Shaklee 7 Day Healthy Cleanse & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #101

On Saturday, I completed the Shaklee 7 Day Healthy Cleanse which guarantees that you will feel better in one week. From my experience, I think they have most definitely satisfied their guarantee. A few of the benefits that you can expect from this cleanse include improved focus and energy, enhanced mood and sleep quality, detox and healthy digestion, a jump start for weight loss and reduction in food cravings. I have never done a cleanse of any sort so this was a brand new experience for me and I really did not know what to expect. The diet for the week consisted of all fruits and vegetables, mostly raw, some cooked, no protein, no dairy, no refined sugars, no alcohol, and reduced caffeine (no caffeine if you can manage that, I could not). There were also 7 Day Healthy Cleanse Supplements that I purchased before hand to help support my body through the cleanse process.

So I want to share the results of my cleanse with you. I decided that I would stop my medications for seasonal allergies, acid reflux, and high blood pressure during the cleanse to see if I noticed any improvements. I did not consult my doctor before doing this, so I do not recommend that you do the same if you try a cleanse. It’s probably better to discuss with your doctor first if you take daily medications. Also, if you feel like you do not have the will power to complete a healthy cleanse on your own, you might consider contacting the best online weight coach for support through the weight loss process.

On Sunday morning when I began the cleanse, I weighed myself and took some measurements. For the sake of full disclosure, I am going to share those numbers without shame.

Day 1
Weight: 194.4 pounds. (I have been using Shaklee products for a short time and have made some healthier lifestyle choices beginning in September at which time I weighed 208 pounds).
Measurements: Waist: 38”/Hips: 42”/Bust: 42”/Thighs: 24’/Calves: 16”

Day 1 wasn’t all that difficult as my diet consists of plenty of fruits and vegetables anyway. However, when you remove your proteins, carbs, and starches, you really do need to eat more frequently. Shaklee recommends snacking every two hours. I had to work my good old retail job this day and could not snack so I did feel hungry and ended up with a bit of headache. Also, I was a bit skeptical about cutting my caffeine intake. I drink at least an entire pot of coffee every day with French Vanilla creamer…lots of creamer. I had to cut out the creamer completely and black coffee is just not my thing. I was permitted to sweeten it with Stevia only and that’s just gross. So cutting the coffee consumption ended up not being too difficult since I just was not even enjoying the coffee.

Day 2
Weight: 193.8 pounds.

Day 2 started getting a little more difficult. It was a Monday which is my day off so I hung around the house all day. It’s funny how as soon as you can’t snack on anything you want, you want everything. Resistance was hard! I got through the day eating lots of fruits and vegetables and spent some time cooking a variety of dishes so I wouldn’t get bored of the same old thing all week. I had a headache all day so I drank a cup of afternoon coffee hoping the caffeine would relieve it. It did not.

Day 3
Weight: 190.6 pounds.

By Day 3, the headache had subsided and I was adjusting much better to the new eating habits. It did seem that the more I ate, the hungrier I became. But they said you could eat as much as you want. So eat I did. I did stick to eating all cleanse approved foods. By evening, however, I started craving cheese like it’s nobody’s business. It was so bad that it felt like what I imagine drug withdrawal would feel like. I kind of got the cheese shakes! Resisting the cheese became more and more difficult as the night progressed. I kept repeating to my husband, “I want some freaking cheese. And a cupcake.” Finally, around 8:00 p.m. when I was about to cave and eat the cheese, I decided to just go to bed instead. I did not eat the cheese.

At this point in the cleanse, I was feeling my body craving proteins, but never in the form of meats. I was craving cheese, yogurt, and hummus. I found it interesting that not once did I desire a burger, a steak, fish, or chicken.

Weigh-in on Day 3 had officially put me under my pre-baby weight of 192 pounds. It only took me 5 1/2 years after giving birth to my second child to finally lose the baby weight! But no matter how long it took, at least I got there!

Day 4
Weight: 190.0 pounds.

On Day 4, the cravings for cheese were actually getting worse. Fortunately, I worked all day and only had the healthy cleanse approved foods that I brought with me at my disposal. I ate something every 2 hours and was feeling pretty good. I did start to notice that I was having no allergy symptoms and no acid reflux at all. I checked my blood pressure and after 4 days of no medication, it was 117/75. In general without my medication, my BP usually hovers around 155/90.

Day 5
Weight: 190.0 pounds.

Again, the protein cravings, and specifically the craving for cheese, were getting out of hand. I was amazed by how our bodies become so addicted to certain foods. It is no joke how hard it was to resist cheating on this cleanse. But I was determined and had set my mind to it and I was going to complete this cleanse as instructed! No cheating!

Day 6
Weight: 188.4 pounds.

I had not seen the scale below 190 in over a decade. I did the loudest and least graceful happy dance ever! But I was still craving cheese and other forms of protein. I did cave a little and had a few peppers dipped in hummus. I figured if a tablespoon of hummus on Day 6 was my worst indiscretion, I was doing pretty well. And with two days left, my determination was at an all time high. So I ate the hummus without guilt or shame.

Day 7
Weight: 187.8 pounds.

Officially down 20 pounds from September with one day left to go. Easy peasy. “Just get through the day and tomorrow you can eat cheese! And you can add that delicious French Vanilla creamer back into your coffee!” I went to bed that night feeling satisfied with the outcome and my will power to resist. If I could resist cheese when the craving was so strong, I can set my mind to do anything!

Day 8
Weight: 189.0 pounds.
Measurements: Waist: 37” (1” lost)/Hips: 41” (1” lost)/Bust: 41” (1” lost)/Thighs: 23” (1” lost)/Calves: 15 1/2” (1/2” lost)

This is the day when you have to remain diligent in your decision to eat healthier and you cannot go hog wild on the junk food! I treated myself to some French Vanilla creamer in my coffee…and here’s what happened. It quite literally tore my guts out! And it didn’t even taste good. No thank you, chemical infused fake creamer. I still do not like black coffee so I have officially made the switch to plain old half and half and plain old sugar…in moderation, of course. And I did eat cheese. And that was definitely all that it’s cracked up to be!

Looking back after I have completed the cleanse, I will admit that I struggled. It was very difficult to resist all those foods that our bodies get so used to. But the result was absolutely worth the struggle. My focus and energy levels improved, my digestion was noticeably much healthier. There was obvious weight loss as well as inches lost. My mood was not so great throughout the process due to the fact that the cravings were so intense and I chose the week of PMS to do the cleanse (probably not the smartest idea, but it proved that I can resist some really strong urges). My sleep quality actually suffered a bit from all of the extra water intake as I woke every hour on the hour to use the bathroom. With a bladder equal in size to that of a newborn puppy, extra water does not always serve me well.

I am very pleased with the results of the Shaklee 7 Day Healthy Cleanse and am looking forward to continuing my journey to a healthier lifestyle. My goal is to reach and maintain a weight of 180 pounds as well as to remain medication free. I am well on my way there. If you are interested in more details about this cleanse or other health and nutritional products from Shaklee, please do let me know so I can get you in touch with the right people to help guide you through the best plan for you.

And now your featured favorite posts from last week.

Jacqui of Mummabstylish shared her post, Denim Shirt Over Leopard Print Skirt. I am currently crushing on all the leopard print and this pairing with denim is classic yet sassy and ever so perfect!

Jacqui of Mummbstylish

Lisa of Coast to Coast shared her post, $20 Dress Two Ways. The print on Lisa’s dress is so beautiful and so perfect for the holidays. I love both ways she has styled it, but I am always partial to a bit of leg peaking out with tall boots! So sassy!

Lisa of Coast to Coast

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


  • Claire

    You are doing great Shelbee. Well done. Loving all of your snowy photos too. I can’t wait for snow, I hope we get some this year 🙂 Thanks for hosting.

  • jacqui berry

    First what a fabulous tunic dress you’re wearing, just perfect for colder months. Secondly thank you so much for the feature! well done for taking the 7 day challenge on! What a treat to open and see this today – hugs to you. xx Have a super week Hun. Jacqui Mummabstylish

  • Kellyann Rohr

    Absolutely gorgeous winter wonderland photos my friend and you are the star of the show in that beautiful beret!
    Congrats on the cleanse; you stuck with it and it paid off. It is amazing how our bodies react to certain foods and chemicals. I used to have such a sweet tooth but a few years ago I started eating less sugar and now the things I used to love no longer appeal to me. Wishing you all the best as you move forward on your journey – you look amazing!!!But honestly feeling better and being healthier is the BEST part!


      Kellyann, thank you so much! It is so true that our bodies will crave what we give them. And if we take away the bad stuff, we will stop craving it. There is just some self discipline required in doing so. Now when I am craving sweets, I kind of just want some grapes and pineapple! I hope you are having a fantastic week, my friend!


  • Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies

    That’s an interesting read Shelbee! The headaches and cravings doesn’t surprise me. I think it’s interesting that you were tasting the creamer as man-made. I’d love to be vegan for a year to see what difference it makes – but I think it’ll be impossible for me, especially with a meat loving husband and all the traveling I do. But, I haven’t ditched the idea yet. Well done for achieving your goal, that’s impressive xx


      Thank you, Maria! I definitely don’t think I could manage a vegan diet…because cheese. But I could easily manage a vegetarian diet. My husband is a meat lover as well and he was kind of on his own all week! But if you ever do give it a try, I would love to read about it! Have a fantastic day, my friend.


  • Laurie

    Thanks for sharing your experience with us. You have an amazing amount of willpower! I think I might have nibbled on some cheese. I once did a fruit fast (eat only fruit) as part of a 40-day yoga challenge, but the fast was only for 2 or 3 days. It was hard!!!


    Wow so much snow and I am loving your very stylish tam! I’m very impressed that you stuck with the cleanse Shelbee. I’ve done a few of those over the years and they are tough, but I always feel so much better. You look like you feel great!



      Thank you so much, Cherie! There will be lots of snowy pictures from me over the next few months, but at least I am feeling healthier and thinner in the snow! Haha. That cleanse was definitely a test of willpower and I am pleased with myself for passing the test!


  • Lindsay

    Good job Shelbee 🙂 It is always great to move towards a healthier lifestyle and I know it can be hard at first. I think they say it takes something like 10 weeks for something to become a habit…so a healthier way of eating would take weeks of commitment before it no longer seemed like a struggle. About 2.5 months ago I changed the way that I ate a bit and I can say that the first week was by far the hardest (cravings, head aches, mood swings etc). Stick with it and eventually you will find yourself wanting to maintain the healthier way of eating because of the way you feel when you do 🙂 xx


      Thanks so much, Lindsay! And it is so true that once we train ourselves and our bodies to do one thing, it will become habit. I have already felt crummy enough from eating a few processed foods in the first 2 days after completing the cleanse that I really don’t even want to put that junk in my body. I just packed my lunch for the day and all I really wanted was some raw veggies and hummus, a salad with avocados and hard boiled eggs, and some fresh fruit. So I am definitely on my way to healthier living! I hope you have the most fabulous week, my friend!


  • Suzanne Smith

    HI Shelbee! I read the whole post and I’m so proud of you! I am not good at cleansing at all and usually cave in some way the 2nd day! My issue is always that I really want a glass of wine! You have inspired me to try…after Christmas! Thanks for a fun post and stay warm in all that snow!


      Suzanne, thank you so much! This was definitely a situation where my stubborn nature served me well! I went into the cleanse telling myself if I could do this, I can do anything I set my mind to! It was difficult for sure, but I never once allowed cheating as an option. Oh, I wanted the cheese so badly, but I simply was not going to give in to the desire. I am so glad you enjoyed the post and I am hoping to maintain my healthy eating habits through the holidays! Ha. Wish me luck! I look forward to hearing about it if you give it a shot after the holidays!


  • Robin LaMonte


    How gorgeous are your photos because of your snow in New York!
    I have never done a cleanse but I enjoyed hearing your review about the cleanse.
    I think to go on a cleanse makes a lot of people craving food at the end.

    Merry Christmas sweetie!


      Thanks so much, Robin! It was a great feeling to complete such a challenging cleanse, but the reward has been great so far! And as soon as I was permitted to eat whatever I wanted, I didn’t really crave much at all! Which is great because so far it has been pretty easy to stick with the healthy eating routine.


  • jodie filogomo

    Dang girl….good job.
    I have to admit that I can’t stand the taste of those chemically foods now either (like your creamer). I was talking to my friend who is a dietitian and nurse and she was touting how our bodies need the “real” fat. Like heavy cream or half and half. That’s what we use, and I think you get used to not having the sugar. Although I’ve also been drinking hot water lately because I love a warm drink.


      Jodie, thanks so much! I am so glad that I did this cleanse. Not only was it good for the body, but it was great for the mind! It has made me realize that I can do anything that I set my mind to and as a result there are many important changes being made around here. Today, I actually used honey instead of sugar to sweeten my coffee and the combination of half and half with honey in the coffee is so rich and delicious! I can’t get myself to drink hot water though!



      Thanks so much, Jess! Well now that I have permission to have cheese, I don’t even really want it anymore! Isn’t it funny how that works? But what goes better with cheese than a cute beret? So Parisian! I need to style more of my berets and I look forward to seeing yours as well!



      Thanks so much, Nicole! Our snow is usually pretty wet and heavy because of the lake I guess. As the storms move over Lake Ontario, they pick up all the moisture and then dump it on us! It makes for tedious clean up. I think I would rather sugar powder snow!


  • Linda Cassidy

    It will be interesting to see the effects after a week or so back on track. I would love to see an update from you as the weeks progress as to how you are doing with the monitoring. Cite outfit BTW


      Thank you, Linda! I will definitely share an update in a few weeks! So far, I am 4 days after completely the cleanse and all I have been craving really is good healthy foods. I have added some dairy, minimal carbs, and some proteins back into my diet, but I am primarily still eating fruits and veggies. But it is a bit easier with the substance provided by the dairy, carbs, and proteins. Everything in moderation, right?


  • Lisa Richardson

    Well first I have to say thank you so much for the feature. MWAH!!! Now let’s talk about YOU! 1. Cute outfit. (of course) 2. CONGRATS on sticking with and finishing the cleanse. I think when you start something like that, you think “I can do anything for 10 days” until you get hungry. HA! I’m so impressed with you. I knew you looked like you’d been losing some weight. You look GREAT and your face shows your happiness with your results. Way to go girl!!! Now…get ya’ some cheese😉


      Thank you so very much, Lisa! I definitely went into this thinking I can do anything for 7 days…and then I wanted cheese so badly. I really don’t even eat that much cheese to begin with! It’s like just by virtue of forbidding myself the cheese, suddenly it was all I could think about! I got my cheese fix the first day I was allowed and now I don’t care much at all about the cheese. I am feeling great these days and I am glad that it comes though in my photos! Thank you for that!


  • chez-rama

    Well, Hello winter look. First, I love this sweater dress with your hat.
    Second, you really need to splurge for your achievement. There are so many people who give up so easily. I am so proud of you. You persisted to continue to cleanse your body.

    Cheers to you


      Thank you so much, Rama! As far as splurging on myself, I do that every day anyway! Hahaha. I don’t need any more reasons for self-splurging. But I do have my eye on the most beautiful long black faux fur coat! Who knows? Maybe I will use my cleanse success as a reason for that one!


  • Suzy Turner

    Good for you for completing the challenge, Shelbee! I know how hard they can be. I did a raw food (similar to you) about six years ago and it was pure hell for me! I had headaches and the most horrendous low back and leg pain ever. But I felt absolutely amazing afterwards and I stuck with the healthy eating plan for months after!
    I just adore these photos of you. You look freaking gorgeous!!
    Suzy xxx


      Aw, thanks so much, Suzy! Outside of the two days of headaches, I actually did feel pretty good throughout the whole cleanse. As long as I stayed busy, I didn’t think much about the food. It’s weird though how as soon as we tell ourselves we can’t have something, we want it so badly. But I will definitely do this cleanse again. They recommend it one or two times a year.


  • Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom

    This cleanse sounds great, especially when there is so much holiday stuff around to tempt us! I actually have given up coffee mostly just recently and only have one on Saturday as a treat (and, not just a coffee… but, Starbucks!). I was starting to drink way too much and it wasn’t making me feel my best! I guess cutting back altogether is easier for me, so I’m not tempted or thinking about it all day. I have been trying to eat cleaner, too, but OH that is hard. I try to make Saturday my cheat day and I don’t worry about what I eat that day and then I really try to be good on M-F!! You have been getting SO much snow lately and it’s beautiful! I love that red hat against the grey/black tones.



      Carrie, thanks so much for sharing your experience! I was drinking way too much caffeine as well and it was making me feel really crummy. Especially when I would crash in the late afternoon and would have caffeine to lift me up…all it did was make me feel awful. Now that I have managed to cut the coffee consumption to about 25% of what it was, I do feel much better. But my morning coffee is something I really enjoy, so I still have it…today with cream and honey! So good.

      And yeah, the snow is pretty when it first falls and then it turns to gray sludge pretty quickly! It will be this way until May!


  • Cheryl Shops

    Wow, Shelbee, congrats on surviving a 7-day cleanse, and super congrats on your results—that’s amazing! I think the longest I can make it through a cleanse is like 3 days, and I always crave grilled cheese (even though that’s something I almost never eat). What is it about wanting cheese while cleansing?! Ha!
    Cheryl Shops |


      Thanks so much, Cheryl! It is funny you say that about cheese because I had one slice of American cheese the first day after the cleanse, then a slice on an egg sandwich, and then I no longer wanted cheese. It was like as soon as I was allowed to have it, I didn’t really care about it either way! What made it worse during the cleanse was that my kids kept asking me to make grilled cheese! That’s when I really wanted to eat it. But I resisted!


  • Tianna

    wow sounds like an interesting cleanse! I’m not a big fan of cleanses, but I do love making my own juices on occasion. I read somewhere that cheese has addictive like properties lol. apparently it’s comparative to actual drugs which is totally nuts. Ironically, I love stevia in my coffee; sugar gives me a headache if I have too much of it these days so I usually avoid it if I can. Crazy proud of you for doing this mid holiday season girl! Talk about willpower!


      Thanks so much, Tianna! I believe that about cheese now! It felt like drug withdrawal. And I am sure there are lots of other foods that have addictive properties. Which is why a periodic cleanse is a really good idea! And I so do not like the taste of the Stevia. Bleck! Today, however, I switched from sugar to honey in my coffee and I think I prefer it more. Cream and honey! Yummy!


  • Maureen

    What a journey! You have such strong will power and I am so happy you got through this cleanse. I personally don’t know how well I would have done considering coffee and protein are my two best friends! Love your sweater dress and maroon beret. I can’t believe at how much snow there is already and it’s not even winter yet. I hope you are keeping warm and cozy and your week is going well!

    Maureen |


      Thanks, Maureen! Will power and my stubborn nature were definitely my best friends through this cleanse! Cheating was not an option because I simply was not going to lose this battle! Ha. It was hard, for sure, but I am so glad that I stuck to it. I did still have caffeine, but I cut back on it significantly. Oh, and it just snows here all the time from October through May! You are going to see lots of snowy photos here! Have a fabulous day, my friend.


  • Laura

    How interesting! Thanks for sharing this! I would love to do a cleanse, not for weight loss, but to try and kick my sugar habit a bit. This sounds like a good way to do that!


      Thanks, Laura! A cleanse definitely is a great way to kick any bad food habits. I am now 4 days after completing the cleanse and I am absolutely noticing a change in my food cravings. I don’t really want the junk food at all. I highly recommend it!



      Thanks so much, Anna! It is very fairy tale like when everything is covered in freshly fallen snow. Then it turns to sludge and is not so pretty anymore! I guess I need to find the beauty in that as well. Have a wonderful day, my friend!



      Thank you, Lorena! And now a week after I completed the cleanse, I have lost another pound. It is definitely a test in will power and self-control! But I gained so much more from the cleanse than just the health benefits. It made me realize that when I put my mind to something, no matter how difficult, I can do it!


  • Jennifer

    Wow! thanks for such a detailed review, I’m on the fence if I could pull this off or not. I love food to much… You are very inspiring.


      Thank you so much, Jennifer! I have found that if you can push through something like a 7 day cleanse, you can do just about anything! I love food, too, and I like to be in a position where I can eat the things I love!


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Shelbee on the Edge