rag mat, woven patchwork rag rug, upcycled clothing, Shelbee on the Rags, Shelbee on the Edge

Shelbee on the Rags: “Making Memories” Festival Mat & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #710

I am posting a day early because we are headed to the Smoked Country Jam Bluegrass Festival for a weekend of rural camping, great music, and fabulous friends! This post is the perfect time to share my most recent raggery project since I created this mat specifically for this weekend.

About 6 weeks ago, I decided to learn how to weave/twine. I had two pieces of cardboard packaging from my new dehumidifier that resembled small looms. Before investing in any kind of proper loom, I figured I would try weaving on a small DIY cardboard loom to see if I enjoyed it.

So I watched a few videos, measured out my pegs one inch apart, and used push tacks as my anchors. Then I took some scrappy strips of fabric and started weaving. It took me about 2 hours to weave one 9 x 16 inch rectangle. In that 2 hours, I discovered an incredible passion that I didn’t even know I had!

So I started weaving a second rectangle, and a third one, and a fourth one. Then Ralph suggested I make a whole bunch of rectangles and then sew them together for a giant patchwork woven festival mat. I decided 35 rectangles would make the perfect size mat to hold a family of four. Then I set a self-imposed deadline of this week to complete the mat before the festival. I spent the next few weeks weaving at a pace of 2-5 rectangles per day and finished it with plenty of time to attach all the pieces together.

After I completed 10 rectangles, I wanted to attach them to be sure that I could effectively do so before weaving 25 more rectangles. It was actually easier than I anticipated…after I bought a crochet hook for assistance.

After attaching the first 10 rectangles together, I realized that my cardboard looms were not measured or squared properly, causing my pieces to lack uniformity in size. After making about 5 more rectangles, I also realized that my makeshift cardboard looms were not holding up very well. The tacks kept falling out and the cardboard was starting to tear. So Jeff made me a wooden loom for my birthday in the same measurements so I could finish this project.

My wooden loom actually did not hold up very well either after weaving 20 rectangles on it. Jeff is in the processing of reinforcing the corner joints for me. But I also want an 18 inch squared loom and some larger ones as well. All a work in progress!

Once I had all 35 rectangles woven, I started sewing them to the 10 that were already attached. The final mat is approximately 5 feet squared.

This was a tremendous labor of love but worth every second of weaving time. It is the most fabulous festival mat for making memories! Plus it is infused with all sorts of memories already. I used old unwanted clothing including a bunch of the kids’ favorite hoodies. They sit on the mat and try to identify the different garments that have been woven into the mat. It really is very heart-warming! This mat is so marvelous and makes me so happy. I was so proud of myself for completing this project!

I am very excited to show off my “Making Memories” festival mat this weekend! I hope you all enjoy your summer and find motivation to create something fabulous for yourselves!

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I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


  • Nancy

    Oh my goodness, that brings back memories. I did that when I was 12 or something, 11 perhaps. It was so much fun to do. Never saw it again until now. The mat is fabulous! Have a amazing weekend!

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Thanks so much, Nancy! I remember weaving potholders on small plastic looms as a kid and enjoyed it then. This was a little more intricate than that but not any more difficult to do. It just takes some patience and a bit of creativity. I got so many compliments on it at the festival which was lovely! Now I have to figure out how to clean the thing!


  • Marsha Banks

    Shelbee, I loved this when I saw it on Instagram! You are inspiring me. I’m going to have to study this a lot to figure out how to make the “yarn.” I have always wanted to weave, and Mike once promised to make me a loom. I have lots of clothes that could be turned into fun and colorful rugs for the house.

    Thanks so much for the link up, and have a fabulous time on vacation!


  • Amy Johnson

    Oh my goodness, I love this! And I love how you used old clothing too. This is so much than a blanket to lay on the grass. Isn’t discovering a new hobby fun?

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Thanks so much, Amy! I am so glad I decided to give weaving a try because I am absolutely hooked! You can teach old dogs new tricks! Ha. I am going to make another one of these mats for the silent auction at next year’s festival. I think it will be an awesome auction item!


  • Michelle

    Beautiful! I love it – for many reasons. 1. Because it looks amazing. 2. All the encouragement and support from your family. 3. Using unwanted clothing. 4. The fact the kids enjoyed locating their old clothes in the mat. 5. It’s perfect for your music festival.

    I bet weaving is meditative.

    Have a fantastic weekend, my friend!


    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Thanks, Michelle! I love all of your reasons for loving my mat! I was sharing the sentimentality of this mat with a camp neighbor over the weekend and she gave me a small scrap of bandana that belonged to a dear departed friend of hers. I tied that meaningful scrap right into my memory mat, too, making it even more special now! Yes, the weaving is incredibly meditative!I just love it. I am going to make one of these mats for next year’s festival silent auction.


  • Di

    Shelbee, hope you have a wonderful time at the festival! You are so creative! Your loomed mat will be such a great addition to your campsite gear.

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Thanks so much, Di! My mat was absolute perfection for the festival weekend! We used it every day and it was really comfortable for ground sitting. I received lots of questions and compliments on it, too. Next year I am going to make one for the silent auction at the festival!


  • Joanne

    Okay; now that is just a genius idea! It turned out so great and I bet it will be so perfect for the festival.

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Thanks, Joanne! I was sooooo happy with how this turned out. It really came in handy over the festival weekend, too. And I received a lot of compliment and questions about it. The festival does fundraising for the Lupus Foundation and they have a silent auction each year. I am going to make one of these festival mats for that auction for next year. I am really excited to do that!


  • Gail

    What great ingenuity to repurpose packaging to create a loom! And fabulous results. I hope you’re having a wonderful time.

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Shelbee on the Edge