Lazy Summer Days, LipSense, and Link Up On the Edge #104

These summer days are as lazy as can be! I haven’t left the house since Monday’s visit to the dentist for the kids’ appointment. I barely get dressed and I often go the entire day without ever putting shoes on my feet. I take a shower and throw on something easy, cool, and casual…and now that I have lost my fear of my tummy sticking out, I have transformed a few ill fitting tee shirts into crop tops.

If I feel compelled to take photos of what I am wearing, we head off to the back yard and snap just a few improperly lit and poorly posed shots. However, today I wanted to get some photos because my new LipSense color just arrived in the mail from the giveaway recently hosted by one of my good blogging buddies, Carrie of Curly Crafty Mom. Carrie paired up with Lips by Sara to give away a lip color and a gloss to one lucky reader…and I was that lucky reader! So I had to try out my new lip color and show you all.
I chose Precious Topaz and I am really liking this rich neutral shade for daily wear. It arrived in a cute little package from Lisa with a loyalty card and instructions for proper application (which I should have read before I applied and photographed…it seems I did it mostly wrong…but I will get it right the next time and do a proper photo shoot as well.)
A big thanks to both Carrie and Sara for my new LipSense products. I have only tried LipSense once before so I am not all that familiar with how fabulous it is…but it really does stay on, that’s for sure! Are any of you LipSense users? What has been your experience? Do you have any favorite shades that make you feel awesome?
And now the featured favorites from last week.
Liz of Closet Play Image shared her Instagram post featuring a gorgeous wedding reception look. Be sure to check all of Liz’s fabulous stylings on her blog as well!

Suzanne of Ask Suzanne Bell shared her post featuring this fabulous Ruby Ribbon chambray shirt dress (I need to get one for myself now)! I always love Suzanne’s style! And I am swooning over this dress in the white and the red paisley as well.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Kelly Thompson
Both of you are pretty! Thanks for sharing!
Kelly | https://lizado.com/
Thanks, Kelly!
Liz Klebba
What a thrill to be featured, Shelbee! What’s the pineapple thing? Sweet and wear a crown? That’s you! Your support to other bloggers testifies to your passion for helping others! Thank you, Pineapple Queen!
Liz, thank you so much for such a “sweet” comment! You are fabulous, my friend!
Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
It’s so hot here in the uk I can’t help to be lazy! Mind you it’s so hard to sleep so I’m not getting more than 5 hours a night. You look fab Shelbee and I love that lip colour on you – it’s gorgeous xx (sleep deprived) Maria
Maria, thanks so much! I cannot sleep when it is too hot and humid either. Add in the night time heat flashes and I am completely doomed! We only have window unit air conditioners, but thankfully one is in my bedroom. I put it on the coldest setting, then blast the cyclone fan directly at my head, and only then do I stand a chance of decent night’s sleep. I hope you can get some comfortable sleep soon, my friend!
Kathrine Eldridge
Love the new lip color and cute casual summer look! Thanks for the link up and have a great weekend Shelbee!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I hope your summer is fabulous so far!
Kellyann Rohr
There’s nothing better than those lazy summer days! Bet your boys are enjoying them too! Congrats on winning that lipsense giveaway – what a win! Looking forward to reading your thoughts on it!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! We have all been so lazy around here. With all the rain we have been having, I think we are getting a little stir crazy though! It will be fall and back to school before we know it though.
I hear you. My cutoffs have seen so much action lately that I am now doing some DIY love on a pair. (just realized that sounded pervy, but Imma leave it) And is it just my crappy monitor, or is your midriff a shade tanner from it’s recent exposure?
I think I just purchased some lip sense on sale. Haven’t tried it yet, but congrats on your win!
This is the first striped tee shirt I have really liked. If you DIY’d it yourself, stellar job! You have a nice way with scissors. I am not so handy, but I do have some shorts to send you, if you’d help me out 😀
The reason I like this tee is that the stripes are smaller. That is the only kind I will wear, or at least, consider buying because the fatter stripes don’t make me feel fabulous! You, naturally, are rocking the classic stripes and cutoffs. Perhaps you should consider posting a fashion fail photo, just to make sure your readers are still on their game? And, you are wearing shoes!
Perhaps I’ve been ketchup influenced because I am currently looking at a ketchup colored small strip graphic tee.
Great look, my fav!
Susan, thanks so much…I actually am quite hesitant with the scissors when trying DIY alterations on clothing! However, I had some tops that were in my Poshmark pile, so I figured I would give it a go. I did cut one way too crooked and too short on one side and the whole thing just ended up in the trash. Oh well. But I managed to create about 5 new midriff baring shirts of different styles…some are even long sleeved and I’m thinking they may be cute over a fitted tank top when the weather cools down. Add in some cute baggy boyfriend jeans and killer stilettos and I might feel like a freaking rock star! We will see. I have not yet chopped up a pair of jeans to make cut offs…I am too afraid of getting the wrong angles…so I just buy them already chopped up by the “professionals”.
And your monitor must be playing tricks on you…because my tummy is still as pale as can be…translucent in certain light! And I certainly have some fashion fail photos…this photo shoot, in fact, from yesterday, had some doozies in it…belly falling over the top of my shorts and such! Hahaha. My husband kept saying, “I think this outfit is one of those outfits that looks better in real life than in the photographs.” We just couldn’t get flattering angles. Oh well. It happens to the best of us. I will definitely consider a post, however, sharing some of the funny and unflattering photos, if you’d like…to prove how very imperfectly human I am!
And as much I despise ketchup itself, a ketchup colored graphic tee sounds glorious! It is a very lovely shade of red and one that I would totally wear. So as long as it doesn’t smell of ketchup!
Lisa Richardson
Well hip-hip-hooray for you winning the LipSense. That’s just so fun!!! I tried LipSense once (in a boutique in Nashville that sold it) I wasn’t a huge fan of the way it made my lips feel, but I sure do like the idea of it staying put. I use a Kat VonD lip-stain that lasts a long time and love just touching up over it. Have the best weekend Shelbee!! XOXO
Lisa, thanks so much for the Kat VonD recommendation! The LipSense did make my lips all tingling and it freaked me out at first. But after I read the instructions and realized it was the alcohol and exfoliating properties in it that caused that, then I was okay with it. Plus it only lasted for a minute. But it is really sticky upon first application, isn’t it? I was never one for wearing lipstick at all because I can’t tolerate the sensation of anything on my lips. But I am getting better! I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well, my friend!
I do love my LipSense when I’m going out and also taking blog photos. No more lipstick on my teeth, or anything!! But I do find that the prep and how I apply it can make such a difference!!
I love that you made your own crop top—why didn’t I think of that??
Jodie, thank you for sharing your LipSense experience! I was a little freaked out by the tingling sensation it caused…then I read the instructions and discovered that it was normal because of its exfoliating properties. It definitely does not come off your teeth or anything else for that matter which is totally cool.
And I only thought of making my own crop top because the way the white one from Charlotte Russe was made…it was clearly just cut and the hem had that cute rolling effect. So I laid that one on top of the others and cut at the same spot. I think when they are wider at the bottom as opposed to more fitted, they are more flattering for my body type. The fitted ones just accent the size of my midlife mom tummy! Now I am waiting to see some DIY cut up tops on your blog!
Elizabeth Ramsey
So excited that you won the LipSense – I’ve heard such great things about their line. Great color choice. And glad you are enjoying the lazy days of summer!
Betsy, thanks so much! The color really does stay put and doesn’t come off on anything! Have a great weekend, my friend.
Julie Caron
Love that lip color on you. It’s a great color. Enjoy these “lazy summer days”
Thanks so much, Julie! I am really happy with this color, too. It is so hard to pick when you can’t try it on. This color worked out well! Have a great weekend.
Cute summer look! I am currently DIY-ing a pair of denim cutoffs and it’s been a fun little project.
I am actually a LipSense distributor and love the product! I should probably share more about it on my blog. The color you selected looks great on you!
Jennie, I am so afraid to DIY denim! I know I will get the legs all uneven. And you should definitely be sharing your LipSense stuff on the blog! You have the audience, for goodness sake! I need to get used to the way the color feels on my lips before I invest in more colors. But I do like this shade that I selected. Thanks for popping by and have a great weekend.
I keep hearing good things about LipSense. That color looks so nice on you, you’ll have to give us an update.
Thanks so much, Kim! I will definitely update you on my LipSense experience!
Patrick Weseman
Looking very relaxed and comfy for the warm days. Hope that you have a wonderful and relaxing weekend. Thanks for hosting.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I hope you have a fun weekend ahead as well!
Fun fact: I used to sell lipsense! I still have so many lol! And I love this color (and outfit) on you – very pretty!
Thanks so much, Liz! My fun fact: I used to sell Arbonne…nearly 20 years ago. And I still use the makeup brushes every day!
Cheryl Shops
I keep hearing good things about Lip Sense—expecting a full review from you soon! 😉
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
I wil be sure to share a full review once I apply it properly! Have a great weekend, Cheryl!
That lip colour is perfect, it is soooooo pretty! As for worrying about a tiny bit of tummy – tummy is normal, I was standing on a street corner today waiting for a friend and watching people go past and you know, the people who looked the best were the ones who were not body-perfect. By that, they wore clothing that made themselves happy and carefree and just looked great. One woman walked past with possibly the best body of the lot – tall, slim, perfect but she looked so miserable in her body-con dress, really a more relaxed outfit in this heat and she would have been smiling and sauntering with everyone else. Seriously if you are worried about the tiniest tummy then there is nothing to fret over – you are looking great
Juliet, thank you so much for this perspective! You are absolutely right…if we are comfortable and confident in our own skin and what we are wearing, then we will be smiling and radiating beauty from the inside out! It is the best way to live, for sure. I hope you have the most wonderful weekend!
Nancy Baten
That’s a lovely gift you won there! But now I don’t know to which post I shall refer Tuesday! Ha ha, so many cropped tops. It feels good to just wear what we want doesn’t it!
Hahaha! Nancy, you are awesome! Refer to the crop top one that was inspired by Jersey Girl, Texan Heart! I like those pictures best, and that outfit best, and that post best! I am so excited to see your crop top styling!
Lauren Sparks
Love that color on you, fabulous girl! laurensparks.net
Thanks so much, Lauren! Have a fabulous weekend!
Hi Shelbee! Thank you so much for the shout out…the RR shirt dress is a real winner IMO. Wear it now as is or tie it up paired with white pants…come fall add leggings or tights, layer a sweater over it and off you go. I guess you could say it is a 4 season item! Love hearing more on Lip Sense. I have heard about it, but have yet to try it out.
You look darling BTW your crop top…just too cute. Casual and cool is what summer is all about. Enjoy your weekend!
Suzanne, thanks so much for the styling tips! I kind of really want all three of the RR shirt dresses now! I just did some more photos wearing my new LipSense color and will provide a more detailed review on it soon. Thanks for always sharing such inspirational styling tips and all around fantastic outfits! Have a great weekend.
Helen C.
I ´ve got the same shirt dress as Suzanne, I wear it as a dress or as a top, it´s very classic and classy!
I love the lazy summer days! I am spending the weekend as such 🙂
Helen, I bet that dress looks fabulous on you! I do love your classic style. I hope you have the most wonderful lazy weekend, my friend. Thanks for stopping by!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
You are too cute with that crop top and good for you for being confident to bare it! I always love your boldness here! That lip color is such a nice everyday shade. I have only 3 LipSense colors, but I love all of them! So glad you won the giveaway!! 🙂
Thank you, Carrie, for your kind words and for hosting the LipSense giveaway! It is always fun to win a little something special! I wore it again yesterday and it really is fabulous lip color! I will write a proper review next week. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Amy Christensen
Great lip color! Very pretty! – Amy
Thanks so much, Amy! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Hi! Congratulations on winning the giveaway! I never won anything in my life yet, so I have yet to try my luck 🙂 You look great in this lipstick, the color suits you well. Also, if I haven’t had to go to work I would definitely not leave my house as well and stay in my sweatpants 🙂
Dorota, thanks so much! I usually don’t win anything either…except since blogging, I actually have won a few giveaways. I always get so excited, too! I guess everyone gets excited when they win something! And then I have to show it off. And I usually get dressed with the intention of leaving the house, but then I never do! Ha. Have a great weekend.
Robin LaMonte
Congratulations friend on the giveaway!
Enjoy the rest of the summer with your boys!
Before you know it they will be all grown up and hanging out with friends!
Thanks so much, Robin! I hear you…time really does fly! They grow up so fast and then they no longer need us or want us…until they learn that they always need us! Ha. Have a great weekend, my friend.
Congrats on winning! That lip color is so pretty on you!
Thanks so much, Laura! Have a great weekend!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Love the belt! Ties it all together (:
Thanks so much, Tamar! I have had this belt forever. I got it on clearance years ago from The Gap for less than $10 and it totally shows the staying power of a good genuine leather belt. Have a fabulous week, my friend!
You look fabulous and I love your belly button piercing
Thanks so much, Molly! I getting braver and braver every day!
jess jannenga
I know I have probably told you before, but I really love the glasses on you, such a cool style! I am always looking at people’s glasses! i have to get out my jean shorts for the blog too soon. Love your lipcolor, so pretty!
thanks for linking!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much! I do love these frames as well. But I have had them now for almost a year and a half and am hankering for a new pair! Looking forward to seeing your jean short styling!
Marilee J. Gramith
Summer is a good time to take a liberal attitude and let your tummy feel the breeze.
MAKE SURE you apply that sun screen liberally as well.summer girl!!
Thanks so much, Jude! It has been fun making bold style choices this summer! You can clearly see, however, that my tummy has not seen much sun at all!
Ive been trying to get up the guts to wear a crop top. Im almost there and may have to suck it up and suck it in and wear one at the beach next week.
Your outfit looks fun.
Lisa, you absolutely should do it! It is probably one of the most empowering things I have done for myself lately! Once I pushed through the initial discomfort of my lack of self-confidence, I now feel sexy, self-confident, and unstoppable! Enjoy the beach and rock the crop top!
Hope you’re having a great Summer Shelbee. Love the look if those lip colours. I miss having my belly button pierced. I tried twice but it kept growing out. Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays 🙂
Thanks so much, Claire! Summer has been lazy and easy going, for sure. I thought my belly piercing had closed and I haphazardly stuck a ring through it without cleaning it first and now mine is a little red and sore. So I have only been wearing a ring when it will be visible. Lesson learned…clean my jewelry before jabbing it through closed over piercings!