Looking Forward to Simple Summer Living

*This is contributed content.
There are so many things to enjoy about the summer season like outdoor meals, entertainment, and time spent with friends. We can thoroughly enjoy ourselves during the warm weather months if we have ideas about all the fun activities that are available to us. Enjoying summer time doesn’t have to be all about large scale parties and gatherings, it can also be about some quiet time with our families as well as planning activities to prepare for such whimsical outings like picnics or day trips. Something as simple as a walk in the woods during the summer can enrich your mental well being as well as reduce your stress levels significantly. Just spending time outdoors is a welcomed activity that we can all look forward to as the winter months come to a close. Keep reading for some easy summertime activities.
*Editor’s Note: With the current state of the world, it may very well be summer time before we can even engage in social activities. But daydreaming and planning about the things we would enjoy in the summer is a very happy distraction.
If you have a car with a soft touch or a sunroof and windows you can open wide, there is nothing quite like donning your Ray-Ban glasses and going for a breezy summer drive. A leisurely car ride with friends or family members with great music playing on the car stereo are the things that road trip dreams are made of. Imagine a movie scene with two people wearing their stylish sunglasses and driving off into the sunset. The freedom of cruising along at your own pace creates such a wonderful carefree feeling regardless of your destination. In fact, you don’t even really need a specific destination because when the warm sun is shining its rays upon us, we are simply enjoying the moment for all it’s worth.

Swimming can be a beneficial activity for people of all ages. You could be dipping yourself into a blue lagoon in some remote outdoor location with a lazy river for the best type of relaxation. Or perhaps you decide to visit a waterpark with slides and activities for playtime that is completely ageless. Whatever type of swimming and water activities you choose, it is sure to be a refreshing time. Many children (and adults) absolutely adore swimming in general. Gearing up with all of your swimming equipment such as floaties and goggles can get children super excited for the activities that lie ahead.
If you are debating what kind of summer holiday you want this year, the beach is always a hot spot for summer vacationers. If swimming in the sea or ocean is an option for you, just be sure to take the steps toward proper safety so that you can have the most fun possible. For those who love to swim but may not be very strong swimmers, consider taking a few swim lessons before a beach vacation so that you can safely enjoy your time in the open water.
A simple walk around your neighborhood or town might give you just enough sunshine and exercise to really start feeling energized after spending the winter months indoors. You also might consider a destination walk such as driving to an old castle that may be near you and exploring the grounds. Or perhaps discovering a river or canal path to take a nature stroll for a change of scenery is more your speed. To make the experience even more fulfilling, take a friend or family member with you so you can enjoy interesting conversation while you are exercising in the fresh air. You may even consider taking photographs during your explorations to keep vivid memories of a fun summer outing. You may want to print and frame some of these photos to fill your home with nostalgia.
Let the summer daydreaming commence. What types of activities do you look forward to in summer?
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Thanks for the post! Something cheerful to look forward to!!
Patty, thanks for reading! I am trying to keep positive and share positive things for the future…albeit a future that may look very different from what we ever imagined, but we must keep moving forward! Stay safe and healthy.
Patrick Weseman
I am so looking forward to doing to this. Hopefully this passes soon.
Me, too, Patrick! Me, too.
Swimming is a top one for us with a pool in the neighborhood. Usually some road trips. It is too hot to do much outside especially when you add the mosquitoes but we do water gallon fights and water slide in the back yard
Mireille, thanks so much for sharing your fun summer activities! My town is in the process of putting in a new pool which I was hoping would be done by summer, but probably not. We do have a giant splash pad at the local park which is tons of fun!
Honestly, all of ot sounds good rn…
Hope you’re doing good hon!
Thanks, Becky! I am hanging in there, just revising my days to incorporate home schooling. I hope you all are getting through this as well! Stay safe and healthy.
Lafayne E
Summer for me is usually catching up on my reading and taking walks in the park.
That sounds like the perfect way to spend summer days, Lafayne!
I hope that by the time the weather is nice and warm, all the virus problems are gone. I certainly hope that we can attend festivals. It’s good to look forward to something nice.
I hope so, too, Nancy! It would be so sad to have festival season canceled. Although many of the spring festivals here are already canceled.
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
I am really focusing on warmer and hopefully less solidary times ahead!!
Me, too, Tamar! Those will come eventually!
We are unbelievably fortunate to live on a lake so our summer fun includes lots of swimming, kayaking, cook-outs with family and friends (as we tend to entrain a lot!), and bike rides around the neighborhood.
Joanne, thanks so much for sharing your summer activities! I would love to live in a lakefront house and wake up to that beautiful view every morning! Plus all of those fun outdoor activities right in your neighborhood!
Good to see your positive vibes shining through. I’ve just been to the garden centre and got a massive haul of plants, so I’m looking forward to spending summer in the garden with a glass of wine!
Thanks so much, Gail! It is in the darkest times when we must shine our light the brightest! A summer spent in the garden with your favorite drink sounds absolutely amazing!
Michele Morin
Summer is short here in Maine, and it’s still a long way off, but you’ve given me a few minutes of hopefulness here, so thank you! Dreaming about the feeling of warm sunshine on my skin…
Thanks, Michele! Summer is very short in Northern NY as well, but yes, some happy things to think about are very welcomed right now!
I love everything about summer, Shelbee. It’s definitely my time of year. I especially love to walk the beach trail here in San Clemente. It’s right along the beach and water and just feels SO relaxing. Thanks for sharing and taking my mind somewhere else…
xx Darlene
Thanks so much, Darlene! I have not been to a beach in years and the idea of a walk on the beach sounds so heavenly right now especially since I am looking out my window at blowing snow! Although my favorite seasons are fall and spring. But any time I can get out for fresh air is a good time of year.
Dee | Grammy's Grid
So looking forward to summer and hot weather. With fibromylagia and arthritis I don’t do well with cold weather. Spring has finally sprung here in Alabama and temps are beginning to be really nice.
Oh, I am a bit jealous, Dee! I am ready for warmer weather but we still have snow in our forecast into next week and it just snowed here the other day. I am so over the snow and ready to move south!
Dee | Grammy's Grid
I know our weather is better than yours but it has been unusually cold this year and my body doesn’t like it at all.
It’s funny, I never used to mind the cold at all until the past 2 winters. I get these horrible cold flashes from menopause that hurt. But when I visited North Carolina for a week where the temperatures stayed around 50-60, I had no cold flashes at all. So I am definitely ready to move that way!