seersucker blazer, plaid top, pattern mixing, kids’ fashion, boys’ fashion, Radical Ralphie

Radical Ralphie Styling Seersucker and Plaid

seersucker blazer, plaid top, pattern mixing, kids’ fashion, boys’ fashion, Radical Ralphie
seersucker blazer, plaid top, pattern mixing, kids’ fashion, boys’ fashion, Radical Ralphie
seersucker blazer, plaid top, pattern mixing, kids’ fashion, boys’ fashion, Radical Ralphie

Radical Ralphie took a nice long blogging break with me, of course, since I am the one who does most of the blogging work anyway! I don’t think he was too excited to get back to it either as convincing him to get dressed for photos this weekend resulted in some bribery. And after 25 quick photos were snapped, he abruptly declared, “Okay. I’m done.”

I think I was more excited than he was to share this adorable combination of seersucker and plaid. I know it’s not really seersucker season quite yet, but when I spotted this darling blazer in Classy Kids Consignment Shop, I knew my little fashion blogging kid would rock the heck out of it! We also picked up the turquoise, black, and white button down in the same consignment shopping trip as well as his sneakers. However, one sneaker was missing a shoelace so we had to get new ones before putting the outfit together.

I had no idea how difficult it would be to find shoelaces in a store. Granted, I didn’t go look in an actual shoe store because that is too much temptation for me. I figured I could find some basic laces in any dollar or drug store. But that didn’t happen. So Amazon was the place and I found turquoise laces to pull this whole look together.

seersucker blazer, plaid top, pattern mixing, kids’ fashion, boys’ fashion, Radical Ralphie
seersucker blazer, plaid top, pattern mixing, kids’ fashion, boys’ fashion, Radical Ralphie
seersucker blazer, plaid top, pattern mixing, kids’ fashion, boys’ fashion, Radical Ralphie

Once I got the kid dressed, I believe he started to like his outfit because he never took it off for the entire rest of the day…even just lounging around the house. He did shed the blazer and sneakers before curling up on the couch with his Kindle (that was the bribe to get the photographs done…extended Kindle time). But it was the final day of holiday break, so I gave into his diva demands. I am one happy momma that these children return to school today.

On a different topic, we had a bit of a scare with Ralphie on New Year’s Day. He woke up around 4:00 a.m. and climbed into my bed. He was all itchy and scratching at himself and I kept whispering to him to be still and go back to sleep. He often suffers from dry skin, so I didn’t think much of it. I got frustrated and annoyed after about 30 minutes of his constant movement and went downstairs for coffee. When he made his way down a few hours later, I noticed that the poor child’s entire back and torso were broken out in severe hives. That kind of made me feel like the worst mom ever.

We gave him a dose of Benadryl which reduced the hives fairly quickly leaving behind what looked like chicken pox. It turns out that it was just a lot of scratch marks where he had broken the skin in the night. But the problem persisted and the hives came back even worse about 5 hours after he had taken the first dose Benadryl, so we gave him a second dose and kept an eye on it. A few hours later, the hives only seemed to worsen and when he could have a third dose of Benadryl, we gave it to him. And continued to watch. By this point, it was nearing bed time and the hives started to spread onto his neck, face, and head. My concern began to grow.

seersucker blazer, plaid top, pattern mixing, kids’ fashion, boys’ fashion, Radical Ralphie
seersucker blazer, plaid top, pattern mixing, kids’ fashion, boys’ fashion, Radical Ralphie
seersucker blazer, plaid top, pattern mixing, kids’ fashion, boys’ fashion, Radical Ralphie

Ralph does have a fairly severe tree nut allergy that we discovered on the eve of his second Christmas when Jeff was deployed to Afghanistan in 2015. We spent much of Christmas Eve in the Emergency Room that year because he had an anaphylactic response to walnuts. It was months before we could get an appointment with an allergist to pinpoint the allergen since he was eating all sorts of things from shrimp to cookies, cakes, and candies that night. Nothing like your 20 month old child gasping, gurgling, and gagging for air to send a mother into a downright panic.

For the past 4 years, we have monitored his food and have not yet been forced to use an Epipen. Thankfully. And as much as I absolutely despise the ER and will avoid it at all costs, the hives creeping up onto his face even after taking antihistamines forced me to face that dreadful place. They gave him some steroids, monitored him for about an hour and then sent us home. He just completed a 4 day treatment of steroids and is no worse for wear. I, however, have lost some years from my life due to the stress! And we still don’t know what caused the reaction.

seersucker blazer, plaid top, pattern mixing, kids’ fashion, boys’ fashion, Radical Ralphie
seersucker blazer, plaid top, pattern mixing, kids’ fashion, boys’ fashion, Radical Ralphie
seersucker blazer, plaid top, pattern mixing, kids’ fashion, boys’ fashion, Radical Ralphie

This kid, I swear, as cute as he is, he is going to be the death of me one of these days! I was that mom who used to dismiss all the crazy amounts of food allergies that kids seem to have these days. I guess I learned my lesson! And he never seems phased by any of it…except for the occasional annoyance of itchy skin.

Do you have any experience with food allergies, especially kids with food allergies? It really is a game changer in the world of parenting.

seersucker blazer, plaid top, pattern mixing, kids’ fashion, boys’ fashion, Radical Ralphie
seersucker blazer, plaid top, pattern mixing, kids’ fashion, boys’ fashion, Radical Ralphie

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Shop Ralphie’s outfit…

Outfit Details: Blazer-Crazy 8, Top-PD&C, Sneakers-Airwalk (All Thrifted from Classy Kids Consignment Shop) / Tee Shirt-Walmart / Jeans-Crazy 8 / Shoelaces-Amazon (Exact)

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


  • Jacqui Berry

    That’s very scary for you all Shelbee, my daughter had an anaphylactic shock as she is allergic to latex, she was blowing up a balloon and her faced swelled to nearly double the size – very scary indeed. He does look very dapper in this outfit and I love the baseball trainers. Hope you’ve had a happy Christmas Hun. Jacqui


      Thanks so much, Jacqui! And that sounds like a terrible scare for you and your daughter, too. Yikes! And the only way we can even discover these life threatening allergies is for exactly that scary thing to happen. I am glad that your daughter is okay and now knows to avoid latex.


  • mireille

    What an awesome outfit! Love the shoelaces, perfect extra pop of color! My 5 year old had a severe (to me) reaction to amoxicillin and broke out in hives for a week (torso, back and legs were completely covered) last year. Benadryl did nothing but we kept him less itchy with lotion and a wet sock full of oatmeal (he wouldn’t do an oatmeal bath so my friend suggested it- filled sock with oatmeal, ran under water, then rub on body of itch relief). Thankfully my kids have had not reaction to foods so far!


      Thanks, Mireille! And my goodness, that sounds awful for your little guy! Poor Ralph has been dealing with allergies and sensitive skin issues for so long that he happily obliges any kind of relief even an oatmeal bath. Although, he hates lotions on his skin. I did cover him all up with Aquaphor at one point and that stuff is so greasy that I don’t know how he tolerated it. But I guess it was better than itching.


  • Ellibelle

    Ralphie sounds like me, I had to force myself to do blog pictures after the holidays and I don’t even know yet if they are usable (it was super windy).
    But such a cute look, loving that blazer and the shoe laces are perfect. I agree it’s hard to find the shoe laces you’re looking for. I even checked a shoe store when my son needed new laces for his vans. They were all either too long or too short, so had or order online.
    Sorry to hear about his hives scare, but so glad he is doing well now.
    Ellibelle’s Corner


      Thanks so much, Ellie! Why are shoelaces so hard to find? It seems so silly. But I guess you have to get most things online these days. I broke my bluetooth remote for taking my own photos and I could not find one anywhere! I went to 4 different stores and then ordered from Amazon. I do hope you are able to find some decent photos in your windy collection!


  • jodie filogomo

    Poor kid and you too. That is so stressful.
    On a happier note…those shoelaces are the cat’s meow!!

  • Michelle

    Ralphie’s outfit is adorable! And I am especially enjoying those turquoise laces.

    Ugh on his reaction to the unknown substance! So scary when you don’t know what it is. My elder step-daughter has a nut allergy, but it presents as nausea and vomiting, not anaphylaxis. Something to be thankful for. I have no advice, but I wish I did!

    I can so relate to the sentiment of poo-pooing food allergies only to have a kid with them. As a young adult, I was that way about pollen allergies. I mean what’s the big deal about a few sniffles? Then, I developed allergies to trees, grass, weeds, molds and was sick year round. I didn’t realize it felt the same as being sick with a virus until it happened to me. I underwent two courses of desensitization shots at 3 years apiece and 3 years apart. Although the shots were a huge help, I still have issues. But yeah, if I was a believer in instant karma, I’d think my experience fit the bill.

    I hope Ralphie has no more hive experiences!



      Thanks, Michelle! Isn’t it funny how that happens when we get so high horsey about things which we know nothing about?! If there were instant karma, then I have been punished many times over for my stupid arrogance on certain topics. I was the same as you with seasonal allergies as well. I worked with a woman who was always sick with allergies and I kept calling bullshit on it (in my head only, of course), then we moved to Northern NY and behold, the allergies struck me hard! It was miserable. I have managed to get mine under control with lots of vitamins and healthier living. I hated taking daily allergy meds and have been able to cope without them and without too much discomfort. But on high pollen days, I definitely am better suited staying indoors.


  • Christina Morley

    I love the outfit and shoelaces. I also had no idea this cute post had so much drama in it! I’m sorry that I only read it now! How scary. So glad he’s alright. One of my kids would swell up in her face and break out in hives if she ate fish or pork. It took us a while to figure out what foods caused it. Thankfully, she outgrew it, but she has very sensitive stomach lining and has to avoid all kinds of foods now due to gastritis.


      Tina, thanks for reading! You really never know what you are going to find between the pictures in my posts. Haha. It is scary when your child breaks out in hives or rashes, especially on the face. I am glad you figured out the cause of your daughter’s reaction and thankfully she outgrew that part of it. But it really is a game changer when they have food issues of any sort whether it be allergies or sensitivities. Thanks for sharing you experience with me.


  • Mica

    He looks so handsome even if he is over taking photos it was fun to have him join you on your blog!

    How scary he had such a bad reaction! I have a few food intolerances and a couple minor allergies but I’ve never seen anything in the boys yet which is good – their father has eaten raw chicken before (by accident!) and lived to tell the tale so I’m hoping they take after him, haha! I did have one really bad reaction once that necessitated going home from work straight to the hospital but we never found out what that was!

    Thanks so much for joining the #WeekdayWearLinkup!


      Mica, thanks so much for the compliment and for sharing your experience. It is scary whenever he reacts to anything. I get so darn nervous about it. I have developed pretty severe food allergies myself since I had kids. I never had any allergies before and now I am allergic to peanuts, walnuts, and apples. I say “severe” because that was the result on my allergy testing, but I still eat all of those things upon the recommendation of the allergist because I only get a little itchy when I do. I guess if I continue eating them, I will maintain my tolerance for them where avoiding them could make the allergies worse.


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Shelbee on the Edge