Sharing My Flashlight: The Power of Our Experiences
Recently, I have been making some major adjustments in my life. I have been restructuring my daily routine, creating new and better habits, making healthier choices physically and mentally, eliminating toxicity from all facets of my life, and taking the time I need for self-care which includes quiet time, relaxing time, and fun time. It is an evolution of sorts that was prompted by my own experiences. I suppose we all make changes in response to our experiences. Experience does have that kind of power. The power to force change.
*This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.
We are meant to learn from our experiences as we travel through this life. But sometimes, we can learn from the experiences of others. How often do we look for others who have traveled the same road as we are currently traveling? We look to others with similar experiences to provide us with a road map of sorts. Or better yet, a flashlight to shine down an otherwise daunting, dark, and unknown road. None of us knows what lies ahead, but there has to be a finite number of experiences in this life. As such, if we share them with one another, we can at least prepare each other for what’s about to come.
We certainly cannot live the experiences for some one else. And while there may be a finite number of life experiences, each person will still respond and react differently in their own unique way. But a flashlight is always helpful. If I had an actual flashlight and I encountered you on a really dark road at night, it would be simply ridiculous of me to not turn on the flashlight and share it’s illumination with you. The same goes for life experiences and lessons learned. Why would I not share them? That would be selfish and unproductive and we would walk along in the dark unnecessarily, basically carrying a functional flashlight but never turning it on. That’s really just dumb.
To elaborate, I just finished reading The Writing Life by Annie Dillard. This book was recommended to me many years ago by my favorite college professor, Jan Fergus. I have read it multiple times over the years and just picked it up again and reread it. I was searching for some sort of inspiration to lead me near the path I need to be on. And for whatever reason, as I stood staring at my bookcase, this one called out to me.

And here is the reason that it called out to me, I think…very near the end of the book, it was the answer I had been looking for. The inspiration, the motivation, the push that I needed to really start focusing on where I want to be going and how I want to share my message and my experiences.
“One of the few things I know about writing is this: spend it all, shoot it, play it, lose it, all, right away, every time. Do not hoard what seems good for a later place in the book, or for another book; give it, give it all, give it now. The impulse to save something good for a better place later is the signal to spend it now. Something more will arise for later, something better. These things fill from behind, from beneath, like well water. Similarly, the impulse to keep to yourself what you have learned is not only shameful, it is destructive. Anything you do not give freely and abundantly becomes lost to you. You open your safe and find ashes.” -Annie Dillard from The Writing Life
All this time, all these years, I have been holding back waiting for a “better place” to share my experiences later. Waiting for my audience to find me so I could share my story, rather than just giving it all, now, freely and abundantly and letting it find its own audience. The audience that needs it. There is no better place than here and now. And apparently, there are a lot more people who need a flashlight than I ever even imagined. I have a flashlight. Just one, but it still provides illumination that someone may need. And your flashlight may be just what another person needs.
So my intention is this…to continue doing what I do…sharing my experiences. But on a bigger and grander level. Some how. Some way. Those are the details I am still trying to figure out. But I do want to thank you all for traveling this journey with me. As I grow, I hope you can grow right along side of me. And together we can create our most fulfilling and rewarding lives. And keep sharing our light.
Do you share your experiences and wisdom freely and abundantly? Or are you more of a hoarder of your knowledge? It is a process to reach that point of selfless giving. We all struggle with it so there is no need for shame in admitting where you are on your personal journey. Our humanness is not an issue to be judged.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic! Please feel free to share in the comments.
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.
Outfit Details:
Sweater: Dress Barn (Similar here and here)
Shorts: Gap Factory (Similar here)
Camisole: Ruby Ribbon Sheer Full Support Cami
Shoes: Charlotte Russe (Similar here)
Necklace: Michal Golan (Similar here)
Earrings: Handmade and Hammered

Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
I love how deep and insightful you are!! You seem so happy in these photos!!
Thanks so much, Tamar! I laughed that I seem happy in these photos. I was in the park taking them myself and I felt so goofy doing it! Ha.
Love the light in these photographs Michelle.
I make an effort to learn from other’s experiences. Maybe its one of the reasons many of my friends are older than me 🙂 However sometimes you’ve got to hit the rock yourself…
Thank you, Lorena! I do love to learn from other’s experiences as well. Although, I think age only plays a small part in experience. I have met some very wise and experienced young people, too, who can teach us much! And I agree, we do have to hit the rock ourselves sometimes in order to really learn the lesson.
Kellyann Rohr
Wow! That quote from Annie really hits home and I can see why it is your answer. You do a beautiful job sharing your stories and insights and helping so many along the way. I am excited to see what you do next!
And, hey, those legs? Holy cow, start sharing those with the world – they are magnificent!
Kellyann, thank you so much! I am still trying to find my way, sharing my experiences helps me, too! And my legs are my favorite asset…for they are strong and have carried me far…and will continue to carry me on my way! Thank you for such a fabulous compliment!
Lisa Richardson
You are very insightful Shelbee. I like your flashlight theory and not hoarding knowledge. Thanks friend! XO
Lisa, thank you so much! It is so important to share our experiences and our knowledge. It is the basis on which we form solid supportive community.
You hit a chord, dear friend. Gosh…just taking a deep breath as I contemplate what you have written here. Like you, I have so much to say…and lately I’ve been thinking “I shouldn’t post that…I’m saving it…”. And then I think why not post it now, there’s plenty more. I neededn’t worry about the future and what I might do down the line. I should post my content now. Thank you once again for going deep—and shining your light. Hugs, nina http://www.sharingajourney.com
Nina, I am so, so glad that this message resonated with you, too! I was speechless when I read those words in the book. And I have read this book before, but many years ago before I ever considered sharing my words publicly. IUt was just the push we both I needed I guess! The universe has a way of shining its light on us when we need it most, doesn’t it? Write it, my friend. Write it now! In all of its glory and freshness! There will always be more to share later.
Beautiful pictures, and I share freely and abundantly, not a hoarder, good topic as always
Paul, thank you so much! Keep sharing yourself freely and abundantly!
Carol Tsacoyeanes
I love sharing the light with you, my friend💕😘
Thanks so much, Carol!
Jessica A Jannenga
Wootwoo. Love the crochet top. the color is earthy and fun. You look great. I was thinking of this the other day, how my blog has evolved. I went from all fashion to now writing midlife topics or thoughtful topics once a week. I enjoy sharing my experience , have always loved writing and helping people. I can see that you do as well. I love the quote from the book!
Thanks for linking!
jess xx
Jess, thank you so much! I find myself slowly evolving away from the fashion posts. Although my initial intent with my blog was always to cover fashion, mental health, and midlife. I will continue to show my outfits though because I do love fashion and I do get dressed everyday, so I might as well share the photos even if I am not talking about the outfit! And I do love when other bloggers go deeper than just clothes! Keep up the great work, my friend.
Xmasdolly aka Marie
I think you just gave me my next project. Being disabled I do a lot of crocheting. Although I only began a few years ago and not sure if I can do it, but you don’t know until you try, right? It’s really pretty and it does become you. I like how you’re satisfied with yourself and take the pictures freely! So many women give you that, “Don’t forget only take my picture from here up, okay??? ~snicker~ I shouldn’t say anything because I’m the same way, but for different reason. bwahahahaha Oh well, have a great day and thanks for sharing! Love the area you were at too! Great background! hugs………… LATER!
Thanks so much, Marie! Oh believe me, there a whole lot of pictures then get deleted really quickly when the angles are bad or I am making the most horrible face! Ha. But at this point in my life, I am just sharing all of myself the best I can. Because life is just too darn short to waste time in worrying about what others think. I am the grandest of times in life right now and I wouldn’t change a thing!
So this crocheted sweater was purchased from Dress Barn, but I would absolutely love to see what you craft along these lines! I am sure it will be brilliant!
Marilee Gramith
I like your analogies and you know I support you and whatever writing endeavors lie in your future.
You need to follow your bliss Shelbee!
I’ve always loved crochet and the top you’re wearing in this post is special indeed. I can’t decide if it’s loden green or a nutty brown… Either way it’s lovely!
Jude, thank you so much for your kind words and continuous support! I do love a good analogy, for sure. I have always been fascinated with the English language and stringing words together in unique ways. I am definitely following my bliss! And in real life, my sweater is more of a loden green. It definitely photographed more of a brown color.