So Many Blessings & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #103

While I am grateful every day for the blessings in my life, the holidays tend to bring on an overload of emotions. Lately, I have been feeling overwhelmed by love coming at me from so many directions. This type of abundant love used to make me question if I deserved it all, but I have reached a point in my life when I can accept it with gratitude and acknowledgement that I do deserve all the blessings in my life.

I know that I am not unique in my journey that has included many struggles and pain and heartache and loss. I know that I am not unique in my strength and determination to overcome the trials that I have encountered in life. I know that I am not unique in my drive to push forward and make any little difference in the world that I can. I know that I am not unique when fear holds me back or when I lean on others for those little pushes and words of encouragement that we all need from time to time. And I know that I am not unique in my feelings of gratitude for each and every blessing in my life. My uniqueness lies only in the combination of all the things that make me…well, me.

This holiday season, I want to express my gratitude in the best way that I know how…with my words…a unique combination of thoughts and letters strung together to let you know how I feel about life right now. I am so grateful for my family and my friends and the support and love and kindness that I receive from every person in my life. This past year was a challenging one for me, to say the least, but I have learned a lot of valuable lessons and have made the most amazing improvements for myself. I have surrounded myself with some of the smartest, most empowering, inspiring, caring, generous, authentic people I have ever met and what a ride it has been this past year.
With the help of my tribe, I am purposefully curating the life that I have always dreamed of living. I have a long way to go and a lot of things to do, but when I look at how far I have come, I am so thankful for the journey and all of its ups and downs. Because this journey, with all the good and all the bad, has brought me right to this place…this place where I am meant to be right now…a stepping stone to the place I am meant to be in the future.
While I am in the process of making more changes in my life, I am embracing all that I have already. And as I continue through this process, I am realizing that happiness is not the end result, happiness is the entire journey. And I am happier than I ever thought possible, living in the here and now, being present every moment, and enjoying all the little intricacies and miracles that are presented to me every single day.
When one can reach a place of complete gratitude for every gift the universe gives to us, there truly is only happiness to be found. It is too easy to get caught up in wanting more, needing more, yearning for what others have. But what I have learned this past year is that it is even easier to love what you already have and to appreciate the small gifts you receive each and every day. Because it is these tiny gifts that are right before our eyes that make this life worth living.
This journey is far from over and I am so excited to approach the new year with a brand new energy and a whole new outlook on the universe and its ridiculous ways. I plan to continue appreciating the beauty of the life’s little paradoxes and to embrace all the strange things that the universe throws directly into my path. There is a purpose to it all even if we are unable to identify it.
With that, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. May it be filled with joy and love and laughter and gratitude, so much gratitude. And may all of your dreams come true in the new year…it really is up to you, after all!
What blessings are you thankful for this year?
And now your featured favorites from last week.
Kathrine of Kathrine Eldridge Wardrobe Stylist shared her post, Girl’s Night Out Holiday Look. I absolutely adore this outfit on Kathrine. The burgundy velvet pants are magnificent. Paired with this pretty black top, I could totally see myself wearing a similar outfit for any night out!

Rama of Chez Rama shared her post, Red Booties: What Color to Wear with Your Perfect Red Boots. I am literally swooning over Rama’s combination of fair isle sweater with floral detailed leather leggings. And of course, her red booties are spectacular! I want this outfit!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

jodie filogomo
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Shelbee!!
You are such a joy and I love how you are celebrating your blessings. It’s the best when the right people are our inspirations, and you continue to be that for me!!
Jodie, thank you so much! You inspire me every day as well and I cannot thank you enough for that! It has truly been a blessing getting to know you through this blogging journey and I am already making plans to get myself to next year’s Forever Fierce Meet Up in L.A. so I can meet you in real life. I guarantee I will be screeching and jumping up and down like a teenage girl upon our first meeting. I hope you have the most wonderful Christmas, my friend. May it be filled with all the joy and blessings you deserve!!
Bettye L Rainwater
What lovely year-end sentiments! Though I’m freezing for you out in that snow!
Happy Holidays!
xoxo Bettye
Thank you so much, Bettye! I hope your holiday season is filled with many blessings and so much joy as well!
Kathrine Eldridge
Merry Christmas Shelbee! I hope you enjoy this special time with family and friends. Loving your cozy chic look and thanks for the feature. XO
Thank you so much, Kathrine! May your day be filled with blessings! Merry Christmas!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
You look beautiful in that white coat with all that white snow around you! I am happy you are getting in a place in life where you want to be. Some people never get there! I have some reflection to do early next year on what I want to accomplish and how I hope to grow in 2019. Merry Christmas!
Thank you so much, Carrie! Reflection is always good for leading us to self-improvements and making changes can be so exciting! I wish you so much luck in accomplishing all of your goals in the upcoming year. May your Christmas be filled with love and laughter, my friend.
I have a different perspective than you with a similar outcome. I don’t believe I deserve a single blessing I have been given. There is nothing good in me. Only God in me is good so I am doubly thankful for everything I would not have if not for Him. Merry Christmas, friend. laurensparks.net
Lauren, I think there is much more good in you than you are giving yourself credit for. In fact, if you have God in your life, then you are very good indeed! Keep appreciating everything you are given for we are on this earth for a very short time! Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas filled with peace, love, and joy!
What a great message! This life we live is an ongoing journey of striving for more and being grateful for what we have. The balance seems impossible and yet we strive for it everyday. Thanks for your wonderful words of encouragement and Happy Holidays!
P.S. Great photos too! The snow makes for such a magical background.
Thank you so much, Amanda! We must appreciate the journey because it is all we have really. The destination is the same for all of us so we have to make the best of the steps we take to get us there! May your holidays be filled with love, peace, and joy, my friend.
Merry Christmas! What a lovely end of the year reflection! I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating with family!
Thanks so much. Katie! I feel like I am always reflecting but there is no better time than the coming of a new year to write it all down! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas, my friend!
Deborah Stinedurf
I truly believe that there is a purpose to everything, both good and bad…I’ve always believed that. It’s all of those experiences that make us who we uniquely are and teach us the things that we need to know. I absolutely love that coat and the scarf too! Merry Christmas my friend! xo
Thanks so much, Debbie! I absolutely agree and have always believed this as well. Every step, every adventure, every decision, every consequence lead us right to the exact place we are meant to be at any given moment. And I am thankful for the struggle and the pain which have brought me to a very wonderful place! I hope you have the most wonderful Christmas filled with joy, love, and laughter and a million amazing memories!
You are right that life is what we make of it and I am happy for all the the big and small blessings in your life. I, too, feel very grateful for the life we are given, the people that we get to share it with and the journey that we are able to embark on. It is priceless and in my mind, the greatest gifts we can receive. Merry Christmas to you and your family Shelbee! Enjoy and safe travels on Wednesday.
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thank you so much! You are a gem and I am so blessed to call you friend! Life is most definitely about the wonderful journey of daily living and I am always so grateful for each day that I am given a chance to do it better. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family. May it be filled with so much love, happiness, joy, and laughter!
Patrick Weseman
Love the hat. Very nice. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you and your family have a wonderful and Merry Christmas. Blessings to you.
Thank you so much, Patrick! I hope you have a wonderful day and a very happy New Year as well!
We all deserve all the love we receive! I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!
So very true, Laura! Thanks so much. Have a wonderful Christmas!
Merry Christmas my dearest blogging friend! I wish you a fabulous time for you and your lovely family!
Thank you so much, my friend! I hope that your Christmas is filled with peace, love, and joy!
This color and style suit you the most.
Thanks so much, Roseline! Have a wonderful day!
Love your positive thoughts and energy in this post! And that Target coat! What a great find! How fun and glam for winter!
Gina || On the Daily Express
Thanks so much, Gina! I have about 4 coats from Target from a few years ago…they had really nailed their coat game! Wishing you the very best in 2019, my friend. Happy New Year!
Linda Cassidy
It is such an overwhelming time of year for so many. Know that not only are you loved and cared for but more importantly that you truly deserve it. Merry Christmas Michele and wishing you and your family the greatest of holidays.
Linda, thank you so much for these very kind and beautiful words! I hope your holidays have been magical! Wishing you the very best for 2019! Happy New Year!
Karren Haller
I hope you had a wonderful and joyful Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
Thanks so much, Karren! I hope your holidays have been magical and filled with many blessings!
Liz Klebba
Blessings for a happy and peace-filled holiday to you and yours, Shelbee! And may each day of the new year bring an abundance of joy…
I’m thankful for the opportunity to work from home, at something I love, so that I can care for my mother, and others in my family when they need it. And I am thankful for the grace of a few days to just be in the present.
Liz, thank you so much! And may your New Year be filled with so many more blessings, peace, love, joy, and laughter!
Helen C.
Happy holidays! 🎅🏻 I hope you are having the most beautiful days with your family! 😍 Lots of hugs from Spain! 😘
Thank you so much, Helen! And I hope that your holiday season has been filled with peace, love, and joy, my friend! Happy New Year!
Sigrid Chu
Hello Shelbee,
I would like to wish you and your family a happy holidays!
Thanks so much, Sigrid! I hope your New Year is filled with peace, love, and happiness!
I haven’t been here in quite some time dear Michelle, so first of all Happy New Year 2019!! I hope it is a year filled with growth, prosperity, luck, lots of blessings and great health, first and foremost. I hope you enjoyed all of your holiday season and your blogging break! This post was so genuine, kind, beautifully-written and full of hope! Loved it. We all deserve love and appreciation and you are right – happiness should be the whole journey not just the end!
I also love your cozy, perfectly-christmasy Winter look. Your scarf is almost identical to my perfect XMas plaid scarf and I love that Target coat!!
Thank you so much, my dear Ada! You are always so kind and supportive and I am so grateful for our friendship! I did enjoy the holidays and my much needed break. I am back at it now and feeling better than ever. I have lots of things planned for 2019. I hope it is my best year yet! And I wish you so much joy and love and success in the new year as well.