It’s Official! I Am a Certified Reiki Level II Practitioner & Link Up On the Edge #314

I had the most extraordinary weekend two weeks ago and I have been so excited to share it with you all. But then I caught the Back-to-School Crud and skipped my post last Friday altogether, pushing this one out another week. I did allude to it earlier this week though. You may have caught the Reiki reference in my crud poem…
“...I used yoga and Reiki And resorted to prayer. No matter what I did The crud still made its way here..."
It was a very intentional reference and I did use this cruddy sickness as an opportunity to practice my newly learned Reiki healing techniques on myself. While my self Reiki sessions didn’t remove the crud, they did help me relax when my breathing became labored, they soothed the burning sensation in my throat (you know that feeling like you are swallowing tiny razor blades), and they helped put me to sleep every night.
We really do have some power in that our minds can manipulate matter and our energy can heal ourselves and others. And even if it is just all in my imagination, who cares?! A good dose of positive healing energy certainly can’t harm anyone even if the only effect is placebo. I am all for the placebo effect. If you experience positive results just because you believed what you are doing would produce those positive results, then who are we to argue? While science might need scientific results to say whether something works or not, I don’t require the same evidence. I am believer that if something works for you, then it works for you. What more proof is needed than that?

Some of you may already be familiar with the practice of Reiki, but I have taken note that it is not a very well known practice in the general population. To be as succinct as possible, Reiki is a form of Japanese energy healing which is considered alternative or holistic medicine that aims to heal through universal energy. My favorite part of the Wikipedia explanation of alternative medicine is this…
“Frequently used derogatory terms for relevant practices are new age or pseudo-medicine, with little distinction from quackery.”
Depending on your views of alternative holistic medicine and Eastern healing traditions, you might consider me a certified Reiki II practitioner or you might consider me a certified quack. If you think I am the latter, I encourage you to reread the beginning of this post. If it doesn’t work for you, you should probably just move right along to the next thing until you do find what works for you. Reiki works for me. And apparently it works for a lot of other people, too.
I am so blessed to have spent the weekend in the presence of five of the most beautiful, caring, empowering, spiritual, inspiring, encouraging, and supportive women I have ever met in my life. And to have them all in the same room together filling the space with so much light and love and goodness was just so magical. I really do not have adequate words to describe how special these humans are and what a pivotal experience for me as I am stumbling my way down this midlife road, which, by the way, is more confusing than I ever thought it would be.
I want to take a moment to thank our Reiki Master, Kelly, who is wonderfully authentic in her teaching approach which really enhances the entire learning and sharing experience. I also want to thank the other students in the class for their patience, understanding, acceptance, and all around beautiful spirits. Thank you, Tina, Sue, and Renee. And a special thanks to Heather for that amazing sharing of healing energy during our Reiki session together. Your energy is strong and you really did pull some icky stuff out of me! I am so grateful. I know that you all are going to help many humans and animals with your healing touch.

And here is my “official” certification. Although I have been sending healing energy to living creatures for my entire life, some living creatures find security in pieces of paper. But our most important life experiences don’t earn us certificates. They give us so much more than a piece of paper. Let our healing continue as we stumble forward through the joyful chaos of life.

What types of healing techniques do you practice?
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Reader Favorite (Most Clicked): Jill of Doused in Pink

Fashion Favorite: Daenel of Living Outside the Stacks

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Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Leggings, Top, Kimono, and Socks-Torrid / Shoes-Birkenstocks from Famous Footwear / Hat-Linda Gibbs Handmade / Horn Necklace-Traveling Chic Boutique / Selenite Necklace-Rainbow Zen / Moon Crystal Necklace-Enlightened Lotus / Earrings-Big Earrings

Congratulations!! You look fabulous too. That kimono is fabulous.
Thanks so much, Joanne! I really appreciate that. I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Congratulations Shelbee, well done on a wonderful achievement. Learning and an open mind is the way to move forward mentally and physically. I too believe that holistic remedies and harnessing positivity offers great benefits to mind and body, and I agree that whatever works for you has to be GOOD!
Pamela, thank you so much for your kind words! I am really excited to travel this new path to healing and helping others find healing as well. I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend!
Congratulations!! That’s fantastic. Two of my sister in laws practice Reiki. And told me how it works. And I’m all about if it works for you it’s good! Enjoy your weekend my friend@
Nancy, thanks so much! That is so cool that you have 2 Reiki healers in your family! Have they ever done a session with you? I think it is such a wonderful experience and I hope to share more details about my specific experiences during this class. If I could just get everyone healthy and onto a schedule! Haha. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Mica - Away From The Blue
Love that kimono on you and congratulations on your certification! I’ve never tried Reiki before but it’s great you have found something that works for you 🙂
Thanks for the link up!
Thank you so much, Mica! I am really happy that I pursued this. It is such a beautiful thing to be able to send good healing energy out to the people who need it. If you ever have the opportunity to try it, I think you might like it!
Amy Johnson
Congratulations, and thanks for the party!
Thanks so much, Amy! I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Michele Morin
It’s wonderful to set goals and then achieve them–especially in mid-life!
Thank you so much, Michele! Before I hit midlife, I remember encountering midlife people in various degree programs I was in and I was always so inspired by them. One of my best friends when I was in law school started at the age of 42. I was 26 at the time and I just thought it was so cool that he was advancing his career this way in midlife. Then when I was going for my Masters in Mental health Counseling, I met a beautiful woman in her 50s who decided to change her career path completely in midlife. She now has her own practice specializing in work with adult children of addicts (which she is and she found her purpose in her own painful experiences). And recently, I met an Episcopal priest who was a social worker and then at the age of 48 she had a calling into the church. I am hoping to connect with her soon because she wants to discuss how we can work together in an effort to offer healing to the people in our communities. I am really excited for this new path I am on! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Michele Morin
Just came from reading your post about the 48 year old solidarity movement! Hope you will share where this goes!
Thanks so much, Michele! I will absolutely share where his Reiki journey takes me! I definitely need to update my website with a Reiki page of some sort, too. So much to do and so few hours in a day!
Ahh Shelbee I am so proud of you! Congratulations!!! I should have you do it on me sometimes!
Curated by Jennifer
Jennifer, thank you so very much! I would love to do a healing session with you! Let me get a few more weeks of self practice in and then we can set up a time to do a distance healing session! And of course, if we ever get the opportunity to meet in person, we can do a regular session, too!
Kellyann Rohr
Congratulations Shelbee- this suits you so perfectly and I know you are going to be a gifted healer who helps so many people!
Kellyann, thank you so much. You have no idea how much your words mean to me! I really appreciate that.
Many, many congrats! I’m so glad you had this wonderful experience and pursued your passion. I’m all about what works, regardless. Placebo effect? Okay! And I think it’s always comforting when another person – like a Reiki practitioner – spends time caring about you when you are unwell. It’s soothing. Good stuff!
Oh and a cool outfit too! Love that kimono!
Thanks so much, Michelle! I am really happy that I decided to this! I still have much to learn but I have been reading a lot about Reiki practices and the history of Reiki as well as practicing the methods daily on myself. I do want to share some more details about my experiences in the class once I have fully recovered from the crud and can dedicate more brain power to better writing! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Becca will be arriving at my house later today and I am super excited. We have a dress up day planned so she can go through all of my unwanted clothing!
How exciting! Congratulations!!
Thanks so much, Alexandra! I really appreciate that. Have a wonderful weekend!
Congratulations Shelbee, huge achievement! I’m a fan of Reiki. I had it a few times around 15 years ago. I felt great warmth and comfort during and afterwards.
Your sandals look very snug and comfy. Are they Birkies? Have a good weekend!
Gail, thank you so much! I am so happy that I did this. I have found so much benefit from Reiki and other alternative healing methods that I really just want to be able to share those benefits with others. My sandals are Birkies and they are the most comfortable shoes ever! I found these sherpa lined ones at the end of spring for 50% off so I bought two pairs! This light gray pair and a darker gray pair which I haven’t worn yet. I hope you have a lovely weekend as well, my friend.
Laura Bambrick
Congratulations! That is so wonderful that you have acheived this. I think you are right on the money regarding holistic practices. I have tried similar practices in the past for various issues. I always figured if they help directly-great! If they help indirectly by allowing me to relax giving my body the ability to better heal- that’s great too! The power of the mind is so real!
Laura, thanks so much, my friend! I am so happy that I did this and I am excited to help the world in its healing. I think a combination of Western and Eastern medicine if such a great way to get the most benefit from both. It never made much sense to me to shun one methodology over another. Depending on the need, sometimes alternative treatments are all that is necessary for me so I will almost always take that route first. Of course, there are certain things that will send straight to a medical doctor like broken bones or heart attacks! But nagging coughs and chest congestion, anxiety and depression, cramps and menopause discomfort…those I will go for holistic methods first and resort to medicine, etc. in only the extreme cases. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Congratulations! That is so exciting. The” laying of hands” was often used by nurses I practiced with, too, as we felt it was very helpful in calming and supporting our patients during difficult procedures.
Thank you so much, Pat! I would actually love to have the opportunity to work with hospice to bring this type of healing to people who are at the end of life. I love that the medical field is also embracing this type of healing to help calm and support patients. It is such a beautiful thing and it can bring no harm to anyone.
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
Congrats!!! That is so wonderful!
Thanks so much, Tamar! I am really happy that I did this!
Lucy Bertoldi
Congratulations Shelbee- this is wonderful! Such an amazing new part of your life path!
Lucy, thank you so much! I really appreciate that. I am very excited to help others find their way to healing.
Congratulations Shelbee! That’s exciting news! I recently tried reiki and thought it was such a powerful experience!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! It really is a powerful experience and can help unravel so many different issues!
Your True Self
Congratulations, Shelbee! I have been a certified Reiki practitioner for 15 years. But I’m a level I and have been wondering if I should go for level II. I haven’t done it for pay – only for myself, my family, friends and co-workers. My husband doesn’t believe in God, only facts, but he has been cured by my Reiki work on him so he believed in it right away. Like you said, if it works then it’s believable. That proves it. Do you do it for pay or as a business? Are you going to? I never have because I haven’t been motivated to add the business to my life. It’s an investment to get a bed, linens and a safe space to work in. Thanks for sharing your joy – Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com
Angie, thank you so much! I didn’t know that you were Reiki certified but I am not surprised that you are. That is super cool and I am really excited to connect with different communities of healers. When I first decided to do this, I did not intend on making it a business. I wanted it more for personal use the same as you. But I have had some opportunities arise that are leading me to believe that I am supposed to make a business out of it. I am unsure of my exact direction at this point but I will definitely share more as I proceed. If you ever want to chat more about it, maybe we can set up time for a Zoom call or something. Let me know! Have a wonderful weekend!
Marsha Banks
Congratulations, Shelbee! I think whatever works works! But, more importantly, it sounds like you’ve made some true friends, and that’s even better! I also believe Eastern medicine is becoming more widely known (if that even makes sense) and used more and more here. I’m so happy for you!
Thank you so much, Marsha! I really appreciate that. It was a truly extraordinary experience and I am excited to share healing energy with anyone who needs it! I suspect that might be most of us. I find it funny how we are only just now accepting ancient Eastern traditions, the very ones that have helped humans survive for millions of years! A combination of Eastern and Western is really the best for me. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Patrick Weseman
Congrats, I am so very happy for you. So very cool. Some of us in California need some super healing powers.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I think super healing powers might be needed everywhere no just in California!
Congrats! This is really amazing!! You have such a beautiful heart. I definitely feel like I’m naturally more holistic in my approach to a lot of things. I’ve heard about Reiki and it sounds really interesting! I’d love to try it out some time!
Thanks so much, Lizzie! I am really glad that I did this and am excited for this journey. Maybe we can do a distance Reiki session some time! If you want to learn a bit more about it, let me know!
Create With Joy
Thanks for hosting Shelbee. Have a fabulous weekend!
Thanks so much! I am glad you could join us!
Congratulations on achieving your Reiki II certification. It sounds like you had an amazing weekend. Hope you’re cured from the crud, now.
Thanks for sharing your post in the Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 36.
Thanks so much, Carol! It was definitely one of the most profound experiences of my life! And yes, I am finally crud-free!