Making Transitions & Link Up On the Edge #110

This is not a sponsored post.

Yesterday, I talked about transitions in the seasons, in our wardrobes, and in life in general. But I spoke rather generically on the topic. The idea of a discussion about transitions came to me because right now, I am going through a major transition. And I have to be honest, it is freaking exhausting. And energizing. All at the same time. Weird how life is filled with these strange exhilarating paradoxes, isn’t it?

Now this transition may not seem like a big deal to some. And in the grand scheme of things, it really isn’t that big of a deal. But after 8 long years of being a stay-at-home mom, I re-entered the workforce a few weeks ago. Right smack into the craziness of the back to school season in retail. But I didn’t settle for just one retail job. Nope. I took three. Talk about doing it big.

The transition itself…going back to work…was actually pretty easy. Actually, it was easier than the transition to becoming a stay at home mom. I was a woman who worked my entire life and was completely self-sufficient and independent when I met my husband at 34 years old. So willingly giving up that financial independence for the sake of staying home to raise my kids was really quite uncomfortable for me. And it did come with its struggles. A lot of them. But we made it through. We made it to a point where both kids are in school all day and I could venture out and collect an actual paycheck. And that is really kind of cool.

The part of this transition that is challenging is twofold. First, I now have to coordinate not only the kids’ schedules, my husband’s completely unpredictable Army schedule, and my blogging schedule, but nowI have to add in the changing schedules of three different retail jobs. Gah. I think I might be crazy! But I will have it all working like a finely tuned machine in no time! It really does seem like the less free time I have, the more wisely I use all of my time. There really is no time for too much dilly-dallying. And shit is getting done!  For real.  But there always seems to be more to do.

I have still been managing to get outfit photos done, take the kids to the park, read the books I have been wanting to read, post daily here on the blog, and I am still getting adequate sleep to boot. That is always necessary. Since that is a trigger for bipolar mood swings, I will always remain hyper vigilant with my sleep schedule.  And my husband is amazing and has been packing lunches, helping the kids with homework, grocery shopping, making dinner every night, and a million other things.  My great friend, Valerie, has also helped make it all possible by picking up my kids from school on days that neither my husband nor I can be there in time.  It really does take a village! And I am so grateful for my tribe.

The second challenging part of this transition is this…my back hurts, my feet hurt, my legs hurt. I ache all over.  My body is having a way harder time making the adjustment than the rest of me! You may think that raising two boys less than two years apart in age would have adequately prepared me for a very physical livelihood. But alas, I have managed to raise these two boys while remaining quite sedentary. My body is not used to this at all!

It actually feels really nice to sit down on my couch and peck away at my keyboard at 10:00 at night. I don’t usually like to write this late at night as my mind is not very fresh. So do forgive me if there are a million typos. This transition will be a process for a sure! Only time will tell how it all plays out. So please bear with me, if you will, as there may be necessary changes coming to the blog as a result. But for now, I plan to continue on as I have been. Thanks so much to you all for your continued support!  I appreciate it more than you know.

And now the featured favorites from last week.

Christina of Amanda’s Books and More shared a wonderful post, H.L. Burke Author Interview with Her New Release and a Linky! I found this interview with Ms. Burke to be incredibly inspiring and very, very helpful as my mind as been running with ideas to put my journey into book form. It is always nice to hear how real people do it! So if you are considering tackling such a feat, check out this post!

Author H.L. Burke, Interviewed by Christina of Amanda’s Books and More

Jenn of Clean & Scentsible shared her incredibly innovative and helpful post, Fridge Organization Using Bins and Mason Jars. I would have never thought of some of these ingenious fridge organization ideas and they will certainly help me as my fridge is kind of a disaster. And I have been seeking ways to incorporate easier methods for eating healthier. This post is definitely worth checking out!

Fridge Organization Using Bins and Mason Jars by Jenn of Clean & Scentsible

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


  • Kellyann Rohr

    Oh my word Shelbee – 3 jobs? Holy cow! I agree with everythign you’ve said here. I had a hard time transitioning to being a stay at home mom. I had so much anxiety! It certainly took awhile to get used to and then when I re-entered the work force I did it part time. I felt much more productive and organized. Sometimes I think it would be fun to work in retail again but this 50 year old body could never stand all day long. I don’t know ho wyou are getting it all done but if anyone can do it I know it’s you! Way to go friend!


      Thanks so much, Kellyann! I definitely need cheerleaders if I am going to do this! I picked up 3 jobs because they were all part time, but I really kind of needed full time…so between the three, I am clocking close to 40 hours a week. It is fun and I am totally in my element working in women’s fashion, of course! Only time will tell whether I collapse from exhaustion or not! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  • Maureen

    I was aware of 2 but 3! Holy toledo that is a lot to handle especially with the ever changing schedules! But I applaud you for doing it all that and more. I also felt similarly when I had to resign from my job 4 years ago. It was definitely like pulling teeth and I did everything to stop it from happening. I fought kicking and screaming! Ha! In hindsight, it was a better decision for my family and one of these days when I get the discipline to write out my thoughts perhaps it’ll show up on my blog! I love your gusto and I know you’ll have this all down – schedules and activities, etc – with your eyes closed. Happy Friday and wishing you a fabulous weekend!

    Maureen |


      Maureen, thanks so much for all of your support and encouragement. It is always nice to know that I am not alone in these feelings. I have enjoyed my time as a stay at home mom, but it was definitely time for me to venture out. The third job came about unexpectedly and it was an offer I couldn’t refuse. Once I realized the other two jobs were only giving me a total of about 15-20 hours a week, I figured I could make it all work out. So I jumped on the opportunity. The third one is much more regular with the schedule and better pay, so it is working out great. I hope you have a fantastic weekend, my friend. I am off to Torrid today and Charlotte Russe tomorrow!


  • Kim

    Wow, best of luck juggling your time! You’re fortunate to have a support group. Are you telling which places you are working at? I *just* applied to Stein Mart, so we’ll see where that goes, although I’m only looking for part time.


      Kim, thanks so much! I am working one shift a week at Torrid, two to three shifts a week at Charlotte Russe, and then 4 days a week at the local consignment shop that I recently wrote about on my blog. The job came about after I had written about the shop. It is such a fun place to work. The customers are so interesting and the owner is absolutely wonderful! I wish you luck with your application and hope you get the job!


  • Amy Christensen

    Once again, Shelbee, you prove you are an amazing woman. I only work retail part time and then take care of my grandson after school and when he has days off and so on, but I agree, sometimes it seems easier to get things done when I am busier. Maybe when I have extra time I spend it frittering away watching Netflix or some other thing. Glad you are still getting your sleep. Be sure to get sometime for yourself too! Have a great weekend! – Amy


      Amy, thank you so much! Although, I don’t think I am doing anything that is grander than what others do every single day! You are doing the same…retail and then caring for your grandson and keeping your blog alive! But yeah, the structured schedule is way better for me than too much down time. Down time leaves me unmotivated and floundering. I like busy! And now I need to start getting ready for work! Have a fantastic weekend, my friend.



      Thanks for the encouraging and supportive words, Julie! I know 3 jobs sounds like a lot…but it is only adding up to about 40 hours a week…so like one full time job! Although, I have wondered how others manage a blog and work as well. I guess I am about to find out how to get it all done!


  • Melissa

    Girl you are doing it!! 3 jobs, kids and a home… that’s a lot of work! I was an independent women for years and then became a stay at home mom. I struggle with it for years. It’s a job that’s so difficult, you never punch out, no breaks and sometimes it may feel very unappreciated. When I started my boutique I couldn’t be happier. I don’t think I was meant to be a stay at home mom. It still feels like I work all day, everyday, but I feel accomplished. Even when I’m tired, overwhelmed, achy, I still know I wouldn’t have it any other way!! You got this babe!
    Thanks for hosting,



      Mel, I cannot thank you enough for this comment! It is so validating to know that I am not alone in these feelings. I don’t think I was cut out for stay at mom status either! It feels great to get out, interact on an adult level, and contribute financially to the family. Granted, my blog over the past three years has been so helpful in making adult connections, but it is still not the same as face-to-face interactions. I am right there with you that even in the midst of the exhaustion, I am still loving this new transition. Have a fabulous weekend, my friend!


  • Jennie

    First of all, you look really cute and sassy in this fun ensemble! That is a fabulous kimono and I really like it paired with the gladiator sandals.

    Congrats on the new jobs! Hopefully something full time will come available with a more regular schedule. So great you have support to make this work. With my youngest son in college and me doing this on my own, I work as a design associate on weekends. I totally get you about the aches and pains of retail, it’s kind of crazy how sore you can get!


      Jennie, thanks so much for your kind compliment and your encouraging words! I actually am enjoying the 3 different environments that I work in. It changes things up and keeps me on my toes! I think I might actually get bored if I went to the same place every single day. I am working out a pretty consistent schedule since I only work one shift a week at one place and two at another. We are able to keep it pretty regular. But yeah, the aches and pains! Yikes. Then add in the crazy premenopausal hormonal changes and I can get pretty wiped out. But I will push through that as I always do! A design associate position sounds super exciting, too! Have a great weekend!



      Thank you so much, Rachael! It is really exciting to go back to work and have adult interactions in real life! I worked retail in college and my first job out of college was retail management. I remember how exhausting it was in my 20’s and when I left it after a few years, I vowed to never go back to it. Yet here I am, nearly 20 years later, back at it. But I am totally in my element and loving it!


  • Nancy Baten

    Are you out of your mind??? Woman, how do you handle that all?? Are you a bionic woman? The six million dollar woman! You know I admire you, I think you are unique!😘😘😘😘

  • Laura

    Good luck with going back to work and all your scheduling! I have so much respect for all that you are taking on! It is true though, the more you need to schedule, the more you seem to get done because you need to stay focused!


      Laura, thanks so much for the words of encouragement! It is a lot to keep scheduled, but I do feel really motivated and energized by it. I forgot the feeling of working under a little bit of pressure and I have always thrived more with a bit of pressure. If I have too much time on my hands, I start floundering. It’s going to be a really good thing, I think, this new transition! Have a fantastic weekend!



      Cheryl, it all comes out to just under 40 hours per week spread over 6 days a week…so it is kind of paced out in the scheduling anyway. Right now I am just in the transition period an shifting around when I can get all the other stuff done. I think in another week or two, I will be breezing through it all and finding all sorts of down time in between! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!


  • Jean |

    Shelbee, I need to go have a bit of a lie-down now just *reading* about what all you’re doing! 😀 Can’t wait to read that fridge organizing post I missed. Oh and I love seeing you wearing that cute outfit without a fake tan. As a paleface who doesn’t enjoy either sunbathing or using self-tanners, I love seeing others just going with it!


      Jean, I just got a little chuckle from your comment! Thanks for that! I definitely feel like I need a lie-down at the end of the day. And doing it all when my hormones start wiping me out…Oy…that’s the biggest challenge of all! I am definitely a paleface, like you, and I don’t like the heat and humidity so I pretty much stay out of the sun and embrace my translucent skin! I don’t have time for all that artificial tanning stuff anyway. So I choose to be pale and merry! Have a great weekend!



      Thanks, Maria! It is exciting and I am quite in my element helping to style women (and girls). I have also been meeting some pretty fantastic people at work, too, which always make the day worth while! I am for sure tired though. But I am certain I will get used to all the running around in no time. Have a great weekend, my friend!


  • Carmela

    Love reading about your latest life updates. I can relate! 🙂 You look fab in your summer to autumn transition outfit. 🙂 Followed all your social networks!

  • Helen C.

    Congratulations on not only one, but three jobs (in addition to all the other things you do, of course)! 🌹 🌹 🌹 Lovely to read this update! Great news! ❤️👌🏻❤️👌🏻❤️👌🏻I hope reentering the outside-work-world brings you lots of positive experiences, apart from some inevitable body aches of course! ⭐️
    Lots of hugs!

  • Ann

    Congratulations on your latest transition, Shelbee. It does sound quite exhausting, though. I admire your ability to keep so many balls into the air. I won’t be linking this time, as I’ve just returned from holiday, but will do again next time. xxx

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Shelbee on the Edge