Menstrual Cycle Mayhem

I don’t know about you all, but sometimes my menstrual cycle determines what clothes I am going to wear. Yes, I am going into this unspeakable realm of the female menses! When the flow starts and the misery sets in, all sorts of things make me crazy! At this perimenopausal stage of life that I am in, I have raging mood swings. Actually I shouldn’t even call them mood swings because there’s not too much swinging going on…it’s mostly all just rage. And it’s awful. I apologize to all who have to deal with me at this time of month…my husband, my children, my friends, even my pets fall victim to the hormonal rage that sets in. Believe me, I don’t like it either. And while I understand what is causing it, I still can not control it. It has a mind of its own and it takes over for a miserable 5-8 days.

I also bloat up to what feels about 3 times my normal size. I even look 3 times my normal size when I stare at my reflection in the mirror. And waistbands on pants are just about the most dreadful thing I can imagine during the entire week of disgusting bloat. Some days, I don’t even want to get out of my pajamas. But this goes against my daily therapy of making myself look good in an effort to feel good….making it even more important on these days to make myself get dressed. So, to lessen the agony, I often go for elastic waist pants or leggings or sometimes loose fitting boyfriend jeans that are a size too big.

Another concern of mine…that fear of leakage! Yep. There, I said it! And I know I can’t possibly be the only woman who fears this…I don’t care how much tampon and maxi pad commercials preach their promise that no leakage will occur and you can fearlessly wear white…I’m not taking the chance! So I steer clear of white and pastels and reach for black or dark print bottoms…or a really long tunic in a dark color or print. The perfect camouflage for any possible deception from my body!

This is where pajama dressing enters. And I have these pants. These fabulous pants. They feel like pajamas with their loose fit, wide legs, lightweight fabric, and elastic waistband with drawstring. They are black and white print that is perfect for masking any stains. And I can pair them with a loose fitting tunic or tee which is a requirement to avoid any hugging of my bloated midsection. Add a cute necklace and some comfortable flat sandals because let’s face it, my ankles and feet bloat all up by the end of the day, too. I feel like I’m in my pajamas but look like I actually got dressed.

What are your go-to outfits for those bloated days? Or just those days when clothes seem like the worst idea ever?

Just keeping it real on the edge,


Linking up with: These Fabulous Link Ups Where I Link Up

Outfit details: Pants and Shirt-Old Navy / Shoes-B.O.C. / Necklace-Cato

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


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Shelbee on the Edge