Reminder: The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book-Boots & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #96

In just 9 days, Nancy and I will be posting the ninth edition of The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book and we would love for you all to join us! The theme for November is Boots! Any boots will do. Short boots, tall boots, over the knee boots, open toe boots, flat boots, heeled boots, combat boots, cowgirl boots. We don’t really care! Just show us your favorite (or least favorite) boots and join us for the November Good Buy/Good-Bye Book!
What is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book?
It is a monthly series that Nancy and I will both publish on our blogs on the 15th of each month. Anyone who would like to participate and be featured can send us their photos with a short description explaining if the item was a Good Buy or one that you will be saying Good-Bye to. We will give you the theme for the next month in each post. Photos will be due to us by the 10th of the month. So please join us for November by sending us some photos of your favorite (or least favorite) boots with a brief description as to why you love or hate them!
You can choose yourself whether you want to show a Good Buy (which is an item you are really exited about) or a Good-Bye (which is an item you are going to say good-bye to). We will keep purchasing Bad Buys every now and then for a variety of reasons…it was so cheap, you were in a hurry and really wanted (needed) to buy something, it fit almost quite right. But, of course, we also have those purchases that can make us so very happy. A piece of clothing or accessory that you have had for years and that you also wear a lot. Or something you bought on a holiday and every time you wear it you get that nostalgic holiday feeling back. Every month you can choose which item you want to submit. A Good Buy or a Good-Bye. We will provide the theme for each month. Photos should be submitted to us by the 10th of the month with a few sentences explaining why it is a Good Buy or Good-Bye.
As a shoe addict (it is a serious problem), I favor boots over any other style of footwear! I have just about every possible boot style you can imagine from custom made cowgirl boots (that no longer fit–sigh) to combat boots to velvet boots, camouflage ones, plaid and floral ones. Ankle boots, open toed booties, and all sorts of over the knee boots. It is going to be really difficult for me to choose just a few pairs of boots to feature in this series, so I really am just picking at random as all of my boots hold a special place in my closet (and in my heart). I am hoping that I am not alone in my boot obsession and that you all send us some fabulous boot photos!

You can email your submissions to shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com or to nancy@nancysfashionstyle.com.
The next edition of The Good Bye/Good-Buy Book featuring Boots will be on the 14th of November. I need to publish mine one day early so I can bring to you the second edition of the Your Twist Link Up hosted with my dear friend, Monica, on November 15. We will also be featuring boots, but specifically tall boots…with a link up for you to share your own blog posts showcasing your tall boot stylings. So please send us your photos soon! We are very exited and hope you will be joining us in the fun!
Much love,
Shelbee & Nancy
*By joining The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book, you agree to receive a monthly email reminder.
And now it’s time for my weekly #SpreadTheKindness Link Up and your featured favorites from last week.
Deena of Shoes to Shiraz shared her post, Am I Bohemian? Well, in this fabulous flowing floral dress, I am definitely getting all the beautiful boho vibes, my friend!

Carrie of Curly Crafty Mom shared her post, Stretchy Tunic Styled as a Dress {Eva Trends}. While I am loving Carrie’s styling of this tunic as a dress, I am dying over these blue velvet boots…remember what I just said about my boot obsession?

Pamela of Style Yourself Confident shared her helpful post, 5 Ways to Hide Tummy Fat. I’d prefer my tummy fat to just go away, but since it won’t, I will totally take some tips on how to hide it! Thanks, Pamela!

Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

jacqui berry
What delicious boots you have Shelbee, that’s one thing my shoe collection is missing! You’ve given me inspiration to amend that now. Thanks Hun. Jacqui Mummabstylish
Thank you so much, Jacqui! My jaw dropped open in wonder at how you can possibly not have delicious boots! I am you find some amazing ones, my friend.
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Those red boot with the bit of side ruffle – adorable!
Thanks, Tamar! Those are definitely sitting boots though! They are a tad uncomfortable for any other purpose…like walking or standing.
Kathrine Eldridge
I think all of these are were good buys! Thanks for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! Some definitely were great buys, others are more suited for just being “sitting boots”!
Kellyann Rohr
You are the boot queen my friend – you have so many good ones! I’m on the hunt for some white booties!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! It really is quite like an addiction. Like I simply can’t resist when I see a cute pair. I have 3 different pairs of white booties alone! I hope you find your perfect pair!
You do have a lot of boots! I didn’t realize at first that all the boots pictured were yours! Love the black ones with the fur at the top. I do have a pair of boots that I absolutely love! I will have to take a picture to send. Great idea!
Thanks, Laurie! Yes, definitely send us a picture of your favorite boots so we can feature you!
There are so many styles here that I like! Have a great week xx
Thanks so much, Laurie! I don’t even think these are my favorites!
jodie filogomo
How can you not love boots?? That’s all I wear in the winter because it’s COLD here!!
And it’s even colder here, so I am always in boots from September until May! Thanks for sending your fabulous boots to be featured in a few weeks. I absolutely adore the floral embroidery on them!
Federica Di Nardo
Crazy boot collection<3
Thanks, Federica! This crazy boot collection is taking over my house! Ha.
Having a think about boots….I had a pair which looked nice (burgundy bootees) but they were so rigid they felt really uncomfortable! Hope I’ve got some photos as I believe I gave them away……
Gail, I hope you can find the photos so you can share them as a bad buy (good-bye)! Rigid boots are the worst. I definitely know exactly what you are talking about!
Mitch Chaitin
I love your posts. They are not relevant to me personally, but every time I see you on here I see an empowered woman with self-esteem who boldly supports other folks as well. Your powerful statement is wonderful to see!
I think you are amazing. And I won’t comment every week, but just know that is what I am always thinking!
Mitch, this is the best comment I have received all week! Thank you so much! I admire you and what you do on your blog as well. When I join your link up, I do try to link posts that may possibly have some relevance to you…I don’t always write about fashion although I often share outfit photos. In fact, mental health and self care posts pop up frequently on my blog as well as football recaps and just all around sharing light and kindness. God knows, the world needs that! Next time I make my way to NYC, I’m gonna let you know! Maybe we can meet for coffee or something!
Jessica A Jannenga
So many boots, so little time! hehe.. I know what you mean. I do eye your shoe collection. I have been a bit boot obsessed over the past few years as I am able to now wear a heel! It is exciting. Love your collection especially the embroidered boots and I also see you love legwear.. me too, love those fancy tights!
I wear boots the first chance I can here in NC 🙂
Have a wonderful week!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! But I am so totally running out of space for all of my boots! How exciting that you can wear heels now. I bet you are quickly building up your boot collection. And yes, fun tights are always a must! Send us some photos to feature your boots in the series!
Suzy Turner
Shelbee, I’m totally mad about boots too. I do have quite a few pairs but I doubt I have as many as you (shouldn’t we just call you Imelda? he he he 😉 )
I’d love to join the post next week so will try my best to get it sorted ASAP!
Have a fabulous week, my gorgeous friend.
Suzy xxx
Thanks so much, Suzy! I am not surprised that you are also mad about boots…since we have a million other things in common like that! Oh, I do hope you can join us! If you get me photos by the 13th, I can still feature them!
Patrick Weseman
Nice selection of boots. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thanks so much, Patrick! Have a great week!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
You really do have a great boot collection! I just love the red pair with the ruffled/ruched trim that runs of them. Thank you so much for the feature, I love my blue velvet boots, too! If only I could wear them longer, though… the heel is a bit high for me! lol!
Carrie, thanks so much! The red ruffle boots are bit too tight for me so I don’t last very long in them either! What a shame about your blue velvet boots. You should send us a photo for the series! I find there is a sweet spot in heel height. Like I am good in a heel up to about 4 inches…but 4 1/4 inches and I am doomed and can’t even walk. It’s funny how 1/4 of an inch can make such a difference.
Lauren Sparks
I am jelly over some of your boots! laurensparks.net
I do love my boots, Lauren! Except I am running out of space to store them all!
Cheryl Shops
Ugh, I just bought a pair of red boots on Zappos and they were all nicked up within an hour of wearing them—bad buy! I guess that’s what I get for buying a pair of cheap faux leather boots. 🙁
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Oh no, Cheryl! That is the worst. Did you take a picture of them? Send them in as a bad buy (good-bye) photo to be featured in our series. And send us a photo of a good buy pair, too!
Tianna Sicilia
what a fun idea! I love boots; maybe I’ll join in 😀
Thanks so much, Tianna! Yes, please do join us! It is so much to put together a compilation post of what everyone shares and to see all the different styles featured.
Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
I only have two pairs of boots – but I have my eye on another style this year – just waiting for the sale! They are sitting in the basket – waiting for me to press the button! Can’t wait!! You have a gorgeous selection Shelbee! xx Maria https://www.passionfruitpawsandpeonies.com
Thanks so much, Maria! Oh I can’t wait to see these amazing boots that you have been eyeing. You should send us a photo or two of the boots you do have so we can feature them!
Emma Peach
I have plenty of good buy and goodbye boots! Some look amazing but really hurt my feet…how we suffer for style! I love those red suede boots with the frill!
Emma xxx
I am right there with you, Emma! Send us some photos of your boots so we can feature them! The red frilly boots definitely hurt my feet so not the greatest buy ever. But they are super cute!
I am right there with you, Emma! Send us some photos of your boots so we can feature them! The red frilly boots definitely hurt my feet so not the greatest buy ever. But they are super cute!
Shelbee what a great collection. I love the goodbye shoes. Would a worn out goodbye boots that I loved for years count 🙂
Thanks so much, Rama! Send us some your favorite or least favorite boots to be featured! It is such a fun series to see all the different styles.
I am pretty jealous of your collection! I used to be not a great buyer of shoes and would make a lot of concessions. I’ve learned a lot and gotten better over the years!
Thanks so much, Laura! I am pretty awful about shoe buying…if they are cute, I buy them and end up with a lot of hard to walk in, uncomfortable, and impractical shoes taking up a whole lot of space! But then I just stare at them lovingly and can’t ever get rid of them. Oh well. It is my curse, I suppose, this shoe addiction.
Linda Cassidy
I so love the good by/good bye concept. Need to remember to send a picture of a pair i have, love them but cannot zip up the heel so they are a good bye.
Thanks so much, Linda! I do hope you can join us this month!
Love to see all your fabulous boots Shelbee! I am in love with the first black ones and last red ones, be still my heart! Thank you for hosting you wonderful link up! XOXO
Cherie, thanks so much! That means so much coming from a shoe genius like your yourself!
I love boot season!!! Definitely my favorite footwear. Thanks for hosting the link up!
Thanks so much, Suchot! Boots are my favorite thing ever and I just can’t get enough! Have a great day.