It’s Not Always About How Good You Are & Link Up On the Edge #77
On December 6, 2016, Jennifer Hudson took the top 8 finalists of The Voice Season 12 on a Hairspray Live! tour. I remember watching this episode of the The Voice and the words of advice that she gave to these 8 aspiring singers. Her words have stuck with me ever since because they do not just apply to the music industry. They apply to life in general. And I have been doing my darnedest to adhere to the motivating words of Jennifer Hudson in everything I do.
*This is sponsored content. This beret was provided to me by Banggood for purposes of this post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.
I think it was right at the time that this episode aired that I was really starting to receive steady offers of brand work on my blog. While my blog started out as a creative outlet and a hobby, everyone who takes the plunge into blogging knows that there are opportunities to eventually get paid or at the very least receive products in return for blog posts. I don’t ever like to imply that bloggers receive items “for free” because as bloggers are well aware, there is a lot of work involved in sharing a gifted item with our followers. These items are not free. But I don’t need to go into the amount of work I do, oftentimes in exchange for a $10 item, at this point. It is not the price of the item that determines the quality of work that I produce. It is my work ethic and the pride in my work that determines the quality the work that I do.
You see, I want to be that person who is good to work with. And to take Jennifer Hudson’s words a step further, I want to be that person who is great to work with. I want to find that perfect balance between doing what I love, doing it well, and remaining true and genuine to myself while making an actual living doing it. In an effort to reach that goal, when a brand wants to work with me, I give it 100% of my best effort. Every. Single. Time.
I am not even going to pretend that I have a huge following or that I produce the best photographs or even the best content available in the blogosphere. I don’t have a regular professional photographer. I don’t use a state of the art camera. Heck, I don’t even own my own camera. Because, let’s face it…those things require cash flow…and a pretty significant one that I don’t possess. So using my meager means and the help of some pretty amazing friends and my super supportive husband, I give it all I’ve got. As a result, the brands I work with tend to stick with me…because I am good to work with and I produce quality content.
*Beret: Solid Colored Wool Beret c/o Banggood (Available in 8 colors).
Not only am I good to work with from a brand perspective, I also give it everything I’ve got when collaborating with another blogger. In fact, I don’t think I have turned down the offer to collaborate with another blogger…ever…in my 2 1/2 years of blogging. I view a blogger collaboration as an opportunity for me to elevate my game. Not only do blogger collaborations give each of us exposure to new audiences, but they also open avenues for more inspiration to flow in to better our own blogs. Inspiring each other, learning from each other, empowering each other are the things that make this blogging community the unique and amazing thing that it is. And I am so grateful for all of the wonderful blogging friends I have made on this journey and all of the super fun collaborations that I have been invited to join. I look forward to many more!
I take great pride in the work I do…in every blog post, in every photograph, in every comment and every email, in every single detail. I want to provide the best content that I can provide for the sake of my own personal satisfaction. At the end of the day, knowing that I gave it my all creates a cycle of self-motivation unlike any other. And if I keep at it on my own terms in my own way with my own passions driving me forward, the pay offs will come. While my bank account has not yet benefited much, my life is richer and fuller in so many ways because of my work here.
*Boots: Sequoia Flat Boots from Shoe Dazzle (Available in 3 colors).
So I have grabbed firmly onto the brilliant words of the very inspiring Jennifer Hudson and have been applying them to my life and my work. I will not just be good at my work, I will be someone who is good to work with. Or I will exhaust myself trying!
*Please don’t mistake all this self-praise as coming from a place of arrogance either. I am far from arrogant. I just possess a humble pride in knowing that I always give my best effort. And every once in a while, I pat myself on the back for a job well done.
“I’m a firm believer in taking advantage of the opportunity you’re given.” -Jennifer Hudson
“But, the fact is, no one’s gonna chase your dream for you.” -Jennifer Hudson
Now can I tell you about my fun new pink beret from Banggood? It is utterly fabulous! It is fashioned from a very soft wool that is not at all itchy on the forehead (a problem I have experienced with other wool hats). The fabric is quite substantial providing much needed warmth in my snowy climate. It fits my head perfectly. And the color is simply divine!
What are your passions and aspirations? And have you let them take the wheel to drive you forward in the direction of your dreams? At the end of the day, are you proud of the work you have done, knowing you gave it your best effort? I couldn’t imagine living my life any other way!
And now your favorite posts from last week.
Laurie of Vanity and Me shared her post What 54 Doesn’t Look Like – An Afternoon With The Daily Mail. You need to go read this post! It is absolutely amazing and very thought provoking, too.

And Cheryl of Northwest Mountain Living also shared an inspiring and thought provoking post, Conspiracy Against The Older Woman, a must read for women of every age!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Gigi Kiersten
Hey, Shelbee what an awesome outfit. I love the beret, and you wear it well. As for your post, I am still learning the ropes, but honestly blogging has been the most rewarding and challenging thing I have ever done. It is a lot of work to put together a quality post, but a lot of people see the end the result and think that it’s simply taking nice pictures and writing a few hundred words. You Shelbee have to be the hardest working blogger in the business. You just go for it every day and honestly if I could accomplish as much as you I would be a success.
Gigi, thank you so very much for this amazing comment! I agree with you completely…blogging is the most rewarding and challenging thing I have ever done as well (and parenting, of course!). I do love my job though and wouldn’t have it any other way. I love to write and share my thoughts and experiences, but writing is a very exhausting process! From what I can tell on your blog, you are already quite successful in your own right, my friend. So keep doing what you do! And thank you so much for your support and blogger friendship!
jodie filogomo
This is such a great read, Shelbee, because I feel the exact same way. I always want to be great to work with because that’s my reputation.
And can we talk about how great berets are right now. The best thing? They travel so much better than fedoras!!!
Jodie, I knew you would appreciate the message in this post! You are absolutely one of the hardest working bloggers in the business! You always deliver amazing content and photographs and your spirit shines through every post! Thank you so much for all of your support and for your blogger friendship. And yes, berets…they are my newest obsession! Have a wonderful weekend.
I couldn’t agree more! You always crank out well written and well put together posts, if I was a brand I would be coming to you too!
pumps and push-ups
Brooke, thank you so much! That type of validation coming from a fellow blogger means so much! Have a fabulous weekend, my friend.
Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
Shelbee in winterwonderland 🙂 You look great and this beret is very cute.
XO Tina
Thanks so much, Tina! I do definitely live in a winter wonderland! Have a great weekend, my friend.
Thank you Shelbee! So lovely of you to feature that post. And lady you deserve that pat on the back too. I can hear your passion coming out of my screen! You are doing the best job ever! xx
Thank you, Laurie, for always delivering such inspiring and motivating posts as well! I love to see how your successes are unfolding. You deserve every bit of it. And thank you for all of your support and wonderful comments. I appreciate your blogger friendship so very much. Have a wonderful weekend.
These are such a beautiful pictures! The colors suit you so very well and the baret is made for you! The colors make your face so soft! Really fabulous! And if I was a brand, I would do my drinking best to work with you! You are unbelievable supportive! To bloggers and to the brands you work with!
Nancy, I can’t even express enough how grateful I am for this wonderful and oh so validating comment! You are pretty fabulous yourself, my friend! And I just love working with you as well. I do so love my job…it’s a job that I look forward to getting to every morning when I wake up. And it is because of the amazing community of fabulous women like you whom I get to interact with daily. Have a fantastic week!
Inspiring, thanks for sharing these important words. Have a lovely weekend. Hope the snow is not too bothersome. x Jacqui
Thank you so much, Jacqui! Inspiring was my goal so I really appreciate that validation. The snow has mostly melted by now…just in time for a snow and ice storm to move through tonight! This is winter where I live. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend.
You are an inspiration Shelbee to bloggers new and old. Your can do spirit and positive attitude is contagious. I know that you give your blog your very best because I can personally feel this through every blog post that I have read that you have written. Never change. Happy Friday and have a great weekend!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thank you so much for those very validating words of encouragement! I have things to say and do and I have finally found the forum to do it what I am destined to do…and that is to inspire and motivate others to be the best possible versions of themselves and to follow their dreams with every ounce of energy they’ve got. I appreciate your support and your blogger friendship so very much! Thank you. Thank you.
Shelbee you are 100% correct! My new job was given to me because three of my old administrators loved working with me and know I am a joy to work with – yup, sounds like I’m tooting my own horn but it is true. I admire you so much and loved reading this. I have been approached by a few brands to do posts for them – no compensation whatsoever, no product to try or anything gifted, just promote their product. I politely refused because I can’t promote something I’ve never seen or used, that’s not me. I do hope one day someone will want to work with me but until then I’ll keep plugging along.
BTW, I purchased my camera with gift cards I earned through using IBotta, buying a camera wasn’t in our budget but thanks to a sale at Target and all the gift cards I earned I got it!
Happy weekend my love!
Kellyann, thank you so much for this wonderful comment and for the camera tip! How great that you were able to get one without breaking your budget! And yes, there have definitely been quite a few brands that I wouldn’t work with either. Some actually made me laugh what they wanted me to share on my blog…so not my style or anything in my repertoire at all! Polite refusal is also so much part of blogging. You have to remain true to yourself and your own brand when accepting brand collaborations. Just keep doing your fabulous work and the collaborations will start to flow in. It’s pretty cool when it happens! And you and your blog are an amazing forum for brand representation. I appreciate all of your support and your blogger friendship more than you know! Thank you again and have a fantastic weekend.
Love, love, love this post! When I started last January, I used to say “better, better, better”. Just keep looking for ways to do better. You are an inspiration and I love the photos and outfit! Gorgeous!
Nina, thank you so much! That means so much to me coming from you. I aspire to get my blog to where yours is! I appreciate all of your support and your blogger friendship so very much! Let’s keep striving for better together. Have a fabulous weekend, my friend.
Emma Peach
Can I give you a pat on the back too? Even though we’ve never met IRL I know you are a totally genuine and lovely person, and someone that works very hard – not just for yourself, but for others too. I really appreciate all the lovely comments and RTs you send my way 🙂 You look gorgeous in the pink beret, the colour is perfect on you! Wishing you a wonderful weekend Shelbee!
Emma xxx
Emma, thank you so very much! I feel exactly the same way about you! You are fabulous and fun and real and genuine and kind…that comes through loud and clear in your posts as well. I appreciate all of your support and your blogger friendship. Perhaps one day our paths will cross in real life! That would be way cool. Have a fabulous weekend, my friend!
Emma Peach
Aw, thank you so much Shelbee! I would love to meet you one day!
Thanks, Emma! That would be fabulous, wouldn’t it?!
Cheryl Tucker
Great post Shelbee! Your hard work shows in your posts. They are always inspiring! I always do my best on my blog but am starting to turn away brands who want me to do tons of work for a little bit of product. It’s just not worth it. I can to what I love, blog without them just fine. Thanks so much for the shout out today too! Happy Weekend!
Cheryl, thank you so much! I absolutely love your blog and the messages you put forth in your posts always inspire me! I also love that you remain true and authentic to yourself and share only the things you love. I have definitely turned down brand collaborations that wanted a whole lot of work for nothing. But then there are others that I do the work for smaller ticket items just because I love the brand and they are great to work with. I absolutely pick and choose based on how well the brand works for me and fits my style. I am the same as you in that I am going to blog anyway and if you are trying to lessen my worth, I’m going to blog without you. I have been insulted by brands on more than one occasion that’s for sure!
Thank you so much for all of your support and your blogger friendship. Keep doing what you do because you rock!
Suzanne Smith
Shelbee your blog is amazing, whether you have a great camera or not! It’s your words and amazing smile that make me love your blog! I would LOVE to work with you one day…!
Suzanne, thank you so much! You just made my morning! Let’s definitely collaborate on something because I think you and your blog are so totally amazing, too! I would love to work with you on a project. If ever I could get myself properly organized, I will start getting together some ideas for us! Please feel free to send me some ideas as well if you think of something. Thank you again and have a fabulous weekend, my friend!
Very true words Jennifer shared and something we should all remember. Sponsored posts are a lot of work – I don’t think people realize that. I always want to go above and beyond with these posts to make sure the brand is well represented. I know you do the same. This beret is a very pretty color and completes your winter look wonderfully! Have a fabulous weekend, Shelbee!
Jennie, thank you so much for this wonderful comment! I knew my blogger friends would understand exactly what I was talking about. It really is a tremendous amount of work that we put into sponsored posts. And I definitely go that little extra step for sponsored posts than I do for non-sponsored ones. Although, I give every post I write everything I’ve got as well because I want to bring the best content for my readers as well. I appreciate all of your support, my friend. Have a fabulous weekend.
I love this post Shelbee, and that quote from Jennifer is very inspiring! I also am loving the pink beret on you, and it looks great with the grey coat!
Thank you so much, Rachael! I am a huge fan of Jennifer Hudson…I find her super inspiring! And I am really digging pink and gray and black together right now, too. Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend.
Nikki Gwin
In the brief time that I’ve known you, I am pretty sure you ARE good to work with. And I love your smile. My favorite photos in this shoot are the ones where you are holding your beret on your head.
🙂 gwingal
Nikki, thank you so much! I try to be great to work with, so I really do hope I am achieving that goal. You are pretty fabulous yourself from what I have seen so far! Thanks so much for your support and your always thoughtful comments! I appreciate it more than you know.
Patrick Weseman
I have never done a sponsored post but I have done some posts for my friends events and such. That quote from Jennifer Hudson is spot-on. It is part of why I making a major life change in June which is needed. A long story but I am leaving my job after almost 22 years because a new administration style and people don’t value being self-motivated (because some of them are not) I have already secured another teaching position in another district, so I am not worried about that. I have this new supervisor who is basically one step from plant life and he always talks to me about the things I am doing and why I research stuff away from work. I told him that right or wrong you can’t say that I don’t give 100% percent to the students and try to do right by them everyday. He is still thinking on that one.
Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.
Patrick, this is a great story! Even sponsored posts aside, I have always lived my life this way…giving 100% of myself to everything I do. Because if I am going to use valuable doing something, anything, I am going to make it count. Life is way too freaking short for mediocrity. I am glad to hear that you have taken a huge step away from what is causing you discomfort and moving toward something that is more in line with your work ethic and values. You rock, my friend! Keep at it! Stay away from those plant life type people! They can be so toxic.
I haven’t see that much snow since living in Germany. You sure had fun taking these photos 🙂
Oh it was so much fun, Nailil! Mostly because it wasn’t that cold compared to the temperatures we had been experiencing. Thanks so much for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend.
Laura || Walking in Memphis in High Heels
Such an inspiring post, what a great way to end the week! Thank you for posting this it’s so amazing what words can be so influential!
Thank you so much, Laura! I am so glad that you were able find inspiration here to get the weekend started! I have always fond such power in words…I guess that is why I chose blogging as a my outlet to share my experiences. Have the most wonderful weekend, my friend!
Nora Minassian
Love these photos Shelbee! Love the pastel color story you are wearing in the snow, its so pretty. Such a fun look with you beret as well and your wonderful smile while posing in all that snow. Love it 🙂
Nora, thank you so very much! I was really digging these pastels as well. It is not a color palette that I often wear, but I guess I should wear it more often! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
I admire you and your blog Shelbee – you always produce great, thoughtful content. And I absolutely agree about being great to work with – that’s something I’ve always prided myself on too. Sponsored posts have completely dropped off for me – I think it might be my age? Many brands don’t want to work with someone my age – but I figure, it’s their loss! LOVE this beret on you – the color is so pretty. Have a wonderful weekend!
Lana, thank you so much for this very thoughtful comment! And I think brands are becoming more and more willing to work with older bloggers because that is what real people want to see! So I don’t think you should throw in the towel quite yet on brand work. Just keep doing your fabulous work and stay true to yourself. I adore what you do! I appreciate all of your support on my blog. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Becky Goerend
What a cute outfit! Perfect for winter! And you are just a gem! I always love the thoughtful comments to leave on my blog!!
Becky, thank you so very much! I am all about making it count…right down to the leaving comments bit. If I am going to take the time to visit and read your blog, I am going to take a moment to leave a thoughtful comment, too! And I always love what you share on your blog. Thank you so much for all of your support. Have a fabulous weekend!
Julie M
I loved reading this!
I am so glad, Julie! Thanks so much for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend!
Cheryl Shops
Shelbee, these are definitely words to live by—in other words, just be kind. It’s easier, really, then being cruel! Also, your pink beret makes me happy. They’ve been popping up on my favorite bloggers recently—I might need to get one too!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, those are words to live by as well! Just be kind. It is so much easier than being cruel. And you know I am all about living kindness. Anger is such a heavy emotion to carry and life is too short to be weighed down by it. On other topics, you would totally rock a beret! There are so many cute ones out there for super affordable prices. I think mine was right around $10! And it really is great quality. Thanks so much for stopping by and for your continued support of my blog. I appreciate it so much. Have a fabulous weekend, my friend!
these phtos are so fun!!
Thanks so much, Stephanie! I definitely was having fun playing in the snow, too!
That’s cool. I like your blog. Go to my blog http://alamodenatine.blogspot.com
Nastya, thank you so much! I am checking out your blog now. Have a great weekend.
Great and true quotes… and I have got to say I absolutely love everything you are wearing here Michelle, the color scheme is glorious and you are dashing 🙂
Lorena, thank you so much for such a wonderful compliment! It is so funny because I had no idea how good this muted pastel color scheme looked on me until these photos! There is benefit in taking photos of oneself other than just for sharing on our blogs! Thanks so much for stopping by and for all of your support on my blog. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
You make such a great point! No matter how big your following if you aren’t good to work with (or great to work with), brands and bloggers won’t want to collaborate with you. Love your gorgeous beret! It’s such a pretty color on you!
Laura, thank you so much for this validating comment! I have always had this same work ethic even before blogging…because honestly, no one wants to work with a ornery b*tch in any environment! Hahaha! I appreciate your support so very much! Thanks for stopping by and have the most wonderful weekend.
Elizabeth Ramsey
That’s a great quote Shelbee and so evident in your work! Loved hearing more about your blogging background.
Elizabeth | https://nattygal.com
Elizabeth, thank you so much! Then the day after I posted that, I find myself floundering all over the place trying to keep up with comments and making my blogging rounds! Ha. I guess that’s just the way life goes. I appreciate all of your support and your friendship more than you know! Have a fabulous weekend.
Yes! You’re speaking to my heart and for my heart today! I know that this is a part of the a conversation we had through email some last week. You’re hard work is evident to anyone who visits your blog! Proud to link up with you and call you a blogger friend!! 🙂 Love the hat, btw. 😉
Chrissy, you just totally pulled at my heart strings with this comment! I cannot thank you enough for all of your support and your blogger friendship! I am honored to call you friend as well. Have a wonderful weekend!
Deborah Stinedurf
I couldn’t agree with you more my friend. If I do something, it’s all or nothing. If you’re going to half-ass it, why bother in the first place? You look gorgeous in the snow…and the color of that beret is so pretty on you!
Thank you so much, Debbie! I love your attitude! Life is way to short to do anything and not make it count, right? Maybe that needs to be my mantra, too. “Make It Count.” And I really had no idea how good this pink was on me until these photos! Isn’t that funny? So there is definitely a benefit to taking pictures of oneself! Have a fabulous weekend, my friend!
Edwige Teko-Folly
Loving this fun and chic look on you, hun! you look fabulous!
Edwige | http://www.hypnozglam.com
Edwige, thank you so very much! Have a fabulous weekend.
Dawn Bell Solich
Shelbee–truth, inspiration–your energetic writing motivates me to give your ideas some good thought. Oh, and the pink beret–fabulous!!! xo
Dawn, thanks so much! I am so glad that my words have provided thought-provoking inspiration! This is my ultimate goal, after all, to inspire and motivate. So thank you so much for validating my purpose. I appreciate your support and friendship so very much!
Natalie A
Look at all that white snow you have! Wow! I LOVE the beret on you! It looks great! You always look great with anything you wear! I want to be great to work with, too! Thank you for your post. It helps remind me important things, and I can always use the reminders to be great instead of just good! Have a great weekend!
Natalie, thank you so much for this wonderful comment! I am so tired of the snow, to be honest! From what I know about you, I think you are probably pretty great to work with already. Always so kind and supportive with a meaningful mission. That is what counts after all. I appreciate all of your support and wish you a fabulous weekend.
Rania Abdulla
There sure is so much work and effort that goes into it and as a full time employee, a mom to 3 boys and dedicated fitness addict, it can be overwhelming and the payment in product or money isn’t your only drive but obviously helps in making you want to continue in it. Keep it up Shelbee!
So true, Rania. Trying to balance it all can be difficult, but we get it done because we love it! I look forward every morning to getting up and starting on my blog work. I love it that much, so it definitely makes it easier to be motivated to get it done. Thank you so much for stopping by and always supporting my little space. I appreciate it so much. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Great blog post Shelbee. It resonated with me. As a newer blogger it is quite difficult getting noticed. I too try to do my best with brands so that they will work with me again. I never had a quote to match my attitude, but now I do, thanks! You may also enjoy my ugly side of blogging posts, where I discuss all of the things I’ve learned in this short year blogging. Stop by when you have a chance!
Elsie, thanks so much! I am so glad that this post resonated with you. I love when I read someone else’s blog and it hits me that way! I absolutely adore your blog and your fun and friendly personality shines right through every photo so I am sure that brands stick with you once they have started working with you. I am heading over to check out your ugly side of blogging posts right now! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend.
What a lovely post-Shelbee, I bet you are one of the loveliest bloggers to work with for brands because you are genuinely one of the loveliest bloggers I know! You always take time out for others and leave the sweetest comments and make me smile every time I read them. You always have a way of making other people feel good too. I love to see what outfits you are wearing. Beautiful photos shelbee, love pink and grey together 🙂
Thanks for sharing at Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop, hope to see you tomorrow.
Claire, thank you so much for this amazing comment! I am overwhelmed with gratitude for your sweet words and your continuous support of my blog. You are quite wonderful yourself, always leaving kind and supportive words as well. I hope you are having a great weekend and I will definitely link up for Creative Monday!
I love this post, Shelbee! You are such a kind and thoughtful person, in both your work and personally! I’m proud to call you a friend! I might take advantage of your “never turns down a collab” policy and invite you to co-host my linkup! Let’s do it!
Aw, Roxanne! Thank you so much! I am honored to call you my friend as well! And YES, I will absolutely co-host your link up with you! Just send me an email with the details and let’s do it for sure! I need to start to having more co-hosts on my link ups, too, I think.
Love the beret and the boots!
Molly, thank you so very much! Have a fabulous day, my friend!
Kerrie @ travelswithmum.com
Lovin the pink beret!!! Looks gorgeous on you!!
Thanks so much, Kerrie! I am really starting to appreciate pink!
Sheree Ho
I love this post: it’s so inspirational for all of us bloggers! It isn’t about the value of the products received or the amount of engagement on a page, it’s about expressing ourselves and doing what we love the very best that we can!
~ xo Sheree
Posh Classy Mom
Sheree, thank you so much! I agree with you completely. At the end of the day, we need to be happy with ourselves and proud of the work we do! Keep being your fabulous self!
Alicia O'Brien
You are looking so warm and cozy! We are at polar opposites, I am in shorts and a tee most days!
I am trying to stay warm and cozy, Alicia! Ha! Actually this week is not supposed to be too bad. But I am longing for some sunshine. Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous week!
Helen C.
Well I remember when blogs began to conquer the internet. Especially fashion blogs. I used to follow a few but I don´t anymore. Now I only follow about 5 and yours is in them, of course, my dear Shelbee! You know why? Because it´s very ¨personal¨ in a way; you share thoughts that I can identify and also you make me think about things I hadn´t though before. It´s not about the best quality camera or the perfect editing but it´s abut the person that is in the photos and the personality in the text.
I hope you keep blogging for as long as you like and inspire with your thoughts!
P.S. I really like the beret!
Helen C.
P.S.2. I reckon that it´s cold there but the snow is making your photos look fabulous, hehe
Oh boy, has it been cold here! But the snow really does make for pretty photos, I agree!
Helen, you are so kind and sweet and this comment just totally made my day! Thank you so vey much for that. And it is people like you who read my blog and validate what I do that make me enjoy what I do and confirm that there is a purpose in my job! I cannot express my gratitude enough for you, for your support of my blog, and for your friendship! Hugs to you, my dear friend.
Helen C.
WHat a perfect winter day outfit
Thanks so much, Michelle!