Shelbee on the Edge Turns Two with Happiness Boutique & Link Up On the Edge #58
Two years ago today I published my very first post. It was exciting and scary and intimidating. I was filled with uncertainty and questions and insecurities. Would people actually read what I write? Would the response be positive? Would I receive horrible nasty comments from trolls? Was this a risky venture? Was it a risk that I would be glad I took?
The answer is yes. To all of those questions. Yes, people do actually read what I write and I couldn’t be more grateful to you all for validating what I do. Yes, the response from readers and the blogging community has been even more positive than I could have ever hoped for. Yes, trolls have left horrible nasty comments and I met them with love and wished them peace. And then the horrible comments were met with so many more loving and kind comments from my loyal blogging friends. Yes, this was a risky venture. And yes, a million times, yes, the risk has paid off exponentially. In so many ways.
Over the past 2 years, I have made so many amazing connections. I have met numerous blogging friends in real life…which were the most amazing experiences ever. I have been inspired by all of you. For what you do, for what you represent, for your style, your wisdom, your kindness, your truths. For sharing little bits of yourselves with the rest of us and creating a sense of camaraderie and community that is unparalleled to any other. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I went back in time 2 years ago to reread my very first blog post. I was actually a little terrified to read what I wrote. Aside from my selfies taken with a selfie stick (which are pretty awful), I actually did not cringe at the words that I put out there. The formatting in the post is a little bit messed up because I was obviously still learning all the ins and outs of WordPress. Needless to say, I have come a long way. I have learned so much about so many things. And I am so happy that I decided to embark on this journey 2 years ago.
One year ago, I published a post Shelbee on the Edge Turns One and My Evolution of Style. That was definitely a fun post to write and there are some crazy old photos that I shared there. But even one year into blogging, I was still such a novice! Finally, two years in and I am starting to feel like a “professional blogger“! And for my second blog birthday post, I actually can type the words:
*This is a sponsored post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
I am excited to be collaborating with Happiness Boutique on a blog post that makes me very happy indeed! What better time to share my fabulous new Happiness Bracelet! I adore this new bracelet with its subtle message right there on my wrist to remind me what this life is all about! And as long as this blog makes me happy, then I will continue writing. And as long as you all keep reading, then I will always be inspired to share my life and thoughts and everything in between!
I am going to keep this post short and sweet as I am currently overwhelmed with sponsored posts! (Yay! Isn’t that what we strive for?) So stay tuned for lots more fun stuff coming soon from me. If you missed my favorite picks from Happiness Boutique, you can see those on my Weekend Wish List: Happiness Boutique. I will be featuring another piece from Happiness Boutique next week! (Here is a sneak peek at my new Vintage Inspired Statement Necklace).
And a happy day for you all as well! If you shop at Happiness Boutique from now until September 24, 2017, you will receive an extra 10% off any purchase over 19 euros (approximately $23) by entering code shelbeeontheedge at checkout.
Again, I want to thank you all so very much for your continued support, your encouraging words, your kindness, and for keeping me inspired and motivated to continue writing from the edge. Without you, I would not be Shelbee on the Edge!
Outfit Details
Dress: Dress Barn Belted Floral Ruffle Dress.
Sandals: Nina Adoncia Sandal from DSW.
Clutch: Lulu Townsend Glitter Mesh Clutch from DSW.
Bracelet: Happiness Bracelet Silver Color c/o Happiness Boutique.
All other jewelry has been in my collection for years.
And now onto your favorite posts from last week.
Tiina of Elegance Revisted shared her post Happy International Sarcasm Day and it is definitely worth a read! Tiina is always so witty and sarcastic. She provokes you and makes you think about things. And she makes me laugh! Plus she is fabulously stylish…so you all should go check out her blog!

Suzy of Suzy Turner shared the prettiest floral jumpsuit and some really fun accessories in her post Perfect for the summer: my colourful, leafy print jumpsuit. She is looking so bright and lovely as usual. And if you are looking for a stylish blogger to follow who offers everything from health and wellness posts to writing tips and everything else in between, you should check out Suzy’s blog, for sure!

Celebrating on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

jodie filogomo
Congrats Shelbee!! What a great accomplishment and your style is fabulous!!
That “happiness” bracelet is the perfect item for you because you are so positive!!
Jodie, I can’t even express how thankful I am for all of your support and kindness in my blogging journey! Thank you for everything…all of your kind words. All of your encouragement. All of your validation. It all means so much to me.
I was so happy that my happiness bracelet arrived in time for my post! It was the perfect collaboration for this particular post!
Happy 2nd Anniversay 🤗🎂🍾
Congratulations on a fabulous blog.
Alicia, thank you so much! I really appreciate the support and kind words.
Lisa Smith
Perfect dress for you. That color looks amazing! You’re so pretty!
Lisa, you are so kind! Thank you so much. I really appreciate all of your support and lovely comments!
Mary Colleen
Congrats on two years! I am very happy you started blogging, you always bring some great humor to your posts and I love how you pursue your own sense of style without shame. Good luck to you, Shelbee!
Mary, thank you so much for this wonderful comment! It makes my heart so happy to know that people appreciate what I do.
Congrats on 2 years!!
Thank you so much, Jaymie! I appreciate all of your support.
Patrick Weseman
Congrats on your two-year anniversary. You do a great job. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.
Patrick, thank you so very much! And thanks for your continued support and for joining my link up regularly! I appreciate it.
Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
Shelbee you look fabulous in this dress and happiness is programm in your blog.
Thanks for 2 years of blogging and linkup 🙂
XO Tina
Tina, thank you so much! I appreciate your support and loyalty and of all of the kindness that you put out into the blogging world, too. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you and all of my fabulous blogger friends.
And for many more years dear Shelbee!
Thank you so much, Nancy! I hope I have many more years of this because I do love what I do! And working with you has been such a pleasure! So thank you so much for that as well.
Happy blog birthday Shelbee, you’ve done so well, and come so far. x Some pretty pieces here. Jacqui
Jacqui, thank you so much! I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for all you fabulous blogger friends who stop by and visit me!
Congratulations!!! In two years you have created an amazing business for yourself! You inspire me, I would love to have sponsored posts, heck, even one would make my day! One of these days I’ll get there. I think blogging is like so many other feats in life, the more you put into it the more you get out of it. I know I need to step up my game and when I see women like you celebrating success I am truly so happy for you because I know what a labor of love this is and you have taken risks, put yourself out there, done the hard work (and continue to do so) and it has paid off! So sweet and beautiful blog friend, congratulations again!!!
Kellyann, thank you so much for this super sweet comment! This project has definitely been a labor of love for sure! And it makes my heart glow to know that I have inspired others…just as I have been inspired by all of you. I have really only stepped up my game in the second year. The first year was a bit of a floundering effort! But here I am, rolling along. And while I have lots of brand collaborations in the works, I have not made much money….but I wake up every morning excited to get to my work. And that you can’t put a price on! Thank you so much for your loyalty and kindness. It is appreciated even more than words can express.
Kathrine Eldridge
Happy Blog Anniversary Shelbee! Love this dress and dying over those amazing mules. Can’t wait to see what you share with us this year. Have a great weekend and thanks for the link up!
Kathrine, thank you so much! I really appreciate all of your support and wonderful comments!
Shelbee, I’m so glad you decided to start blogging back when you did. Because you really do bring a little bit of joy to us readers throughout the week. I love seeing new posts from you drop into my inbox. I’m always excited to see what you have in store for us. Not only do you always look FAB, but you always write such heartfelt posts. So happy Blogaversary me dear friend. I hope one day that we will meet too. That would be the best day ever!!
Huge hugs from Portugal
Oh… and thank you SO MUCH for featuring me. You’re the best!
Suzy xx
Suzy Turner at Yogadocious
Suzy, thank you so much for all of your support and kindness! I wouldn’t be here doing what I do if it weren’t you and other bloggers and readers like you. I can’t express enough gratitude and how much the validation means to me. I have always loved writing but never knew how to put it out there publicly. I never imagined I would have an audience that would look forward to what I have to say. I feel so blessed now to know that I have found that audience. Thank you so very much for everything! I also hope we can meet in real life one day. How amazing that would be!
Quirky Homemaker
Happy Blogiversary! Glad you have found it fun! Here’s to continued success, happiness, and fun. 🙂 Cheers!
Thank you so much for your kind words and support! It really does mean so much to me.
Chrissy Rowden
I can’t believe it’s only been two years! I feel like I’ve been linking up for longer. 😉 So glad you are sticking with it and giving us a link up to look forward to each week; no wait – twice a week! Ha! The dress looks fabulous on you by the way.
It feels longer to me, too, Chrissy! I feel like all of my blogger friends have been in my life for many years! I think I may have been crazy hosing two link ups a week! I can’t get around to visiting and commenting on all the fab links! But I do my best. Thanks for all of your support and kindness, my friend! I appreciate it more than you know!
Tiina L
Congratulations! And that’s a great dress to celebrate in. And thank you for featuring my modest literary efforts, so sweet of you.
But… you had to deal with trolls?!? Do people really make the effort to comment just to put you down? Probably people who have way too much time and not enough real problems…
Oh, you must write a post about that, name them and shame them (or at least shame them)!! I have been very lucky that I haven’t had to deal with nasty people on my blog (I would probably have blocked them), but I’m sure a lot of bloggers would like to know how you dealt with haters.
Tiina, thanks so much for your kind words and your continued support of my blog! I actually did name the trolls and wrote an entire post dedicated to them! Here it is: A Ray of Sunshine in a Hate-Filled World. And yes, apparently people actually do this because they did it to me! To them, I say “You cannot break my spirit! I will continue spreading love and kindness through my blog!”
Cheryl Tuckerr
I love your dress so much and those shoes are just perfect! I felt all the same things as you did when I started blogging and found the same to be true. Its a whole other fun part of my life now. And it is wonderful because of people like you! Peace!
Cheryl, thank you so much! You are always so kind and supportive and I feel so fortunate to have made such amazing blogging friends through this journey!
Congrats on your blogversary! I always look forward to stopping by your blog and can’t wait to see what’s in store for the year ahead! That dress is so pretty on you!
Doused in Pink
Jill, thank you so much! I really appreciate your support and you always kind words and comments!
Happy Anniversary!! I think its always scary to read the first post we have published. But to see how far you have come is heart warming!! And yes the good, positive comments always out beat the negative ones:) Love the dress you decided to wear for your special day, specially your bracelet.
Thank you so much, Mel! I always hate reading what I’ve written months or years after it is written. Why do we get so scared, I wonder? Because I think it is good enough at the time I have written it. Ha. It is the selfies that were more frightful in the end after all! Hahaha. Growth is always a good thing. Thank you for your continued support of my blog and your wonderful comments!
What a pretty dress! I love the cut, and the color looks beautiful on you. Happy 2 years of blogging!
Rachael, thank you so much for your kind words and your continuos support of my blog! I wish you so much luck in your blogging reevaluation and I look forward to see what direction you decide to take your blog!
Congratulations Shelbee. I have enjoyed watching you grow this business of yours xx
Laurie, thank you so much! Your support and encouragement means so much to me!
I love floral dresses on you – obviously since I featured you yesterday in a pretty fit+flare floral dress too, did you see it?! This one is so pretty. Green is a fantastic color on you Shelbee. Also huge congrats on 2 years of blogging and look what a success both the blog and your linkups have become!!
Cheers my friend! Have a great weekend, too! <3 Ada.
Ada, thank you so much! I appreciate all of the support you have shown me over the past 2 years! You have been so inspirational and helpful to me in this blogging journey and I am ever so grateful. I did miss your post but I am hopping over now. I have been so overwhelmed with sponsored posts and kids and life that I have been completely unable to visit blogs as much as I would like to. But school starts in 12 days, so I’m hoping to spend much more time on blogging stuff. Thanks again for everything!
Shelbee, CONGRATULATIONS! I’m right there with you at the two year mark and I can also fully remember the fears and anxieties that went along with a first post. It’s been great to follow you on your journey and so much more special because of our connection. You’re doing fabulous!
Rena, thank you so much! I love that this blogging journey has connected me with so many amazing and inspiring women. And so happy that I had the chance to meet you in real life and get to know you. Thank you so much for all of your kindness and continued support. It has been so much being on this journey with you!
Happy second Blogiversary, Shelbee! Isn’t it fun to look back and see how far you and your blog have grown over the past couple of years? Your Happiness bracelet is perfect for the occasion and I just adore your pretty green and white dress!
Jennie, thank you so much! It really is so much fun and I can’t believe how much my blog has grown just in the past year. The first year of blogging I really didn’t know what the heck I was doing and I was completely inconsistent. Now that I am sticking to consistency, it has gotten so much better. And I look forward to getting up and starting on my work every day. I really enjoy this “job”! And I appreciate all of your support and encouragement so very much.
Emma Peach
Congratulations on your 2nd blogaversary! I’ve just passed the six year milestone and re-read my first post 😕 I’ve certainly had to learn lots of different skills. I didn’t really put any effort into it until a couple of years ago when I went self-hosted. I don’t think anyone read my posts for the first three years…it’s been a slow burner! I love your green dress, it really suits you, and the bracelet is fab!
Emma xxx
Emma, thank you so much for all of your support! Wow! Six years! You must have learned so much in that time. I feel like I have learned a lot already but have so much more to learn. I am so flattered that people actually read what I write. And I am so glad that I decided to take this journey as this community is so wonderful.
Happy, happy Birthday to your blog!!! Re-reading early posts is always interesting… I started my blog in 2009, and my blog and I have changed so much…
I love your happiness bracelet! So pretty & such a great word!
Thanks for the link up & have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks so much, Andrea! I have actually returned to quite a few old posts lately and I am surprisingly impressed with myself. I think I may need to republish some of them! But I am always changing and evolving as a person and so will my blog. Thank you so much for all of your continued support!
Elizabeth Ramsey
Happy Anniversary Shelbee! So glad I found you on my blogging path. You look absolutely beautiful in your outfit today. Can’t wait to see what the Edge has in store for us in the coming years!
Elizabeth | http:/nattygal.com
Elizabeth, thank you so much! I am so glad that we have crossed blogging paths as well. I really appreciate all of your support and encouragement and very kind comments!
Oh wow, congrats on the 2nd anniversary Shelbee. I must have read your blog from the start as I feel like I have known you years too 🙂 Love your dress, such a great pattern, and colour. Thanks for stopping by the weekend blog hop.
Claire, thank you so much for all of your continued support of my blog! I think you were one of the first blogs I followed when I started this adventure!
Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. Have a great Labor Day weekend.
Thanks, Nicole! Enjoy your weekend.