Snow Days & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #735

My life has been nothing but a series of snow days lately. Our total snowfall over Thanksgiving weekend was between 4 and 5 feet depending on where you live in the city. Jeff’s car was completely buried but the kids and I managed to dig it out. It took half the day, but we did it! There is giant dent in the top of the car from the snow falling off the roof of the house and we her antenna got snapped off. But our vehicles are just as resilient as we are to this crazy weather so I know she’ll be okay.

Then we had a few warm rainy days which melted a lot of the snow, leaving behind giant puddles of water in my basement and my garage and a lake in my backyard.

Now I am kicking off this weekend with another 8-12 inches of snow. But I am not complaining at all because the weather people predicted that we would get another 2 to 3 feet this time around. Here is a photo of me looking happy about a mere 8-12 inches of snow.

We have some more warm rainy days coming early next week to melt it all away just in time for the snow that is coming later in the week. And so the cycle shall continue for the next 12 weeks. I am so glad we got our fireplace rebuilt!

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Reader Favorite: Sally of Within a World of My Own
Fashion Favorite: Di of Di-alog
Other Favorite: Angie of Your True Self

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I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


  • Di

    Oh, Shelbee, what a workout shoveling all that snow! That would be enough to turn my smile upside-down, for sure! Thanks so much for the favorite mention this week. Take care and stay warm, hope for a precipitation free weekend!


      Thanks so much, Di! I have to keep smiling through the shoveling or else it might break me! LOL It’s okay. It’s good exercise and I don’t get much exercise these days! I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend.


  • Your True Self

    Hi, Shelbee – I’m so glad to see that you are staying cheerful despite all that cold work you are doing. It certainly is good exercise and good to be out in nature, too. My husband loves it and stays out all day with our snow plow doing other houses besides ours. It looks like your sons have fun with it, too. We’re getting the up and down temps here in Detroit as well, going from snow to rain and back again. Thank you so much for featuring my blog post – Angie,


      Thanks so much, Angie! I have to stay cheerful or the winter blues will get me! I used to hate doing any kind of outdoor maintenance like shoveling, raking, and lawn mowing. But the older I get, the more I appreciate that I am still able bodied enough to do all of those things. That shift in perspective has made all the work very enjoyable actually. And it is the only exercise I do besides my easy morning yoga. I hope you have a most wonderful weekend, my friend!


  • Nancy

    I can’t see how one can survive 3 months of snow. Haha, to me it sounds like a horror movie. I want to see it though on Tuesday. Wishing you a relaxed shuffle free weekend.


      Hahaha. I wish it were only 3 months! There will be snow on the ground now until May! I will definitely show it to you on Tuesday. I think it is supposed to rain all day so it will just look gross and sludgey. Enjoy your weekend, my friend!


  • Amy Johnson

    Wow! That’s a lot of snow, and I live in Wisconsin! I can’t believe you have such a huge smile on your face. I have no idea how you shovel all that snow. I think I tried shoveling snow once and it was so hard I gave up after five minutes…ha ha. Thanks for the party.


      Oh my goodness, Amy, you just made me chuckle! Thank you. I don’t get much vigorous exercise so I really just try to embrace these opportunities to work my body a little. That perspective definitely helps me to keep smiling through all the snow and the shoulder pain!


  • Sally in St Paul

    People often assume that we get a lot of snow here in Minnesota, and we do get some, but it’s really the severe cold that marks out our winters, not the snow! For snow, there’s no beating upstate NY. Y’all are tough up there. But I do get it how “only” 8-12″ sounds good when the alternative is 2-3′! Keep smiling.


      Minnesotans are pretty badass, too because that level of cold is no joke either! We get blistery cold temperatures here, too. We have had winters with consistent temperatures from 20 to 40 degrees below zero. That sucks way more than the snow! We laugh at my mother-in-law because she freaks out over 4 to 8 inches of snow and we always tell her it’s way better than 48 inches of snow! Ha.


  • Marsha Banks

    I have always told Mike I wanted to live near Buffalo (which might be close to you). I love, love, love snow! And, I don’t even mind shoveling it for a while. But, when you shovel it out, and then an hour later, it’s back to where it was, that does get old. We had a snow blower the last few years, but we only used it a handful of times. Now, we’re lucky to get a few inches a winter. Up north, we got more because of the lake effect. Thanks for the link up!


      Buffalo is about three hours from me on the southwestern side of Lake Ontario and the northeastern side of Lake Erie. We are on the northeastern side of Lake Ontario. Depending on the year, Buffalo will get slammed with snow and we will not. But this year seems to be our turn! LOL I equate shoveling lake effect to brushing your teeth with Oreos. You can keep shoveling and the snow will just keep appearing in the same place you just shoveled!


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Shelbee on the Edge