Rainy Day Outfits & Your Own Twist Link Up #31

I am back with my monthly Your Own Twist link party. Unfortunately, Monica is unable to join me again this month due to some troublesome health issues right now. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers and send her lots of healing energy and virtual hugs.
About Your Own Twist
Your Own Twist is a monthly link party hosted by Monica of Jersey Girl, Texan Heart and me on the third Thursday of every month with the goal of inspiring some of our friends to get creative with personal style.
The idea behind this collaboration is to take one common piece or theme and style it our own way with our own twist…Monica and I have both taken a lot of fashion inspiration from one another over the past few years even though we have totally different styles. It is always fun to see how we can interpret similar items in unique ways or what kind of twist we will each bring to the chosen theme.
We will let you know the themes well in advance in the event that you would like to use the theme for your own post and add it to the link party. However, any fashion posts are welcome regardless of whether you used the theme or not. Check out the graphic below which has some of our upcoming themes.
We are all familiar with the saying that April showers bring May flowers which led us to this month’s style prompt…Rainy Day Outfits. But first let me tell you about rainy Aprils. I feel like it rains for at least half of the days during the month of April here in the North Country. But actually, a quick online search has revealed to me that it really only rains for about 1/3 of the month of April with average temperatures ranging from 35˚F (1.7˚C) to 54˚F (12.2˚C).
Rainy and chilly are not at all conducive for really breaking out my spring wardrobe. One of the benefits, however, about where I live is that you can score some really fabulous cold weather wardrobe pieces on amazing end of season clearance sales and still have a month or two to wear them before it gets too hot and they get packed away until the fall.
While I had intended to style some brightly colored flamboyant outfit to cheer up any rainy day, I decided instead to share what I actually wore on one of our many rainy days recently. And it features three new clearance pieces from Target. The cozy zebra print blanket scarf was $5, the fun sweatshirt dress was $8 and these fabulous lug sole snakeskin Chelsea boots were $12. Everything else was shopped from my closet.

Then I took to my very wet and muddy back yard for a quick photo shoot…because it was raining on and off all day and trying to get to a photo location in between the drizzles was impossible to coordinate. Thankfully, there has not been enough rain to turn my yard into Lake Schumann!
You may be wondering what the heck Lake Schumann means. The Schumanns are our friends who owned our house before we bought it from them. The back yard is the lowest point between all the neighboring houses and so all of the excess rain drainage just sort of pools right in the middle of our yard. They named it Lake Schumann after themselves, of course, but when they explained it to us upon our moving in, the name stuck. And we will forever refer to our back yard when it floods as Lake Schumann.
I tried to find some photos but I don’t have any patience for that right now. So you will have to trust me when I tell you it’s definitely a lake-like puddle that forms in the back yard. It can be up to approximately 2 feet (0.6 meters) deep and covers the back half of the yard behind the garage. When it’s really bad, the pooling water will make its way closer to the house and then water gets in the basement. One of the many hassles of home ownership!
Our next door neighbor finds it hilarious when he tosses his duck decoys over the fence into Lake Schumann. It makes us laugh every time! Gosh, I am really blessed with some wonderful neighbors who have a healthy sense of humor!

Do you dress differently for a rainy day than a sunny or cloudy day? I do like to add some bright colors when the sky is all gray, but sometimes the gray skies just make me feel kind of gray myself and then I find myself reaching for muted colors on rainy days.
Won’t you stop back tomorrow to see how I styled this same sweatshirt dress in teal for a not rainy day.
Featured Favorite from March’s Inspired by Music Theme
Sheila of Ephemera shared her post, Bigass Weekend Wrap-Up: Double Acid Wash; Meeting Mabel; Book Club Adventure, including this phenomenally badass outfit featuring her Iron Maiden tee shirt.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Scarf, Dress, and Boots-Target / Jeans-Torrid / Necklace -c/o Happiness Boutique / Earrings-Gift from a friend

I’ll bet the boys have a lot of fun in Lake Schumann! Lol. That’s great sense of humor! Whenever it rains and we want to go out I wear my, only pair, jeans. Because they are thick! And often when I go to the gym in the morning it rains. Wearing my joggers……Have a great day!
Haha, thanks, Nancy! The boys do have so much fun playing in Lake Schumann! I, however, do not enjoy cleaning up afterwards! It is a muddy mess. I seem to go for jeans often as well when it gets wet and cold with the spring rain. It is actually going to be a very rainy day here today, but the kids are at school today so that always cheers me!
Kellyann Rohr
I am sorry to hear Monica is still dealing with some health issues, ugh, definitely sending her positive vibes. We don’t typically have rainy days – it usually rains like crazy and then the sun shines again. But when it does rain I am all about foot protection, I hate wet feet! Love your boots and your fun reference to the lake in your backyard!!!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! I haven’t even heard from Monica recently. I check her IG occasionally to make sure she is still posting there and I occasionally email her, but I have not heard back from her in a quite a while. I do hope she is okay!
Love those boots!!
Thanks, Lafaynee! They are pretty fabulous and for $12, I already have them under $1 per wear and I have only owned them for about two weeks!
A great rainy day outfit! I feel like I reach for muted colors when it rains and definitely top it off with an appropriate jacket because I hate to carry an umbrella with me.
Linked up an old post titled “rainy day outfit” today, hope that’s ok.
And funny story about Lake Schumann. We used to have a lake- like puddle formed whenever it rained too much at our old house many years ago, and we’d always have a few geese stop there while the puddle was there. So funny!
Thanks for hosting the linkup! Thoughts and prayers for Monica for a quick recovery!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Ellie, thank you so much! I used to love umbrellas and had a really wonderful collection of fun ones. But over time, most of them have broken and I cannot be bothered with an umbrella either these days! So I usually like to wear a hood or a hat with a brim to keep the rain off my glasses! I love that story about the geese that visited your yard lake as well! So funny! My kids would get a huge kick out of that!
I really love those boots!!
Curated By Jennifer
Thanks, Jennifer! I love them, too! I can’t stop wearing them!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Such a comfy grey day outfit!
Sending Monica good vibes!
Thanks so much, Tamar! Have a great day!
Wow, that would be lots of water and I love your neighbors’ sense of humor! Those boots of yours, swoon! I love and how your scarf picks up the same color. I do usually wear something different on rainy days, typically jeans and something with a hood. If it is super rainy, my red hunter boots come in handy.
Thanks so much, Mireille! I am so blessed to have wonderful neighbors all around me and they all have wonderful senses of humor which is lovely. Red is such a great color for a rainy day! I need some brightly colored rain boots or maybe a rain coat!
Lovely boots!
Thanks so much, Barbara! I have worn these boots about a dozen times and I have only had them for about two weeks! They are so cute and comfortable.
Anita Ojeda
My favorite go-to for any rainy day is my pair of red, patent leather Dansko clogs :). I like to have happy, cheerful feet when I slog through the mud puddles and snow drifts ;).
Oh my gosh, Anita, I love that! I always like to wear red when it rains as well! And red clogs sound like absolute perfection to brighten up a rainy day!
Jacqui Berry
Do hope you all have fun Shelbee, I’m sure the boys will love it. Jacqui x
Thanks so much, Jacqui! Have a great day!
Love how you’ve styled this rainy day look, Shelbee! I really like the addition of the snakeprint rainboots!
Thanks so much, Katie! It’s been rainy day outfits here most of the week!
Those were some great scores from Target! And your outfit looks so cozy, which is what you really need on rainy days. They happen so seldom here, I don’t really have much in the way of rainy day wear. The few pieces I do have came from being caught by surprise on our travels.
I got a giggle out of Lake Schumann! And yes you do have wonderful neighbors. I shared this with Dan, and it made him laugh too.
I’m so sorry that Monica continues to be unwell. Hoping she finds some solutions.
Thanks so much, Michelle! I get in trouble with these clearance sales at large retailers…they can afford to mark things down so cheaply that it is less expensive than shopping second hand sometimes. Although I did just find a few really amazing thrift shop dresses for spring and summer. Not that I needed any new dresses! As much as the rain can bring me down when it goes for days on end, I do love the occasional summertime thunderstorm so I don’t know if I could live in the Las Vegas climate! I am so glad that I could give both you and Dan a chuckle. And I definitely need to reach out to Monica again. I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend.
Lucy Bertoldi
That backyard ‘lake’ is hysterical! I love the way you turn things to happy, Shelbee xx
Lucy, thank you so much, my sweet friend. After a year of allowing my head to turn everything negative, it was time for a mood change for me! Haha. But seriously, a sense of humor is probably my best defense against all the shit that life throws at me! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
What is this thing you call rain? JK, but out in California we’ve had such a dry winter/spring that dressing for rain is not on the radar. Stay dry.
Oh, that makes me a bit envious, Rena! Once the 10 months of snow come to an end around here, we are tormented with 6 weeks of rain until we get 2 weeks of summer and then it’s fall again! I need to move to California! Have a great weekend, my friend.
Sheila (of Ephemera)
Oh, hey, that’s me! Thanks so much for featuring me, Michelle! That was such a great outfit – and I’m actually wearing that same jacket today as my outerwear, how about that?
I love your boots – good for stomping in puddles, lol! It rains here off and on well into June – which is why we refer to it as the We(s)t Coast of Canada! Thanks very much for the link-up party, I’ll be joining you shortly!
Have a wonderful weekend, my dear friend!
Haha, Sheila, that is you! And it was my pleasure to feature you! Oh my gosh, these boots are seriously the best ever! I can’t even get over my great good fortune of finding them, sitting all alone on the shelf in Target with no price tag and no matching friends. I took them to checkout and the cashier couldn’t find any price info on them. When she looked at me and asked, “How’s $11.99 sound?” I was like, “Hell, yes!” I have had them for about two weeks and have worn them at least a dozen times. They are my new go-to boots for mud season! Have a fabulous weekend!
Amy Johnson
I’ve been wondering where Monica has been. Thanks for letting us know. I will add her to my prayers. Cute look! Love that tunic. Thanks for joining us at Ageless Style this month
Thank you so much, Amy! I have to check in with Monica again because I haven’t heard from her. A good old fashioned prayer chain never hurt anyone though! Keep those prayers coming for our sweet blogging friend.