because I can’t even tolerate the zombie sounds if I am just playing on my phone! I have not watched any GOT at all. And horror is something I steer completely clear of! Just give me all the romantic comedies, please.
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I have never had plantain chips, but I need to try them. Trader Joe’s has some that everyone keeps raving about. My daughter gets eczema and it is worse in the winter. In the summer it does ok. It was really bad when she was a baby! I love this dress with the boots! And those are a super cute pair of boots!
Thanks so much, Carrie! The plantain chips are so good especially the chili lime ones! And I just found some beet and sweet potato ones that I want to try.
I have always heard that eczema is worse in the winter but both of my kids tend to get it worse in the summer. So weird. I hope mine clears up soon. Have a fantastic day, my friend!
Deborah Stinedurf
Yup…those boots are da bomb! My keyboard is covered in drool…lol! xo
Thanks, Debbie! My keyboard was covered in drool as well when I first saw them! Wait until you see the gold ones, they may be even better!
Loved reading your list of current favorites! My sister-in-law was just telling me about the show You…but she said I should read the book instead! Ha! (Not because she didn’t enjoy the show…just that she knows I’m a book person.) Glad to hear another good review for it!
Thanks so much, Gina! I did not know there was a book! But now I may have to check into that because I am always looking for something to catch my interest as far as books go.
Thanks for a great link up party! Have a wonderful week.
Thanks so much, Ashley! Have a great day!
I’ve never heard of that Asheville band!! Get all the band shirts you want!!
I can’t believe you’re still in a jacket!! Hot here already! So cute tho!!
I love the Trader Joe’s plantain chips!!!
Thanks so much, Becky! You definitely need to check out Fireside Collective! They are so good and their sound is really fun and unique. And I will be in jacket probably until July (at least in the morning and evening)! But you have me worried now that I am going to melt in Asheville in July! I am a cold weather girl.
linda cassidy
those boots are so fun.
Thanks so much, Linda!
So many fun favorites Shelbee! I love denim jackets too and have two. I would like to get a white one and have been on the hunt! I drink protein shakes in the morning as well and while most days I am full afterward, there are days that I am still hungry and craving food. I love Terra chips and keep them handy. It also has the right amount of salt and crunch so these chips are definitely keepers! Love these floral boots you featured. I can see why you get so many compliments on them. Not only are they pretty but they are pretty unique!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thanks so much! I think I am going to go thrift shopping in search of a white denim jacket. I have been trying to curb my spending and save money for my trip in July. My protein shakes usually hold me over until about 1:00 or 2:00 in the afternoon (I drink them around 8:30 a.m.)! Then I eat a meal replacement bar for lunch and a normal dinner. It’s the late night snacking that does me in. But now that I have found these plantain chips, at least the late night snacking won’t be as bad! Have a great day, my friend.
such a great outfit, love the denim jacket! got to get a white one for sure!
Thanks so much, Stephanie! I definitely do need a white one! Maybe I will go thrifting for one!
Such a cute outfit, and oh, those boots! I would love to buy a pair of those boots, but I’m 62, and I can hear little voices saying, “You are too old for those boots.” But I resent those little voices, and may buy the boots anyway! Thanks so much for sharing at Thursday Favorite Things!
Thanks so much, Pam! And yes, you need to hush those nasty little voices because they know not what they are talking about! It is all nonsense. And anyone can wear these boots at any age they want! Buy the boots and rock them out, showing those voices how silly they really are! But stay tuned because I will be sharing some information soon on how you can enter to win $500 from Country Outfitter!
Looking great! I love thes booties! So fun and cute! Have a great day, beautiful!
Edwige | http://www.hypnozglam.com
Thanks so much, Edwige! You are too kind!