Six Years Ago Today…

Six Years Ago…

Six years ago today…this little critter entered the world. He has challenged us every step of the way right from the start. But we have made it 6 years without killing each other! So I figured a little celebratory blog post was in order. Be prepared for some cuteness overload as we wish Ralphie a very happy birthday!

A pregnancy photo
First Halloween
First leaf pile
First Thanksgiving
First Birthday
Brother snuggles
First professional photo shoot
First trip to the zoo
Cuteness overload
4th of July
Photos during Daddy’s deployment
Daddy’s Homecoming
Face painting
Mommy kisses
Ugly Christmas sweater winner!
Puddle jumping
First day wearing glasses
The day he made a super hero costume out of stickers
The day he wanted to match my outfit for photos
Best Christmas photo
Blue and White!
Mini Al Bundy
Tuxedo fitting
Uncle Fritz and Aunt Kaitlyn’s wedding
Nose picker!
Preschool graduation
Hatchimal love
Confetti, the newest Hatchimal
Kindergarten school picture
Mommy snuggles just the other day

5 Facts about Ralphie…

  1. He was named after my father.
  2. He loves Hatchimals.
  3. He is addicted to his kindle and loves playing Roblox.
  4. His favorite color is blue.
  5. He has a special way with his bunny named George.

Happy Birthday, sweet child of mine. We love you to the moon and back.

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


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