Love Junkie & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #115

I admit it. I am a bit of a love junkie. A joy addict. A die hard enthusiast for all the good feels. The world’s greatest fan of people and what makes them tick. Every day brings me new opportunities to make connections with new people who fuel my fire and feed my soul. New chances to fall in love with the amazing energy that others put out into the world. With approximately seven and a half billion people in the world and the extensive reach provided by technology and social media, the chances of making a kindred connection with a stranger whom I may not otherwise have ever met have become increasingly so much better in this generation. And I couldn’t be more grateful.

Granted, face to face meetings with new people are always fantastic. And working where I do, I encounter some of the most fascinating people who simply walk into the consignment shop to browse. Conversations begin with a friendly greeting and so very often end up in the deepest and most meaningful talks I have ever had. I have made quite a few really great friends just because they walked through that door.

I used to make friends in bars. Back in my 20’s when I was recently divorced and lived on my own for the very first time. In a town where I knew no one. So I would walk down the street every night to the local pub for dinner and a drink. I would sit at the bar and strike up conversations with anyone who was open to it. Back then, pretty much everyone was open to the conversation. I made some of my closest friends of that period of my life by doing this. I still enjoy heading out to the local watering holes for a drink and some live music and I often go alone. I am generally not met with the same enthusiasm for making new connections. A midlife woman alone in a bar is apparently quite the anomaly that many aren’t really sure how to approach. So they avoid instead. But that’s okay because I still enjoy my own company and the music that is playing.

Enter blogging and social media. Over the past 4 years of my blogging life, I have managed to create a small social media presence for myself. And it’s cool. I am in no way an attention hound, in fact, I often prefer to just blend in and go about my own business. But having people follow my journey and express their appreciation for my work is validating and really does feel pretty damn great. I really just want to help others learn how to experience the same kind of joy and happiness that I have discovered in this life. So I keep sharing and sending positive messages and energy out into internet land, hoping it reaches anyone.

And every now and then, someone reaches out to me personally to let me know that they can feel the positive vibes right through their computer or phone screens. And what a rush of good feels that brings me. I have also made some really great friends this way…and I couldn’t be more grateful to them for reaching out to me for friendship. It is a big, big world filled with seven and a half billion people who all have a story to share. Intriguing, compelling, uplifting, empowering, inspiring stories. People who inject love and kindness and joy into the world in their own special ways. And being open to this and part of it very well may be one of the most rewarding things ever in this life.

So this junkie has no intention of seeking rehabilitation services any time soon. I am just going to continue feeding my addiction and I am going to allow those of you who wish to enable my habit as well! You know who are. All of you fabulous friends of mine. Near and far. Whether I have met you in real life or not. You amaze me. You inspire me. You give me purpose. You fascinate me. Every single day. And I adore you for all that you are. And I thank the universe for teaching me how to keep my head and my heart and my soul open to receive all of your love and kindness. For that is what keeps my vessel overflowing so I can continue on my mission to shine light and kindness into the world. Kindness begets kindness. And love and joy are so addicting. I am just gonna roll with it.

What’s your addiction? Can you see all the light and love in others? I really think you just need to be open to it all and allow yourself to receive it. When we invite the universe to guide us, she will takes us to the most enchanting places. Give it a try if you haven’t already!

And now your featured favorites from last week.
Shugunna of Nzuri ’N Simplicity shared her post, Army Green, and I have to say that I am absolutely loving this edgy look on her. Camouflage and Army Green are two of my favorite things!

Kellyann of This Blonde’s Shopping Bag shared her post, Beauty Hacks, and she has some great tips on self tanners and how to keep your makeup from melting off in the summer heat. Definitely worth a read!

Before you link up, have you entered my giveaway yet? You can win $100 off a brand new Jord watch of your own or for a gift for someone else. You can read all about it here or go directly to the giveaway entry form here. There are not very many entries in yet, so you stand a great chance of winning if you enter now! It only takes a minute and an email address!
Much love from the edge,
Linking Up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Jacqui Berry
Another fab post and wonderful look. Your weather seems to be improving Shelbee! Love these colours together. Jacqui Mummabstylish
Thanks so much, Jacqui! I realized I have been wearing a lot of pink lately in many different shades. These photos were taken a few weeks ago when we had a short break in winter weather. We just got about 6 more inches of snow on Saturday though!
Kellyann Rohr
Good thing you aren’t changing a thing Shelbee – I like you just the way you are! The world needs more love junkies! Thanks for the shout out friend, have a great day!
Thanks, Kellyann! I don’t think I could change it even if I tried! It is just who I am…unapologetically and without shame…addicted to love!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
I love the community blogging and social media brings to us all!
Me, too, Tamar! I think that is probably why so many of us continue on this journey! Have a fantastic day.
Julie | This Main Line Life
You totally seem like a people person… so full of positivity. Love that black bomber jacket and the whole outfit.
Thanks so much, Julie! Oh, I do love people! I get such a rush when I have amazing interactions with other human beings! Keep shining your love and light into the world as well, my friend.
Amy Kennedy
Such a lovely post! And the trees and nature are just lovely as a backdrop for your beautiful pictures! I love all your picks, and especially your outpouring of love and appreciation for people! I’m the same at heart. Love them all!
Amy, thank you so much! And you are definitely also a beacon of love, light, and hope! Keep shining bright, my friend!
Michele Morin
Thanks for all the ways you spread the love!
Thank you, Michele, for sharing your light with the world as well!
Shugunna Alexander
Hi Shelbee, so glad you are the shining spirit you are, keep being you!! Thanks for feature. I love the outfit as well…
Thank you, Shugunna, for also sharing your love and light with the world! Keeping shining!
A powerful message Shelbee particularly in these troubled times where whole factions of people across the US and UK (with our Brexit issue) seem to despise each other. Fishnets and cropped pants is a great look, particularly with the cute gloves!
Thank you so much, Gail! Sending all my love out across the ocean! Hopefully, it will bring some happiness somewhere.
Anne M Bray
Hey there, kindness queen! Big hugs (and a cat video)! xxox
Gah, I love you, Anne!
Couldn’t have said it any better but I totally agree with you!
Thanks so much, Nancy! I am just feeling all the love! Love you much, friend!
jodie filogomo
It’s an addiction we should all have, Shelbee. In fact, spreading it is the best thing ever!!
Good for you, and here’s a cheer for love and kindness.
Such an addiction, for sure, Jodie! An addiction that I don’t mind having! Keep shining your love and light into the world as well, my friend! Love you!
Jessica A Jannenga
Hon, you are a ray of sunshine! I love your attitude and positivity. It really makes a difference. Love the hot pink with the black on you, I have some hot pink leather gloves. That faux fur is fantastic too, I love finding treasures at thrift stores too.
Have a great day!
jess xx
Jess, thank you so very much! Some days I do feel inexplicable sadness creeping in, but I always try to push it away with joy and happiness. And by always being loving, I can usually succeed. It just makes me feel great! Keep shining your light into the world, my friend! Love ya!
You know my mom and I were discussing something similar the other day. In a way I sometimes feel guilty for showing kindness to strangers because I think I get more of a rush out of it than they do! I absolutely love the way making connections or helping others makes me feel. It makes me wonder if I am doing it for them or for me, but I guess it doesn’t really matter does it? Any way of spreading good in the world is exactly that-good! Have a great week Shelbee!
Laura, I am right there with you! I think you genuinely are doing the things for others but the reward is that it makes you feel great, too. And kindness begets kindness and love breeds love so it is all very cyclical by nature. So yeah, any way you can shine light and joy into the world is fantastic and it will always shine right back on you!
You are such a light, Shelbee! You radiant warmth and positivity and I can feel that through your words. I love that you are so open to others and making connections. I need to take a cue from you because I can be a bit shy sometimes lol!
Lizzie, thank you so much! You are so full of love and kindness as well, I do hope you follow my lead and allow yourself to be more open to the amazing connections that you can find out in the world! Love you, sweet friend.
Shelbee you are as usual empowering with your words.I love this addictions it is great comparing to my addiction for collecting shoes, hair jelweries or even clothes
Rama, thanks so much! And I have those same addictions you named as well! Ha. Unfortunately, those ones cost more money than my love addiction!
Patrick Weseman
Looking very nice. I try to talk to people but one thing I have noticed is a) I am an introvert and b) I can’t stand idle chit-chat. I just have a big problem there. The funny thing is when I get to know people and feel comfortable with others then I loosen up. Just a weird thing. It was funny, I had to go to a PD (Professional Development) last week and I found my favorite seat way in the back miles away from everybody. I was told that I had to move up and be next to people and actually talk to people (that scared the living dog snot out of me). Anyway, my elbow partner was from a school that recently collaborated on an IEP with (basically, I saved them a lot of work and hosted it) and she thanked me for the work I did. As she put, it was nice to see the face that saved our butts. I guess that is what I get for moving from the back.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Patrick, thank you for the lovely compliment and for sharing this story! See…that is what happens when you immerse yourself right into the moment and make connections! That is awesome. I am with you though on the idle chit chat. That’s not for me either. I go straight to the heart of things and I will talk about even the most uncomfortable topics with strangers…who seemingly open up immediately when go there. Ha. I sure hope that if I ever make to your side of the country, you will meet me for coffee and non-idle chit chat!
Shelbee, your heartfelt messages of kindness and humanity always leave me feeling uplifted and inspired. Thank you for being such an inspiring soul.
Rena, thank YOU so much for this comment which totally gave me even more of the loving feels! You are the best! Love you, my friend.
Cheryl Shops
Of all the things to be addicted to, I don’t think love is a bad one! And speaking of love, I am really into your bright pops of pink!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Aw, Cheryl, thanks so much! I have been wearing a lot of pink lately. There is another pink outfit coming on Friday!
You definitely insert joy to all of us bloggers and all this blogging world. I just noticed too for the first time that you tweet the posts of all of your favorite bloggers. I saw mine in there too. I don’t have Twitter but I truly appreciate that you do that. You are an inspiring woman who is a joy to know! =))
This outfit too is inspiring and even better that some of the pieces are thrifted. I can see both the vintage vibes and some current trends like the cute little fishnet socks. I just bought three pairs of adorable little nylon socks and cannot wait to pick them up. =)
P.S. Thank you for liking my little poem today!
Thank you, Ada! And Yay for cute socks! I can’t wait until it gets a bit warmer so I can bare my ankles a bit and show off some cute ankle socks, too. I actually tweet every single blog post that I visit. It just takes a second to hit the tweet button and bam, you did something nice! However, I kind of despise Twitter and never actually go visit my own account! Hahaha.
Your junkie addiction is so beautiful as you are, your positive vibes are strong and felt, keep spreading your love and kindness in this world of billions of people
Thanks so much, Paul! It seems the more love and kindness I put out into the world, the more I get back. Which is a really cool side effect for something that comes so naturally! I appreciate you, my friend. Keep shining!
Shelbee, you are so right, that love and joy are addictive. Your sense of joy is apparent in your writing. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
And thanks, too, for sharing your cute outfit. THAT COAT!! Adorable!
Have a wonderful week~
xx Darlene
Darlene, thank you so much, my friend! Writing brings me so much joy, so to write about joy and love just sort of comes naturally! Keep shining your light into the world!
Deborah Stinedurf
You my friend are a truly beautiful soul. And that is a truly beautiful coat!
And I am truly thankful to you for this wonderful comment! Keep shining your light bright as can be, my friend! Love ya!
By the way, I don’t know if you saw this post of mine from last week, More Than Your Sexuality, but I would really love to hear your thoughts on it!
Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
You look great in pink Shelbee! I really enjoyed reading your post and always find insights into lives of other women fascinating. Thank you for always being so open. Chocolate and dogs are my addiction ;O) xx
Maria, thank you so much! I have been wearing pink quite often lately, it seems. I guess it is my subconscious way of begging Spring to arrive! I have so many other addictions in addition to love and people…chocolate is definitely one of them. And shoes. And cute clothing. And shopping in general. haha. Have a fabulous day, my friend!