Salty But Sweet in the Snow & Link Up On the Edge #290

Which do you prefer…salty or sweet? Both together? Or perhaps you don’t have a taste for either. If that is the case, what do you eat? Only bland foods that lack in flavor, I suppose.
Well, let me assure you that there is nothing bland about me or my tastes…so I am a salty and sweet girl all the way. However, I don’t think my sweater is referring to culinary marinades or various other savory infusions.
While it is supposedly referring to the personality traits of the person wearing the sweater, I am the first to recognize that I am not really a salty person at all. Unless really provoked! But it does take a lot to provoke me to the point of bitterness. It is just not in my nature to be anything else but almost entirely on the sweet side on things.

I pulled this sweater out of storage for Valentine’s Day and then never shared the photos. But it also seems like a decent outfit option for Easter…especially when I am dreaming of candy baskets filled with salted caramel…the very best of salty and sweet together!
Speaking of candy…because I just smoked some weed to get my writing motivation going and now I have the munchies…have any of you tried the key lime M&M’s yet? Well, if you are feeling in need of a mouthgasm, you should try them!
There was one lonely bag sitting on the shelf in my local Piggly Wiggly a few weeks ago. Jeff and I love key lime and it was the big shareable bag so I didn’t hesitate to add it to my cart. We ate the whole bag that evening and have been searching fruitlessly for them in stores since. I finally took to Amazon and ordered two big shareable bags along with one big bag of Orange Vanilla Cream M&M’s. Both should be here just in time for Easter and I haven’t yet decided if I will be sharing my shareable bags with anyone!

Anyway, I have had this salty sweet sweater for a few years. I styled it previously in May 2019. If you check out that post, you will see that in the middle of May I was still completely dressed for winter with a scarf, gloves, and boots.
As much as I love pastels, particularly pale pink, I tend to always combine them with black or other dark colors. I guess the super light shades of pastel just feel a little too soft and delicate for me. Darker colors add that bit of edge that gave me my name!
I have long had a special fascination with extreme contrasts put in juxtaposition to create one cohesive whole. It is a better representation of who I am…a complicated combination of various contrasts and unique contradictions. And since I dress based upon my mood and to reflect my personality, I tend to incorporate all of the variations of myself into my wardrobe choices. What you see really is what you get!
This pink paisley bomber jacket is from the Victoria Beckham collection for Target a few years ago. I still have a bunch of items from that collection but I think everything is much too big on me now including the jacket, but I am going to keep wearing the jacket anyway because I adore it! I mean, it is pink paisleys, what’s not to adore?
More things to adore are these clunky pink lug sole loafers from ShoeDazzle which I recently added to my over abundant shoe collection with the express intent of wearing them with my pleated mini skirts. The loafers are sold out, but these zen blue lug sole oxfords are a really cute option. And also check out these pale pink lace up lug sole loafers from JustFab. Okay, I want them all. Now I have to go shopping! Happy Friday, y’all! Have a wonderful weekend!
Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked): Di of Di-alog

Fashion Favorite: Jacqui of Mummabstylish

Other Favorite: Jess of Elegantly Dressed and Stylish

Keeping it salty and sweet on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Sweater and Bike Shorts-Torrid / Jacket-Target / Turtleneck and Skirt-Charlotte Russe / Belt-Cato / Tights-c/o Sheertex / Hat-Wona Trading / Shoes-ShoeDazzle / Gloves, Earrings, Necklace-Old

Key lime M&M sounds interesting! That tee is cute!
Thank you, Lovely! Definitely try those M&M’s if you ever see them! They are so gooood!
Salty and sweet! I would rather say hot and spicy!! Lol.
But you do look adorable in pastel pink. And those loafers are very nice!
Hehehe, thanks so much, Nancy! I do like hot and spicy, too! I need to find a shirt with that on it!
Kellyann Rohr
I have not heard of Key Lime M&M’s! I will have to keep my eyes open, I love Key Lime pie, this is intriguing. This sweater is super cute and I thik you are definitely sweet my friend! Those pink loafers are so cool – I do not know how you find this incredible pieces. Adorable! Have a super weekend my friend!
Kellyann, thanks so much, my friend! If you see the key lime M&M’s, definitely buy them or add them to your next Amazon order! A very large portion of my shoes are from ShoeDazzle and JustFab. I have been shopping with them for about 5 or 6 years now and I don’t think I have really ever been disappointed with them. I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well!
Oh Shelbee you’re a walking advert for the Winter color palette – highs and lows, lights and deeps, strong and icy. The pink with black is perfect!
Aw, thanks so much, Pamela! I love the way you described that! I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Kathrine Eldridge
Love this cute and fun look! I love salty sweet anything, especially chocolate. I need to find these m&m’s for my hubby because he loves Key Lime flavor. Thanks so much for the link up Shelbee!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I have not seen the key lime M&M’s in any other store that I checked so you might want to add them to your next Amazon order! I ordered them on Wednesday and they should be arriving today. So a quick turnaround in time for Easter! I hope you have a fabulous weekend!
You look so cute Shelbee!!
Curated by Jennifer
Aw, thanks, Jennifer! Have a wonderful weekend!
Michele Morin
Love the contrast with this outfit–especially those shoes!
Thank you so much, Michele! Happy weekend!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
What a fun look and great expression!
Thanks, Tamar!
Shelbee, this is such a “sweet” look! Love your sweater and the way you styled it in a high impact, high contrast way. Hope all that snow is gone, gone, gone by now! The key lime M&M’s sound so yummy. Thanks for the favorite mention and hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Oh, thanks so much, Di! You are so sweet! The snow is finally gone and the sun is currently shining so I am feeling ready for a beautiful weekend! I hope you have a lovely weekend as well, my friend.
Suzy Turner
Could you look any cuter, Shelbee?!!! I absolutely FREAKING ADORE this!! And I absolutely FREAKING LOVE that you bought those key lime M&Ms and sat and ate the whole lot with Jeff lol. So funny that you’re still deciding whether or not to share the others you ordered too!!!! I don’t think M&Ms are vegan, otherwise I would totally give them a go!
Have a fabulous weekend, my sweet friend,
Big hugs
Suzy xx
Thank you so much, Suzy! You are so adorable! I think I have to share the next lot of M&M’s with Jeff though. He knows I ordered them! But the kids don’t know nor do they need to. Haha. And yeah, M&M’s are definitely not vegan. I wonder if there is a vegan alternative. Need to go look now!
Okay, I found some key lime drizzled popcorn that is vegan and vegan key lime coconut bites. Both look amazing!
I hope you have an amazing weekend, my friend!
Suzy Turner
OMG they sound amazing! Thanks for looking, Shelbee, I shall have to see if I can get them here!
You are very welcome! I didn’t even look where they ship to! Hopefully they ship to Portugal!
Anne M Bray
I love all three! BTW, according to my quick Google search, “The seven most common flavors in food that are directly detected by the tongue are: sweet, bitter, sour, salty, meaty (umami), cool, and hot [spicy].”
Now you know!
Most syntheic Key Lime flavorings turn me off, I love the real thing so much! We could get key limes at our local grocer for 10/$1.00 before the supply chain/commodities crisis happened. Key limes may be small, but they are super juicy!
Here’s a secret: I’m sweet on the outside and salty on the inside. Don’t poke the bear!
Oh my gosh, Anne, I totally looked up that same information about the 7 common food flavors and then I didn’t share it! The meaty one made me laugh then and it is making me laugh even harder now that you shared it! Most artificial any kind of flavors turn me off, but I am digging these key lime m&m’s anyway. Haha. We can rarely find key limes up here. And traditional key lime pie (the meringue kind) doesn’t exist in the North Country. We can only get the cheese cakey kind. And that I can only find in the freezer at the grocery store. So how good can that be?
Jessica A Jannenga
Hi Shelbee!
I like the metaphor of the complex personality- and how you styled it with your outfit Those pink chunky loafers are so cute! You really could have a shoe museum!! So many shoes, so little time… LOL. The shirt is cute, I like to think most of the time I am sweet 🙂
Have a great weekend!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! We are all very complex personalities, aren’t we? I feel like sometimes we expect humans to be simpler but that is the craziest expectation ever, isn’t it?! I am laughing at your shoe museum comment. Haha. I wish I could put all of my shoes on display somewhere! They are my very favorite things in my closet.
Lauren Sparks
I love them both! Especially together. And the sweater is so fun!
Thanks so much, Lauren! I hope you have a wonderful Easter!
Cheryl Shops
I am Team Salty all the way—give me fries, chips, seafood, anything coated in salt any day!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
I used to be the same way, Cheryl! I always preferred a bag of chips or a loaded baked potato to sweets. But sometime after I had kids, my palette changed and now I want donuts every day!
Laura Bambrick
I think I need a sweater like this for my youngest, except ‘sassy but sweet’! Haha! I saw those M&Ms but didn’t get them…yet! I guess I need to!
Oh my goodness, how cute would a sassy but sweet sweater be for her, Laura?! I think you should get the m&m’s if you see them again!
Your True Self
Hi, Shelbee – This post cheered me up after a trying day! As always, I enjoyed reading your article. Thanks so much for sharing your personality with the world – XOXO, Angie
Oh my goodness, thank you so much, Angie! I am so glad to know that I cheered your day! This comment has cheered mine in return!
Marsha Banks
Salty but sweet…sounds like Reeses peanut butter cups to me! Or a Hershey’s bar with plain Lays potato chips! Now, I’m hungry! This is such a cute outfit, Shelbee! But, I think my tee would probably have the salty bit all caps, italized, and in bold print!! You can ask anyone who knows me…I am definitely salty! But, I have my sweet side!
Thanks for the link party, Shelbee! Have a fabulous weekend!
Haha, thanks so much, Marsha! I cannot imagine you being all that salty! But maybe you only share your sweet side with me. Hehe.
Super cute outfit! Somehow you manage to make snow look fun. LOL! I, too, stay mostly on the sweet side. I can count on one hand the times I’ve been truly angry. Then salty doesn’t begin to cover it.
Aw, thanks, Michelle! If I don’t try to have fun in eh snow, I will be miserable for 3/4 of the year! Haha. I am like you, I don’t get very angry often. Only mildly annoyed sometimes.
I love a mix of sweet and salty and your sweater is adorable! This is such a fun look! Enjoy your weekend!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I hope you had a wonderful weekend!
I like both sweet and salty and usually can’t decide between the two! My favorite ice cream flavor used to be Chubby Hubby because it combined not only sweet and salty but also chocolate and peanut butter; yum! But then they changed the recipe and the pretzels were not longer peanut butter filled which made them taste sort of stale-ish sitting in the ice cream and I’ve been fruitlessly searching for other desserts that tick all my boxes. My favorite M&M’s are peanut butter and the java/cofee ones with caramel coming in at a close 3rd.
Your outfit is adorable!! I too tend to wear pastels with darker tones though I will pair them with other whites and pastels in the summer when I’m not so pale myself.
Thanks so much, Joanne! I will wear pastels with lighter colors as well in the warmer months. But my skin doesn’t ever get any less pale than it is in winter! I also like the peanut butter m&m’s and the caramel ones. I haven’t seen the java/coffee ones yet, but now I’ll be looking for those, too! And ick to stale tasting pretzels in ice cream! I always just buy a big tub of lowfat vanilla ice cream and then I add whatever toppings I am in the mood for. Sometimes I scoop peanut butter straight out of the jar and toss it right on top of my ice cream with some crushed pretzel crisps!
That is genius… and this conversation made me hungry for ice cream! LOL. We just went and got some at a local stand that sells homemade ice cream (though I got soft serve with strawberries and chocolate chips blended in).
Aw, c’mon, Joanne! That sounds delicious! Now I want soft serve ice cream! So you know the Toffee cookies that you make with saltines (I call it Christmas Crack)? When I make those, I save all the crumbled bits at the end and they make the best ice cream sprinkles! Especially the ones that I topped with crushed candy canes. YUM!
Ha! You look terrific in your cute & sassy “Salty but Sweet” oufit. The pale pink against the black does create a bit of an “edge.” Looks like you’re having fun in these photos!
Thanks so much, Carol! I usually am having a silly fun time during photoshoots because my husband is generally doing something behind the camera to make me laugh and smile! He keeps me on my toes and lights me up in the best possible way!
Claire Justine
I love this look Shelbee, gorgeous pops of pastel pink 🙂 Thanks so much for hosting.
Thanks so much, Claire! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Jessica A Jannenga
Darn, I thought I commented! Thanks for the feature, it was time we did someting with the deck!. The mnms sound yummy. Love the pink and those cute loafers, the chunky style is so cute. I would say I am mostly sweet, with some salt from time to time. I do think you could open up a shoe store, you have a great collection! 🙂
Have a great day!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! I definitely have enough shoes and clothing to open a huge store! Haha. I really do need to get in there and clean out but it is just so overwhelming. My m&m’s have arrived and I have hidden them away without the children ever knowing!
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very nice and hot. I will not comment about the salty and sweet shirt-HEEHEE. Love the outfit. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Ha! You crack me up, my friend! I was just sharing some of your fascinating salty…um…”street” experiences with Jeff yesterday! He appreciated them very much.
Jacqui Berry
A fun looking outfit Shelbee, nice one hunny. Jacqui x
Jacqui, thanks so much! I appreciate that! Have a fabulous day!
The lime m&ms sound lovely, I may have to invest in some. Love the outfit, but with at snow I’d need much thicker tights. I can get quite salty when someone pisses me off.
Thanks, Suzanne! I need to invest in some fleece tights for next winter and more key lime m&ms because I ate them all already! I definitely get a little salty in the kid drop off line at school every morning!