My Writing Life & Link Up On the Edge #138

This is a sponsored post. These cashmere writing gloves were provided to me for purposes of a review. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.

For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by words. The way we can create the most vivid images by stringing together the perfect combination of adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs. I always found peaceful escape in reading books when I was younger. I remember hiding away from the world with my face in a book, living in fantasies that were far removed from the reality in which I existed. It was a beautiful thing.

Coat: Target

When I was in grade school and the teachers asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”, my answers always involved something literary from writer and poet to editor and journalist. But throughout all of my youth, I was never comfortable sharing what I wrote so I hid it inside the secret pages of my journal. I began journaling long before we had writing programs, software, and apps like scrivener 3 to make the writing process much easier.

Moto Jacket: Charlotte Russe
Purse: Target (Thrifted)

I remember when I was teenager, my grandmother read one of my journals and she basically lost her mind over the dark poetry that was contained therein. It was that moment that reinforced my hesitancy to share anything I wrote unless it was an academic requirement of some sort. But I continued to fill journals at the rate of dozens a year. Eventually, many of these journals were carefully stored away in boxes and hidden were no one could find them.

Dress: Target
Shoes: JustFab

Then off to college I went. After switching majors multiple times, I eventually ended where I was meant to be…studying English, Philosophy, and Religion. All three subjects were obviously very heavy on the reading and writing and I loved it. I continued writing in my journals. My deepest thoughts, my poetry, my dreams, my goals. I would copy my favorite quotes and list my favorite books. But I always protected those journals as the most sacred thing in my life. They were, after all, the innermost workings of my brain and allowing someone to read them felt very much like a violation of my very soul.

Earrings: Target
Necklace: Target

Then I started dating the man who would become my first husband. He knew I wrote in journals and he knew they were completely off limits. For many years, he respected that until we decided we were going to get married. The boxes of journals were stashed away in the attic and he took it upon himself to go read them. I came home one day and was caught completely off guard by a verbal attack about things I had written in my journal when I was 14 years old. How could he marry someone like me who would write such things? If I recall correctly, it was something I had written about characteristics that I looked for in my ideal boyfriend. When I was 14! Nearly ten years earlier.

Beret: c/o Banggood

I was so frightened by the thought of losing him that I snuck up to the attic one day and slowly burned each and every page of each and every journal that I had filled with my deepest thoughts, memories, stories, and dreams. Convinced that I had to erase a past that he did not approve of, I destroyed it all with tears in my eyes and pain in my heart.

You probably already know that this marriage did not last for very long. How could it? When it began with a complete lack of acceptance of whom I was at my very core. After my divorce as I spiraled into a Bipolar hell, I began writing in journals again. Over the 10 years of my mental health battle, I filled the pages of dozens of journals once again. Writing down my deepest and darkest thoughts, sharing the details of my nightmares, preserving all of the chaos of those volatile years for some reason that I still have not quite figured out. And I protected those journals as if my life depended on it.

My husband now knows that these books are completely off limits. I made it very clear to him from the beginning of our relationship. Ask me whatever you want and I will answer you. But do not, under any circumstances, go snooping in my journals. That is a deal breaker, no matter what. He has my permission to read them only upon my death! And even then, my best friend of over 30 years gets to censor them first!

I don’t even really like to go back and read the things I wrote in those journals. It makes me uncomfortable. I have since stopped writing in journals. Basically, once I had kids, I didn’t feel the need or have the time. Then I started this blog and it became sort of my journal except I allow the entire world access to it. That was scary at first. It still is sometimes. But I push through talking about the hard stuff, the things that make us uncomfortable. Because how else are we to get comfortable with these topics if we don’t start being open about them?

So I still find comfort and catharsis in writing, but now I share these writings publicly. Sometimes, I even get monetary compensation for my words. And finally, I can say with pride that I am an actual, legitimate writer. Not only writing for my blog, but I have written for other online publications as well and I am working on some book ideas behind the scenes. I still find these projects daunting, but I am taking it all one tiny little step at a time. Thing small to go big, that is my motto for 2019.

And as a writer, I do love all the things that bring comfort and ease to the writing process. When the weather starts to warm up, I love to sit on my front porch or in my back yard and write. There is just something about the fresh air that inspires my muse. But early in the Spring and heading into the Fall months, my hands get cold really quickly when I write outdoors. So when Literary Book Gifts reached out to me to review a pair of their cashmere writing gloves, I couldn’t resist.

These fingerless gloves are crafted from a super soft cashmere, cotton, polyester, and microfiber blend to keep my hands warm while preserving the dexterity of my fingers to dance across the keyboard making my favorite kind of magic. The magic of words. The gloves are available in 13 different colors ranging from neutrals like white, black, and gray to more vibrant shades like electric blue, wine red, and this beautiful dark green that I chose.

Gloves: Cashmere Writing Gloves c/o Literary Book Gifts

When I was figuring out how to style the gloves for an outfit shoot, I actually struggled a bit due to the unique shade of green. But then I figured to hell with it. Green is my favorite color and I am going to work these pretty little gloves into an outfit even if it has no green! Then I realized that my new moto jacket was the exact same shade of green making the perfect marriage of dark green against a background of pale pink paisleys.

I had a few pair of fingerless gloves already that I wear frequently while typing, but I have to say that these cashmere ones are by far my favorites. The knit is really thin so there is no bulk to get in my way. And the softness of them is like heaven on my poor cold chapped hands. So this girl over here, this writer, is a very happy writer indeed.

I invite you to hop on over and check out all of the available colors of these amazing cashmere writing gloves. And if the gloves are not really your thing, Literary Book Gifts also has some of the cutest literary inspired graphic tees and totes and other accessories that make the perfect gifts for Writers, Book Lovers, Readers, or Librarians. Heck, they even make the perfect gifts just to treat yourself. Here are some of my favorites tee shirts.

1. Jane Austen T-Shirt
2. Pride and Prejudice T-Shirt
3. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland T-Shirt
4. Walt Whitman Leaves of Grass T-Shirt
5. Book End T-Shirt

And now your featured favorites from last week.

Maria of Passion Fruit, Paws and Peonies shared her post, What colour looks goof with camel? She has brilliantly styled unexpected shades of tans, whites, and pinks with her gorgeous camel coat for a striking and classy outfit, indeed.

Maria of Passion Fruit, Paws and Peonies

Corinne of Wondermom Wannabe shared her post, Spring Break Bucket List. She has offered up lots of fun and unique activities and adventures to consider to make Spring Break a bit more interesting for everyone. If you are needing inspiration, do go check out what ideas Corinne has shared.

Corinne of Wondermom Wannabe

What have you been writing about lately? I hope you shared it today!

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


  • jodie filogomo

    You do have a gift Shelbee. Writing comes so easy for some (and not so easy for others of us…haha), but you tell a story like no other.
    As for the outfit…I love it. Those gloves are perfect for the days it’s cold but you still need to use your fingers!!

  • Kim

    I’m totally in love with your outfit, Shelbee. For me, when I’m in doubt about styling a color, I look for it’s complimentary on the color wheel (mentally). The pink and green are a perfect pairing, the pink really softens up the look of the moto jacket. What a crazy story about husband #1. He must have been really controlling to even *want* to look in your journals. Privacy is privacy for a reason. I’m often good without knowing the deepest thoughts and enjoy the person who is. Wonderful gloves! I saw some of these in a catalog–if only I could use them! You go, girl!


      Kim, thank you so much for the color styling tip and for your perspective on the privacy of journals. I literally felt like that was the most horrendous offense someone could commit. I have always respected other people’s privacy of that nature but I learned through the years that many people do not and have no problem with taking peaks at other’s private things. That reminds me of this guy I once dated after I divorced. I had slept at his house and he got up to go somewhere early in the morning and told me to stay in bed. So I did and when he returned about an hour later, he started interrogating me, asking me what I found when I snooped around his apartment. I was dumbfounded, telling him I would not do that. If I wanted to know something about him, I would just ask. If he didn’t want answer, he didn’t have to and I was okay with that. He absolutely did not believe me basing his assumption on the fact that “everyone snoops.” That relationship ended very quickly thereafter because he didn’t trust that I was a trusting non-snooping kind of person! Ha.


  • Liz

    First off, your outfit is SO cute! Those shoes are adorable!! Secondly, I’m glad you didn’t give up because I always enjoy reading your words. You have such a talent for writing and I truly admire that. I guess you can say it’s come full circle – from hiding your deepest thoughts away from everyone to sharing them with the world. You always something insightful, meaningful and thoughtful to say and share. It makes me sad that you had to hide that part of yourself for so long, but I guess these are the things that ultimately change who we are as people and open doors for our future. <3


      Liz, I cannot thank you enough for this comment! Your admiration and appreciation for what I do means so much to me. It is still daunting to share my innermost thoughts here, but I do it anyway. And literally sometimes when I hit publish, I have to tell myself that it’s okay because no one is really reading it anyway! Isn’t that silly? But it is the only thing that gives me the nerve to share some of what I share. Ha. But I guess now that I have finally found my voice and the courage to use it, I won’t allow myself to hide it away anymore.


  • Cheryl Shops

    Shelbee, thank you for sharing this story about your journals and how important they are to you. We need to express our emotions, and journals are always a healthy place to do that. They need to be a safe place too—it’s great that your current husband and you have an understanding (and ugh to your first husband, but as I always say, first husbands are a special kind of gift!). Also, you look lovely in pink and green today!
    Cheryl Shops |


      Cheryl, thank you so very much! I love that…first husbands are a special kind of gift! That is so true. We learn so much from those experiences. I don’t like to share much about those experiences because I still fear some kind of vindictive retaliation from him even though there has been no contact whatsoever in nearly 20 years. Isn’t that kind of sad? So only tiny bits and pieces make their way into my public writing. I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend!


  • jess jannenga

    first of all very cute writing gloves! Do they aid in writing:-) I love it. Your outfit is one of my favs! The pink paisley and the darling pink lace up shoes look so pretty on you, along with the fuzzy coat. I have always loved writing too, I went to school for journalism initially, then later switched to music. Ive always had a creative spirit too!
    thanks for linking!
    jess xx


      Thank you so much, Jess! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if these writing gloves were infused with a magical muse that granted inspiration every time I put them on?! I wanted to go to school for journalism when I was in high school and I took a journalism class and didn’t like it so much! I preferred my creative writing classes much more. And now I have found my niche in creatively telling my own story! It’s funny where our paths lead us, isn’t it? Right to the place we are meant to be!


  • Jacqui Berry

    This is cute, baby pink with fern green, one to try out I think. Thanks for sharing this Shelbee. Do add to the #chicandstylish #linkup my friend. Jacqui Mummabstylish


      Jacqui, thank you so much! It seems this color combination is quite a hit and I was so hesitant about it. I wasn’t certain it would work, but then I loved it when I took the photos! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.


  • Alicia O'Brien

    I love these photos of you, gorgeous. Green really is your colour, this shade anyway! I attended a life writing workshop during the week, it was awesome. We had writing exercises to do and the most daunting part was being called to share. There is some vulnerability in sharing. #openslather


      Alicia, thank you so much! Oh, it is so intimidating to share when we are writing down our innermost thoughts, isn’t it? That workshop sounds amazing though! I will have to look for something similar. I would love to attend something like that! Have a wonderful weekend.


  • Laura

    I absolutely love this outfit on you! Your dress and shoes are stunning! You have an amazing writing ability Shelbee! I’m glad you decided to blog and share your gift with the world!


      Laura, thank you so much for this comment! It is always so scary to share when you are writing down the innermost workings of your mind. So to hear that it is appreciated makes it a little less intimidating.


  • Patrick Weseman

    Looking very cute. I don’t do any journaling I guess it is because I am a trained journalist and just believe in what Joe Friday said “Just the Facts Ma’am”. I guess it just me.

    Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.

  • Ada

    As a little writer myself I so appreciate this post very much and reading about your journals and your writing journey. I had entire notebooks of poetry, prose, short stories, thoughts, reflections and essays I have written, especially between 2000 and 2012 but unfortunately I think I have lost most of them between moving to Albania in 2011 and moving back to Michigan in 2015. Which sucks. So I can relate to your feelings even more. And as you know I love love love how you write. I find you, Debbie (Fashion Fairy Dust) and Sheela (Sheela Writes) to be three excellent writers and storytellers. I hope you too like the stuff I write usually, especially the non-fashion related deep thoughts I share through my little poems and my little proses. Plus it is so powerful and beautiful to show our heart like that. I am also currently working on a fiction book which I hope to publish one day. I sincerely Wish both of us lots of luck because words and writing are indeed magical and a gift!!

    As a little fashionista and a fashion blogger on the other hand, I absolutely love love love this look. The combination of light pink and hunter green was a brilliant, unique combination that I need to try. You have put together dozens of adorable outfits in 2019 but this hands down is my favorite of them all. Darling little paisley blush pink dress which is perfect for Spring. Also your new awesome writing gloves match the bag and moto jacket flawlessly and those cute shoes remind me that I have a similar pair that need to be worn soon this Spring!! Make sure you link this post with Thursday Moda my friend and have a fantastic weekend filled with beautiful uplifting words!!

    💗💗 Ada ❤❤


      Ada, thank you so much for this lovely comment! Debbie and Sheela are two of my favorite writers as well! And of course, I love your poetry and prose writing when you explore the deeper side of things. The power of our words really is quite magical and I always enjoy the different ways that people express themselves and the words they choose to do so. As far as this outfit, I was so unsure of the pinks with the hunter green, but I do love the way it all came together. And I think it is my favorite outfit this year so far as well! I hope you have the most wonderful weekend, my friend. And keep writing!


  • The Real Cie

    I am not young, pretty, or fashionable, so I don’t know if I really fit in with the theme here. I think far too much and I write quite a bit. I wanted to share one post which might help someone find a job (information about a travel nursing company which is hiring) and some other things. I really do like this idea for a blog hop, and I do enjoy finding new bloggers to inspire me. It’s just that I am kind of the anti-fashion broad (I’m poor, disabled, and very long in the tooth) and to say that I am eccentric is a bit of an understatement.


      Cie, thank you for stopping by! That is quite the introduction for yourself, but I find everyone beautiful and eccentric is an amazing quality to have! We are all as young as we feel and that varies day to day for me. As far as fashion goes, everyone has their own unique style even if you consider it anti-fashion! And anything goes here on my blog hops as long as it is kind, helpful, and filled with joy and inspiration, so do link up anything you are sharing on your blog. I am happy you have decided to join the party! And it is a pleasure making your acquaintance. Cheers to new blogging friends!


  • Anne M Bray

    Ha. Late to the Link Party (page 5!!!!).

    Wow, destroying your journals. The things we do in our youth. Husbands #1 so not worth it (I include mine). I have a huge pile from my 40s (from my “Morning Pages” phase). Don’t really want to reread them, but also don’t want to just toss them. Future art project? Weavings? Collages?


      Better late than never, Anne! Seriously, if we only knew then what we know now! And the journals I have accumulated since the destruction of the first ones…I don’t want to read them either…ugh…but I also don’t want to destroy them. So they remain buried in a box in the basement. Perhaps we will both be inspired at some point to do something with them! And first husbands do teach us so much though, don’t they? We mustn’t discount them completely. I hope you have a fantastic weekend!


  • Nancy

    I have never been a journal writer. I did wrote a book when I was 13! Haha. Your outfit is amazing, you look like a beautiful fairy out of a fantasy book! Those colors compliment you!

  • Kaycee

    Lookin’ great lady! Thanks for sharing, some of us need all the fashion help we can find! Also, thank you for linking up at OMHGWW! Best thing about co-hosting is finding so many great sites! Can’t wait to see what else you link up!

  • Claire's World

    What a beautiful outfit Shelbee. Love everything you are wearing 🙂 Pink and green look lovely together. Great pictures. Thanks so much for joining me at my new home for the Wordless Wednesday link up.

  • Emma Peach

    I can imagine how distraught you must have been to destroy your journals, and that your ex had behaved so irrationally. He must have felt very insecure to be that way. I’m so happy that you can now share your thoughts with us all, you are a very talented writer. I absolutely love your outfit, the soft pink and dark green is a fabulous colour combination! Cute gloves too!

    Emma xxx


      Emma, thank you so very much. It was a very distressing period in my life as I was completely insecure and still trying to find my own strength and my own voice. I guess everything really does happen for reason and I learned a lot of lessons about myself and about life in that relationship. So no regrets really, just memories and lessons. And thanks for the compliment, too. I was so unsure of this color combination, but I do love the final result, too. Have the most wonderful day!


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Shelbee on the Edge