It’s the Little Things with EvaTrends & Link Up On the Edge #124

“Perfect happiness is a beautiful sunset, the giggle of a grandchild, the first snowfall. It’s the little things that make happy moments, not the grand events. Joy comes in sips, not gulps.”
-Sharon Draper

“Joy comes in sips, not gulps.” My word, isn’t that the truth? In the past few weeks, I have been sipping away like a delighted young child who has not yet been scarred by the harshness of living. I have been enjoying each and every moment of abundant bliss and have been allowing myself to indulge in all the “little things that make happy moments”. And like I child, I really do get ridiculously excited over the the smallest of things.

For example, the freshly fallen snow that covers the North Country landscape makes the best background for photos. When my husband discovers remote locations that are in a state of disrepair, he calls them “ruin porn” and I get so excited to style an outfit that would fit perfectly in that location. And when we find beauty in a broken old desk that someone so irresponsibly ditched in the middle of a field off the beaten path, my inner nerd starts doing a happy dance as I begin planning the perfect outfit to pose by said desk.
When my husband has a few minutes in the morning before work, we scurry off like teenagers to explore our latest find and let our creativity take the wheel. We laugh as I shiver from the inside out standing in the freezing cold to capture a few shots. Sometimes we bring our own props along, sometimes we just go with whatever we find at that spot. We essentially open ourselves up to the universe and let it guide us. And when we do that, magic generally happens.
And I really do get excessively excited over the littlest of things. Like when I meet a stranger and the conversation just flows as if you have known one another for a decade or more. When the positive energy flows back and forth, that you both leave the encounter feeling more empowered, more beautiful, and more fulfilled than you did at the start of the day. When a random smile or compliment, whether given or received, adds a bounce to your step and a glimmer to your eye. When the day just progresses smoothly without any mishaps and you can breathe easy and sit calmly and feel at peace with yourself and the world.
When you get home at the end of a long day, slip into your coziest loungewear and just exist in the moment with your children and your spouse. When your children still beg for “snuggies” even as they continue to grow older and you know one day snuggies will no longer be an option.
When a dress has a pockets. Oh man, that makes me excited. Or boots with sequins (Yes, I did just indulge in pair of those). A beautiful faux fur coat (soon to be mine). Fuzzy socks and soft jammies. Velvet and Leopard and Camo and all things green or red. Blanket scarves and the softest cardigans. Like this adorable Kennedy Cardigan from EvaTrends. The quirky print on this sweater really makes my heart sing. I found it so charming and in this pretty shade of soft green, I decided it would make a pleasant addition to my closet. When it arrived and I took it out of the package, I seriously gasped at the softness of it. I don’t think I have ever felt a sweater so soft. It sort of feels like it was brushed with angel wings or fairy wands or something. I have no idea how they managed to get this fabric to feel so soft. But I am not complaining. Nope. I am sipping all the joy straight from the littlest of things like the softness of this sweater.
And hot cocoa, hot coffee, hot tea, eggnog. Cream cheese icing on homemade carrot oatmeal muffins warmed for 20 seconds in the microwave. Watching The Voice with my children sharing their input on the performances. Cheering for the competitors on American Ninja Warrior while my 5 year old jumps and down with excitement. Listening to their laughter when Daddy “takes them down” in an all out 2 on 1 wrestling match in the middle of the living room. Loving and feeling loved in so many directions that hate cannot even find a way to penetrate. Filling my cup with joy and kindness and goodness until it overflows in every direction, nourishing everyone around me. Waking up every morning, looking forward to all the tiny sips of joy that I will get to experience throughout the day.
These little things, my friends, these are the things that make your life rich and abundant. I once had a friend yell at me in anger and jealousy, “You always get everything you want! And I am tired of it!” And I remember thinking at the time, “Yes, I do. But it is only because I want all of the things that I already have.” And when you can find your way to that place, you will always be fulfilled, you will always be content, and you will always have joy. It’s right there in front of you.
Oh, and a good quote. You know how excited I get about a really good, moving, inspirational quote. So here’s a few of my favorites on the topic at hand…
“When you are older you will understand how precious little things, seemingly of no value in themselves, can be loved and prized above all price when they convey the love and thoughtfulness of a good heart.
-Edwin Booth
“The older I get, the more I’m conscious of ways very small things can make a change in the world. Tiny little things, but the world is made up of tiny matters, isn’t it?”
-Sandra Cisneros
“Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things, in which smiles and kindness, and small obligations given habitually, are what preserve the heart and secure comfort.”
-Humphrey Davy
“Little things seem nothing, but they give peace, like those meadow flowers which individually seem odorless but all together perfume the air.”
-Georges Bernanos
“God tests and proves us by the common occurrences of life. It is the little things which reveal the chapters of the heart.”
-Ellen G. White
“Sometimes the most happy people in life are the ones with nothing. We can’t lose sight of the little things in life that should make us the happiest.”
-Ryan Cabrera
“I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things… I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind.”
-Leo Buscaglia
You know what else brings me a lot of joy? Sales! EvaTrends is offering my readers 15% off your entire purchase. Just enter code SH15 at check out. What little things bring you joy? And do you allow them to overflow so you can share that joy with everyone around you?
To see my other recent EvaTrends pieces, please check out these posts:
Thoughts About Plaid with EvaTrends
And now your featured favorites from last week.
Maria of Passion Fruit, Paws and Peonies shared her super fascinating post, Cultural Family Holiday in Normandy. These photos are absolutely breathtaking and I want to go there now!

Robin of Hello, I’m 60ish shared her post, The Little Black Dress. Always with impeccable style, Robin has shared some exquisite holiday fashion featuring the little black dress.

And Karen of Lady in Violet has shared some creative and unique ideas in her post, Holiday Home Tour: How to Decorate for Christmas in an Apartment. Utilizing her smaller space ever so efficiently, Karen has really created a magical holiday wonderland in her home.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

jacqui berry
Always a lovely fun outfit to see, I love the cardigan especially with your fur wrap. Thanks for hosting. Jacqui Mummabstylish
Thanks so much, Jacqui! I am really pleased with how this outfit came together around the cardigan. Have the most wonderful weekend!
Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
Morning Shelbee – seeing me and my brother featured here on your post made me break into a huge grin this morning. Thank you so much for making my morning! This is one of my favourite looks on you Shelbee – I love the hints to the 1920’s with the fan details and fur. You are looking great! xx Maria
Thank you so very much, Maria! And I think this picture of you and your brother is so perfect! It looks like so much fun was had by all of you. Thank you for sharing your trip with us all! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
I just love your photo shoot location!
Thanks so much, Tamar! I got so excited when we found this place! Have a wonderful weekend!
Kathrine Eldridge
The boots and cardigan are so chic! Love the color of this cardigan especially. Thanks for the link up!
Thank you so much, Kathrine! I really do love any shade of green and it was the color and the print that drew me to this sweater. I hope you have the most wonderful weekend!
Kellyann Rohr
Oh Shelbee, I love hearing about how involved your husband is in your photo shoots. What a great testimony of his love and adoration for you, thinking of cool, remote places and letting your creativity run wild – no wonder your photos are so captivating. And yes, all the little moments add so much richness to our lives! Have a wonderful weekend my beautiful friend!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! He wasn’t always so enthusiastic about playing photographer, but I think he really does secretly love it! I hope you have the most fabulous weekend, my friend!
What a pretty location for your photos! Love the print of your cardigan! This is such a chic look! Thank you for the linkup!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! Are you back to blogging?! I am so excited! Heading there now to see what’s going on!
Robin LaMonte
Thank you for featuring me today on your blog!
I appreciate our blogging friendship!
Love the cardigan, my friend!
Merry Christmas!
Thanks so much, Robin! I appreciate our blogging friendship, too! Have a wonderful weekend!
Julie | This Main Line Life
You look great!! Love that green sweater. Have a great weekend.
Thanks so much, Julie! Enjoy your weekend!
How cool to look for the beauty in the ruins and find a wonderful and unique backdrop in the process! Your new sweater is lovely and I enjoyed seeing the multiple visually interesting layers. Such a fabulous necklace and boots, too!
Thank you so much, Jennie! It is funny how much beauty there is to be found in ruins when you are looking for it! Ever since I started venturing out into my little community to find photo shoot locations, I am amazed by how much beauty surrounds that we miss for lack of looking. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Patrick Weseman
So very nice. Looking great. Love the desk and chair with the snow in the pics. Great posts and we all need to sip moments of joy in our lives. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thanks so much, Patrick! The broken desk in the snowy field continues to make me laugh! But it sure was a fun spot to take photos! Just one of those crazy little things that brought joy to my life. I did get ridiculously excited over this photo location! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Anna at Muttonstyle
Great accessorising Shelbee. I love the colour of the cardi too.
Thanks so much, Anna! I do love the transformative powers that good accessories can have on an outfit!
Susan Marinelli
Yes it is the little things, Shelbee! Like if I had your thick hair, and slim hips, I’d be very happy. Oh and don’t leave out the flawless complexion! But we all want what we do not have, or at least I do. That being said, my dog makes me very happy, and my home. My family makes me very happy, and my friends even more so. Planting a garden, and watching it grow. Waking up when it’s snowing and knowing I don’t have to work that day. A full harvest moon. Christmas cookies (actually, any cookies) and coffee in the morning with triple cream. These are the things that keep me going, and happy to be here. A good turn of phrase, especially if I’ve written it. Which brings me to yours: “Loving and feeling loved in so many directions that hate cannot even find a way to penetrate.” What a great piece of writing! Yep, made me happy 🙂
Oh my goodness, Susan, first of all, reading my own words written back to me seriously just made my eyes well up! I know that feeling you describe when a good turn of phrase written by your own hand makes you smile and think, “Wow. I wrote that.” Thank you for that! And all of those little things that bring joy to your life are so special. I suppose you are right that we all crave things we do not have…like I would love to have a house big enough to properly hold and display my ridiculous wardrobe…just big enough to have a closet that is maybe a 20 X 20 foot room! That’s not wanting too much, is it? But for now, I am very contented and happy with all the little things that fill my life!
Speaking of coffee in the morning…I just switched from flavored creamer to half and half and honey. Have you ever tried cream and honey in your coffee? It is so smooth and creamy and delicious! I highly recommend it!
And by the way, your comments always make me happy! Thank you.
Suzy Turner
BEST. POST. EVER!! I just love how you find so much joy in the little things, Shelbee! I wish more and more people would do the same. You are such a huge inspiration <3 Oh and what stunning photos!! Beautiful spot. Beautiful outfit. Beautiful lady.
Suzy xxx
P.S I'm off on my hols tomorrow YAAAAAYYY!! I'm SO excited 😉 <3
Suzy, thank you so very, very much! It makes my heart sing to know that I have inspired someone as wonderfully inspiring as yourself. The older I get, the more I really do appreciate the little things in life. Every day that I wake up is a blessing and another chance to make a difference in the world. And I take these opportunities very seriously because you never know when the opportunities will stop coming. I hope you have the most amazing holiday! You deserve it, my beautiful friend! Love you!
You look fabulous in these pics Shelbee! xx
Thank you so much, Lindsay! Have a wonderful weekend.
Lisa Richardson
Yes it certainly is the little things and remembering to relish in them is a gift in itself. You find the best places for photos. I love this. I also love this Eva Trends sweater. They really do have such nice quality, soft sweaters. I wouldn’t have thought to layer it over a turtleneck sweater either. The color is gorgeous on you.
Thanks so much, Lisa! It is so stinking cold taking these snowy photos and the wind seems to always be blowing making it even colder that I must layer multiple sweaters to take photos without a coat on! And there are so many things from EvaTrends that I would love to try! I hope that do another a collaboration for Spring!
Emma Peach
It certainly is the little things that bring the most joy. It sounds absurd, but when I start work at 6.30am in Winter and it’s bitterly cold walking from the car park, that first step into the warm air feels so good! Lounging around in my dressing gown with a mug of hot tea at weekends, snuggling up in bed with Isobel for a bedtime story…those are the moments that make me feel content 🙂 I love your cardigan and long boots, and what an unusual and amazing location for your photos! Wshing you a wonderful weekend Shelbee!
Emma xxx
Emma, I absolutely adore your list of little things that bring you joy! I think so often we lose sight of the little things right in front of us as we lock our gaze so far ahead of ourselves on the things we do not have. It is these precious moments that make our lives so special and so grand. One of my favorite things ever is waking up before the sun and before the rest of the world and sipping my coffee in the dim light and starting my blog work. And when you mentioned that first step into the warm air, it made me think how much I love stepping into a really hot shower when I have the shivers. It feels so amazing! Thank you for sharing! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
What a beautiful OTK boots and the cardigan <3. It is really not about getting what you want. It is the determination to get what you can get. Sometimes being realistic of what you can get is key. If you cannot get a big house don't dream to get it till you can really afford to get it then you can dream to get. Anyway, I am rumbling: my point is it is not getting what you want it is getting what you can get.
Rama, thanks so much for the wonderful compliment and for sharing your perspective on the topic! While my goals and aspirations are realistic, sometimes we all need to dream a little bigger and not put limits on them! But like you said, you’ve got to work for it if you really want it! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Wow that cardigan is sure unique – at first glance I thought it was a coat! It’s sure beautiful, and I always enjoy your quotes for a little pick me up!
Angela | http://www.lenorth.com
Thank you so much, Angela! The sweater is quite substantial and heavy and could probably be worn as a coat in a milder climate. I do love finding inspiring quotes so I will continue to share them in my little internet space!
Cheryl Shops
I love the “ruin porn” in your backdrop! Aren’t Instagram husbands the best? 😉 And that’s a great cardigan too! Happy weekend!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks, Cheryl! That phrase that my husband uses cracks me up every time! And yes, Instagram husbands are the best. He is so proud of that role, too. I hope you have a magnificent weekend as well, my friend!
Isn’t it fab that your husband does that for you! And you deserve it of course! But he is good in choosing a perfect location!
Thank you, Nancy! My husband does have the best ideas for photo locations! Plus it is fun to drive around to find interesting spots!
Kelsey Bang
cool boots! fun post!
Thank you so much, Kelsey! I hope you have a lovely weekend!
I absolutely lovee that long printed cardigan Michelle and I could not agree more, joy comes in sips, we have to hold on to the flavor 😉
Lorena, thanks so much! I so love this quote about joy coming in sips not in gulps. And when the taste of those sips lingers, what a beautiful thing it is!
gorgeous outfits! I love that you and your husband share a fun passion that you can do together. That is so cool!
Thank you, Tianna! We do have so much fun when we go off on these photo shoot adventures! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
looking beautiful as always, one of the chair props is my favorite
Thank you very much, Paul! The chair made me chuckle for some reason! I guess because I brought my own chair to an abandoned old desk. The whole thing is so ridiculous! But it sure was a fun photo shoot. I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
Karren~#OMHGFF Linkup
Hey Shelbee, you look amazing, I love the jacket and fur scarf. The necklace is beautiful!!
Be sure to stop by and linkup this week on #OMHGFF.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Happy Holidays~Merry Christmas!!
Thank you so much, Karren! I am getting so behind on linking up but will be making my rounds this weekend to join my favorite link parties! Have a wonderful day, my friend.
Another fabulous look! I love the boots!
Edwige | http://www.hypnozglam.com
Thanks so much, Edwige! Have a wonderful weekend.
Shelbee, I don’t have to say how adorable and adventurous that you are, for I’ve said it many times. But i just did. Anyway, I love that you do this with your husband! Such fun adventurous you two have. My hubby is going to have to jump on board this weekend for I need a little help!!
Chrissy, thank you so much! My husband is amazing and we do have so much fun when we go on these little photo adventures! Although the whole process generally only lasts about 30 minutes, those 30 minutes are always so special and then I have all the memories right there in the photos! He wasn’t always so enthusiastic about taking my photos, but he has grown to love it because we have such special moments. So get that husband of yours on board and let the magic happen! I can’t wait to see the results.
I love the rustic feel of your photos! That fur scarf is so much fun! Hope you are enjoying your weekend!
Thanks so much, Laura! I hope you are also having a wonderful weekend.
I love the cardi and I love how much fun you and your husband enjoy being creative together. laurensparks.net
Thank you so much, Lauren! And my husband always says that he is not at all creative. Yet he is so very imaginative when it comes to photo shoot ideas among other things!
What a lovely outfit Shelbee. Love your boots!!
Thanks so much for joining us at The Christmas Link Up. Have a wonderful holiday and see you next year 🙂
Thanks so much, Claire! I hope you have the most wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year!
Jessica A Jannenga
I so agree! It are the small things that make life enjoyable! As I get older, I think I appreciate them even more. Love the green cardi on you.. very much your color! Those boots are pretty too! I want to see the sequins ones you splurged on. Love the snow in your pics! Me may be getting some at my moms.
thanks for linking!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much! I really do appreciate the little things more and more the older I get, too. I have styled the new sequined boots for my New Year’s Eve post which I will be sharing on December 27, so be sure to check them out. I do hope you get at least a little bit of snow for a white Christmas. I hope you have the most wonderful holiday!
Loving this cute and cozy look on you dear. Such a comfy ensemble!
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
Thanks so much, Jessica! It is challenge to stay stylish and warm in this cold climate where I live! Wishing you a very happy holiday season!