camo coat, green leggings, fashion over 40, casual style, beanie hat, Shelbee on the Edge

Lizard Legs: How I Really Dress These Days & Link Up On the Edge #239

camo coat, green leggings, fashion over 40, casual style, beanie hat, Shelbee on the Edge
camo coat, green leggings, fashion over 40, casual style, beanie hat, Shelbee on the Edge
camo coat, green leggings, fashion over 40, casual style, beanie hat, Shelbee on the Edge
camo coat, green leggings, fashion over 40, casual style, beanie hat, Shelbee on the Edge
camo coat, green leggings, fashion over 40, casual style, beanie hat, Shelbee on the Edge

I love to dress up and get creative with my personal style. It has always been my favorite method of self expression right along with the written word. But you know this past year has been a difficult one to stay motivated when it comes to style. Before the pandemic, whatever I put on for the day and photographed to share on my blog was what I wore for the entire day. There are rare occasions when I style something super formal that I really only wear for the photos. But for the most part, the outfits I share here are the outfits that I generally wear in real life.

Until 2020 that is…the year when leggings and cozy leisure outfits became the style status quo. While I have been getting more creatively motivated recently with my outfits, there is still no purpose in staying all dressed up for the day when the only place I really go is to the park with the kids. And so I thought I would keep it real today and share what I usually wear after I have taken my blog outfit photos.

I wasn’t planning to share this outfit at all because it really is just tossed together. I asked Archie to snap a few quick photos just for the hell of it. And since I had the photos, I might as well share my leisurely look. These leggings were a recent clearance find from Old Navy along with my camo puffer coat and camo funnel neck fleece (which you can’t see underneath my coat and I didn’t get any photos of it).

The leggings make me giggle every time I wear them because I feel like a lizard! They have a monochromatic cheetah print that reminds me of lizard scales upon close examination. I didn’t take any close up photos, but here are some product photos from Old Navy.

I layered an old oversized tee underneath to make sure my bottom had appropriate coverage in my lizard leggings. I almost always wear my Anjolee diamond hoops when I am dressed very casual because they make me feel fancier!

The weather has been getting warmer here, but I am still cold! We headed to the park earlier this week on a 60˚F (15˚C) day. I had one kid comfortable in a tee shirt and hoodie while the other one was perfectly fine in just a short sleeved tee shirt. But not me…60˚F (15˚C) requires multiple cozy layers to keep me comfortable. In fact, we keep our thermostat set at 65˚F (18˚C) all winter long and I freeze on a daily basis. So I am not comfortable shedding my winter layers until we reach at least 70˚F (21˚C).

Also, I was not running around at the park this day. I sat on a bench and read a book while the boys ran around the park for two beautifully refreshing hours! Sitting still in what might be mild temperatures still left me shivering by the time we got home.

camo coat, green leggings, fashion over 40, casual style, beanie hat, Shelbee on the Edge
camo coat, green leggings, fashion over 40, casual style, beanie hat, Shelbee on the Edge
camo coat, green leggings, fashion over 40, casual style, beanie hat, Shelbee on the Edge
camo coat, green leggings, fashion over 40, casual style, beanie hat, Shelbee on the Edge
Shelbee on the Edge
Archie doing the dab in front of the 10th Mountain Division Monument at Thompson Park

We are looking at some pretty beautiful weather here for the rest of this week and I am really excited to start styling some more spring like outfits. But until then, I have a few more colder weather looks coming to the blog next week.

I am keeping it short today because Spring Fever is setting in and I just want to go outside and play! Have a magnificent weekend, my friends.

Featured Favorites

Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)

Jaymie of Everyday Style with Jaymie Ashcraft shared her post, Friday Favorites, featuring a really cute black sweater from Amazon paired with skinny jeans and snakeskin mules. I am always a fan of a classic black and denim look. It always works and it always looks so cool and edgy.

Fashion Favorite

Grace of Graceful Rags shared her post, The Coolest Las Vegas Consignment Shop, and she’s not lying! This shop looks like the coolest little place to shop for unique vintage clothing. I am dying over this adorable three piece set in such a gorgeous shade of green. Hop on over to see some more of the amazing pieces that Grace tried on!

Graceful Rags
Grace of Graceful Rags

Non-Fashion Favorite

Anne of SpyGirl shared her post, Today is the 11th Year of SpyGirl! Not April Foolin’. Congratulations on your blogging stamina, my friend! This business is way more work than most people realize and to stay at it consistently for over a decade is one hell of an accomplishment!

Anne of SpyGirl

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Outfit Details: Coat, Fleece, Leggings, and Mittens-Old Navy / Tee Shirt-Torrid / Hat-Wona Trading / Earrings-c/o Anjolee / Boots-BearPaw / Socks-Old / Backpack-DSW

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


  • Kellyann Rohr

    Lizard legs?? Hahahahaha, you are so funny Shelbee! You look super stylish in this and not at all like a lizard. So happy you are enjoying the weather and spring has sprung!
    Also – meant to say I absolutely LOVE the new header – looks terrific!


      Thanks so much, Claire! For real, up close, these leggings really look lizardy! It cracks me up and I love the odd shade of green. Any shade of green really captures my attention! I have enjoyed the bit of spring weather this week. But it will be back to 30’s at night next week with highs only in the 50’s. Still too cold to shed my layers! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.


  • Nancy

    18 degrees?? Wow, that’s bloody cold! At my house it’s 21 in the morning and afternoon and 23 in the evening. Haha, it’s a sauna! I also wear what I show on the blog. It was a eye opener that a hole lot of bloggers change their clothes especially for the blog. Why??? Enjoy the spring sun, we have a awful cold weekend ahead of us….pffff


      Thanks, Nancy! It has been beautiful here this week but next week will be all rainy and cold again. But I did manage to photograph a few spring outfits to share! As much as I love playing dress up, I do like to actually wear my outfits in real life and not just for blog photos! If only I had somewhere to go in my cute clothes. Haha. Have a great weekend, my friend, and stay warm!



      Thanks, Jennifer! On close examination, these leggings really do have a lizard effect! It just makes me laugh. But I love the color and the lizardness, so they are my favorite leggings at the moment! Plus they have pockets for my phone which I didn’t even realize I was missing out on that with my other leggings. I have definitely gotten really lazy during the past year! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  • Ellie

    You look so cozy yet stylish in this outfit, so perfect for a day at the park! Love the color of the leggings!
    I too am cold at those temperatures and need layers! I almost always wear a camisole underneath until summer temps are here LOL. It’s gotten chilly again here after a few summery warm days.

    Thanks for hosting the linkup!
    Ellibelle’s Corner


      Thanks so much, Ellie! I always have multiple extra invisible layers under my clothing, too! Usually a camisole or tank top before the first long sleeve layer gets added. We are going to have summer like temperatures tomorrow giving way to cold rain for the following week or so! I hope you have a lovely weekend.


  • Di

    Love the new look of your blog, Shelbee! Your camo coordinated outfit looks perfect for the activity-spending a few hours enjoying your kids and the park. It takes 70 degree tempuratures for me to shed my winter layers, too. Thanks for sharing and enjoy the weekend and warmer wheather!


      Di, thanks so much! As much as I enjoy getting all dressed up in fancy outfits, sometimes it is better to just throw on and go especially when my only outings these days are the park or the store! We just went to the playground this afternoon and I did not wear enough layers for the 68˚ weather today, I was freezing in a long sleeve dress and cardigan with tall socks and boots! i hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend.


  • Darlene

    Hey, I love those lizard leggings!! And the camo jacket is super cute and looks super warm. I do see that camo fleece top peeking out–I love mine! You are right about not wearing the looks we style lately but I am starting to keep some of them on for the day–another new normal! Lol! Have a great weekend, Shelbee.

    xx Darlene


      Thanks, Darlene! I literally think of you every time I wear my camo fleece! I love mine, too, except it doesn’t have very much stretch to it so it’s difficult to do the old pull the bra off through your sleeve trick at the end of the day! Haha. Today I am wearing a tee shirt dress with a cardigan and tall socks and boots which has proven comfortable enough to wear all day…but I am going to change into my leggings soon so I can do the yoga! Have a fabulous weekend, my friend.


  • Michelle

    Loving the “lizard legs.” Of course my main winter clothing item is leggings. And hey, relaxed, flung together outfits are still outfits. I’m glad you’re getting some nicer weather. Ours has been beautiful, with days in the 80s. Anyway, looks like you all had a great time at the park!



      Thanks so much, Michelle! Leggings are totally my jam recently and these have pockets for my cell phone which made me so happy! I really didn’t even realize they made leggings with pockets so it was a lovely surprise when I discovered it! It is supposed to be close to 80 degrees here tomorrow but back to the 50’s all next week. I hope you are doing well and that Dan is recovering nicely.



      Thanks so much, Lauren! I needed to update my site years ago and I finally got the nerve to do it! What a hassle! And yes, I love reading outside. I have also been sitting on my front porch a lot this week with my book. It is one of my favorite past times! Have a fantastic weekend, my friend.


  • Sheila (of Ephemera)

    Nothing wrong with a casual outfit, worn to the park! I like that you wore “other than black/beige”, Michelle – I can clearly see that you coordinated your pieces! How lovely to get that reading time in the park. I’d be freezing too! It was 6 degrees this morning, and “warmed up” to 8. It’s supposed to go up to 14+ this weekend, which is still chilly, but at least it’s going to be sunny!

    Have a great weekend, and dab away, kiddos!


      Aw, thanks, Sheila! I do try to coordinate even my sloppy layered hang around the house (or park) outfits! We are supposed to have a lovely weekend with temperatures reaching 25˚C (77˚F) and then we dip back to freezing temperatures at night next week. I do plan to spend the whole weekend outdoors though before the cold returns! Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm, my friend.


  • Joanne

    I have been using leggings more and more this past year too. I feel like I have bought more pairs of leggings than anything else too.


      In the beginning of the pandemic, I did a massive closet clean out and got rid of all of my leggings except 2 pairs. Then I had to buy all new ones once I realized that I wanted to live in leggings! But it’s all good because I like excuses to buy new things. Haha. Have a great weekend, Joanne!


  • Natalie

    You are so lucky! I want some colder weather so I can wear my boots again. I only got a chance to wear them like 5 times. Ugh I hate Florida sometimes LOL!


      Thanks, Natalie! This is one huge reason that I do not live in Florida! Haha. I do enjoy the cooler weather as well as the clothing that works for cooler weather. I would much rather wear boots than sandals so I totally get it. I was still wearing boots and light layers yesterday when it was 79˚F (26˚C) because I was not hot yet. Apparently, these premenopausal hormones have really destroyed my body’s ability to regulate temperature! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. And staying cool!



      Thanks so much, Bettye! I kind of like a mix of the style spectrum as well…from casual to formal and all the in between! I have to be honest though, sometimes I do wear the crazy combinations to the grocery store! But I generally do not do things in a traditional way! Haha. I hope you are having a fabulous weekend!


  • Anne M Bray

    Aw, thanks for the feature!

    Of course I want to see a leggings closeup, I bet I can ID the “animal” for you.

    Lastly, I figured out why I was typing in the “Name” box last time. Every other blog I’ve commented on this week has the comment box first, THEN the writer’s info. Small stuff on the grander scale of life.


      Oh you are very welcome, Anne! I didn’t take any closeups of the leggings because I never meant to share these photos! LOL. But I will take one and either email it to you or add it into the post! As for the comments, on my screen it just has a comment box (I guess that appears after you are logged in). I don’t even see any name boxes from my end. Grrr. I am so sorry to have created a confusing mess! I will look into it more. Thanks again for the helpful feedback! I hope you are enjoying the weekend!


  • Patrick Weseman

    You look great. Not in anyway like a lizard. Love that park behind you. I am scheduled to go back to in-person learning on the 26th (They are only having Special Education Special Day Classes in the secondary level come back) and I can’t wear sweats or shorts (or PJ bottoms) while teaching anymore.

    Thanks for hosting and I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend.


      Thanks, Patrick! Oh my gosh, you just made me laugh that you can’t wear your PJ bottoms for work anymore! Time to get back into real clothing…whatever the heck that even means. PJs, sweats, and shorts are real clothing! We still have 11 weeks of the school year left and it doesn’t look like the kids will be returning full time. I imagine it would have happened by now. Hopefully, the next school year will look a little different than this one. But we are all forever changed now. I hope you are enjoying the weekend.


  • Jill

    I’m glad you shared this everyday look! Your leggings are so cute! and I love your cozy puffer! I agree, adding a fancy detail like jewelry can make you feel dressier in a casual look!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

  • Grace

    AHAHA I love the lizard legs comment!! I totally have pieces like that too where they just make me giggle because they remind me of something. That sage green color has been so popular lately and I love it! Also, thank you so much for the feature in this post. I hope you are having a great week Shelbee!

    Miles of smiles,


      Thanks so much, Grace! I am totally loving the sage green color, too! It is what I painted my cloffice in. Clothes that make me smile or giggle just by virtue of what they look like are always winners in my book! Those silly pieces quickly become my favorites. We all need reasons to smile, right? Have a wonderful weekend, my sweet friend.


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Shelbee on the Edge