Reminder: The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book-Faux Fur

On December 15, Nancy and I will be posting the next edition of The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book and we would love for you all to join us! It is that time again to share some of your favorite and least favorite items for December’s Good Buy/Good-Bye Book. This month we are featuring all things Faux Fur. Whether it be jackets, vests, scarves, collars, handbags, or trims on boots or gloves, we want to see your favorite (or least favorite) furry pieces. They could be plush or fuzzy or looking like real fur or even real fur if you want (although that is not the most politically correct thing to be wearing these days). The cozy warm feel of furry things is a perfect way to welcome December and the holiday season.
What is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book?
It is a monthly series that Nancy and I will both publish on our blogs on the 15th of each month. Anyone who would like to participate and be featured can send us their photos with a short description explaining if the item was a Good Buy or one that you will be saying Good-Bye to. We will give you the theme for the next month in each post. Photos will be due to us by the 10th of the month. So please join us for December by sending us some photos of your favorite (or least favorite) Faux Fur things with a brief description as to why you love or hate them!

You can choose yourself whether you want to show a Good Buy (which is an item you are really exited about) or a Good-Bye (which is an item you are going to say good-bye to). We will keep purchasing Bad Buys every now and then for a variety of reasons…it was so cheap, you were in a hurry and really wanted (needed) to buy something, it fit almost quite right. But, of course, we also have those purchases that can make us so very happy. A piece of clothing or accessory that you have had for years and that you also wear a lot. Or something you bought on a holiday and every time you wear it you get that nostalgic holiday feeling back. Every month you can choose which item you want to submit. A Good Buy or a Good-Bye. We will provide the theme for each month. Photos should be submitted to us by the 10th of the month with a few sentences explaining why it is a Good Buy or Good-Bye.
I have long been a fan of the faux fur trend. The furrier, the fuzzier, the more obnoxious the fur may be, the more compelled I am to own it. I do love a touch of over the top and some of the faux furry pieces available these days fit the bill perfectly. If you love all the furry things as much as I do, or maybe you hate them tremendously but tried a thing or two, don’t be afraid to share them with us. And remember, this is all for fun, so don’t be afraid to stretch your imagination and our definitions! Join us with whatever you’ve got. We are not strict with our rules! And feel free to send more than one item. Both Nancy and I will feature you.
Now let’s check out some of my favorite furry things for inspiration!
White Faux Fur Coat

Furry Pom Pom Beret and Furry Leopard Wristlet

Mustard Furry Clutch

Black Fur Trimmed Booties

Black Furry Trimmed Cape

White Furry Vest

Pink Furry Coat

Olive Green Faux Fur Trimmed Coat

Olive Green Fur Trimmed Poncho

Red Fur Trimmed Coat and Black Furry Scarf

Black Faux Fur Coat

Leopard Faux Fur Coat

Gray Faux Fur Vest

Leopard Furry Coat

Black Furry Coat and Burgundy Furry Scarf

Tan Faux Fur Scarf

Black Fur Trimmed Coat

Polka Dot Fur Trimmed Coat and Black Furry Clutch

Furry Fleece

Green Furry Vest

Furry Leopard Coat

I could probably keep on going…there is that much faux fur hanging around in my closets. But I will stop here and let you find your own furry things to share.
If you would like to participate this month and be featured on our blogs, just email your submissions to shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com or to nancy@nancysfashionstyle.com by December 1o.
*By joining The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book, you agree to receive a monthly email reminder.
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop faux fur items…

Wow that s a lot! I had to buy something for the series! Lol!
Nancy, I told you have issues! I am a complete shopaholic!
jodie filogomo
And I thought I had a lot…ha ha!!
I am ridiculous, aren’t I, Jodie?! Haha.
The only things I can think of are my furry pom pom beanies! Your beret is adorable and I really like your black fur trimmed coat!
Thanks so much, Mireille! You can send us some photos of your furry pom pom beanies if you want to join us this month! I have had this black fur trimmed coat since the mid-1990’s and it is still going strong!
Anne M Bray
Wow! You sure have a lot of furry things! Do they have their own room? Haha.
Your fur-trimmed boots? I had a pair like that in the 80s! You just reminded me!
Then, of all those pics, I think my favorite is “Mustard Furry Clutch”. You look like a character in a Coen brothers film, having done something nefarious with that machinery.
You know that I am secretly very nefarious! Send me some pictures of your furry things! You have that fabulous pink fur!
Anne M Bray
Look! A Like button I didn’t see before!
Yes will send Big Pink!
I saw that you liked the comment and I didn’t know how because no one ever has before! But now I scrolled through the comments on a post and I see it right there…clear as day…a little star with the word “like”. Hahaha. Fun stuff! I am in love with Big Pink, by the way! So freaking fabulous!
Anne M Bray
WordPress gave you a Holiday Surprise! (And not a bad one, for once). Haha.
Haha, so true! I just ran a WordPress update that gave me a bunch of holiday nonsense, too!
Fur! Fleece! Boots! Furry boots! It’s nirvana, truly.
I’ve been obsessed with faux fur for a few years now, and fleece has now entered the rarified pantheon of things to buy instead of food. Who needs to eat when you are warm and fuzzy?
Screw the cable bill, I NEED yeti boots. (They are black, so they go with everything). In short, I want all things furry, fleecy, and soft. Your collection is enviable.
Thanks so much, Susan! I am right there with you. I am so damn cold all the time that I will take all the fur and fleece I can get my hands on and my body in!
Ruth Josey
I’m thinking about all of the faux fur I have. Maybe I’ll pick one out (maybe from my giveaway pile….maybe not) and send a photo in. I’m assuming you want it in by the 10th of the month for the current faux fur post? I love this series – it’s so fun!
Ruth, that would be awesome if you could join us! If you can get it to me by the 14th at the latest, I will still be able to add it into the post before it publishes!