SmartChicks: Women Empowering Women & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #75
Women empowering women. That is so my jam. People empowering people. Even better. There is enough crazy and chaos and competition in this world that I really don’t need to add to it. Instead, I opt for empowering and inspiring others to be the very best versions of themselves. One person’s success does not take away from another’s person’s success…especially these days. In this generation of technology and social media where we have the means to reach an infinite number of people and various different audiences around the world, competition really seems a little silly. Because there is enough room for all of us. And as we help each other build ourselves and our businesses and broaden our horizons, the atmosphere of helping continues to perpetuate itself. I uplift you, you uplift me in return, and the cycle continues on in its own beautiful way.
*This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.
I have two really wonderful friends who do exactly this…empower, uplift, encourage, and inspire. You may remember them from my Forever Fierce 2018: Midlife Women on Being Fierce post back in February. I featured these two amazing sisters side by side in that post because they are the epitome of being fierce in midlife and the greatest example I know of women who empower others to live their most fulfilling lives. So today, I am featuring them again…side by side…and highlighting their inspirational mission with their newly resurrected initiative of SmartChicks. These beautiful sisters, Lisa Smith and Cathy Peyton, are inspiring women everywhere to “Be More. Do More. Give More.”

SmartChicks is all about “connecting and empowering women, building lasting friendships, creating abundance, giving back and balancing health.” Now I want to share with you how I connected with this wonderful pair…
About a year ago, I received a Facebook message from Lisa letting me know that she followed my blog and was so inspired by me that she would love to meet me in person. She invited me for coffee, asking if that was a weird request from a stranger. I can’t lie so I will admit that I definitely Facebook stalked her a bit before responding! I discovered that we had quite a few mutual friends on Facebook, asked a few questions of some friends, and agreed to a coffee date. Now I ask you: is it weird that we became fast friends within the first 5 minutes of conversation? There was an instant connection on so many levels. And we talked freely and easily during that first meeting. We have been great friends ever since. So thank you, Lisa, for sending me that weird Facebook message!
I met Cathy at a local women’s networking event last spring just a month or two before Lisa had reached out to me. This gorgeous fiery woman just walked right up to me and said, “Well, aren’t you fabulous! Who are you?” That is one hell of an opening line and certainly one that I could not resist! So Cathy and I got to chatting that day and it was as if we known each other for a lifetime. I never made the connection that these two ladies were sisters until I had coffee with Lisa. And now they argue over who found me first! Sorry, Lisa, but Cathy did find me first! And then she kept me a secret from you!
In any event, I am filled with gratitude and feel so blessed to count these inspiring women among my closest friends! Their love, support, wisdom, and kindness do not go unnoticed or unappreciated in my life! So won’t you all head on over to their Facebook page for some amazingly inspirational videos and posts! I promise you will want to count them amongst your tribe! You can also find SmartChicks on Instagram!
*By the way, their videographer, Kyle Hayes, was featured in a #SpreadTheKindness post back in October:
You Can Get Anything You Want at Gram’s Diner & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #40. I met Kyle though Cathy and Lisa because amazing and beautiful spirits attract equally amazing and beautiful spirits! Kyle is also a member of the SmartChicks tribe…empowering and inspiring people all around him!

*All photos were borrowed from SmartChicks.
And now your favorite posts from last week…
My dear friend, Maureen of Little Miss Casual, shared her post, Blogging: My Journey So Far. I have gotten to know Maureen quite well through a personal correspondence over the past 6 months since she launched her blog. This post is a great summary of the struggles faced by any new blogger. I am so glad that she has shared her perspective on the beginning of her blogging journey. This is such a great read for any blogger or anyone who is considering starting a blog.

Darlene of Aquamarina Style shared her post, Get Ready For Summer in a Tropical Skirt Outfit. I love this easy combination for a hot summer’s day. The print is so cheerful and Darlene has accessorized the outfit perfectly. Just look at that adorable bag and her metallic slides!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Kellyann Rohr
I am not surprised at all that you became fast friends with this dynamic duo! My guess is you click with just about everyone, your infectious positivity and spirit attract all the right people! I think it is so cool that these two sisters each sought you out and did so in such bold ways! I admire that, what a phenomenal story!
Kellyann, thank you so much for this wonderful comment! Bold is the perfect word to describe both Lisa and Cathy! They both have such infectious positivity and beautiful spirits as well so I guess it does make sense that we clicked immediately. I hope you can follow them on Facebook because I think you will enjoy the message they are sending! Have a great week, my fabulous friend.
Loving that quote! We all need to do that! xx
Thanks so much, Laurie! I think so many of us in the blogging community already do this!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
Love when strong woman can lift each other up!
Have you head of the movement Know Your Value?
Tamar, I agree with you completely! Strong women who use their strength to uplift others are so very special. I have not heard of this movement, but I am going to look it up now! Thank you for sharing.
Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
I love this post Shelbee and feel uplifted to know there are more women who think like you do! I have always believed women should be in support of each other and this post makes me happy xx
Maria, I am so happy that this post makes you happy! There are so many women out there who choose to uplift and empower one another…we just need to all find each other and join forces to take over the world with kindness! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have the most wonderful day!
Pam Greer
I’ve joined their facebook page. I love all the positiveness in this post!
Thanks so much, Pam! Positivity is certainly contagious! I hope you are as inspired as I am by Lisa and Cathy!
I totally agree with you. I feel that the more we encourage each other and the more positivity we spread, the better we all become. A simple act of kindness even a single word goes a long way. Thank you Shelbee for featuring my post! I am honored and you can probably imagine my surprise when I saw it! Thank you.
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thank you so much for sharing your encouraging and positive words and for always keeping it real on your blog as well! It was my pleasure to feature you today!
Suzy Turner
It’s easy to see why both sisters wanted to connect with you, Shelbee. Because you’re simply AMAZING yourself. I’m off to check out their FB page now <3 <3
Suzy xx
Suzy, thank you so very much! You are so kind and amazing yourself! I hope you are as inspired by Lisa and Cathy as I am!
Kathrine Eldridge
I love that you lift up so many amazing people! Thanks for the pick me up this morning.
Kathrine, thank you so much! I am glad that I could help uplift you this morning!
Anna at Muttonstyle
There is often too much negativity between women. It’s great to see uplift instead.
I agree completely, Anna! I am always on board when wonderful women make it their mission to empower other women. Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you have a fabulous day!
Isn’t it the best meeting incredible women like this? It makes up for the others…..
It really does make up for the others, Jodie! Well said, my friend! Thank you.
Great post as always Shelbee. Thanks for hosting the linkup too! Jacqui Mummabstylish
Thank you so much, Jacqui!
Michele Morin
Love it when you introduce us to new friends from your world!
Aw, thanks so much, Michele! I do love to share about the fabulous people in my life!
I always believe in the connection you feel when you first meet someone. Sometimes you can see the relationship you can have with someone before you actually get to know them 😉
Thanks for hosting babe
I agree with you completely, Mel! I definitely connected with both Lisa and Cathy right away. They are so amazing. Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you are having a fabulous week, my friend!
Lauren Sparks
I love your passion for your friends. So touching and inspiring.
Lauren, thank you so much! That means the world to me.
Patrick Weseman
Thanks for the introduction to new people. Sounds like she is an amazing women. Glad you made the connection. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Patrick, thank you so very much! I hope you are having a wonderful week.
Elizabeth Ashley Ramsey
Love this! I haven’t been as active in the Forever Fierce group as you have but I can say without doubt that the people I HAVE interacted with have all been fabulous and so supportive. Positivity and kindness is what it is all about!
Elizabeth, thanks so much! I am so glad that you are finding inspiration from these amazing women as well!
Jessica A Jannenga
Wonderul Shelbee! I think there is no use for competition and jealousy among women, and I love hearing these kind of stories and meetings. Sounds like your personality shined through to both of these ladies. I will have to check out their Smartchicks site.
Have a great week!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much! I agree with you completely. And I think you will really enjoy the SmartChicks page and their mission!
Emma Peach
Isn’t it great when you just hit it off with someone? I’m now following your fabulous friends on Facebook and Instagram 🙂
Emma xxx
Emma, thanks so much for supporting my friends and their wonderful empowering mission!
Nancy Baten
Thanks for introducing these fabulous ladies! I have followed their Facebook page!
Thank you, Nancy! I am so glad you followed them. I hope you find lots of inspiration there!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I enjoyed Maureen’s post, too! Gotta love the blogging community and when you get asked to meet up for coffee and you can FB stalk, see if you have mutual friends, etc. It is so fun to network and meet new people, especially when they have so many amazing ideas.
Carrie, this comment is so great in every way! You totally made me smile. I do love this community! Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend!
Cheryl Tucker
I don’t blame these women for wanting to meet you! It is on my bucket list! You are fabulous in many ways and you promote pure goodness! Can you tell, I’m a fan?
Oh my goodness, Cheryl! I am such a huge fan of yours as well! Someday, we will definitely make a meeting happen! Thank you so much for this comment.
We all need to be better about lifting each other up. This was a great post to read!
Laura, thank you so much! I am so glad that you enjoyed it. It is one of my missions, for sure, to keep uplifting others.
Cheryl Shops
I love that quote (it’s all over Pinterest) that says “Real queens fix each other’s crowns.” So true!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, that is so perfect! Thanks for sharing!
I LOVE THIS POST AND IT RESONATES WITH ME 100% BECAUSE I AM ALL ABOUT ENCOURAGING AND UPLIFTING WOMEN LIKE ME OR UNLIKE ME. Cathy’s opening line/greeting was catchy, bold and brave – all words I could use to describe you in fact, Shelbee. Thank you for writing posts like this, for always being a positive “good seed” on every blogger’s side. Also so great you featured Maureen and Darlene whom I both love!
Ada, thank you so much for your continued support and for being your amazing empowering self every step of the way! I am so blessed to have friends like you!
Yup. This is you…you look for ways to inspire and encourage others, making it easy to see how you would be sought out and liked on an instant! You are fabulous!!…so glad I get to know you via the blog!
Chrissy, thank you so much! I am so glad that I had the opportunity to get to know you as well! I know for certain that we would be the greatest of friends in real life, too! Some day, my friend, some day, I will have the pleasure of meeting you in person!
such a great post! Very inspiration
Thanks so much, Stephanie!
Shelbee you are a sweetheart, both on your blog and in person. So important to support each other, I agree. What a wonderful post, thank you for sharing. XO
Cherie, thank you so much for such very kind words! I have been trying to get these fabulous ladies to join me for one of our NYC meet ups. Maybe one of these days!
Laura || Walking in Memphis in High Heels
It’s so amazing what we can all do when we work together as a team instead of against each other. I am so glad you found people to be friends with.
Laura, thank you so much! It is true that there is a certain power in numbers. And when we join forces of fabulous, what amazing changes we can make!
indah nuria
You are so lucky to be surrounded by incredible people! And you are right..generosity is contagious! Best of luck with all the amazing things ahead
Thank you so much, Indah! I appreciate you and all of your support!
Yes, we need to root for each other and happiness begins with us. IT IS contagious – your post made me smile 🙂
Lorena, thank you so much! I am so glad that this made you smile…proof of how contagious it all is!
Marilee Gramith
Your openness, honesty and authenticity are pretty irresistible Shelbee. You have far exceeded the moniker of fashion blogger and I’m convinced that many women are looking for more! Your vulnerability and willingness to to take risks invite your readers to let down their guard as they ponder your compelling questions and subjects.
Jude, I think you may have left this wordsmith speechless on this one! Wow! Thank you so very much. I am honored and flattered by your kind and amazing words!