My Happie Hippie Hallway & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #258
My Happie Hippie Hallway makes me smile so bright every time I walk through the second story of my home. Ever since I finished painting the hallway in the fall, I have been on the lookout for bohemian style decor to bring more character to the space. I knew I wanted dreamcatchers to be part of the decor. The hallway space extends from our bedroom to the boys’ bedrooms, making it the perfect spot for catching all the dreams from all the bedrooms.
I was not in a hurry to decorate this space though. Two weeks ago, I was still in the brainstorming phase when I was in TJ Maxx exchanging a suitcase. I figured I would walk through the store because I was there and I do like to shop. As I approached the home goods area, there was a rack standing by itself taller than all the other things around it. And on the rack were hanging two giant dreamcatchers, the exact thing that I had envisioned for my happie hippie hallway. I was so excited that I quickly grabbed them both and gently placed them in my cart.

If my memory is accurate (which it rarely is), I think the round dreamcatcher was $39.99 and the triangle one was $24.99. Honestly, the price didn’t even really matter because this was exactly what I had envisioned and I could not walk away from the serendipity of this find. And the fact that they were the only two hanging there cemented my certainty that these dreamcatchers must be mine.
While I was at TJ Maxx exchanging a suitcase and buying dreamcatchers, I also spotted a really gorgeous serving tray that would be so good for my new living room decor (when I get around to it). So this past weekend, I decided to go back and get the tray and do some other retail therapy to get me out of the winter blues. The tray was gone, which gave me a sad face for about three minutes until I saw these amazing log trays that are even better than the one I had intended on buying. The large one was $25.00 and the small one was $20.00. They are so great for the outdoorsy nature theme going on in my living room.

While I was browsing around TJ Maxx, I saw the dreamcatcher rack that I had emptied had been refilled with all sorts of fun macrame wall hangings. The rainbow one really caught my eye to add some color in with the neutral dreamcatchers. Also there are three very large walls in the hallway space so I really did need a third something. This wall hanging was $16.99. It’s a little uneven the way it is cut and I contemplated evening it out myself with a pair of scissors. But then I figured I’m a little uneven so it’s a better representation of me just the way it is!

Initially, in the corner near the railing, I had an ugly brown square storage footstool that held all of my hand towels and wash cloths. Next to the stool was a giant blanket basket that housed all of the towels. There is only a tiny closet for bathroom things. It is not even big enough to hold towels so I had to find some other creative storage method. Except it all looked like garbage and I hated it for everything else other than its practical uses. You can see the ugly brown footstool here and then you’ll have to imagine the basket jammed in there beside it.
Well, the cats hijacked the towel basket long ago for a cozy hiding place which resulted in getting a face full of cat hair after your shower if you were the fortunate one to grab the top towel from the basket. So then we had the extra bath mat on the top because we don’t dry our faces with the bath rugs. But it seriously was driving me crazy and not making me happy at all. So I had envisioned getting some cute, colorful blankets to put in the top of the basket and then I could rotate them out for washing the cat hair off. After I added the rainbow macrame piece to my cart, I picked up these two throw blankets.

The cream one did not end up in the hallway but I will find another use for it elsewhere. After grabbing these throws, I went browsing through the furniture section for something to replace the ugly brown footstool and that’s when the yellow bench came into sight. I loved the color but wasn’t certain of the size. So I took a photo and went home with my blankets and macrame art and a new puffer coat that is the coziest thing ever! I will be showing you that next Wednesday.

First, Ralph attempted to steal the fuzzy yellow blanket because he loves soft blankets as much as I do. Then Jeff said to go back and get the yellow bench if the yellow bench is what I wanted (even though he hates the color). So I told Ralph if he came with me, he could shop for a new blanket. He ended up with a super soft dark gray plush blanket that he has been wrapped in since Sunday and I got the yellow bench. It was $99.99 and holds all of my bath towels inside. The hand towels and wash cloths are stored in the skinny closet.
And while I avoided Ralph’s theft of the fuzzy yellow blanket, I did not avoid the cats taking it over. It is their new favorite place to sleep. Oh well, that was the purpose of the throw blankets in the hallway after all. For ease of cleaning up the cat hair.

The opposite wall that you cannot see in any of these photos consists of the bathroom door and the very small skinny closet door with a strip of wall between each. The width of the wall spaces on that side are probably only 24 inches across. We are hanging a full length mirror on one and I want a long tie dye tapestry for the other wall.
*Edited on January 24, 2022: I went looking for a long skinny tie tapestry over the weekend at Rainbow Zen and I didn’t find one in the correct size. But I did find this amazing chakra banner that perfectly suits my personality and my happie hippie space.

*Edited on February 11, 2022: In the wee hours of the morning, I suddenly remembered our Jerry Garcia doll. So I fished him out of a bin in the back of the kids’ closet and gave him a prominent seat in my hippie hallway. It clearly is where he belongs.

Finally I may add some kind of framed cheerful hippie prints on either side of the triangle dreamcatcher. I am thinking something like this peace van poster or this field of daisies print. But we may end up getting an old Grateful Dead print framed and maybe a family photo from festival season to balance it out.
What I have completed so far though makes me extraordinarily happy. I really do smile a little bigger every time I walk through my upstairs hallway.

Do you have a space in your home that makes you extra happy?
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Oh that looks very cozy! And that dreamcatcher is so perfect! I want one to for the outside area!
Thanks so much, Nancy! A dreamcatcher would be so cool in an outside sitting area!
Kathrine Eldridge
I love you cozy boho spot! What great finds from TJMaxx. I can spend days in Home Goods! The yellow colors are so inviting. I do have a favorite space for prayer and practing. It’s my dining room that has altar that has lots of Mother Mary items. Thanks so much for the link up Shelbee!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! Your dining room space sounds like a lovely spiritual haven for you!
I have a very similar yellow bench. It’s butter yellow with a scroll design in top. It’s in one of our guest rooms against a window. Happen to love that collor and very functional w/ blankets and puzzles inside and pillow on top. Thanks for your inspiration this morning. And fun to hear about your stroll through TJMaxx. Have a great rest of the week! 💛
Thanks so much, Trish! Your buttery yellow bench sounds lovely and I bet it looks so wonderful when the light shines through the window! I hope you have a wonderful week ahead!
What a cute little space! I love your dream catchers!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill!
Michele Morin
And so your amazing gift of quirkiness comes to us in one more beautiful platform!
Oh my goodness, Michele, that is the best compliment ever! Thank you so much. I just read it to my husband and he got all smiley with delight, too!
Kellyann Rohr
Love the new decor! I have some boho decor in my family room and in my son’s room and TJMaxx has been a super place to find what I need!
Thank you, Kellyann! I love a bit of boho! I would love to do my whole house in boho themes, but I do have to consider the tastes of the other people who live here, I guess! Haha.
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
It’s so pretty!
Thanks, Tamar!
Laura Bambrick
I can see why this area makes you happy! It has an uplifting cheerful vibe that would make anyway feel more joyful! You got some great scores and a perfect solution for your towels! That bench was made for that space!
Thanks so much, Laura! The bench really is perfect for that spot. I almost called the store the night before to see if they would hold it for me because I didn’t want it to be gone when I got there. But then I decided to leave it to fate. If it was still there when I went back, it was meant to be…and clearly, it was meant to be…because there it is! Bringing me joy with every flight of stairs that I walk!
It looks great Shelbee. Love TK Maxx as it is known here in the UK. I was shopping there yesterday xx
Thanks so much, Laurie! It is such a great place to shop for unique finds!
I’m loving your decor!!
Curated by Jennifer
Thank you so much, my friend!
TJ Maxx can be a very dangerous place…ha ha! It’s seriously one of my favorite stores, between the fashion and the home decor I can do some serious damage to my bank account there. I love the log trays.
Thanks, Amy! I get overwhelmed in that store so quickly! I am actually glad that our local TJ Maxx is much smaller than the one I shopped in when we lived in Pennsylvania. But I always have to check out the clearance accessories, the shoes, and the home goods every time I walk into that store. I don’t always shop their clothing because that section overwhelms me the most! But yeah, I could definitely do some financial damage in there so maintaining focus is necessary! Haha.
Christina Morley
I love great storage ideas! I’m so happy you got the bench and Ralph got his snuggly blanket. Wishing your family a great week!
Thanks so much, Tina! I am so over all the clutter around me. I am taking it one small space at a time and clearing out everything I can and reclaiming my house from the mess! Have a fabulous week ahead, my friend.
Anne M Bray
Awesome shopping story! Enjoyed reading every detail. 🙂
I am so glad that you enjoyed reading it, Anne, because I thought it very well might be the boringest thing I have ever written! Haha. It was a serendipitous shopping adventure though!
Anne M Bray
Not boring for me! I got to vicariously shop with you without having to enter a store and spend money. Best shopping trip(s) ever. Haha.
Oh excellent! I am happy to provide that free vicarious shopping experience for you then!
jess jannenga
I was going to say I love that bench! Great color and it goes with the blanket your son loves! I could do some damage in Homegoods for sure! TJMAXX is under the same umbrella and you can find good household and kitchen items there and stay in there for hours 🙂 It must have been fate about the dreamcatchers! They look great in the hall too. I have been on a decor hunt lately. I need a few nicknacks for a new table we bought and want to make our deck area more spruced up for this Spring.
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! There was probably enough stuff to fill 3 carts that I would have liked to buy but resisted it all! I really do want to focus more on sustainable purchases though and less on shopping at big discount retailers. However, the dreamcatchers are all artisan brands from India that I believe are sustainable. I didn’t read the tags that closely. But I am certain the bench and blankets are probably awful environmental purchases!
Have fun with knick knack shopping! I bet you have spotted all sorts of interesting options already. It’s narrowing down all the choices that is always my problem.
Such great finds here, Shelbee! Loving all the dream catchers with my favorite one being the triangular shaped one, it’s so unique! And the new storance bench looks so good too. The color looks great in that corner and the blanket so soft!
I too have kids and cats that love to steal any soft blanket I buy! Seriously, the last two blankets I purchased for the living room made their way somehow into my daughter’s room, at least at alternating times LOL. And your comment about drying off with cat hair on the towel made me laugh! We deal with that often because one of our cats knows how to open the door to where the towels are kept and she sneaks in there at times, so you never know when you’ll be covered with cat hair after a shower :0)
The wooden trays looks really fun too and loving the nature look! I may need to get one for my living room!
Thanks for the linkup!
Thanks so much, Ellie! I am cracking up about your kids and cats and soft blankets, too! I am glad to know that I struggle not alone on this one. Haha. Seriously though, cat hair getting stuck to wet skin is maybe one of the grossest things ever! These trays are so great for bringing food into the living room! We like to have pizza or snack nights in front of a movie oftentimes and I need big sturdy trays to prevent too much mess.
Cheryl Shops
I love your hippie hallway, especially with that fun pop of yellow. I’ve been trying to infuse a little more creativity into my office, since that’s where I do my most creative work. You’ve inspired me to take a spin through my local TJ Maxx to see what I can find!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks, Cheryl! Yellow is one of those colors that makes me smile but I only like it in very small doses. So this bench and blanket and macrame hanging were the perfect bit of yellow for my taste! Have fun browsing TJ Maxx! May you find the most perfect thing to brighten up your office space!
I just LOVE when an area of the house that has been bugging me gets a makeover that just works! It makes me feel so happy and so accomplished.
It does the same for me, too, Joanne! My heart smiles so big now every time I pass through the hallway! Before it was just a boring old gray hallway. Now it is a happie hippie hallway! I need my whole house to make me this happy!
Midlife and Beyond
Love how you have styled this space, Shelbee. The storage bench is perfect in that spot! Our homes are a reflection of our personalities, aren’t they? We have just returned from a trip and I missed my own little space so much. Enjoy the rest of your week!
Thank you so very much, Alison! Our homes are definitely a reflection of our personalities and right now my home might say that I am just a hot mess! Hahaha. But slowly, one little space at a time, I am getting my true personality back into my home! It is always so nice to return back home after a trip, isn’t it? As fun as it is to get to your vacation spot, coming home is always better!
Patrick Weseman
I love that hallway. So inviting and cool. Very nice. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thank you, Patrick! It definitely brightens things up in the house! I hope your week is going well!
What a beautiful way to decorate your hallway! I can see why it brings you so much joy!
Thanks so much, Katie! I want to make the hallway my new sitting spot or something now!
Niki ~ Life as a LEO Wife
Thanks for hosting! Feel free to come by & share your party on my new link party Crafty Creators which is open from Thursdays thru Mondays & is replacing Traffic Jam Weekend. Hope to see you there! By the way, I love the macrame dream catcher!
Thanks so much, Niky! I will make sure to update my link party page with these updates! Thanks for letting me know.
What a cozy spot! Your dreamcatchers are beautiful!
Thanks so much, Lovely! It kind of makes me want to hang out in the hallway!
Marsha Banks
What a gloriously hippie space! I love the dream catchers and the macrame hanger especially. I love how the yellow just pops in the area. And, it’s storage…win, win! You really need some hanging beads somewhere for a really hippie boho style! Such a fun and magical place you are creating!
Thanks so much for the link up!
Thanks so much, Marsha! Seats that store things are one of my favorite kinds of furniture! Haha. And it’s funny you suggested beads because I had thought of that but I don’t see a spot yet where they would work. But when I do see that spot, you might find beads hanging there soon enough!
Your happy hippie hallway is lovely! So peaceful. I can see why it makes you happy. I’m familiar with the creative storage necessity. I really needed it in the condo. And even now, I find the storage in this house lacking. But the IKEA pieces we brought with us are just the ticket so far.
Thank you, Michelle! I want all the spaces in my house to make me feel abundant joy every time I walk into them! IKEA is great for creative storage ideas and cool furniture choices!
This is such a ccute space! Loe the colors and the dreamcatchers. Very pretty!
Thanks so much, Lizzie! It really makes me happy!
Love the boho/crocheted look. And thrifting! The hallway looks pretty.
Thanks so much for sharing this at the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop!
Ridge Haven Homestead
Laurie, thanks so much! I really appreciate that!
Aletha Oglesby
I’ve been amused that “hippy” styles in decor and clothing made a come back-I remember when it was new, lol. I didn’t expect it to come back, but good things are worth repeating. Thanks for showing yours off.
Thank you so much, Aletha! I do love when a great vintage style makes its way back around into our contemporary lives! I am very free-spirited, so hippy styles have always appealed to my bohemian heart. I hope you had a wonderful weekend!
This is so cute. I have been wanting a big macrame hanging for over our bed. I love how you put it all together. Thanks for sharing at TFT, Shelbee!
Pam, thanks so much! I am loving these fun oversized macrame pieces! They had lots of cute ones at TJ Maxx. But I only have so much wall space! Haha. I hope you find your perfect wall hanging with as much ease and serendipity as I did!
I think I’d take scissors to the rainbow and straighten up a little.
Thanks for linking with #pocolo, sorry for the delay with commenting and sharing. Hope to see you back soon.
Thanks so much, Suzanne! I contemplated trying to even it out but I would likely make it worse. So I’ll leave it crooked and uneven and imperfect just like myself!