Popcorn and Movies & Your Own Twist Link Up #52

Happy National Popcorn Day! To celebrate everyone’s favorite movie treat, the theme for this month’s style with Your Own Twist is Movies and Popcorn! I had no idea what to wear for such a style challenge and then we decided to take the boys to see Avatar: The Way of Water on Saturday. So this outfit is what I wore for a family day at the movies followed by dinner at my kids’ favorite place to eat, Red Lobster. I did get popcorn (you can see me walking over to the snack counter) that I meant to photograph since it’s a day to celebrate the snack not the movie, but I forgot.
In all the chaos of getting our tickets, deciding on snacks, finding our seats, getting out of our coats, and settling in comfortably just minutes before the previews to began (I like to watch all the previews, by the way), I also totally forgot to take pictures showing my Goonies tee shirt. Plus I really hate taking photos in heavily trafficked or populated public places. So I put the same outfit on the following day and went to the snow covered park for a more comfortable photoshoot without a movie audience. You can see those photos at the end of the post.
I thought I was being clever by wearing a movie tee shirt to the movies! Ha. But mostly I was just going for comfort with red plaid leggings, a tee shirt, a cozy cardigan, and a blanket scarf. I have worn all of these things on my blog before which you can see by clicking on the links. I mixed up a bunch of different plaids and added my panda hat for a bit of whimsy. My favorite sherpa lined lug sole boots kept my feet warm and cozy and my green Teddy Blake bag carried all the stuff that a mom needs to take to the movies.

Let me take a minute to rave about the movie. We saw it in 3D and it was definitely worth the extra $4 per ticket because the graphics were breathtaking. The 3D effect enhanced everything so beautifully. Honestly, the only thing that could have made this film more visually appealing is eating some psychedelics before watching it!
The story line was as good, if not better, than the 2009 Avatar film. It follows Jake Sully, now the chief of the Omaticaya clan on the planet Pandora, and his family after they flee to the water people for refuge from the sky people (humans trying to forcibly colonize the planet). My favorite character in the whole film is Spider, the son of Colonel Miles Quaritch, who was born on Pandora but was unable to be transported back to earth in cryostasis because he was too young. Although he is human, he is the best friend of Sully’s children and he offers some fabulous comic relief at points of high intensity.
I don’t write movie reviews so I’ll let you just go watch it if you are interested. It runs over 3 hours which I was fearful would be much too long for any of us to sit still, but the filmography, the characters, the story, the whole experience, was captivating enough to hold our attention for that long. However, we did struggle sitting still through dinner afterwards! Everyone had antsy pants and we were all getting a bit ornery with hunger. As great as popcorn is as a movie snack, it definitely does not fill the belly like one needs during hibernation season!
Have you seen any new films recently? What’s your favorite movie snack? Do you get dressed up for a movie adventure or lounge it in your sweats?

Unfortunately, Monica is unable to join me this month because she got caught in the chaos of momming and lifing as well. It happens to me all the time so I get it. Sending you some love and peaceful energy, Monica!
About Your Own Twist
Your Own Twist is a monthly link party hosted by Monica of Monica Hayworth (formerly Jersey Girl, Texan Heart) and me on the third Thursday of every month with the goal of inspiring some of our friends to get creative with personal style.
The idea behind this collaboration is to take one common piece or theme and style it our own way with our own twist…Monica and I have both taken a lot of fashion inspiration from one another over the past few years even though we have totally different styles. It is always fun to see how we can interpret similar items in unique ways or what kind of twist we will each bring to the chosen theme.
We will let you know the themes well in advance in the event that you would like to use the theme for your own post and add it to the link party. However, any fashion posts are welcome regardless of whether you used the theme or not.
Check out the graphic below which has the first six style prompts for 2023. I think we are going to have lots of fashion fun this year and we invite you all to play along!
February is Spunky Old Broads Month and it totally cracks me up. I have some serious goals of becoming a spunky old broad one day so I guess it’s not too soon to start dressing the part! Won’t you join us on February 16, 2023, with your Spunky Old Broad outfits!
Featured Favorites from Evergreen
Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Leggings, Turtleneck, and Goonies Tee-Torrid / Cardigan-Cato / Boots-ShoeDazzle / Coat-DKNY / Scarf-Kohl’s / Fingerless Gloves-Amazon / Hat-Claire’s / Earrings-Good Life Gift Shop

Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
How fun to get to the movies! I haven’t done a movie theater since pre-covid, not sure why I haven’t gone back!
It was fun! We don’t go to the movies often. Maybe once every 2 years! It’s so darn expensive. Just the tickets for 4 people cost $70. Add in snacks, drinks, and dinner for 4 and it costs the same as a weekend vacation!
Amy Johnson
Well that’s a great review for a movie. No, I haven’t seen it yet, and probably won’t. Three hours is just too long. Love your hat! Thanks for the party!
Thanks, Amy! Three hours is a very long time. I am looking forward to when both films are available to stream and then I can watch them back to back but at my own pace. But I really did enjoy the 3D experience as well.
You look stylish and comfy all at the same time. And it looks like you all had a marvelous time. 3 hrs! Yikes! I’m not sure I could sit that long. I haven’t been to the movies since before the pandemic. The last two movies we saw (I can’t remember which was actually last) was either the Freddie Mercury bio or Black Panther. Both were excellent!
I fully intended to participate in this challenge, but the weather wouldn’t cooperate and my inside photos looked like crap. I’m learning not to leave photos for the challenges until the last minute.
Thanks so much, Michelle! I much prefer to watch movies at home, but I wanted 3D and it was definitely worth it! Fortunately, we are not in a very populated place and we went to a matinee so there were only about 15 people in the theater including us. I don’t mind empty theaters so much. I wouldn’t go to a crowded theater no matter how much I want to see a movie though!
Anne M Bray
Popcorn! You just gave me an idea for a fun print!
If I get it done in time, I’ll add it to the Linkup.
When was I last in a movie theater? Waaaaay too long ago. Maybe it was something I saw with Ruth at the Cinerama Dome in Hollywood (you remember Ruth? I think she was at the Rainbow of 52 Bloggers reception?).
My brother just gave me movie gift cards AND WE DON’T GO! My old boss used to do that too. I’d regift them to the siblings.
I am, however, an avid streamer and I’m currently enjoying Atlanta on Hulu (I know, late to the Atlanta party). I think I’m up to Season 3. I’m also in the middle of a Korean show on Netflix, Extraordinary Attorney Woo, which is very sweet and relaxing. Maybe a little TOO relaxing – I keep falling asleep while watching. Zzzzzzzz… what?
I really like your sweater coat with the random houndstooth motifs. Houndsteeth look kind of agressive when set free from their weaving structure. (Another print idea! Full of them this AM!)
Have a great day, my friend! xo
Yay! I am so glad that this post inspired two different print ideas! That alone just made my day! I am actually not a big fan of movie theaters at all and will generally wait for movies to be streamable. This time I really wanted the 3D experience, so we had to go pay a small fortune for that! Haha. And of course, I remember Ruth. I am pretty sure that everyone would agree that Ruth is quite unforgettable. Whatever movie you last saw with her was probably a ridiculously fun time!
Sally in St Paul
That hat + boots combo is crazy fun – I love it! It’s been a minute since I’ve gone to the movies…I’m not sure I’d have the stamina to sit still for 3 hours. And thanks for the feature!
Thanks so much, Sally! I felt silly and cute in this outfit concoction! My kids can always spot me, too, if we ever get separated!
I generally struggle sitting through a 90 minute movie which is why I prefer to always watch movies at home. But every once in a while, a new movie comes out that will get me to go to the theater. This one was for the 3D experience!
Oh yeah with a movie, popcorn is required! Or m&m s! We love to go to the movies and have dinner before in a restaurant. I do like to dress up for that. When we watch a movie at home, I want to curl up on the couch in something warm and cozy and easy a lot of sweets!
Oh yes, Nancy, I always have to follow the salty popcorn with some sweet treat! We had mini Starburst this time, but I usually like Skittles at the movies. If it’s m&ms, I like the caramel or the key lime ones which they never have at the theater!
Marsha Banks
We haven’t been to the theater in a bit. I think the last movie I saw was Elvis. I usually dress for comfort, and since theaters seem to always be cold, I wear lots of layers!
I really love this outfit…and I adore the Goonies! I was always so sad it had some cusses (that’s what my 4th graders would say) in it so we couldn’t show it at school. It’s such a fun and glorious movie! Those boots look nice and cozy and warm!
Thanks so much for the link party!
Thanks so much, Marsha! I am not usually a fan of sitting in movie theaters, but every once in a while a movie comes out that I really want to see and can’t wait for it. In this case, I probably could have waited, but I wanted the 3D experience! I want to see the Whitney Houston movie that just came out as well but I want to wait so I can watch it with my sister. Oddly, the theater was really warm this time around which was kind of annoying because I had so many darn layers and kids coats!
That sounds like a fun time!!
Curated by Jennifer
Thanks, Jennifer! It really was a great day out with the family! When we got home, the boys both headed to their friends’ houses which was nice for us, too!
Mica - Away From The Blue
Your outfit is so cosy! I really like the black and white cardigan, the scarf looks so good with it! I can’t actually remember the last time we went to the movies, ha!
Thanks for the link up!
Thanks so much, Mica! I have really been enjoying mixing up different plaids and tartans. I generally prefer to wait to watch movies at home, but I really wanted the 3D experience for this one! It was fun!
What a fun family day! I really want to see the new Avatar movie! It would be amazing to see in 3D! I dress comfy for the movie theater too. Your plaid leggings are so cute!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! It is definitely worth seeing in 3D! I hope you get to have a movie date night soon!
Suzy Turner
Shelbee, I LOVE your quirky outfit for the movies, it’s brilliant! And the Goonies Tee is the icing on the cake (I ADORE that movie). I’m quite envious that you watched The Way of Water. We really need to go see it. We actually re-watched the first Avatar movie over Christmas because my step-father-in-law had never seen it!! Then a couple of nights ago, we watched the documentary on the Disney channel about the making of the new film and I am now itching to see it. I just adore these kinds of movies, visually they are so striking, aren’t they?! I often worry about sitting still for three hours though!!!
Big hugs, my friend!
Suzy xx
Thanks so much, Suzy! We were going to watch the first Avatar on Saturday night and then go see The Way of Water on Sunday. But the kids didn’t want to wait until Sunday and then we didn’t get the chance to rewatch the first movie! Oh well. When this one is released for home viewing, maybe I’ll get the chance to watch them both with some psychedelic snacks! Hahaha. Three hours was a bit long but I somehow managed to not need a bathroom break until the very end. So I was uncomfortable for the last 20 minutes, but I couldn’t leave then. It was the denouement!
Rosemary Davis
I love going to the movies! It is a treat that I share with my grandsons when we are together.
I love that, Rosemary! My kids are finally at an age when I enjoy taking them! They were not well behaved in the movie theater when they were younger and it stressed me out so badly that I stopped taking them. I think they were better behaved when Gramma took them!
Patrick Weseman
So very cute. Very nice. Love the look.
Thanks so much, my friend! I appreciate you!
I love that outfit; I almost always pick something cozy and soft and comfy for the movies too. I might make an exception on date night but even then it has to be an outfit I enjoy sitting in (no tight waisted pants!). LOL. We have talked a few times about going to see Avatar but the length of the movie really has me questionint it… I’m not even sure I’ve watched the orignial in it’s entirety but being IN the world of Pandora (sort of) at Disney this summer did make it all seem pretty magical.
Thanks so much, Joanne! I would definitely much rather watch any film from the comfort of my home where I can eat what I want without paying a small fortune and I can pause to use the bathroom! But I really wanted to see this in 3D so it was totally worth it. I am surprised that I made it through the whole movie without even a bathroom break. I was uncomfortable though for the last 25 minutes when I really had to go but couldn’t leave at the height of the final action! I think once it is available for at home viewing, I might watch both movies back to back.