It’s Okay to Be Sad & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #216

I spotted this new graffiti art the other day and it immediately caught my attention as I nodded my head in agreement. Indeed, it is okay to be sad. I have felt more sadness in the past year than I have felt in probably the past 10 years combined. And I kept fighting against it so much that I was fueling its power. Instead of taking my own advice that all of our feelings, even the negative ones, are valid and deserve to be recognized.
But then I quickly remembered that I am feeling very much the opposite of sad these days…since Spring has finally arrived and is breathing new life into me. I wondered if taking happy photos in front of a message that is validating sadness made any sense at all.
However, I do have a great appreciation for paradox and I have never really been one to classify things into black or white, right or right, good or bad. It’s all just kind of gray matter in my perception. And while it is okay to be sad, it is also okay to be happy. It is even okay to feel both of these things at the very same time.
So I put on this new sweatshirt with a positive message, “A Good Vibes State of Mind”, and I took the happy smiling photos in front of the sad graffiti to send an even more important message. One that is bigger than sadness and bigger than happiness. A message that I hope is saying that not only is it okay to be sad or happy or both at the same time, it is okay to simply just be.
Be who you are with all the complex emotions and complicated feelings that come with being human. Allow yourself to feel your feelings whatever they may be and whenever they may come. We are not made up of just bodies that do things or minds that think things, we also consist of souls that feel things and the three go together in perfect harmony if we just stop fighting against ourselves. If I just stop fighting myself…

I wore this easy casual outfit on Saturday and went for a little solo hike after we shot these photos. I paired my favorite thrifted oversized men’s white button down shirt with this boxy oversized sweatshirt and red puffer coat that I recently found on Old Navy clearance, a pair of Torrid skinny boyfriend jeans, and my forever old black tanker boots. These boots are the best footwear for hiking on a cold day…they are warm, supportive, and incredibly comfortable…boots fit for a soldier, literally.
I am going to end here for today because I am super late getting this post published. Spring fever has a really strong hold on me and I don’t feel like doing much of anything except playing outdoors! Except…there is more snow coming this week. Hopefully, it is just a few flurries as winter attempts to hang on before succumbing to the springtime sunshine.
Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Joanne of Slices of Life shared her post, Three Things Tuesday, which highlights three things about each of her children as well as herself and her husband. I really enjoy posts like these that share more in depth views into the lives of my blogging friends. It really does make me feel like I know you all just a little bit better and that is one of the most beautiful things about technology!

Fashion Favorite
Mica of Away from the Blue shared her post, Weekday Wear Link Up: Tiered Kmart Dresses and Clutch Bags. Mica has the best collection of maxi dresses and designer bags and she always shares such lovely vibrant combinations. This red floral maxi is sending all sorts of sunshiny energy my way!

Non-Fashion Favorite
Dee of Grammy’s Grid shared her post, Have You Ever Had Coke with Peanuts? I have never tried coke with peanuts before but after reading Dee’s post, I will be trying coke with peanuts very soon! If you want to try it, too, (and I think you should), be sure to follow Dee’s step by step instructions for maximum enjoyment.
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…
Outfit details: Coat, Sweatshirt, Hat, and Gloves-Old Navy / White Button Down Shirt-Thrifted / Jeans-Torrid / Boots-Gift from Husband / Earrings-c/o Anjolee

Kathrine Eldridge
I call this paradox The And Space. (Stole that from a friend.) You can be sad and happy at the same time so I totally feel you on this Shelbee. Glad you are starting to feel better with Spring here. Love this l layered look and I adore the color palette! Thanks for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! Ooh, I love that phrase…”The And Space”…very profound and a really accurate to describe my “gray space”. I think I shall start using that terminology instead!
I think when we feel sad without a specific reason we start to wonder if there is something wrong with us. Some days we just feel sad and that’s okay. You look fabulous in red! Love your jacket and hat!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I agree with you completely…when sadness settles in for no reason we do start to wonder what is wrong with us…but it is all just feelings that want to be recognized! I forgot to mention in my post that I scored this red puffer coat from Old Navy for $7.99! And I love it!
I’ve definitely had my moments of sadness this past year. I love the juxtaposition of the wall and your sweater.
Thanks so much, Jennifer! I think paradoxes are just part of being human so I ran with this idea of juxtaposing sad and happy things! I hope you are having a wonderful week, my friend!
Yes! I totally get you too. I think I’m fairly often both sad and happy at the same time. I feel it today, actually. I’m happy and grateful to be alive and to have such a wonderful life, but I’m also sad at the current state of affairs. I’m sad because my website keeps breaking down (apparently this time it’s a problem at GoDaddy’s end!). I’m sad because I’ve not been feeling well since Sunday morning (I’m basically just feeling sorry for myself lol). But the happiness usually comes out stronger than the sadness because that’s just the way I am, if that makes sense!
I’m loving the outfit. That red hat looks so gorgeous on you!
Huge hugs
Suzy xx
Suzy, that makes perfect sense because I am the exact same way! All sort of things can make me sad at the drop of a hat, but I also am a very happy and positive person by nature. And so I go back and forth and find myself in the middle sometimes as well. It is all part of being human. We are not expected to have one static emotion all the time. How boring would that be?! I am sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well. I was getting a bit nervous last week as I had a sore throat that lasted for about 5 days. I thought for sure I was getting sick but I think it may have just been spring allergies because it never progressed beyond a sore throat. And now it’s gone, thankfully. I hope you start feeling better soon. Sending you positive energy and lots of virtual hugs, my friend.
Such a fun top and interesting graffiti! I love the touches of red with the black and white outfit too.
Thanks for the link up, and for the feature! it really made me smile, I love that dress 🙂
Hope your week is off to a good start! 🙂
Thanks so much, Mica! It is getting really hard to create content when I never go anywhere, so I am finding writing inspiration in the graffiti! Haha. My week is off to a great start! I hope yours is as well.
Michele Morin
I agree with you, and I think the only way we can live healthy and authentic is to acknowledge that we have one foot in celebration and the other in lament all the time.
Thanks so much, Michele! I love the way you have phrased that…”one foot in celebration and the other in lament.” That is how life goes for all of us! And it is super important to recognize that life comes with both the good and the bad. It is what we decide to do with it all that really matters!
Dee | Grammy's Grid
Spring always brings forth a bit of happiness for me and I always looks forward to it. Thanks so much for hosting and for featuring my HAVE YOU EVER HAD COKE WITH PEANUTS? I’m linking up with my SPRING BLESSINGS PRINTABLE. I’d like to invite you to drop by and linkup at some of my parties.
Thanks so much, Dee! I always love the transition to spring and fall. They are my favorite seasons and really boost my mood in the most wonderful ways. I will be dropping by soon to check out your post and join some link parties! And tomorrow….the kids and I are trying Coke with peanuts as long as I can find Coke in glass bottles somewhere!
Dee | Grammy's Grid
Do let me know what you think and good luck finding glass bottles, I haven’t seen any in years but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying peanuts in my Coke plastic bottle 🙂
We are planning it for tomorrow because today is ice cream day! And as much as my children would love ice cream and coke with peanuts and milkshakes and candy all in the same day, I am not giving into their ridiculous demands! I will not be bullied by miniature me’s! Haha. If I can’t find glass bottles in the first place I look, then plastic bottles will have to do!
Super cute outfit, and super insightful post…as usual. ❤️
Happy Tuesday, Shelbee!
Niky @ The House on Silverado
Aw, thanks so much, Niky! I really appreciate that! Have a wonderful day, my friend.
Yes these are strange times where in we need to stay positive in a negative situation. The sun makes me feel better too, even if it is only for a couple of days. There will be better times….. they say. Lol.
Cheers to all of that, Nancy! Strange times indeed! But a very good time to find as many positives as we can! Better times are coming. Actually, I think better times have always been here. Life is a combination of good and bad all the time. I hope you are having a fabulous week!
Christina Morley
This reminds me of “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.” It’s a good movie to discuss emotions with your kids. We are watching it in thirty-minute increments with Amanda. I think we have about thirty minutes left. We never watch a full movie in one sitting from beginning to end! We seem to be too busy for that in our house. This way we can discuss things along the way. 😉
Thanks for sharing such a positive message and for hosting the weekly Kindness Link-Up!
Tina, thanks so much! That is a fantastic movie! My husband and I watched it together and we both cried. It is brilliantly done and I aspire to be more like Fred Rogers. We also really love Inside Out as a teaching movie for the kids about feelings and emotions. I hope you are having a fabulous week, my friend!
Christina Morley
Oh, we own Inside Out. That is a great movie too! It’s been a while since I watched it. 🙂
We own it, too! It might be worth watching again soon. It has probably been a few years since we last watched it.
Investigating complex emotions takes some figuring out – so I’m glad you frequently do it for me!! Intense emotions can become entwined and sad events such as a death can give us the opportunity to celebrate a life! Glad to see it’s warming up for you.
Pamela x
Pamela, thanks so much! Sometimes I wonder if I think too much for my own good, but then I receive validating comments like yours and I feel much better about my overindulgence in processing thoughts and feelings! I hope you are having a excellent week, my friend.
I have been loving the outfits you have been coming up lately! Love this black and red! I need more red in my closet!
Mireille, thanks so much! I am loving this red puffer coat so much! I found it on Old Navy clearance for $7.99. I figure if I only wear it a dozen times, I got my money’s worth, but I will wear it more than that, for sure, because it is bright and bold and happy! I hope you are having a fabulous day, my friend.
Jessica A Jannenga
That was a neat sign for inspiration. I totally get it. There are days I feel blah and other days I am glad the sun is out and shining. Is Spring coming your way? We are finally having sun after a ton of rain here. Love the red on you and your message on your sweatshirt! Someitme you have to remind yourself – state of mind is so important.
jess xx
Have a great day friend!
Thanks so much, Jess! I am struggling with finding writing inspiration these days since I rarely go anywhere, so a profound message written in graffiti was a welcomed thing for me! It has been raining a lot here as well. Today it will be 64 degrees so we are heading out for our first ice cream treats this season before the cold returns…tomorrow…with snow on Thursday! Eventually, spring will settle in to stay for a while.
Laura Bambrick
I think it is wonderful that our emotions are so evolved that we can feel multiple things at once. Too often we feel we need to push away negative feelings like anger or sadness, but I think we need to really feel them to get past them. Otherwise they just build up. I love how these photos came out with the graffiti!
Thanks so much, Laura! I agree with you completely! We are so complex with our emotions that sometimes it is difficult to untangle them all. But it is so important o try! I hope you are having a fabulous day, my friend.
I just love your attitude and honestly. Just started following you recently and love the way you put things together because you love them not based on a set of rules. Also, your post on taking care of your health “put on your oxygen mask” really hit home. Hope you have a great Easter weekend!
Tricia, thank you so very much! I really appreciate comments like these because then I know for certain that I am doing something good in the world! I hope you have a fabulous day and a very blessed Easter weekend as well!
Rosemary Davis
It is so possible to feel sad and happy at the same time. Sometimes it is best to just feel our emotions and try not to think too deeply. Just, feel, acknowledge, and let them pass.
Rosemary, I agree with you completely! Sometimes I think that I think too much! Haha. There I go thinking again. But yes, it is so important to acknowledge our feelings whatever they may be. Or else they hold on for too long. I hope you are having a most fabulous day!
Nora Minassian
These days how we feel may change by the minute. We have all been through such a difficult year. I think there are little things I get sad about every day but then you look at the big picture and there is so much to be happy and thankful for.
Nora, thanks so much! I definitely have been feeling all the mixed up emotions this year. But I try to focus on gratitude even when I am feeling a bit sad. It definitely helps! We are a complicated species!
I hear you Shelbee. Last year was tough even as a true introvert. Also I feel both sad and happy in a day some times. We just got to go with the flow, right? I am glad that you are feeling better. Btw, I love how your photos turned out. Also, I like how you did the circles and squares in between pictures. Very cool! I hope you are having a great week so far and happy Tuesday!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Aw, thanks so much, Maureen! You know me, always thinking too much and processing feelings. I sometimes feel like I think and process too much and just need to stop and go with the flow! Ha. I have been playing around with some photo formatting on the blog. I like it better so it is nice to hear that is pleasing from your end. Now to update my blog theme! That’s too scary!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
Spring weather def. lifts my spirits… warmer weather and longer daylight! I understand what you mean and I’ve felt that way many times this past year myself. Ohh, I love the pop of red in this outfit! I like how the button down shirt hangs past your sweatshirt, too! Gives it more of a tunic length.
Thanks so much, Carrie! This sweatshirt is very wide and a little cropped so it definitely needed something longer to create the proper proportion and prevent some of the frump! And I just found this red puffer coat on the clearance rack at Old Navy for $7.99. Now I wish they had more colors for that price! I hope you are enjoying the transition to spring!
I was so excited to see that my post was most clicked! Thanks so much for hosting. I am feeling the same way about spring and just got home from a good long hike.
Thanks, Joanne! We just ate lunch outside and it was wonderful! But we have more snow coming this week.
I love the paradox image you’ve shared! It is OK to be sad and this was definitely the year for it. At the same time, it’s been super important to try to keep the good vibes up, so the paradox works! You look so cute in this casual look.
xx Darlene
Thanks so much, Darlene! I do love a good paradox. Mostly because life is made up of them! It is the real thing. I hope you are having a lovely week. I am super excited for our Zoom call tonight!
Sheila (of Ephemera)
I used to try to explain the state of emotions to my coworkers (who often thought that the apex was Being Happy). But Happiness (like Sadness) is an emotion, and we seldom feel emotions for long, sustained periods of time. So it’s okay to be sad – it won’t last – and when you do feel happy, savour it and enjoy it, as it is fleeting. It’s all… ephemeral. ;-P
I love inspirational graffiti!
Sheila, this might be the best comment ever on my blog! Feelings are absolutely ephemeral, you brilliant beautiful genius! Inspirational graffiti is about the only thing giving me some writing inspiration right now so I love it, too!
Patrick Weseman
You are so right. I think that we are more complex that we give ourselves credit for.
To be honest I mostly tend to keep my feelings to myself in a lot of ways. One of the my students on Zoom came on early and I was jammin out to a little Rush (The song “Subdivisions” ) and I was really happy. He mentioned this when the other students and my paras had come in and then one of the other students wouldn’t believe him and he said “Weseman is so dry that he can dry F-ing paint”. Afterwards one of my paras said “Keep being dry because it is who you are and it is amazing that you are always calm when crazy shit is going down and that is why we love you.”
The thing is that I am always struggling with my feelings, I guess it being a product of how I was raised and growing up being an African-American male when showing feelings was a sign of weakness and people would pounce. I don’t know, like right now I am struggling with my feelings about my brother’s death and shit my other is pulling over it. I shouldn’t give a rat’s behind because both of them really cared little about me during my life.
Sorry for being so long and you are a true fashionina (don’t know if that is the right spelling of the word). Looking very nice.
Patrick, thanks so much for the lovely compliment and for sharing some insight into who you are! I have to be honest, I don’t think it was just Africa-American males who were taught that expressions of feeling (especially the feelings that make us vulnerable) were not acceptable. As a woman, I was always taught that if I had any hopes of surviving in the corporate world that was definitely male dominated when I was there, I had better keep my emotions completely concealed and appear to be a pillar of unbreakable strength. And I think we all take that on in various ways until we finally realize that our feelings are valid regardless of what they are. I really love that you received some positive feedback from your students! That is very validating, for sure.
I love the juxtaposition of your sweatshirt and the graffiti, Shelbee! Such a great post with a thoughtful reflection. This year has definitely been a roller coaster of all sorts of emotions! Hope you have a wonderful week!
Thanks so much, Katie! I definitely couldn’t resist the opportunity to create a meaningful message from the graffiti as well as my graphic sweatshirt.
Kellyann Rohr
That graffiti speaks volumes about the state of the world right now. So many people, especially the young ones, need to hear that message. The increase in depression, suicide, and anxiety over the last year is unbelievable. Sometimes we just need to know it’s okay to feel sad – no reason for alarm, but definitely reason to reach out and connect!
Great outfit to wear by this wall too – that was just meant to be, wasn’t it?!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! The message really grabbed me and so I grabbed the opportunity to make it a blog post! It is so sad how much suicides have increased this past year. And the information about those numbers is so difficult to ascertain as well which is equally frightening to me. I am super excited for a Zoom call tonight though…so much to talk about!
Cheryl Shops
It is indeed ok to feel sad—feel your feelings! I have definitely felt low-grade sad for several months but spring has finally arrived here (plus I FINALLY got a vaccination appointment), so I am at long last feeling much happier. Funny how little things can have such a big impact!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thank you, Cheryl! Low-grade sad is a really good way to describe this past year. Spring is bringing me back to life and out of the sadness. Although we have a winter storm warning upon us from tonight until Friday morning with the threat of up to 10 inches of snow. That seriously broke my heart when I read the forecast! I really need to be outside now. That little thing would make a huge impact for me right now. But Mother Nature disagrees, I guess. I am glad that you are feeling happier now, too!
Hi, Shelbee – I just want to say I’m glad you’re feeling better. You deserve it. XOXO – Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com
Aw, Angie, thanks so much, my friend! You are so kind. I hope you are having a wonderful week.
Anna Marcus
I agree with your sentiments, Shelbee, one cannot be happy all the time and when you feel sad, it also is ok. Being able to identify your feelings is a sign of maturity and wisdom. In saying that, love your outfit, it has strong presence of your personality and it’s great to be able to express yourself in any way we can:)
Anna, thank you so much! Identifying our feelings is definitely a sign of maturity as well as a continuous process. I am constantly evaluating what I feel and more importantly why I am a feeling it. And sometimes graffiti gives me just the right amount of inspiration to write something useful and express myself in different ways. I hope you are having a wonderful week!
I like this bright, ready for anything outfit with the positive message! This post has provoked so many competing thoughts I’m not sure where to start. And my emotions are a bit wonky at the moment, because Dan was hit by a car on his motorcycle yesterday afternoon. He is in the hospital, and while none of his injuries are life threatening – which I am very thankful for – I’m also totally pissed at the driver who just didn’t see him. So there’s that.
Anyway, society inadvertently teaches us some very bizarre things about our emotions. They teach us that some emotions are bad, when instead they should teach that no emotion is bad but there are constructive ways of dealing with them and poor ways of dealing with them. The emotion needs to be separated from the action.
Somewhere along the line we learn that it’s weird / impossible to hold two contradictory emotions at the same time, and yet I’ve come to realize that most situations elicit a variety of emotions, some contradictory. Maybe with age comes a more nuanced view.
And back to the graffiti, I’ve read a few headlines lately talking about American society’s toxic positivity. I didn’t read any of the articles. I’m of the opinion that happiness is worthy endeavor. That said, it should not make every other emotion less than. It’s okay to be sad.
Michelle, you have stated all of this so beautifully that I want to copy and paste this into my post! I am so sorry to hear about Dan, but glad that his injuries are not life threatening. Motorcycle accidents are no joke. And this situation is probably a perfect illustration of just how we can feel lots of emotions all at once. You must be overwhelmed with emotions right now from frustration and anger to relief and gratitude that Dan is okay. Please let me know if there is anything I can do…even if you just need an ear to vent to. Sending you and Dan positive healing energy, my friend!
Thank you so much, Shelbee! Your friendship is invaluable to me. Dan came home today. He’s got a lot of healing to do. But we will handle it. We are a good team!
I am so glad to hear that, Michelle! You are definitely a great team! Sending virtual hugs to you both!
I believe that we’re always in a flux, ebbing in and out of different states but also that to be able to experience and express a wide range of emotions is one of the most beautiful things about being human. Sadness is within this range, a universally understood emotion yet not universally accepted. That, I don’t quite understand. Love your honest post about this topic Shelbee, thanks for sharing x
JC, thank you for this beautiful comment. We are always in flux and one of the greatest things about being human is our ability for self evaluation and introspection. It’s like a blessing and a curse, I guess. I don’t quite understand why we are taught that some emotions are bad either. Toxic positivity is a thing that has taken over lately and it tends to isolate anyone who is already feeling down. I suppose that is why I write posts like these! Thank you for reading!
Anita Ojeda
It’s so easy to fall into the trap of thinking we always have to be happy. But taking time to acknowledge our emotions and sit with them a moment is much healthier! I’m overall happy, but I was bummed this morning that my hubby forgot to get groceries for us when he was at the grocery store getting stuff for his parents yesterday. By acknowledging my emotion, I was able to process it and understand that he’s stressed and busy and that makes him forgetful. I’d go to the grocery store myself, but I’m laid up recovering from ankle surgery. I’ll just go to plan B :).
Anita, thanks so much for reading my post and sharing your current emotional processing! It is so easy to flare up in anger over silly things, isn’t it? I think the best course of action is always to recognize the emotion before acting on it. We very quickly realize how a shift in perspective can keep a situation from escalating. I often find myself getting annoyed at dumb little things with my husband, but I quickly shift gears and focus on all the amazing things that he does fabulously. It is so much easier to let go of the little things then. I hope that you are recovering quickly and comfortably from your ankle surgery! That must be frustrating in and of itself!
I totally get what you mean Shelbee. You can indeed be both happy and sad at the same time. Also, I think the message that it’s okay to be sad is important. I have often experienced that people want to make things better whenever I’m feeling sad, while I just want to be sad for a moment. Feeling sad is generally treated as if it’s something bad, while it can be quite the opposite, in my opinion. It’s impossible to be happy all the time, and suppressing one’s feelings can have quite the opposite effect to just letting in the blues from time to time. xxx
Ann, thank you so much for sharing your wisdom! I keep hearing things about toxic positivity floating around and I have to agree that too much positivity really does negate all of the unsavory feelings which are just as important to feel as the good feelings. We need to acknowledge what we are feeling in order to make progress as a human being. The blues will come and go and that is kind of what makes the happy moments so much more special! I hope you are having a great week, my friend!
melissa williams
I love this post. Someone once told me that “Feelings are data. Deal with them.” I’ve always thought that was such a clever way to think about our emotions and our feelings. Accept them all….they are there for a reason and they are telling you something. Great post. Love that red coat! *Note to self: get bright red coat before next winter*
~Melissa xx
Melissa, thanks so much! That is a really clever analogy for feelings. I have always believed that our emotions tell us things that we may not be realizing and therefore it is super important to acknowledge our emotions and give them their moment. Another note to yourself…I found this red puffer coat at Old Navy a few weeks ago on clearance for $7.99. So maybe start shopping for that red coat now why the prices are super cheap!
Lucy Bertoldi
Another great post- sometimes it just helps us carry on when we know we’re just not alone. That graffiti is just perfect- and of course so is your look xx
Thanks so much, Lucy! I agree…knowing we are not alone in anything that we may struggle with is sometimes all we need to get back out of it!
Yes! I love your take on this. And you look so cute! And, oh yes, Spring is working its magic and helping so much with my attitude and feelings. Thanks for sharing at the TFT party.
Pam, thanks so much! I really do feel like I am coming back to life with the spring weather and extra sunshine! I hope you had a lovely Easter!
I hope you had a lovely Easter, too! Also, I wanted to let you know that I’ve featured this at Thursday Favorite Things today. 🙂
Thanks so much, Pam! I am heading over now to check out the new post and link party!