snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

Merry Christmas to All & Link Up On the Edge #225

snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

“The way you spend Christmas is far more important than how much.”

Henry David Thoreau

Merry Christmas everyone! I am feeling the need for a little break from overtaxing my brain and I don’t feel like writing much today. So I am going to share my Christmas outfit from a photoshoot we did earlier this week. This outfit features the snowflake sweater that is the same as my mint green reindeer sweater from Wednesday’s post. I do think this color (pink? peach? salmon?) is bit better for my complexion and I really loved the way it paired with my thrifted red satin skirt for some good holiday vibes.

We took these photos at the Burrville Cider Mill which is closed for the season. But it really created the perfect backdrop for festive Christmas photos. There are a lot of photos in this post with some inspirational quotes and some funny ones, too. Hopefully, they will help you find peace and joy this Christmas, the strangest one in my lifetime!

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.”

Helen Keller
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

“‘One can never have enough socks,’ said Dumbledore. ‘Another Christmas has come and gone and I didn’t get a single pair. People will insist on giving me books.’”

J. K. Rowling

I totally agree with Professor Dumbledore. In fact, I just got these amazing socks for Christmas and after sliding them onto my feet, all cozy and warm, I promptly ordered a second pair. I definitely can never have enough socks!

“A joy that is shared is a joy made double.”

John Roy

“I like to compare the holiday season with the way a child listens to a favorite story. The pleasure is in the familiar way the story begins, the anticipation of familiar turns it takes, the familiar moments of suspense, and the familiar climax and ending.”

Fred Rogers

“When we recall Christmas past, we usually find that the simplest things – not the great occasions – give off the greatest glow of happiness.”

Bob Hope
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

“The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live.”

George Carlin

Oh, George Carlin, he was one funny man, wasn’t he?

“How many observe Christ’s birthday! How few, His precepts!”

Benjamin Franklin

Right on, Ben!


This whole Santa Claus thing just doesn’t make sense. Why all the secrecy? Why all the mystery?

If the guy exists why doesn’t he ever show himself and prove it?

And if he doesn’t exist what’s the meaning of all this?


I dunno. Isn’t this a religious holiday?


Yeah, but actually, I’ve got the same questions about God.”

Bill Watterson

Another valid point.

snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

“Want to keep Christ in Christmas? Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, forgive the guilty, welcome the unwanted, care for the ill, love your enemies, and do unto others as you would have done unto you.”

Steve Mariboli

“Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmastime.”

Laura Ingalls Wilder

“My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?”

Bob Hope

“In the old days, it was not called the Holiday Season; the Christians called it ‘Christmas’ and went to church; the Jews called it ‘Hanukkah’ and went to synagogue; the atheists went to parties and drank. People passing each other on the street would say ‘Merry Christmas!’ or ‘Happy Hanukkah!’ or (to the atheists) ‘Look out for the wall!”

Dave Barry

Haha…haha…ha…ha. That one made me chuckle.

snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

“The Supreme Court has ruled that they cannot have a nativity scene in Washington, D.C. This wasn’t for any religious reasons. They couldn’t find three wise men and a virgin.”

Jay Leno

Yep, that one almost made me pee my pants!

“When we recall Christmas past, we usually find that the simplest things – not the great occasions – give off the greatest glow of happiness.”

Bob Hope

Bob Hope was a really smart man, wasn’t he?

“Christmas Eve was a night of song that wrapped itself about you like a shawl. But it warmed more than your body. It warmed your heart…filled it, too, with melody that would last forever.”

Bess Streeter Aldrich

“Money’s scarce. Times are hard. Here’s your fucking Xmas card.”

Phyllis Diller

Way to keep it real, Phyllis!

snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
snowflake sweater, slip skirt, red boots, holiday outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

“Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our childish days; that can recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth; that can transport the sailor and the traveller, thousands of miles away, back to his own fire-side and his quiet home!”

Charles Dickens

“The Christmas presents once opened are Not So Much Fun as they were while we were in the process of examining, lifting, shaking, thinking about, and opening them. Three hundred sixty-five days later, we try again and find that the same thing has happened. Each time the goal is reached, it becomes Not So Much Fun, and we’re off to reach the next one, then the next one, then the next…That doesn’t mean that the goals we have don’t count. They do, mostly because they cause us to go through the process and it’s the process that makes us wise, happy, or whatever. If we do things in the wrong sort of way, it makes us miserable, angry, confused, and things like that. The goal has to be right for us, and it has to be beneficial, in order to ensure a beneficial process. But aside from that, it’s really the process that’s important.”

Benjamin Hoff

“Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas.”

Peg Bracken

“Were I a philosopher, I should write a philosophy of toys, showing that nothing else in life need to be taken seriously, and that Christmas Day in the company of children is one of the few occasions on which men become entirely alive.”

Robert Lynd

I hope that you all are able to find ways to feel alive this Christmas. I know it’s difficult given the current circumstances, but we are all in this thing together! May you do your best to feel merry and bright all day long!

Featured Favorites

Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)

Claire of Fashion on a Shoestring shared her post, Saturday Style: Christmas Grinch Jumper. I do love a silly festive sweater for the holidays and Mr. Grinch definitely speaks to my humbug heart. Doesn’t Claire look adorable?!

Fashion Favorite

Mel of Mom with Style shared her post, A Fun Way to Style Your Ruana. I have to say that I just experienced love at first sight with this gorgeous mixed plaid wrap. And it has pockets! How fabulous is that? I really love the way Mel has styled this piece as well with classic denim, a body suit, over the knee boots, and a belt. It’s just so good!

Non-Fashion Favorite

Marielle of Lovin’ Life with Littles shared a very helpful post, How to Connect with a Difficult Child: 10 Ways to Bond with a Child that’s Very Different than You. Granted, I find all children difficult, but some are definitely more so than others and parenting is no joke! Marielle always offers some of the best advice I can find online when it comes to dealing with any parenting challenges.

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I will be back on Monday with The Fab 40’s for our last collaboration this year! I hope you will stop back then.

May your holiday be filled with many blessings…peace, love, and joy to you all!

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Shop my look… (Everything is old and shopped my closet)

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


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Shelbee on the Edge